
7 days in healthcare (15th-21st, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, after an extensive study it is detected that in approximately 1 in 10 cases of multiple sclerosis, antibodies are detected in the blood years before the disease develops. It may be too early to draw conclusions about the repercussions of this finding.

As far as Global Health is concerned, plans to expand vaccine production to Africa are facing serious problems. This follows Moderna’s halt to the construction of a €500 million plant in Kenya, although other schemes continue, such as plans including facilities in Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa, carried out by BioNTech. Producing more vaccines in Africa is a moral imperative, says Martin Friede, head of vaccine research at the WHO. Article in Lancet Americas: Corruption, the greatest threat to healthcare. The cases in Peru as a result of the covid-19 pandemic and in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) are discussed. It seems to be demonstrated, analyzing the experience of the few countries in which cannabis consumption has been legalized for a few years, that its legalization produces an increase in consumption in adults.

In terms of International Health Policy, initiatives in the USA against Chinese biotech companies will harm American patients. The Biosecure Act, which gained bipartisan support in Congress, proposes ending government contracts with biotechnology firms that have agreements with Chinese companies as clients or suppliers. This can greatly harm Americans, since, for example, BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute) is the largest human DNA sequencer in the world and operates in 100 countries. Facilitates the manufacture of prenatal tests and other diagnostic tests. In the United Kingdom, Brexit has exacerbated drug shortages in pharmacies. This is deduced from the study by the Nuffield Trust, a prestigious British health think tank, which released a report analyzing the impact of Brexit on the health system. Also in the United Kingdom there is a report published by Reform, a British think tank committed to public services and the effectiveness of the State, proposing a major organizational change in the health system in England, trying to decentralize and abolishing NHS England, since it is considered that such a centralized system is preventing the transition towards a more preventive model, guided by local needs. The role of NHS England would be assumed by the Department of Health, although with a much more strategic vision. England (with around 57 million people) is considered to be the most centralized healthcare system in Europe, despite devolution processes in Scotland (5.4 million), Wales (3.1 million) and Northern Ireland (1.9 million). This same idea of the problems of large centralization of the NHS is held by Nigel Edwards, former chief executive of the Nuffield Trust and now senior associate. The House of Commons votes in favor of the ban on smoking for those born after 2009, despite the Prime Minister being met with the vote against more than 50 Conservative MPs. A controversial measure whose only precedent is New Zealand and was recently repealed by the new government. In Germany, a commission recommends that abortions be legalized in the first 12 weeks. Although abortions in Germany are regulated by a 153-year-old law and are illegal, in practice they are performed in an accessible way. It is assumed that the current law does not meet current international standards.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the Ministry of Health seems to focus on issues such as the promise to the white tides of the imminent hearing of the Public Management Law; while the Commissioner of Mental Health prepares a guide to reduce psychotropic drugs, as well as launching more than debatable messages such as that “long-term drug treatments kill. These people live 20 years less”, which generated a negative response from Dr. Celso Arango, from the Gregorio Marañón Hospital; or he tries to change the 24-hour guard system, without really knowing how; “green” anesthesia; announcements that possibly, as intended in the United Kingdom, smoking will be banned for those born after 2009; etc. It does not seem that a very varied set of measures on often non-central issues constitute a strategy of anything. While serious underlying problems remain or worsen, such as waiting lists, which in the Ministry’s last publication reached a record of more than 850,000 people waiting. The Zendal Hospital, of the Community of Madrid, admitted one patient a day in 2023. It is increasingly clear that this hospital, launched without a minimum professional planning project, is a clear example of bad governance. The WHO threatens to break its agreement with the Andalusian School of Public Health, if it is diluted in the new Health Institute. The entity warns that the bilateral agreement signed in 1989 is not “transferable” and that, unless it is negotiated again, the collaboration as an associated center “automatically comes to an end.” The plans of the Andalusian Government in relation to the prestigious Andalusian School of Public Health are difficult to understand. Possibly the most regrettable operation underway in public health in Spain at the moment are the famous OPEs. The temporality wants to be resolved with a system of coverage of places with regional calls, not participating in the selection of the professionals nor the hospitals nor, much less, the services involved. There is a risk of destroying the unit and the configuration of services, which in many cases took years to implement. A real shame, much to the taste of the more traditional administration and the unions. In this sense, the 76 service heads of the 12 de Octubre hospital, in Madrid, have sent a letter to the counselor, warning of the problem of disintegration of services as a consequence of the ongoing OPE. We must see, in this sense, the recommendations of the Commission for Social and Economic Reconstruction, in whose opinion approved in Congress, it is committed to a national qualification for medical specialists and local hiring. In the MIR call, the worst figure is for Family Medicine, with 459 free places in the first round, double that in 2023. Making family medicine attractive – salary-wise and professionally – is indeed an emergency to be addressed and a problem important. The newspaper El Mundo reports on the cheapest health insurance. From ASISA (25.99 euros/month) to Sanitas (51.68). In all of them, hospitalization is included, with some form of co-payment. If this isn’t a price war, it certainly looks a lot like one. It is not surprising then that there are problems with rates for hospitals and professionals.

As for Companies, internationally, funds are moving on the board of Novavax, after the failures in the covid vaccine. In terms of national information, AI will revolutionize mental health, generating 2.5 billion euros in Spain. The largest seller of flu vaccines in Spain entrusts its production to Rovi.


Global Health

International health policy

  • USA
    • Philip Morris funds smoking cessation plans. Medscape, a leading health information company in the USA, is accused of having accepted courses financed by this company. The criticism is based on the tobacco industry’s history of ignoring scientific teachings about the dangers of tobacco (
    • American movements against Chinese biotech companies will harm American patients. The Biosecure Act, which gained bipartisan support in Congress, proposes ending government contracts with biotechnology firms that have agreements with Chinese companies as clients or suppliers. This can greatly harm Americans, since, for example, BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute) is the largest human DNA sequencer in the world and operates in 100 countries. Facilitates the manufacture of prenatal tests and other diagnostic tests (
    • Scientists miss action against bird flu outbreaks on American farms (

National health policy

  • Central government initiatives
    • Sánchez announces the expansion of the basic screening portfolio from 7 to 11 detectable diseases ( detectable-diseases.html)
    • García announces to the white tides the imminent hearing of the Public Management Law ( of-the-public-management-law-of-the-sns)
    • The Commissioner of Mental Health prepares a guide to reduce psychotropic drugs, as well as launches more than debatable messages such as that “long-term pharmacological treatments kill. These people live 20 years less”, which generated a negative response from Celso Arango , from the Gregorio Marañón Hospital (


7 days in healthcare (April 8th-14th, 2024)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, chatbots (devices that interact by text or voice with people based on artificial intelligence), are increasingly used in healthcare. In the UK, the NHS uses them in Primary Care to triage patients. One of the great challenges of future health management is determining what will be done in person and what will be done remotely, on the one hand; and what activity will require the presence of a professional or when these chatbots can be used. Possible important advance in the treatment of hepatitis type 1. The EMA is studying the first drug that has been shown to delay the onset of symptoms. There are 100,000 people affected in Spain, many of them children. Teplizumab, the active ingredient, prevents T lymphocytes from attacking the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin.

Regarding Global Health, France proposes to recognize abortion as a constitutional right. 60% of women live in countries where abortion is completely legal; and 40% do it in countries where it is prohibited or has restrictions. Not having access to a safe abortion can have negative health effects. Exodus of health personnel in sub-Saharan Africa, precisely the region of the world where health professionals in relation to the population move in lower numbers. Employment conditions are degraded locally, while developed countries, with strong demand, open their arms to them. This questions health personnel policies based on the importation of personnel from developing countries, as some in our country seem to sponsor. This is said with the utmost respect for the freedom of movement of citizens and workers.

Regarding International Health Policy, according to the magazine Health Affairs, negotiations continue to establish the price of 10 drugs for Medicare. This was contained in the Inflation Reduction Act and is, possibly, the most far-reaching healthcare measure approved during Biden’s presidency. The negotiations must be finalized by September 1, 2024, for implementation from 2026. The United Kingdom limits treatments to children and young people who want a sex change, in line with what has already been implemented by some countries. Northern Europe: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark. The NHS will no longer offer puberty-blocking drugs. As for hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, which produce permanent physical changes, they will be prescribed with extreme care. Macron’s government approves the euthanasia bill (although this word will be avoided, using the concept of “helping to die”). It is worth highlighting the profound debate carried out in France at all levels in relation to this text, with President Macron personally intervening on multiple occasions. Just like in Spain, where it was approved as if it were a modification of the VAT of a product, avoiding all types of reports. Simultaneously, a 10-year palliative care strategy is approved in France, endowed with 1.1 billion euros. In Italy, AGENAS was born, a hospital performance evaluation system, launched by the National Agency for Regional Health Services. How good it would be for Spain to implement a similar tool, which would allow us to compare the performance of our health institutions.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), it is important to highlight the achievements of our health system. According to a recent publication by “Our World in Data”, which analyzes mortality from all causes in all countries, in 2019 Spain is the third best-placed country in adjusted mortality per 100,000 inhabitants (385.9). Only surpassed by Iceland (348.0) and Japan (323.3). This concept of mortality adjusted for pathologies can be related to the activity of the health system. A great success, in which activity is Spain in the Top3? For her part, the minister of Health continues to announce measures. She promised a law limiting private management of public hospitals, using the well-known slogan “healthcare is not for sale, it is defended.” Although we understand that politicians speak for their parish and those statements may have a fireworks component, using that demagogic and populist slogan taken from the white tides is not up to the health debate that our country requires. On the other hand, what is proposed as a panacea is “direct public management”, as if there were not enough published evidence (Prof. JJ Martín, from the University of Granada, among others) of the worse performance of direct management compared to centers with legal personality and labor personnel. The document “Statistics of public health expenditure 2022” is published. Public health spending reached 92 billion euros in 2022, reaching 6.8% of GDP, increasing by 4.6% compared to the previous year. From 2019 to 2022, public health spending increased by 22.8%, an annual average of 7.6%. Although we are still far from the most advanced countries in Europe in terms of percentage of GDP dedicated to public health spending, there is no doubt that in this period the growth of this spending was much higher than that of general GDP. 40,000 healthcare workers will retire each year until 2026, according to a report by the Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS). Important planning problem that arises. Spain, the country in the world with the most Medical Schools per inhabitant. There are now a total of 50, just 15 years ago there were 28, a figure that will increase in the coming years: San Jorge (Zaragoza); Nebrija (Madrid), and Loyola (Seville). The Deans of Medicine and the State Council of Medical Students, against this exponential and uncontrolled growth. It is doubtful that Spain as a country has sufficient and trained teachers to attend to this proliferation of Medical Faculties, unless these faculties become a kind of academies for the MIR. This is an issue of the Faculties of Medicine where the desire for political success of some communities (which are responsible for approving the creation of a Faculty of Medicine) operates, together with the commercial interests of some private Universities. The IMAS Foundation proposes its digital medical history, which would incorporate data from different health and social service providers, information generated by portable digital devices, and measurements made by the patients themselves. And everything within reach of the user and the professionals with whom they want to share it. Excellent initiative, at the height of the times, a concept of history that is only for the public system, that only contains information from the health system and that cannot be carried by the patient and allows the use of it to whoever they consider, is no longer valid. your criteria. Santiago Dexeus, pioneer of sexual and reproductive health and one of the first defenders of the contraceptive pill in Spain, dies. He well deserves a national tribute.

As for Companies, internationally, Moderna is putting its plans to launch a vaccine plant in Africa on hold. In terms of national information, Sanitas increases its turnover by 12% and achieves record growth in policyholders after its agreement with Generali.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (March 25th-31st, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it should be noted that possibly the next “boom” will be everything related to anti-aging therapies, an aspect to which the Financial Times dedicates an article, following the appearance of three books on the subject. . The Economist dedicates a lot of space in its latest issue to the issue of AI in healthcare, no less than an editorial and four articles. The conclusion is that AI will have a great impact on healthcare. However, as Eric Topol, the well-known cardiologist and health publicist, comments in another article in the Financial Times, “AI is very transformational, but these things always take longer than you initially think.” Nature magazine analyzes the reasons for optimism about cancer vaccines. Vaccines to treat, not to prevent.

Regarding Global Health, the WHO focuses on the millions of undiagnosed cases of tuberculosis, which compromise efforts to combat this disease. The WHO estimates that in 2023 there will be three million new cases not known to health services. Problems continue between developed and developing countries, which do not agree on the Treaty on the prevention of pandemics, proposed by the WHO as a goal for 2024.

In terms of International Health Policy, the King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust, two prestigious British think tanks on health, analyze satisfaction with the NHS, which is the lowest in the entire history of this institution. Only 24% of citizens in England, Scotland and Wales are happy with the service, with waiting lists being the most common complaint. In France, the Sorbonne Faculty of Medicine and a former health minister propose “strong measures” to, they say, prevent the degradation of the health system in France. Of the three measures they propose, one of them has to do with the preservation of “medical time” (through non-medical assistants in consultation); and the other with the promotion of advanced practice nursing.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), based on Primary Care analysis that is on the Ministry’s website, it is observed that people treated in primary health centers who earn less than 18,000 euros per year are medicalized more frequently, have prescribed more chronic drugs and consume more pills for pain, anxiety or depression. The Ministry of Health is studying allowing price competition between medicines so that generics can gain market share. This would affect generics and biosimilars, which would be cheaper than brand-name ones and it would be the patient who, if they wanted, would assume the difference. The situation in Spain of the same price for generics as for branded ones is unique in Europe. The objective is to stimulate the development of the generic and biosimilar industry and, ultimately, reduce the pharmaceutical bill for these medicines, in order to allow the incorporation of innovations. If it is carried out, it will be great news. Of note is the agreement signed between the Colleges of Pharmacists of the Basque Country and the Department of Health of that community, with the idea of facilitating the integration of community pharmacies as health agents in the health system. More than interesting is the article published in Human Resources for Health, and whose first signatory is Sara Calderón-Larrañaga, and which analyzes the reasons why primary doctors leave Spain. The work consisted of a survey, focus groups and interviews with 158 primary doctors who had left Spain. The causes of their departure were, in order of importance: insufficient salary, temporary employment, excessive workload, poor governance of primary care, lack of flexibility in the workplace and personal circumstances. There are the keys to a reform of Primary Care.

As for Companies, internationally, a cancer drug (Keytruda, from Merck-MSD), the best-selling drug in the world. In Spain, the historic achievements of Rovi, with a business approach that goes beyond covid. We must also highlight Vithas’ hospital commitment in Barcelona, where construction is underway.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (November 13th-19th, 2023)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, The Economist speculates in an article about whether certain regenerated neurons of the dentate gyrus could reverse Alzheimer’s, based on studies in mice. AI, useful in improving the detection of breast cancer.

Regarding Global Health, the WHO points out the rebound in measles worldwide. The number of cases and, above all, mortality are increasing a lot.

In terms of International Health Policy, the United Kingdom encourages the EU and the USA to join its “subscription model” for the development of antibiotics. In practice, it introduces a system of incentives for pharmaceutical companies not linked to the sale of the drug, which can be useful if new antibiotics against resistant bacteria are intended to be of low use. The King’s Fund (an important British health think tank) launches a study in which it analyzes in great detail the inequities in waiting lists. Without a doubt interesting reading in our country. In France, the SNCF (equivalent to our RENFE) launches an interesting initiative to alleviate the problem of medical deserts: build telemedicine centers near the stations.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the confrontation between private doctors and insurers continues. Without a doubt, the problems of personnel policy do not only occur, as some might think, in the public sector. They also occur in the private sector. The Ministry of Health calls the comments about the transfer of the MIR to certain communities hoaxes. The problem is that this issue appears in the investiture agreements. Success of the PRAN (the plan to reduce antibiotic consumption), obtaining good results in our country, despite continuing to be one of the countries with the highest consumption of antibiotics, both in humans and in veterinary medicine.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, the sale of obesity drugs could be a great boom and reach 100 billion dollars in 2030. On a national level, Quirón is advancing in the approach of building its new hospital in Gijón. Sanitas-BUPA buys a Turkish insurer. The bankruptcy administrator blames KKR for the bankruptcy of the dental company Dentix.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (October 30th-November 5th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the FDA opens the door to the first treatment with CRIPSR gene editing, applied in this case to sickle cell anemia. The “liquid biopsy” seems to be able to detect cancer recurrence before any radiological signs. A change is proposed in the regulation of embryo research. The laws and conventions in force do not allow embryos to be investigated in the laboratory beyond day 14. There is a gap until day 28, when embryos from abortions can already be investigated. This seems to prevent us from knowing many elements of organ development and that is what we are trying to modify. Although it is often assumed that dementia is increasing as the population ages, there appears to already be some evidence that the incidence of dementia is decreasing quite significantly.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the director general of the WHO is alarmed by the indescribable situation in Gaza. Nigeria is preparing to vaccinate 8 million girls with the papillomatosis vaccine, related to cervical cancer.

Regarding International Health Policy, in the United States, despite the prohibition of abortion in some states as a consequence of the Dobbs ruling of the Supreme Court, the abortion rate has not decreased a year after this ruling. The Economist considers how it is possible that doctors in the United States earn so much ($350,000/year on average), coming to the conclusion that it is due to an artificial shortage of doctors, due to the few places in Medical Schools, despite that there is no shortage of candidates. In the United Kingdom, the investigation into covid seems to show the disaster in management during the Boris Johnson period. Bad business, although the case of Spain is worse, where, despite promises, no report on the management of the pandemic has been made public. Health changes are on the horizon in Poland, following the arrival of the new government. Kenya, with 53 million inhabitants, joins the movement of so many other countries to move towards universal health coverage.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the XENOMA project in Galicia is very important, which aims to analyze the DNA of 400,000 Galicians. One of the precedents is the project to analyze the genome of 100,000 Britons, promoted during the David Cameron period and managed by Genomics England. Surely a project of this style should have been promoted at the national level, but it is good that, in the absence of the above, it should be promoted by an autonomous community. Doubts among experts about one of the measures of the PSOE-Sumar agreement on a law to end waiting lists. Without funding, better accounting and prioritization, organizational measures, new incentives and public/private collaboration, no law is capable of solving this problem. After all, a Royal Decree that establishes maximum times for certain procedures has already been in force since 2011, but it is not being complied with. Virtually all autonomous communities are approving increased health budgets for 2024, rising especially in Primary Care. Just because the budgets grow compared to the previous year does not mean that they are higher than the real spending in 2023, which is happening in Madrid, for example. The PSOE-ERC agreement contemplates the transfer of at least 150 million euros/year to Catalonia, for scientific and technical research.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, Google intends to grow in healthcare, based above all on artificial intelligence tools. Regarding the covid vaccine, GSK raises profit forecasts, while Moderna and Pfizer contemplate setbacks. At the national level, Fresenius sells its Quirón business in Peru. The Sant Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona creates an artificial intelligence laboratory with Microsoft.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy






7 days in healthcare (July 31st-August 6th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it seems that for the first time, apart from the complicated bariatric surgery, medicine will have a treatment for obesity, this disease that affects more than 1 billion people worldwide. With GLP-1 it seems that we are entering the phase of effective drugs against obesity. Generative AI, which is capable of generating new algorithms, based on the patterns and structure of the data, is called to play an important role in health care. It seems that cancer is growing at younger ages. The WHO declares the polypill, developed by the CNIC and Ferrer, as an “essential medicine”.

With regard to Global Health, a call by the editors of the most important scientific journals in the world, through a common article, for health professionals to get involved in the fight against the risk of nuclear war, since it seems that we are in a situation of risk not seen since the Cold War. The WHO detects progress in tobacco control in many countries, through the WHO Framework Agreement for Tobacco Control, signed 20 years ago.

Regarding International Health Policy, in the United States a cyberattack forces the paralyzation of the activity of several hospitals. In the United Kingdom, new diagnostic centers are being created to increase the capacity to carry out tests and reduce the waiting list. Of the 13 centers announced, 8 will be privately financed and managed. The waiting list is a political priority for Prime Minister Sunak.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of covid has risen since July. It is extremely striking that a new registry multiplies by four the official number of maternal mortality in Spain. Maternal mortality is precisely one of the indicators most taken into account when establishing the health of a country. The Health Accounts System document has been published, which updates the data with those of 2021. Between 2017 and 2021 there has been a 25% increase in health spending, including public and private. The MUFACE system is doubly threatened, firstly because of its high losses and, secondly, because the SUMAR program, Sánchez’s possible partner in a new government, is sponsoring its disappearance. The agreement signed in Aragon for the constitution of the new PP-Vox government contemplates resorting to public/private collaboration to address the waiting list. It should be noted that the integration of the workforce of the former Health Agencies of Andalusia has been completed, which affects 3,500 workers, who may be integrated as permanent statutory employees. An important regression, which reinforces the most rigid aspects of the public health system, precisely what the public hospitals with the configuration of public companies, unfairly called by the PP in Andalusia as “chiringuitos”, had tried to overcome with remarkable success. A blunder, not to use euphemisms, both from the Andalusian government and from the party that supports it. Information from the old management teams ensures that the deterioration is already taking place. If, rightly, an audit is required to see the results of the reversals of the concessions in the Valencian Community, something similar will have to be done in due course with these Andalusian hospitals.

In the field of Companies, internationally, Amazon launches a new documentation service based on generative AI. The pharmaceutical companies that had made cash with the covid vaccine are deflating, something that was already discounted by the market. At the national level, a new incursion of Magnum Partners into health, by buying the nutraceutical company Martínez Nieto. Apax acquires 50% of Palex, a company that had become a target for many funds, and which will surely herald a consolidation of the medical technology distribution sector.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (July 10th-16th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, there is little doubt that Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize medicine: from diagnosis, to the robotic-AI combination for surgical procedures, rehabilitation aid, support in the fight against infectious diseases, development of new drugs, etc. There will be few areas of medicine that are not affected by the development of Artificial Intelligence.

As regards Global Health, The Lancet insists on the WHO-Europe notice on the need to decontaminate the air, since pollution contributes to the appearance of a large number of diseases and premature deaths. This time, 12 African countries are going to receive 18 million doses of the malaria vaccine. Now one can dream of the disappearance of malaria – that secular plague – from our planet.

Regarding International Health Policy, the American regulator approves the first contraceptive pill that will be dispatched (in pharmacies, supermarkets and online) without the need for a prescription. Although the “pill” could be used in the USA for 50 years, until now it was always under medical prescription. It is believed that this measure will contribute to reinforcing women’s reproductive rights, which were so affected by the US Supreme Court ruling that repealed the previous interpretation of the federal constitutional right to abortion, leaving this regulation in the hands of the states. Great controversy as a result of the WHO declaration of the possible carcinogenic effects of aspartame, a sugar substitute widely used in many beverages, including Coca-Cola. The WHO statement is not without controversy.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), to highlight the private health agreement in Madrid, with a rise of 15% in four years. The private provision employers address a decalogue of petitions to the new government. One of them is not addressed so much to the government as to health insurers, by requesting that relations between insurers and health centers be regulated in writing. The Coordinates Institute reveals the very different development of the right of choice in health in the national territory. On the other hand, the Minister of Health presents the new citizen folder. According to him “with one click you can access the medical history”. This of presenting a project of this magnitude a week before the elections cannot be taken very seriously.

In the field of Companies, internationally, Moderna has established itself in China. As for national news, Quirón announces a new hospital in Badajoz and Viamed the expansion of its hospital in Zaragoza. The funds, interested in radiodiagnostic companies, a sector so far very fragmented. ALSA, the bus company of Asturian origin, together with the Asturian health transport company Trasinsa, agree to launch a new health transport operator: SANIR.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • USA
    • The American regulator (FDA) approves the first contraceptive pill for sale without a prescription. It is called Opill and it will be available in pharmacies, supermarkets and online from 2024. The manufacturer is Perrigo, an American-Irish consortium. This pill can be used with a prescription for 50 years. The change is that, from now on, it is freely dispensed (

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (April 17th-23rd, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, this week, exceptionally, two important advances in Spain are mentioned. On the one hand, the important investigations of the team led by Dr. Obeso, at HM Hospitales, on how to “open” the blood-brain barrier, that barrier that, among other things, prevented the arrival of drugs to the brain. It seems that in this way possibilities could be opened for the treatment of Parkinson’s. On the other hand, at the Vall d’Hebrón Hospital in Barcelona, the first robotic lung transplant was approached through a small incision.

As far as Global Health is concerned, there is a great alarm, highlighted by UNICEF and The Lancet magazine, about the drop in immunizations in children after the covid. Although the covid highlighted the efficacy of the vaccines, it brought the side effect of this drop in immunizations globally. In Uganda, the new anti-homosexuality law takes repression against this sexual option to an extreme, endangering anti-HIV campaigns in that country. The G7, to be held in Japan in May, emphasizes various health issues, including the importance of universal health coverage and the need for resilient health systems.

Regarding International Health Policy, the WHO warns of the non-solution of the covid problem, since in the last 28 days there were 23,000 deaths and 3 million new cases globally, even with reduced test figures. High mortality in the USA, with around 245 deaths per day. In the United States, the government is preparing to finalize the guidelines for negotiating the price of drugs in Medicare in July, something totally new in that country and that is shocking the pharmaceutical industry. The American Supreme Court rectifies its previous decisions and allows the abortion pill mifepristone to continue to be used, amid abundant criticism of the Court, for having questioned something that the FDA had already authorized more than 20 years ago. According to The Economist, the annulment of the Roe v Wade ruling caused the number of abortions in the USA to drop by 6%. In the United Kingdom, the consequences in the NHS of the multiple and continuous strikes and conflicts of health personnel continue. The German government is clashing with other European governments in its efforts to reduce the timeframe for generics to appear, calling into question the pharmaceutical investment model, according to some.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to rise, amid controversies about the advisability or not of suppressing masks where they are still mandatory (health centers, social health centers and pharmacies). Conflicts with health personnel continue in several autonomous communities. In public healthcare, quite important allocation of resources by the Ministry to primary care and mental health. In private health, in the first quarter of the year there was a growth of 7.5% in the policies of private health insurers. “Voting with your feet” is called that figure. The IDIS Foundation focuses, through an interesting publication, on an important problem: the mental health situation in our country. Since we have few problems, Catalonia insists on an artificial conflict: the use of Catalan in the healthcare system in that autonomous community. Both in Aragon and in Castilla-La Mancha, two initiatives of dubious utility and even suspected of electoralism are launched. In Aragon, a national debate on health is proposed through a very typical document of those that come out in the autonomous communities that could be summarized as “More money for health without reforms.” As for Castilla-La Mancha, a law on waiting lists is promoted, when the terminal state of the legislature suggests that it will not be approved.

In the field of Companies, internationally, Nestlé is accused of manufacturing unhealthy products, due to their high load of fat, sugar and salt. Merck makes a major investment buying Prometheus Biosciences for $11 billion. At the national level, Moderna opens a laboratory in Madrid.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (April 3rd-9th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, vaccines against cancer and heart disease, based on mRNA technology, which are looming on the horizon 2030, seem to be the next great advance in medicine, potentially saving millions of lives. The Economist dedicates an article and an editorial to demonstrate the weak evidence for the therapy of gender transitions in adolescents, especially when they include pharmacological or surgical medication. Contrary to what had been a very popular assumption, moderate alcohol consumption does not produce health benefits, according to a study of more than 40 years published by the JAMA Network Open. Rather the opposite is true.

As regards Global Health, the WHO, born after the Second World War, is celebrating its 75th anniversary. He has emerged from the pandemic with injuries and issues, but acutely aware of his mission, purpose, and need for change. One of the problems it encounters is the discrepancies between countries in the discussion of a treaty on pandemics, which it intends to be approved in 2024. The Lancet publishes several articles on the commercial determinants of health, a subject of great interest. interest. Four industries – tobacco, unhealthy eating, oil and fossil fuels, and alcohol – are responsible for a third of deaths each year globally.

As for International Health Policy, in the United States, a federal judge in Texas has just banned the use of an abortion drug, which had been approved by the FDA more than 20 years ago. In France, the citizens’ convention, made up of 184 citizens chosen by lot, has just ruled in favor of euthanasia and assisted suicide, although with certain “red lines”. Macron wants to discuss the bill before the summer.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), surgical waiting lists set a new record, according to the report made public by the Ministry of Health, with data as of December 31, 2022. Almost 900,000 people waiting for a surgical intervention. An absolutely delegitimizing element of the system. As is well known, the Ministry only makes public the waiting lists for surgical intervention or specialist consultations, but not for special tests (radiology, radiotherapy, ultrasound, etc.), on which there are no national data, although there are some autonomous communities. Interesting article published in Gaceta Sanitaria on the economic impact of including dental care in public coverage. This is an issue that the majority political parties have been pronouncing in favor of for several years, but nothing has been done on it. Spain is possibly the European country with the least percentage of its health spending devoted to dental care. The declarations of the Minister of Health of Catalonia are surprising, justifying the dismissal of the nurses who criticized the Catalan C1. Since this type of statement about specific dismissals is not common among regional ministers, it is to be assumed that there is an important political background. The decision of Navarra and Asturias to launch public companies, one for medical transport and another for a hospital laundry, is also surprising. Wouldn’t there have been the possibility of resorting to private initiative to solve these needs, perhaps more efficiently than through a public company?

In the field of Companies, internationally, agreement between Medtronic and Davita to launch Mozarc. At the national level, it is worth noting the start of work on the Viamed hospital in Tarragona, and the separation of the “pharmacy” and “chemistry” areas of the company Esteve.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National Health Policy




7 days in healthcare (January 16th-22nd, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting, as the Science article does, the celebration of a decade of CRISPR gene editing technology, whose impact on medicine is only just beginning. Janssen withdraws from the HIV vaccine, a new failure in the attempt to discover a vaccine against this disease. Moderna, on the other hand, presents positive results with a vaccine against bronchiolitis. A new report points to wastewater analysis as fundamental to monitoring threats from a wide variety of diseases, not just covid.

As regards Global Health, The Lancet in an editorial underlines the importance of the One Health concept, this idea of the interdependence between human, animal and ecosystem health. The Economist publishes an editorial and an article on the problems of health systems that are in crisis everywhere in the post-covid era (even in Switzerland!), which is making mortality in Europe have been in the last year 10% higher than in a normal year.

Regarding International Health Policy, in the USA the opponents of abortion are manifested. Problems continue in the NHS, with Sajid Javid, former health secretary, proposing something as unusual in the UK as a co-pay in Primary Care and Emergency. He says an overly religious view of the NHS prevents reforms. Important debate and tensions about the price of medicines in the European continent (UK and EU) in relation to prices in the USA. Pharmaceutical companies, very reluctant to price controls, when they are also in the USA with the application of the Inflation Act, which gradually imposes a negotiation of the price of medicines between the Medicare Administration and pharmaceutical companies.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to drop. Medical conflicts extend to various autonomous communities (Madrid, Catalonia, Navarra, etc.). The agreement in Aragon should be highlighted, which indicates that it is possible to reach agreements, possibly when they are well negotiated. The Ministry, completely absent from this problem. As for the public system, the statements by Lasquetty, Madrid’s Treasury Councilor, who points to “my own place” as one of the great rigidities of the public system, are very interesting. Conflict also in private health between doctors and insurers, raised in Seville. Abortion enters the national debate, following the picturesque proposals of Vox in Castilla y León, never applied. The Constitutional Court opens its new session with the debate on the recourse to the Law of deadlines presented in its day by the PP. The CIS survey presents health as the second problem that worries the Spanish.

In the field of Companies, internationally, Pfizer’s initiative to sell medicines at cost prices in 45 poor countries must be highlighted. At the national level, the launch by DKV of an insurance product that allows choosing a family doctor is notable. In a context in which insurers actually forget about Primary Care, this is something that deserves to be highlighted.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National Health Policy
