
7 days in healthcare (October, 3rd-9th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to review the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, won by Svante Pääbo, a scientist who is recognized for his studies on the DNA of human ancestors, which allows us to better understand genetic evolution towards the “homo sapiens”. It seems that a study with Artificial Intelligence of the eye will help predict coronary risk in minutes, without the need for blood tests or other studies.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is believed that malaria could be definitively eradicated from the world, with the help of new vaccines.

As for international health policy, alerts in Europe about avian flu and diphtheria, brought by immigrants from Africa and Asia. To highlight the changes in Portugal, which incorporate an independent team to the management of the SNS.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the rise in covid cases prevents the Interterritorial Council from approving the abolition of masks on public transport. The health items in the General State Budgets are analyzed with a magnifying glass in the professional press, despite the low weight of the expenses of the Central Administration in the total health expenses. However, it allows to detect some priorities for the Ministry, although the economic items are usually below the challenges: primary care, genomic portfolio, mental health, dental care, primary care infrastructure, etc. The CEOE charges against the Equity Law, which it describes as “unprecedented risk”. The debates and controversies continue in relation to the delays in the incorporation of pharmaceutical innovation in Spain. However, these debates do not usually consider that the approval by the EMA of a medicine does not mean automatic public financing in Spain, according to article 92 of the Law on Guarantees and rational use of medicines, which establishes the “financing selective and not indiscriminate” according to a series of criteria, which are established. AESEG and BIOSIM no longer agree with the plan approved a couple of years ago on generics and biosimilars, but want the new approaches to be included in the Guarantees Law.

In the field of companies, in the international arena, BioNTech signs an agreement with Australia, for the establishment of research centers in that country. As for national news, the growing weight of online pharmacy (prescription drugs excluded by law). HM reinforces itself in Andalusia, incorporating four hospitals in Malaga into its network.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy

  • General State Budgets (impact on health)



7 days in healthcare (September 19th-25th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to review the articles in The Economist on advances in knowledge of the brain, which will have a great impact on the appearance of new drugs and pain therapy.

With regard to Global Health, the WHO report of September 21, which places cancers, cardiovascular conditions and diabetes as responsible for three quarters of global mortality.

In terms of international health policy, an important initiative in France to offer three preventive consultations free of charge by the public system: at 25, 45 and 65 years of age. The EU launches a plan for the elimination of tuberculosis in Europe.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), great debate around the Equity Law. What should have been just a law to correct the access deficiencies of the Montón Law, is being flamboyantly called “Equity” (as if accessibility guaranteed equity, not having a single provision to improve equity), and It is used to introduce the aspirations of Unidas Podemos to annul Law 15/97, approved almost unanimously at the time. The IDIS Foundation has warned of the damage to assistance and, specifically, the waiting lists, if some precepts of the Law are approved. It seems that the Catalan consortiums are going to respect each other, which is important, but it is also important to preserve and reinforce public/private concerts throughout the national territory.

At the corporate level, from an international point of view, the shares of the large vaccine manufacturers (especially Moderna, BioNTech and Novavax) plummeted, as a result of President Biden’s announcement that “the pandemic has been feared”. In Spain, it should be noted that Moderna will install its first quality laboratory outside the United States in Madrid.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (September 5th-11th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, to highlight the work that shows an association between artificial sweeteners and increased cardiovascular risk. Also that air pollution causes lung cancer.

As far as Global Health is concerned, apart from the serious humanitarian crises in Pakistan and Somalia, the most promising is the new malaria vaccine, which could be operational as early as 2023.

Regarding international health policy, assisted suicide and euthanasia are news in Canada (where the rate of euthanasia is very high and there is concern) and in France (which is considering passing a law). Macron has launched a major national debate on this issue, following a report to appear next week from the Ethics Committee. This great debate on such a delicate subject was missed in Spain. Certain issues should not be subject only to conjunctural parliamentary majorities, but should be preceded by a great national debate. It is also worth mentioning that Chile rejected the draft Constitution in a referendum. According to an article published in El País, doubts about the possibility of choosing the health system (the continuity of the ISAPRES, as health insurers are called in Chile), is one of the causes of this rejection.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), it should be noted that Aragón proposes a great debate on the efficiency of the National Health System, a brave and valuable initiative. It will first analyze the Aragonese health system, and then share that analysis with the rest of the autonomies. Also that the Ministry of Health promises to change the law to favor the local manufacture of medicines. It is also worth underlining the pronouncement of the Catalan Evaluation Agency, on the need for a state policy for the digital transformation of the health system and the promotion of telemedicine.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, to mention the purchase of Signify a home care group by CVS (an American pharmaceutical chain), in a process in which Amazon also showed interest. In terms of news at the national level, to highlight the great investment of Novartis in our country.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (August 21st-28th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the very encouraging results of the polypill published by a Spanish group led by Valentin Fuster should be highlighted. The Economist underlines the great future of gene therapies in medicine, with a list of diseases for which there is a therapy or is in advanced study.

Regarding Global Health, The Lancet publishes a report with some conclusions and lessons regarding future pandemics.

As for International Health Policy, both monkeypox and covid are plummeting in Europe. The controversial annulment of the Roe v Wade ruling in the United States, which leaves the right to abortion to the criteria and regulation of the states, continues to be talked about. American companies, including Walmart, the largest American employer, introduce this benefit for women, regardless of the state where they work.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), covid continues to drop and especially the number of cases in the ICU. The Government approves the bill that creates the Public Health Agency, probably the largest, if not the only, far-reaching measure after the pandemic. The text of the law is not yet public, and therefore important aspects such as governance and functions are not known. The location is not known either, although the Government has advanced that it would not be in Madrid, which is not without controversy either. Next week the government will approve the abortion law, according to a text promoted by Podemos.

In the field of companies, Moderna’s lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech has been shocked, which it accuses of plagiarism of its mRNA technology in the covid vaccine. Amazon closes its telecare service, which once again demonstrates the difficulties of the large technology platforms in finding an adequate strategy for health, a sector in which they want to be above all else. In Spain, the export of drugs manufactured in Spain grows by 60% in one year.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy






7 days in healthcare (August 8th-14th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, there seems to be a glimpse of a new drug to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS, for which there are problems in obtaining an affordable price. Animal testing is the basis for certain advances in medicine. This can be overcome with certain new discoveries, according to the company Lift Sciences.

Regarding Global Health, two key issues: a new zoonosis (“Langya”) appears in China, as published in the NEJM. In certain developed countries it seems that polio, which was considered eradicated, is making a comeback.

Regarding international health policy, the approval of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 in the United States, about Climate, Fiscal and Health will have a very important impact. Aside from expanding access to insurance through the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), surely the most far-reaching impact will be on the pharmaceutical industry. Gradually, Medicare will be able to negotiate the price of medicines with the pharmaceutical industry, something that until now it could not do. This radically changes the business model of the pharmaceutical industry, which was based on two things: the protection of intellectual property through patents; and the existence of free prices with high margins in the United States (the largest pharmaceutical market) and regulated prices and lower margins in the rest of the world. A substantial change that will most likely have a global impact. It may also curb the escalation of health care spending in the United States. We’ll see if this doesn’t upset the fast pace of drug innovation.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the good news is that, as in all of Europe, covid continues to decrease in incidence, although it is still a worrying disease, due to the number of hospitalized cases and mortality.

In the field of companies, trials for new covid variants begin by BioNTech and Pfizer. More than 2,300 Spanish pharmacies can now sell through the Glovo platform and soon Uber, although only parapharmacy products, not prescription drugs.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy







7 days in healthcare (1st-7th August 2022)




From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the use of monoclonal antibodies to combat malaria; also the return to life of cells and tissues in dead pigs, which may be important in transplants; and, the fact that the genomic map of chronic lymphatic leukemia has been completed, which, sooner or later, will have consequences in the treatment of this disease.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the poor preparation of most countries in the face of the increasingly frequent heat waves is confirmed, according to The Lancet.

As for international health policy, the United States declares monkeypox a public health emergency, the Administration covering itself up against certain accusations of slowness in dealing with this problem; global decline in the number of covid cases, particularly in Europe. Problems continue in the United States due to restrictions on abortion. Three news to highlight in the United States: the number of uninsured reaches the record low figure of 8%; the American Democrats have a majority in Congress within reach to approve the law that tries to reduce the price of medicines, by way of allowing Medicare to negotiate prices; and, finally, for the first time in decades, health spending in the United States fell in the first quarter of 2022, although it is doubtful that this will continue.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), monkeypox continues with a very high number of infected people and a shortage of vaccines; large drop in the incidence of covid. Great and difficult to justify delay in the report commissioned by the Ministry of Health from experts on the management of the covid pandemic. Surely there will be more than technical analysis problems in the cause of this delay. The doctors of the private health, threaten with the copayment, before what they consider low rates of the insurers.

In the field of companies, Pfizer continues with its aggressive policy of buying companies, while the growth of Quirónsalud, which already exceeds 2 billion euros in turnover, should be highlighted.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (June 20th-26th, 2022)


From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the article in The Lancet that shows that the covid vaccine has saved 20 million lives in the first year of its use.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is confirmed that covid 19 may be wreaking havoc in North Korea.

Regarding international health policy, it should be noted that the WHO has decided not to declare monkeypox an international health emergency. Strong rise in the incidence of COVID throughout Europe. Controversial annulment in the United States of the Roe v Wade ruling that declared abortion a constitutional right. Now abortion will have to be regulated by the States. Serious public health problems are expected, as in the pre-Roe v Wade era, although mitigated by the widespread use of the abortion pill, which can even be purchased online. For the first time in the history of the United States, an agreement is reached to limit, albeit in a very limited way, the use of weapons, with President Biden having signed a law in this regard. Instead, the Constitutional Court declared illegal any limitation on the display of weapons in public, as some States had legislated. More Americans are dying from drug overdoses than ever before. The European Medicines Agency approves the Valneva covid vaccine, the sixth covid vaccine approved in Europe (after Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J and Novavax).

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), we are witnessing a growth in the incidence of covid, some speak of a seventh wave. Published in the Official Bulletin of the Congress of Deputies the project of equity law. Important statement from the Consorci Sanitari de Catalunya saying that more than the management model, we must focus on quality and results. The National Market and Competition Commission (CNMC) publishes a report on wholesale pharmaceutical distribution, which is considered a boost to the use of generics and biosimilars.

In the field of companies, it should be noted that Alphabet (Google’s parent company) is making a strong investment to become a powerhouse in health. Its fields of action will be: wearables, clinical records, artificial intelligence applied to health and extension of human longevity. The medical marijuana business is making its way.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (6th-12th June, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the article in the journal Cell stands out, in which MIT researchers design a complete functional map of genes in human cells. Also the possibilities of liquid biopsy, which will make it possible to diagnose cancers at an early stage through a simple blood test. It is also necessary to highlight the controversy over the transmission of monkeypox, some say that the transmission could be aerial, while the CDC denies it. This is important in terms of vaccination strategy.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the humanitarian problems of the Ukraine war should be highlighted, which will not only be local but global.

Regarding international health policy, it is worth highlighting the Health Affairs article that shows that mortality from covid is higher in counties with a Republican vote than in those with a Democratic vote. Incredible conclusion, although this can be explained by a greater rejection of masks, social distance and vaccination in Republican environments. Health and its preventive orientation declared a priority by Macron. We will see what this translates into in practice.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), it should be mentioned that 15 new CAR-T centers are approved in several hospitals. Impressive and accurate title of a talk by Rafael Bengoa: “SNS: 500,000 competent professionals in an incompetent model.” It rightly puts the emphasis on management and organization. This contrasts with the poverty and lack of news and prioritization of the programs of both the PP and the PSOE in the Andalusian elections. The PP program introduces the nonsense of making the 9,000 hired by the public health companies statutory, one of the successes of the PSOE in health. As for the PSOE program, it is a very long program, without any prioritization, and full of reflections against collaboration with the private sector, as if the so-called “privatization” were the problem of the system.

At the corporate level, the promising advances of BioNTech in pancreatic cancer and AstraZeneca-Daiichi in breast cancer should be noted.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (May 23th-29th, 2022)




From the point of view of biomedicine, the most important are the advances in the study of the microbiota, published in the journal Science.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the tragic mistake of the donation of vaccines by Europe should be highlighted, since many of those sent were close to expiration. Reappearance of polio in Africa, always worrying.

Regarding international health policy, the European health agency asks governments to be prepared against possible vaccination against monkeypox. Health bursts into the spotlight at the Davos Economic Forum.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), Spain joins the European system for the purchase of vaccines against monkeypox. The MIR call leaves 200 vacancies for family doctors. An emergency situation is addressed, but not the underlying problem: the unattractive nature of these places.

In the field of companies, it should be noted that, according to Expansión, private insurance customers are dissatisfied with the massive use of the service. Between this and the unhappiness of both doctors and providers with the fees, it seems that significant changes are coming in this sector.


Global health

International health policy

  • Monkeypox

o The European health agency asks governments to be prepared for vaccination against monkeypox (

o The monkeypox virus, what we know so far that alarms countries (

o Monkeypox, more than 180 cases outside Africa, countries prepare to vaccinate ( 180-cas-confirmes-hors-d-afrique-des-pays-se-preparent-a-vacciner_6127608_3244.html)

o A study published in The Lancet points to an antiviral as a possible treatment for monkeypox ( monkey_1_9018642.html)

  • COVID-19

o Lessons from Japan on dealing with covid, since this country had six waves and the number of cases and deaths per capita has been lower than other G7 countries, despite having an aging and highly concentrated population (https ://

o More than 1 in 5 COVID survivors may develop long covid in the United States (

o Pfizer warns of constant waves of covid-19, while complacency grows (

o What justifies the zero-covid policy in China?, an analysis by Zhang Jun, director of the China Center for Economic Studies in Shanghai ( -keeps-its-zero-covid-strategy-by-zhang-jun-2022-05)

o A study suggests that women are twice as likely to suffer from persistent covid (

  • Other themes

o Health bursts into the spotlight at the return of the Davos Economic Forum, with the presence of Bill Gates, the CEO of Pfizer and the president of AstraZeneca, among others ( health-breaks-in-as-protagonist-in-the-return-of-the-davos-economic-forum.html)

o Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus re-elected as WHO Director General (

o Oklahoma Governor signs law strictly banning abortion (

National health policy (Spain)

  • Monkeypox

o At least six countries have detected cases of monkeypox in travelers from Spain ( monkeypox-in-travelers-from-spain.html)

o 41% of monkeypox cases are in Spain (

o Spain will enter the European system for the purchase of the monkeypox vaccine ( -eu-to-deal-with-monkeypox)


o The cumulative incidence, down (728.2 cases in the last 14 days; there were 848 the previous Friday. Hospital occupancy due to covid: 5.6%; ICUs: 4.2%) (https://www.consalud .es/patients/special-coronavirus/covid-19-spain-coronavirus-data_115366_102.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o New Framework Statute, at the table of the Advisory Council on June 2 ( advisory-of-june-2-5764)

o A new draft of the Preliminary Draft Law is published, which modifies various regulations to consolidate the equity, universality and cohesion of the National Health System, after its approval in the Interterritorial Council of April 2022 (https://www.diariofarma .com/2022/04/06/el-cisns-da-luz-verde-a-la-ley-de-equidad), held in Toledo. In relation to the previous version of 11/15/2021, more requirements are introduced for agreement, incorporating the concept of “effective cost” previously established and reviewable by the Administration

  • Other themes

o The Ministry of Health marks November for the new palliative strategy ( 6597)

o The public debt to suppliers amounts to 2,000 million (

o Warning from Brussels to Spain due to the “shortage” of health professionals and primary care financing (

o Podemos takes the “deprivatization” of the SNS to Congress (

o The lack of family doctors worsens as the MIR call leaves 200 places vacant ( la-convocatoria-de-mir-deja-200-plazas-vacantes.html), for which it is agreed to increase the number of MIR vacancies for non-EU people to fill the vacancies ( y-salud/salud/2022/05/25/628e86d3e4d4d85f418b45e6.html


  • International News

o Pfizer intends to obtain approval in the USA for the covid vaccine for children under 5 years of age (

o Medtronic and DaVita announce the creation of a kidney health technology company (

o The USA will deploy the Bavarian Nordic monkeypox vaccine ( html)

o The IFPMA (global employers association of pharmaceutical manufacturers) proposes 10 measures to fight the next pandemic ( against-the-next-pandemic)

  • National News

o Grupo Juste, a Spanish pharmaceutical company that turns 100 (

o Esteve intends to double its turnover, reaching 1,000 million euros (

o Clients of private health insurance, disappointed by the mass use of the service (

o The private sector of assisted reproduction moves 500 million in 2021, 9% more than in 2020 ( -in-2021-a-9-more-than-in-2020.html)

o FENIN registers a 27% decrease in investment in 2021 (

o Sanitas and the San Pablo CEU University sign an agreement for the training of health professionals ( assistance-future/3406605)

o Malaga will have a new public hospital in 2023, after the agreement with the Pascual group (






7 days in healthcare (May 2nd-8th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, two important editorials in The Economist should be highlighted on wearables (devices to wear, mainly smart watches) and medicalized apps, which could represent a new form of relationship between citizens and the health system and greater involvement of the population in maintaining their own health.

As far as Global Health is concerned, two books stand out, the one by Bill Gates on the pandemic, in which he says, in short, that outbreaks are not avoidable, but pandemics are, and the one by Devi Sridhar on the pandemic in general, commented by The Lancet.

As for international health policy, much of the debate in the international press is centered around the controversy over abortion in the United States, which is dividing American society. Much of the international media speaks out against the reversal of the Roe v Wade ruling, which established abortion as a constitutionally based right in the United States (The Economist, New York Times, Financial Times, Le Monde), although some they do it for (Wall Street Journal). Especially harsh is the article in the New England Journal Medicine, which says that the reversal of this sentence would mean a return to 1973, where women with resources could access an abortion by changing state or country, while the poor had to assume a pregnancy not desired or undergo interventions without guarantee, with high mortality and complications.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), we must highlight the important editorial in El País on cancer drugs, which try to be introduced despite their high price and poor results in terms of survival. It is also necessary to highlight the “Update of the Stability Program 2022-2025“, where the government puts black on white that it will not fulfill its programmatic promise of reaching 7% of GDP in health in 2023.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, it is worth noting the dismissal of the head of Biogen, after the controversial introduction of a drug against Alzheimer’s, whose approval by the FDA had already produced a cataclysm in this organism, with deep internal divisions. In the national environment, the important Pfizer document on gene therapies should be highlighted, as well as Quirónsalud’s proposal for a new hospital in Gijón, which could renew the private hospital scene in that region.


Global health

International health policy

  • COVID-19

o In China, the covid-zero policy accentuates the slowdown in the economy ( -le-slow-down-de-l-economie_6125001_3234.html)

o Deaths from covid worldwide are at their lowest since the start of the pandemic ( 670433394_0.html)

  • The great debate on abortion in the United States

o The leak of an exploratory vote in the United States Supreme Court on the abolition of the Roe v Wade judgment (which declared abortion legal throughout the United States), unleashed a great controversy. If Roe v Wade is amended, abortion rights would become an issue for the states, not for the United States as a whole. There would be states in which abortion would be legal, while others would not (

o The most important international media editorialize and publish articles on the subject, such as The Economist ( affect-american-politics/21809130), The New York Times (, Financial Times (https://, Le Monde ( un-retour-en-arriere-de-la-cour-supreme-serait-l-aboutissement-de-cinquante-ans-de-combat-de-la-droite-religieuse-contre-l-ivg_6125107_3210.html) and The Wall Street Journal (, by cite just a few

o The medical press also speaks out: important article in the New England Journal Medicine, totally against the possible annulment of Roe v Wade (

o The position on abortion in the United States: religion, not gender, is the greatest predictor of position ( -is-the-best-predictor-of-views-on-abortion)

o The debate on abortion in the United States is unsettling in Canada ( -unis-restless-le-canada_6124913_3210.html)

o The American corporate world (Corporate America) is silent on the subject (

  • Other themes

o The WHO warns that covid has accelerated the obesity pandemic. Proposes taxes on less healthy food and subsidizing fruits and vegetables ( -another-epidemic-of-obesity.html)

National health policy


o Contagios in the elderly continue to rise and the deaths are about 70 a day ( )

o Seventh wave or new phase of the pandemic? (

  • Regulatory announcements

o List of essential drugs imminently ( )

o A reform of the Framework Statute is controversially proposed (

  • Other themes

o Important editorial in El País on cancer drugs, their high price and their sometimes minor effects on survival ( html)

o The “Update of the Stability Program 2022-2025“, presented by the Government to Brussels, does not foresee that the government’s promise to reach 7% of GDP in 2023 in public health spending will be fulfilled (https://www.

o The doctors maintain the strike for May 10, rejecting the Community of Madrid-ICOMEM agreement ( -de-madrid.html)

o Order of the Government of Catalonia on unit prices for compensation for hospital and specialized care ( -unit-prices-consideration-specialized-hospital-care-27084794)

Companies, employers and other agents of the sector

  • International News

o The head of Biogen dismissed due to the failure of the new drug against Alzheimer’s, after detecting that it has unproven benefits and serious health risks ( aduhelm-michel-vounatsos.html)

  • National News

o Pfizer presents in Congress a Decalogue to promote gene therapy (

o Quirón intends to build a new hospital in Gijón, with an investment of 40 million and 300 jobs ( -en-gijon.html)

o Teladoc Health is reinforced in Barcelona and will open a new digital hub in the city ( -in-the-city.html)

o Vitaldent continues to grow and opens clinics in Pola de Siero, Lugo and Getafe ( html)

o Besins Healthcare, a company based in Mónica and specialized in novel therapies in gynecology, fertility and endocrinology, lands in Spain and invests 25 million in a plant in Muel (Zaragoza) ( -healthcare-lands-in-spain-and-invests-25-million-in-a-plant-in-muel.html)