
7 days in healthcare (June 3rd-9th, 2024)




  • Scientists who have revolutionized the treatment of obesity win the Princess of Asturias Award. This is the Canadian Daniel J Drucker; by the Danish Jens Juul Holst; and the Americans Jeffrey M Friedman, Joel F Habener and Stevlana Mojsov, whose research has culminated in several drugs to combat diabetes and obesity, such as Ozempic, an injectable drug whose sales are generating billions of euros each year.
  • Need to integrate scientific advances with the clinic and the community. Despite great progress in biomedical research in the USA, the health of Americans seems to be getting worse every day. This suggests that research should be integrated into clinical care and community settings.
  • Persistent Covid. A new report from the National Academies of the USA identifies up to 200 symptoms in persistent covid, to the point of making work difficult and lasting for months or years.

Global Health

  • Failure, after two years of negotiations, of the Pandemic Treaty. Pharmaceutical companies had opposed part of the deal. Oxfam International blames rich countries for lack of agreement.
  • Regional hub for the production of mRNA vaccines in Africa. Rwanda is positioned as the future regional hub in the production of mRNA vaccines. BioNTech wants to develop this technology in this country, totally devoid of a pharmaceutical industry.

International health policy

  • The American Cancer Society begins a prospective study with 100,000 black women. A large long-term study of cancer in black women begins. The American Cancer Society aims to enroll 100,000 black women to follow them for three decades and reach conclusions about the cause of more cancers and greater mortality.
  • AI-based hospital in China. China inaugurates the world’s first AI hospital that can treat 3,000 patients a day. The hospital, called Agent Hospital, will be the world’s first hospital fully powered by artificial intelligence and consists of a virtual clinic that employs AI-generated doctors and nurses to treat patients in a simulated environment. It is expected to diagnose diseases and establish treatment plans with an accuracy of 93.06%. Despite having only 14 doctors and 4 nurses, it is expected to be able to care for about 3,000 patients a day.
  • “Less medicines” program in France, promoted by the pharmaceutical industry. “The pharmaceutical industry launches a campaign to promote sobriety of medications from the age of 65. It is surprising that this initiative comes from an industry whose business model is based on selling medicines.
  • Portugal launches a general emergency program to transform the health system. The government publishes an emergency and transformation plan for health. The plan is structured into five strategic axes: 1. Response on time and hours; 2. Safety for babies; 3. Urgent and emergent care; 4. Nearby and family health; and, 5. Mental Health. For each of the strategic axes, urgent measures, priority measures and structural measures are established. Apart from that, five transversal programs are defined: 1. Contingency programs; 2. Evaluation programs; 3. Efficiency programs; 4. Medication programs; and, 5. Priority clinical programs.
  • Guarantee of waiting lists in Sweden. Sweden had passed a law guaranteeing waiting times already in 2010, which was never complied with. The new law reduces maximum waiting times and offers the patient the possibility of going to a center outside their region, at no extra cost.

National Health Policy (Spain)

  • Allegations continue to be known about the announced Public Management and Integrity law: News continues about the allegations presented to this public consultation, in this case those of the IMAS Foundation, which insists on general measures on public management, not only those of management by private companies. Regarding the CSC’s allegations, they focus on defending the Catalan healthcare model, in this case the consortia.
  • Covid. Covid cases have doubled in Spain in the last fifteen days.
  • Steps are taken to launch semi-public pharmaceuticals. The company called Terafront Pharmatech will have initial capital of 74 million euros, half public capital and the rest private. According to Minister Morant, the aim is that, being leaders in clinical trials, the patents do not end up being purchased by foreign companies.


  • International
    • Sanofi spin-off. Sanofi is going ahead with the spin-off of the consumer division for 20 billion euros.
  • National
    • New university hospital in Madrid. Hospitén lays the first stone of its future university hospital in Madrid. The hospital will mean a total investment of 200 million euros, it will have 160 hospital beds, twelve ICU beds, twenty emergency beds and 22 for a day hospital. It will have 17 operating rooms.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (January 15th-21st, 2024)




From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the fact that in China they created the first cloned monkey, which introduces us to the ethical debate of the possible cloning of human beings. Also the fact of the discovery of biomarkers that allow persistent covid to be diagnosed.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is confirmed that cyber attacks, whose frequency is only growing, are one of the greatest dangers to health systems, which is forcing governments to reinforce security standards.

In terms of International Health Policy, as demonstrated by the American Cancer Society, mortality from cancer is falling in the United States, due to the combined effect of less smoking, earlier diagnoses and more effective treatments. An article in the New York Times summarizes the six reasons why medicines are so expensive in the United States (twice as much as in other high-income countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom), perhaps the most important being the absence of a centralized price negotiation body, something about to be overcome, given the upcoming Medicare negotiation on these prices. A group of Nobel Prize winners and scientists are addressing the EU to ask for less rigidity in the regulations on genetic modification, in order to protect crops. The ECDC launches RespiCast, a new center for the prevention of respiratory diseases.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the tripledemic is on the decline, at least as far as the pressure on hospitals is concerned. Although it may seem like an anecdote, the situation of the pediatric ICU in La Paz is a metaphor for human resources policy in the health sector. This ICU remains closed, due to the loss of all medical staff, as a result of the judicial decision that reinstates a former head of the Unit in his position. The Statute leads to the situation where the actions of a single person can put a service, a hospital, a manager, a regional minister and the Ministry in check, indefinitely and without anything happening. It is an extreme case, but it is something that happens every day. In this way, centers that claim to be companies cannot be managed. In the field of transplants, Spain has been a world leader for 32 years in a row.

As for Companies, internationally, Lilly’s leadership among pharmaceutical companies seems destined to last. At the national level, problems at Grifols, which call into question the future of this company, as well as the control by its founding family. Losses by Ribera in its Galician hospitals.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (October, 16th-22nd, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the largest research project in the world is taking place in the United Kingdom. It is about collecting information of all kinds from 5 million Britons, to then put that information to work in the preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, Public Health field, etc. A milestone where the great contribution of AI to health and healthcare will be seen.

In terms of Global Health, The Lancet analyzes the problem of deadly gun violence and the intended approach in the United States, under the leadership of Vice President Kamala Harris. Although we tend to believe that this is a typical and especially acute problem in North American society, the truth is that in many Latin American countries the situation is much more serious: Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador,…

In terms of International Health Policy, a novel approach to smoking in the United Kingdom, where it is being proposed to address this problem from the beginning, slowing down the age of starting to smoke. A report by European pharmacists confirms that the shortage of certain medicines is a problem throughout Europe.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), it is worth highlighting that the Generalitat Valenciana intends to recover the public management of the Manises and Denia hospitals, managed by concession by Sanitas and Ribera, respectively, while at the same time it proposes to continue with the concession of Vinalopó, which ends in 2025, also managed by Ribera. A priori, it seems like a judicious and non-sectarian approach from the Valencian government. The government’s Budget Plan foresees a percentage of GDP for health in 2024 of 6.7%, which contrasts with the results of the latest report of the Health Accounts System (July, 2023), which shows a public health expenditure of 7 .8% of GDP in 2021. Given that, as in the 2010 crisis, measures to reduce health spending (such as lowering staff salaries, freezing substitutions or reducing the price of medicines) are not announced, it is difficult to believe that this objective of 6.7% in public health in 2024 will be met, especially when some communities, such as the Basque Country, are announcing increases in health spending. The Andalusian Health Institute is created, the result of the merger of the Andalusian School of Public Health and the Progreso y Salud Foundation, which lose their status as public companies and, therefore, a certain autonomy. Given the history of the current Andalusian government with public hospital companies, we fear that it is another step towards the “administrativeization” of the public health system. Time will tell if this is progress or setback, but they do not seem to bode well, given the poor results of the operation in the hospital setting.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, the purchase by MSD from Daiichi of several cancer drugs is worth highlighting. At the national level, OHLA is awarded the construction of the new Vithas hospital in Turia. Important commitment of venture capital (Advent) in the field of dental care (Vitaldent), which contrasts with the low commitment of the government in this field, which distances us from Europe, being one of the countries with the least public financing in dental care.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (December 12th-18th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, The Lancet commemorates the 200th anniversary of the birth of Pasteur, the creator of the germ theory. Even today a high percentage of deaths are from infections. Promising results of an mRNA vaccine against melanoma, presented by Moderna and Merck.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is worth highlighting the article published in Nature that says that without a strategy and global financing of vaccines, the world will be unable to successfully face new epidemics.

As for international health policy, the discouraging news of China’s abandonment of the covid-zero policy continues, when the country is not prepared and is most likely to suffer high mortality. The CDC quantifies the deaths from persistent covid in the USA. The conflict of nurses in the NHS continues, which coincides with the appearance of a report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies in the United Kingdom that attributes the problems of the NHS to underfunding of the system. New Zealand, the second country in the world to announce a ban on tobacco sales.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), in terms of covid, the incidence continues to decrease, what has not completely decreased, or has decreased very slowly, is mortality (236 deaths in the last week). After confinement in a unit of the Regional Ministry of Health, the strike committee of primary care doctors in Madrid decided to continue the strike, extending the conflict to a demonstration, along the lines of the “white tides”.

In the field of companies, internationally, it seems that Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are making an important bet in the field of neurotechnology with the company Synchron. As far as national news is concerned, perhaps highlighting that it seems that the hopes placed on the Spanish HIPRA vaccine are fading.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy





7 days in healthcare (October 17th-23rd, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the announced “vaccine against cancer” should be highlighted, which could be prepared before 2030. Although not strictly a vaccine, it represents a promising treatment against this disease based on mRNA technology, the same used for covid vaccine.

Regarding Global Health, an important announcement by the WHO about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, which could produce 500 million chronic patients in 2030. The WHO dedicates 2,600 million in its next strategy 2022-2026 for the eradication of polio .

Regarding international health policy, an important debate introduced by The Economist on the massive use of antidepressants, when only in 15% of cases do they have an effect other than placebo. Opioids in the United States and antidepressants worldwide are examples of the misuse of medications, which can lead to, and in many cases lead to, health problems. The post-pandemic horizon has generalized a hybrid work model (face-to-face and online) for office professionals.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the pressure on hospitals due to covid remains low, despite a slight rise in this disease. Intense debate on the flight of Spanish doctors to other countries, attracted by better salary and professional conditions. No matter how much the number of MIR vacancies and Faculties of Medicine increases, the problem will not be solved if working conditions are not acted upon. Teleconsultations seem to consolidate in Primary Care, already being more than 50% of the visits. The Trans law is the subject of great controversy. Most psychiatrists and psychologists, against. Obviously, we are in favor of the position of the WHO by removing from the list of diseases already in 2018 these cases of having a gender identity other than biological sex and wanting to change the morphology of their body. We welcome that there is a law on the subject as in most Western civilized countries. But one thing is that and another that 14-year-olds can choose sex without a psychological evaluation carried out by experts, who can rule out cases. Irreversible problems may occur. There is a certain consensus that the current wording of the law does not sufficiently protect minors.

In the field of companies, at the international level, we must welcome the first agreement with a pharmaceutical company (Novartis) to produce an anticancer drug as a generic that is still protected by patent, for its production in developing countries. As far as Spain is concerned, the continuous growth of health insurance should be highlighted, which in 2022 until September grows considerably more than the insurance as a whole.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (October, 10th-16th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to review the advances in knowledge of the human organ that, to a large extent, remains a mystery, the brain: the implantation of human cells in mice, which can send signals and the creation of a kind of synthetic intelligence, by verifying that nerve cells in a dish can learn. In the United States, it is found that mortality from breast cancer has decreased a lot, due to early detection and better treatments. Something that is not exclusive to the United States and that surely also occurs in Spain.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the serious health problems, for very different reasons, in Pakistan, Somalia, Syria and Lebanon must be highlighted.

Regarding international health policy, there is great concern in the WHO and other organizations about the effects of persistent covid. Threat of hospitals in Germany by covid. The Economist introduces the debate on the legalization of cocaine, which it strongly defends, considering that the problems of an illegal market far outweigh those that could arise in a controlled market. Put the simile of whiskey and cigarettes.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the rise in the incidence of covid continues, although in Spain without notably affecting hospitals. Promising launch of the Neurotechnology Center in Madrid.

In the field of companies, at the international level, the WTO (World Trade Organization) continues with its efforts to free the patents of medicines related to covid. As far as Spain is concerned, HIPRA suffers a new delay in the approval of its vaccine by the EMA, which practically excludes it from the fourth dose vaccination campaign.


Global Health

International health policy

  • European Union
    • A step forward towards a Europe of health. The reinforcement of the ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control), the EMA (European Medicines Agency) and the creation of the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, constitute important steps towards a European policy of health, something not contemplated in the founding European treaties (
  • The debate on the legalization of cocaine
  • New Code of Medical Ethics
    • Approved the new International Code of Medical Ethics of the World Medical Association. After the initial version of this Code in 1949, a new wording has been approved at the General Assembly of the World Medical Association, held in Berlin in October 2022 (

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (September 12th-18th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, immunotherapy (in colon cancer) and CAR-T therapies (in lupus) continue to expand their therapeutic possibilities. Advances against infections for resistant bacteria. Will there ever come a time when cancer can be diagnosed by a simple blood test? This possibility does not seem very remote, according to papers presented at the meeting of the European Society of Medical Oncology.

Regarding Global Health, an important work directed by Jeffrey Sachs and published by The Lancet on the delays and errors of both governments and the WHO in dealing with the covid pandemic, which could have produced 17.7 million of  deaths, many of them preventable.

Regarding international health policy, the WHO says that the end of the covid pandemic may be in sight, although at the same time a new variant (BJ.1) of covid is evident in Europe. Important debate in Europe (Scotland and France) on euthanasia and assisted death. The French Ethics Committee opens the door to this possibility. The financing of the American FDA was questioned, due to its great economic dependence on the pharmaceutical industry. Biden launches a speech commemorating Kennedy’s in 1962 when he decided to go to the Moon, but this time oriented towards the fight against cancer.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the PDeCAT presents an amendment to the entire equity law, which it accuses of interfering in regional powers and of confusing agreement with privatization. Surprising statements from the Ministry of Health in a parliamentary response, saying that its functions in relation to the waiting lists are only to inform and monitor, as if it did not have the possibility of signing agreements with the communities to address this problem or of launching other actions. Concern, there are even demonstrations in the street, of the relatives of the elderly admitted to residences. The Community of Madrid announces that it will reduce the waiting lists by half. Although we would like it not to be the case this time, this announcement is preceded by other similar ones from different governments, which always came to nothing in terms of effectiveness. The search for solutions by the Ministry of Finance to the MUFACE model, highly impacted by inflation, seems to recognize its underfinancing.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, important success for Sanofi, with its new vaccine against bronchiolitis. In Spain, important corporate movements in Korian, HM Hospitales, Miranza and Ribera.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (June 13th-20th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the new therapy against a disease as terrible as ALS tested in Canada. Unfortunately there are doubts as to its effectiveness.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is verified that it is the vaccine nationalism of the States that has led to the failure of COVAX, which failed to extend covid vaccination to poor countries in significant percentages.

Regarding international health policy, the approval in the United States of the covid vaccination for children under five years of age should be highlighted. Also the agreement of the World Trade Organization regarding the temporary suspension of patents on covid vaccines, something he was discussing for two years. We will see if this agreement translates into relevant measures. For now, the IFPMA (World Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers) has already spoken out against it. Hospitalizations for covid increase in Europe, specifically in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), we must mention the controversial announcement by the Minister of Health of the fourth dose of covid for the entire population, something partially rectified by the Ministry itself and which has been rejected by many experts. Also the approval by the Government of the preliminary draft of the Equity Law. Great controversy with the private sector, since it tries to minimize and declare exceptional the collaboration of the private sector in the public service of the National Health System. But by declaring “direct management” as preferable in the SNS, it also positions itself against the more entrepreneurial development of public management, despite the fact that the benefits of legal personality and the labor regime are known in terms of greater efficiency than direct management. On the other hand, the draft may undermine the powers of the autonomous communities, since health management (and therefore the way of carrying it out) is a transferred matter. It is not surprising that very important Catalan institutions (such as UCH, CSC, ACES and Círculo de Sanidad) have taken a position against it. Important demonstration by nurses in the center of Madrid, highlighting the importance of the abandoned professional policy in the National System of Health.

In the field of companies, it is worth noting the birth of the largest pediatric oncology center in Spain and one of the largest in Europe: the one located in the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona. Expansión highlights that the remarkable growth of health insurance is compatible with a loss of its operating profitability.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy



Regulatory announcements

Other themes


7 days in healthcare (May 23th-29th, 2022)




From the point of view of biomedicine, the most important are the advances in the study of the microbiota, published in the journal Science.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the tragic mistake of the donation of vaccines by Europe should be highlighted, since many of those sent were close to expiration. Reappearance of polio in Africa, always worrying.

Regarding international health policy, the European health agency asks governments to be prepared against possible vaccination against monkeypox. Health bursts into the spotlight at the Davos Economic Forum.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), Spain joins the European system for the purchase of vaccines against monkeypox. The MIR call leaves 200 vacancies for family doctors. An emergency situation is addressed, but not the underlying problem: the unattractive nature of these places.

In the field of companies, it should be noted that, according to Expansión, private insurance customers are dissatisfied with the massive use of the service. Between this and the unhappiness of both doctors and providers with the fees, it seems that significant changes are coming in this sector.


Global health

International health policy

  • Monkeypox

o The European health agency asks governments to be prepared for vaccination against monkeypox (

o The monkeypox virus, what we know so far that alarms countries (

o Monkeypox, more than 180 cases outside Africa, countries prepare to vaccinate ( 180-cas-confirmes-hors-d-afrique-des-pays-se-preparent-a-vacciner_6127608_3244.html)

o A study published in The Lancet points to an antiviral as a possible treatment for monkeypox ( monkey_1_9018642.html)

  • COVID-19

o Lessons from Japan on dealing with covid, since this country had six waves and the number of cases and deaths per capita has been lower than other G7 countries, despite having an aging and highly concentrated population (https ://

o More than 1 in 5 COVID survivors may develop long covid in the United States (

o Pfizer warns of constant waves of covid-19, while complacency grows (

o What justifies the zero-covid policy in China?, an analysis by Zhang Jun, director of the China Center for Economic Studies in Shanghai ( -keeps-its-zero-covid-strategy-by-zhang-jun-2022-05)

o A study suggests that women are twice as likely to suffer from persistent covid (

  • Other themes

o Health bursts into the spotlight at the return of the Davos Economic Forum, with the presence of Bill Gates, the CEO of Pfizer and the president of AstraZeneca, among others ( health-breaks-in-as-protagonist-in-the-return-of-the-davos-economic-forum.html)

o Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus re-elected as WHO Director General (

o Oklahoma Governor signs law strictly banning abortion (

National health policy (Spain)

  • Monkeypox

o At least six countries have detected cases of monkeypox in travelers from Spain ( monkeypox-in-travelers-from-spain.html)

o 41% of monkeypox cases are in Spain (

o Spain will enter the European system for the purchase of the monkeypox vaccine ( -eu-to-deal-with-monkeypox)


o The cumulative incidence, down (728.2 cases in the last 14 days; there were 848 the previous Friday. Hospital occupancy due to covid: 5.6%; ICUs: 4.2%) (https://www.consalud .es/patients/special-coronavirus/covid-19-spain-coronavirus-data_115366_102.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o New Framework Statute, at the table of the Advisory Council on June 2 ( advisory-of-june-2-5764)

o A new draft of the Preliminary Draft Law is published, which modifies various regulations to consolidate the equity, universality and cohesion of the National Health System, after its approval in the Interterritorial Council of April 2022 (https://www.diariofarma .com/2022/04/06/el-cisns-da-luz-verde-a-la-ley-de-equidad), held in Toledo. In relation to the previous version of 11/15/2021, more requirements are introduced for agreement, incorporating the concept of “effective cost” previously established and reviewable by the Administration

  • Other themes

o The Ministry of Health marks November for the new palliative strategy ( 6597)

o The public debt to suppliers amounts to 2,000 million (

o Warning from Brussels to Spain due to the “shortage” of health professionals and primary care financing (

o Podemos takes the “deprivatization” of the SNS to Congress (

o The lack of family doctors worsens as the MIR call leaves 200 places vacant ( la-convocatoria-de-mir-deja-200-plazas-vacantes.html), for which it is agreed to increase the number of MIR vacancies for non-EU people to fill the vacancies ( y-salud/salud/2022/05/25/628e86d3e4d4d85f418b45e6.html


  • International News

o Pfizer intends to obtain approval in the USA for the covid vaccine for children under 5 years of age (

o Medtronic and DaVita announce the creation of a kidney health technology company (

o The USA will deploy the Bavarian Nordic monkeypox vaccine ( html)

o The IFPMA (global employers association of pharmaceutical manufacturers) proposes 10 measures to fight the next pandemic ( against-the-next-pandemic)

  • National News

o Grupo Juste, a Spanish pharmaceutical company that turns 100 (

o Esteve intends to double its turnover, reaching 1,000 million euros (

o Clients of private health insurance, disappointed by the mass use of the service (

o The private sector of assisted reproduction moves 500 million in 2021, 9% more than in 2020 ( -in-2021-a-9-more-than-in-2020.html)

o FENIN registers a 27% decrease in investment in 2021 (

o Sanitas and the San Pablo CEU University sign an agreement for the training of health professionals ( assistance-future/3406605)

o Malaga will have a new public hospital in 2023, after the agreement with the Pascual group (






7 days in healthcare (May 16th-22nd, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, there seems to be new evidence of the relationship between acute childhood hepatitis and COVID. Interesting articles on how COVID can affect the brain, generating a kind of “dementia epidemic” and what long covid is and how to treat it.

Regarding Global Health, possible alarming effects of a global food crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine and its consequences. Report on serious deficiencies of “assisted technologies” (basically, wheelchairs, glasses and hearing aids) in a large part of the world’s population. The shortage of covid vaccine production in African countries continues to be denounced.

As for international health policy, an article in The Economist takes the drama out of “monkey pox”, saying that it is nothing comparable to what covid represented. Catastrophe due to covid in North Korea, a country that did not take advantage of its total closure during the pandemic to favor the immunization of its population and the reinforcement of its health system. Also, very reluctant to accept foreign aid. Isolated dictatorship things. Interesting experiment in New Zealand on a generation without tobacco.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the Ministry of Health has issued a protocol on monkeypox, about which there are some interesting statements by López Acuña, who also takes the drama out of this epidemic. Approved in the Council of Ministers the new abortion law, destined, probably, not to solve anything and to generate artificial problems. The SEMFYC (association of primary care doctors) warns about the need for 10,000 primary care doctors, to cover the generational change.

In the field of companies, the initiative of the Government of Catalonia to create a commission to study the new location of the Hospital Clínic should be highlighted. Surely an avant-garde and innovative hospital does not fit well in the current old building. A true revolution in the hospital and urban world of Barcelona. The AESEG warns about the low price of certain basic medicines, which discourages their production.


Global health

International health policy

  • Monkeypox

o Monkeypox spreads to several countries: after originating from a traveler from Nigeria, the disease has spread to the United States, Australia, Canada and 8 European countries. According to The Economist, there is nothing to worry about and it has nothing to do with the covid pandemic, which took the world unprepared, without vaccines or treatments ( /05/20/monkeypox-is-popping-up-in-more-countries-how-worrying-is-this)

o What is Monkeypox, article in the New York Times (

o We will see more cases of monkeypox, warns a British scientist ( scientists)

  • COVID-19

o Taiwan gradually renounces the “zero-covid” policy, assuming that the number of cases will increase ( -a-peu-a-politique-zero-covid_6126267_3244.html)

o Catastrophe in North Korea. The country was closed during the pandemic, but it was not used to immunize the population or strengthen the health system ( -wildfire-in-north-korea)

o Shanghai is going to open its commerce in stages ( deux-mois-de-confinement_6126204_3244.html)

o How Australia saved thousands of lives from covid, in contrast to what happened in the United States (

  • Other themes

o The policy on the possible annulment of the Roe v Wade judgment in the United States continues, important editorial in Science (

o A generation without tobacco in New Zealand, prohibited for all those born since January 1, 2009. Malaysia and Denmark are also considering similar measures ( 6736(22)00925-4/fulltext)

o The United States, Switzerland and Norway lead the world in spending on health per capita ( in-medical-care.html)

o The NHS needs access to medical data to save lives, interesting article in the Financial Times (

o A report commissioned by the Minister for Health proposes that the legal smoking age in the UK be 21 ( -in-england-could-be-raised-to-21-report)

National health policy

  • Monkeypox

o Protocol of the Ministry of Health against monkeypox (

o Interesting statements by López Acuña: there is no reason for social alarm over monkeypox (

o Spain will buy thousands of vaccines for the monkeypox disease ( -the-traditional-smallpox-to-deal-with-the-monkey-virus-outbreak.html)


o The cumulative incidence, on the rise: 848 points ( -points_114982_102.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The new abortion law approved by the Council of Ministers ( your-address.html)

  • Other themes

o Spain, leader in the consumption of benzodiazepines for anxiety and insomnia (

o The National Health System (SNS) would need 10,000 family doctors for generational turnover, according to a study by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC) ( -of-family-more-to-guarantee-the-generational-handover.html)

o The strike of specialist doctors in Madrid, suspended after an agreement ( contest.html)

o Spain, last in mental health, there are only 2,800 psychologists in public health, only 344 in Primary Care ( -psychologists-public-health/672183163_0.html)

o Private healthcare works on a code of good practice: joint initiative of ATA (Association of Self-Employed) and ASPE ( your-own-code-of-good-practices-4162)


  • International News

o Big Pharma pressures the G20 to prepare for the next pandemic (

o Monkeypox shoots up the stock of the only company that manufactures them: Bavarian Nordic (

  • National News

o Dependency insurance grows 71.4% and closes the first quarter with 132,000 users ( the-first-quarter-with-132000-users.html)

o Catalonia constitutes the commission that will decide the location of the new Clinic Hospital (ón-la-comision-que-decidira-el-emplazamiento-del-nuevo-hospital-clinic. html)

o Colgate-Palmolive breaks into the bid for Lácer (

o AESEG asks to raise the price of essential medicines to produce them ( -essential-to-produce-them.html)