
7 days in healthcare (July 10th-16th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, there is little doubt that Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize medicine: from diagnosis, to the robotic-AI combination for surgical procedures, rehabilitation aid, support in the fight against infectious diseases, development of new drugs, etc. There will be few areas of medicine that are not affected by the development of Artificial Intelligence.

As regards Global Health, The Lancet insists on the WHO-Europe notice on the need to decontaminate the air, since pollution contributes to the appearance of a large number of diseases and premature deaths. This time, 12 African countries are going to receive 18 million doses of the malaria vaccine. Now one can dream of the disappearance of malaria – that secular plague – from our planet.

Regarding International Health Policy, the American regulator approves the first contraceptive pill that will be dispatched (in pharmacies, supermarkets and online) without the need for a prescription. Although the “pill” could be used in the USA for 50 years, until now it was always under medical prescription. It is believed that this measure will contribute to reinforcing women’s reproductive rights, which were so affected by the US Supreme Court ruling that repealed the previous interpretation of the federal constitutional right to abortion, leaving this regulation in the hands of the states. Great controversy as a result of the WHO declaration of the possible carcinogenic effects of aspartame, a sugar substitute widely used in many beverages, including Coca-Cola. The WHO statement is not without controversy.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), to highlight the private health agreement in Madrid, with a rise of 15% in four years. The private provision employers address a decalogue of petitions to the new government. One of them is not addressed so much to the government as to health insurers, by requesting that relations between insurers and health centers be regulated in writing. The Coordinates Institute reveals the very different development of the right of choice in health in the national territory. On the other hand, the Minister of Health presents the new citizen folder. According to him “with one click you can access the medical history”. This of presenting a project of this magnitude a week before the elections cannot be taken very seriously.

In the field of Companies, internationally, Moderna has established itself in China. As for national news, Quirón announces a new hospital in Badajoz and Viamed the expansion of its hospital in Zaragoza. The funds, interested in radiodiagnostic companies, a sector so far very fragmented. ALSA, the bus company of Asturian origin, together with the Asturian health transport company Trasinsa, agree to launch a new health transport operator: SANIR.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • USA
    • The American regulator (FDA) approves the first contraceptive pill for sale without a prescription. It is called Opill and it will be available in pharmacies, supermarkets and online from 2024. The manufacturer is Perrigo, an American-Irish consortium. This pill can be used with a prescription for 50 years. The change is that, from now on, it is freely dispensed (

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (May 29th-June 4th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth noting the death of the virologist Harald sur Hausen, whose name will not mean anything to many, but who 50 years ago discovered the relationship between papillomavirus and cervical cancer, initiating studies of the relationship between viruses and cancer. Reading the DNA of a large and highly varied number of primates allows us to better understand what a human person is and the origin of some diseases. An international consortium discovers that the nucleus of cells is metabolically active.

As regards Global Health, The Economist focuses on the decline in global fertility, due to a decrease in births, not an increase in deaths, a fact with great consequences in our societies. The WHO puts a target by means of cheap vaccines to the global vaccination against cervical cancer, which still produces a large number of deaths. The UN warns about the great sources of hunger in the world: Haiti, Mali, Burkina Faso and Sudan.

Regarding International Health Policy, Canada is preparing a regulation that will make it mandatory to carry warnings of negative health effects on each cigarette. The EU finalizes a regulation to remunerate plasma donations. The WHO celebrates the 76th World Assembly in Switzerland, in which several topics were discussed, among others, the next UN High-Level meeting on universal health coverage, to be held on September 23.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the call for early elections for July 23 paralyzes the processing of more than 60 laws in relation to health, including some as important as the Equity Law, the Framework Statute, the Law of the National Agency of Public Health or the Law of Guarantees and Rational Use of Medicines. In the Valencian Community, Mazón (the winning candidate of the PP in that Community and foreseeable new president) announces the freezing of the reversal process of the concessions of Manises, Denia and Elche, which had already started or were planned by the Ximo Puig government. He also doesn’t rule out launching new concessions. The Princess of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, awarded to the non-profit initiative Medicines for Neglected Diseases, which focuses not on rare diseases, but on highly prevalent diseases, especially in underdeveloped countries, such as Chagas disease, dengue fever, kala-azar or river blindness and which are considered to affect around 1,000-1,500 million people in those countries, without any research, industry or commercial effort commensurate with their importance.

In the field of Companies, internationally, China breaks the veto on Western vaccines and will allow Moderna to settle in that country. For its part, AstraZeneca defies geopolitical challenges and intends to grow in China. At the national level, Zurich joins forces with Google and DKV to launch digital health insurance. Quirónsalud intends to grow in telemedicine and closes a contract to serve university students.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • France
    • Tobacco use is stable in France, one in four adults smokes daily (,Tabac%20%3A%20avec%20un%20adulte%20sur%20quatre%20qui%20fume%20quotidiennement%2C% twenty)
  • Canada
    • Canada is going to require that a warning about the danger be printed on each cigarette, since it has been seen that young people start smoking when they receive the offer not of a pack, but of a cigarette (https://www.lemonde. fr/international/article/2023/05/31/le-canada-va-demiger-qu-un-avertissement-soit-imprime-sur-chaque-cigarette_6175630_3210.html)

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (March 7th-12th, 2023)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, the geneticist Francisco J Ayala, one of the great Spaniards of science, with important contributions in the field of the human genome and other diseases, dies. Some obscure episodes, not fully clarified, pointed to him as a target of the “me too” initiatives. It is increasingly clear that gene therapies will soon explode and will be useful in multiple hematological, cardiac, ocular, muscular and even neurodegenerative processes. An ethical reflection is essential, which ensures, on the one hand, that these treatments are accessible, and, on the other, the limits of these treatments. It seems that we are closer to having specific treatments against fatty liver, a serious disease responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.

As regards Global Health, young people, including adolescents, with gender dysphoria are growing all over the world. There is no accepted professional consensus on how to approach these situations. It seems increasingly clear that inequality in the face of covid vaccines responsible for thousands of deaths from this disease. Although there is no absolute consensus, it seems increasingly clear that smartphones and social networks are responsible for serious mental health problems among young people. 24/7 access to these technologies minimizes face-to-face contact between young people.

Regarding International Health Policy, the WHO maintains the covid as a “health emergency of international concern”. In the United States, the budget presented by Biden – which will not be approved – proposes a significant increase in funds for Medicare. Problems continue for the Walgreens pharmacy chain for not selling abortion pills in 21 states. The USA plans to eliminate hepatitis C, almost a decade after highly effective therapies for this disease appeared. Concern in the United Kingdom about the interruption of the improvement in life expectancy for a decade, before the covid, contrary to what is happening in France or Denmark, for example. Australia is preparing to tackle a health reform, after the preparation of an independent report, a model that could well be inspiring for Spain. Newsweek magazine publishes its well-known ranking of the best hospitals in the world. The Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, and the Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, considered the best hospitals in the world. Among the first hundred there are 6 Spaniards, all of them public, except one private: the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN).

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), in terms of covid, the accumulated incidence continues to rise slightly, with a fairly high mortality (139 patients in one week). In Castilla y León, the health areas will have access to a team on rare diseases. Serious concerns among psychiatrists about the large increase in cases of gender dysphoria. The actors in the cyber attack on the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona request a ransom of 4.5 million dollars, which the Administration refuses to deliver. Some Catalan doctors are organized to attend only in Catalan, something against repeated court rulings and the Generalitat’s own protocols.

At the Corporate level, at the international level, investors are rubbing their hands at the prospects of big business in anti-obesity drugs. Morgan Stanley has quantified what this can mean in billions of dollars worldwide. Pfizer places its vaccine against covid as the drug with the highest income in the world. At the national level, Quirón reaches an agreement with the City Council for the construction of its hospital in Gijón and Hospitén announces the construction of a new hospital in Madrid with a large investment of 160 million euros. Thus, the boom in new private hospitals continues, for which there is a real race in which several actors participate (Quirón, Viamed, Vithas, Hospitén, Imed, and others). Hipra will return aid to the covid vaccine in ten years.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • Best hospitals in the world
    • Newsweek magazine publishes its traditional ranking of the best hospitals in the world. The first three are: the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, and the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Among the first 100 are 6 Spanish hospitals: La Paz, (53); Barcelona Clinic (62); October 12 (72); Vall d’Hebrón (83), Gregorio Marañón (90) and the CUN (97) (

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (February 27th-March 5th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, The Economist celebrates medicines against obesity as a great revolution, at a particularly opportune moment, since the WHO is continually warning of the global epidemic of this disease. Psychedelics appear to be making their way into treatments for mental illness. The WHO is working on a new vaccine against bird flu, fearing that this virus will “jump” to humans, which already seems to have occurred in Asia.

With regard to Global Health, the change of management in two entities such as the World Bank and Gavi, very promising. In this last body, for the first time, the representative of a country receiving aid (Nigeria) occupies the maximum responsibility. Solutions are sought for the global shortage of certain medicines. There may be many causes, but it seems that the concentration of production in the geographic area of India and China may be at the root of the logistical problems.

As for International Health Policy, in the United States the battle for abortion, after the ruling of the American Supreme Court, is even transferred to abortion pills, which are trying to be banned in certain states. In the United Kingdom, pharmaceutical companies ask the Government for a tax cut, something that the Government does not seem willing to grant. In Canada, certain establishments are authorized to sell cocaine, in an attempt, we’ll see if it’s effective, to curb overdose problems. Two new clinics for LGBT patients open in Tel-Aviv.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), in terms of covid, the accumulated incidence continues to rise slightly, with a fairly high mortality (around 100 patients a week). The medical conflict continues in several autonomous communities, but with special virulence in Madrid, where there is even a possible strike by hospital doctors, which would be a very important qualitative change. A group of Catalan healthcare workers resorts to the Government’s call to demand Catalan to be able to run for office, where had that bilingualism left off? The Amancio Ortega Foundation donates 30 million for the construction of the first pediatric palliative care center, which will be open to children from all Spanish communities. Despite how hard it is, there are children who are going to die and who are known to die. Those are the recipients of that center. Extremadura reaches an agreement with BIOSIM to promote biosimilars through profit-sharing programs. The wide diffusion of generics and biosimilars, critical for the permanent incorporation of innovation. Great presence at the Barcelona Mobile Fair of health technology, mainly surgical robots and telemedicine solutions.

In the field of companies, at the international level, BioNTech will open a center of excellence in mRNA technology in Israel. In Spain, Grifols takes full control of the biotech company Access Biologicals.


Global Health

International Health Policy


National health policy


7 days in healthcare (January 23rd-29th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting, as the Nature article does, that among the 7 most promising technologies for 2023, at least three are directly related to biomedicine. It seems that not only neurons have a role in brain function, but also a relevant role of glial cells in certain disorders is beginning to be recognized.

As regards Global Health, the WHO requests 2.5 billion dollars to deal with health emergencies, particularly in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and Ethiopia.

As for International Health Policy, a consensus began to be created three years after the start of the pandemic that, although not totally overcome, it is no longer the emergency that it was. The problems in China with the covid continue. The crisis in the NHS is the biggest for many years. Basically, there are two positions: the one that seems to be held by the current conservative government that the system is unsustainable without co-payments and very profound changes; or the one represented by The Lancet, which says that the system is perfectly viable, if it is provided with more resources. What is clear is that the UK lags behind other European countries in many resources (hospital beds etc.). Two good news in terms of health policy are led by countries that are not usually at the forefront on these issues: the smoking ban in Mexico and the mental health law in Nigeria. Tensions between governments and pharmaceutical companies over the price of medicines are increasing and this time they are not only in Europe, but also in the United States (the largest pharmaceutical market).

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to drop, although mortality remains high (above 250 deaths per week). The medical conflict in public health continues, mainly in Primary Care. While there are communities that have reached agreements (Andalusia, Navarra, Aragon, Extremadura), in others (Madrid, Catalonia) there does not seem to be any sign of agreement, which makes us think and we will have to draw conclusions about different behaviors of the Administrations and of medical leaders. Conflict also between private health doctors and health insurers. It seems that the Equity Law is going ahead, after Darias’ agreement with Podemos. Interesting agreement in Madrid so that hospital specialists can also take leave. Aragon proposes that the issue of health be dealt with in the President’s Conference, which seems reasonable, given the seriousness of the problems, although the document of said community does not contain great innovative elements. After the more than debatable success of the operations in Alzira and Torrevieja, it seems that the Valencian government also wants to rescue Denia. At this point, a deeper and more articulate justification of political decisions should be demanded.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, it is necessary to highlight the great activity of private equity companies worldwide in the field of health, as revealed by the Bain report. In Spain, Ribera Salud leaves Extremadura. Important investments in our country from Bayer and Novartis are confirmed


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (January 9th-15th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, everything seems to indicate that important advances in the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases are coming in the not too distant future, with cancer vaccines, the new FLASH radiotherapy, the diagnostic revolution of virtual biopsies and the incorporation of certain devices (such as smart watches) in the prevention and monitoring of certain pathologies.

With regard to Global Health, it should be noted that climate change seriously threatens our health, according to The Lancet. Another important article in this magazine refers to the fact that the covid has revealed the inequalities between social groups and countries in dealing with the pandemic, as well as the absence of a global health architecture.

As for International Health Policy, with regard to covid, an editorial in The Lancet says that far from being overcome, 2023 brings new concerns, such as the impact of the situation in China or the new form XBB.1.5 in the United States. In China, the post-covid zero situation continues, officially acknowledging almost 60,000 deaths in the last month, despite the fact that the WHO insists on the request for more transparency in that country. In the United States, the abortion pill, according to the FDA, can already be purchased in pharmacies and by mail order, even in states where abortion is totally prohibited, which indicates the difficulty of shortcuts and of wanting to close doors to the field. In the United Kingdom the serious crisis of the NHS continues. The health minister of the shadow Labor cabinet publishes in the Financial Times an article with a long-term approach to reforms, something that, regardless of its content, we miss in Spain by all parties. An important editorial in The Economist where it says that part of the solution to the NHS’s problems involves solving the problems of Primary Care, proposing several changes, but without losing perspective that a large part of the problems are in hospitals, with the situation of waiting lists and emergencies. He also opposes the Labor Party’s proposal, made last week, to end the independent mini-company character of Primary Care in the UK, in order to make primary care physicians salaried. The Economist carries out a study that says that in the United Kingdom there are 260 deaths a week (more than 12,000 a year) as a result of delays in the emergency room. The British are turning more and more to private healthcare, as increase problems in the public sector. The EU devises plans to avoid medicine shortages and dependence on China.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the drop in the incidence of covid continues, despite the situation in China and the American variant called Kraken. The Primary Care strike in the Community of Madrid is reactivated and a strike is on the brink in 8 autonomous communities, while the emergencies are collapsed. Despite the plans, recent studies show that almost half of public health workers are temporary. In relation to the Strategic Plan of the pharmaceutical industry, both BIOSIM and AESEG, as well as the representatives of orphan drugs, position themselves with requests, in a clear attempt not to leave this plan only in the hands of large innovative companies, as suggested by the photo of La Moncloa, with Sánchez meeting with the main leaders of pharmaceutical multinationals.

In the field of Companies, internationally, relevant news for Pfizer, BioNTech and AstraZeneca. In our country, it is worth noting the steps taken by Viamed (new hospital in Tarragona), Ribera (great growth in turnover in 2022), Miranza (which continues its growth), Korian (which is preparing to integrate Group 5) and the CUN (which has just renovated part of its hospitalization area). For its part, KKR has completed the acquisition of IVI, an important in vitro fertilization company of Spanish origin.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (December 26th, 2022-January 1st, 2023)




From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth noting the ambitious project of the United Kingdom “Our Future Health”, which aims to place this country at the forefront of genomic research, and which seeks to carry out genetic analyzes of 5 million adult British volunteers, then looking at the correlation with lifestyles and medical records. Undoubtedly, this project will allow us to advance a lot in the knowledge of a wide variety of diseases.

With regard to Global Health, great concern in the world, since the large number of cases in China increase the probability that new variants will appear. There is no doubt that the covid – which had appeared, artificially or naturally, in China – has entered a new phase in which the epicenter is once again China.

Regarding International Health Policy, countries are preparing to put control measures at airports and borders against travelers from China, although the ECDC sees this type of control as unfounded and the EU has not adopted a common policy. Joschka Fischer (former – German Foreign Minister) publishes an in-depth article, whose conclusion is that, in contrast to what had previously been said that authoritarian regimes that do not depend on public opinion can impose drastic and effective measures in crisis situations such as covid, experience has shown that liberal democracies are more effective than autocracies in dealing with these situations. Great controversy in the European Union over the claim of the pharmaceutical industry to agree to produce new antibiotics, under the condition of increasing the patent term of certain drugs.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), Spain has approved airport control measures to control travelers from China, which will be in force between December 31, 2022 and February 15, 2023. Primary Care doctors have opposed the hiring of doctors without MIR training, since this seems more like an opportunistic measure than addressing the underlying problems of Primary Care. The central government, so little fond of publishing and preparing expert analyzes on the covid management, instead presents a self-assessment on its management. According to this report “Cumpliendo” (“Fulfilling”) 64% of the health promises have already been fulfilled and 35% are in process. Bearing in mind that none of the structural healthcare problems have been addressed (personnel regime, management model, governance, accessibility and waiting lists, etc.) this self-assessment seems to us grated on complacency and even propaganda. Unless the promises -which are said to have been fulfilled- have nothing to do with the real problems of the sector. An interesting initiative from the private sector through the IDIS Foundation, which announces the start-up of a pilot on interoperability, should be highlighted. The fact that companies that compete with each other -both from the insurance and provisioning fields- agree on the interoperability of medical records is something that deserves to be highlighted.

In the field of Companies, the American Congress has taken an unusual decision: criticize the FDA for its inadequate collaboration with Biogen for the approval of the drug against Alzheimer’s. At the national level, Atrys continues its growth, both in Spain and abroad (United Kingdom, Middle East and Latin America).


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy





7 days in healthcare (October 31st-November 6th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the start of human trials of drugs discovered by Artificial Intelligence should be highlighted, something that is attracting the attention of all Big Pharma companies.

With regard to Global Health, it should be noted that COP27, the major international conference on climate change, will be held in Cairo on November 7 and 8. His opening coincides with the editorial in The Economist in which he says that the goal of keeping the temperature from rising 1.5º is totally unrealistic, proposing various alternatives. Ukraine’s health system prepares for nuclear disaster. Cholera outbreaks in various parts of the world.

Regarding International Health Policy, the WHO publishes a document on the development of telemedicine in Europe, identifying the problems of the user, technology and infrastructure as the main obstacles to its development. Problems in the British and French health systems.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the CESM denounces the proliferation of contracts for doctors without a MIR system. Surprisingly, there is no exact figure for how many doctors practice in Spain without MIR. Serious tensions in the Madrid healthcare system, mainly in out-of-hospital emergencies, although not only. It seems that the politics of confrontation prevails, which is neither positive nor desirable. There are no good memories of the famous “white tides” in Madrid, which should not be reactivated. The debate on the delay in access to medicines continues. The Ministry of Health affirms that part of this delay is due to pharmaceutical companies, which prioritize some countries over others in their marketing requests. At the national level, mention must be made of the death of Dr. Fernando Alonso-Lej, the great introducer of the MIR system in Spain and, therefore, deserving of maximum recognition.

In the Corporate arena, internationally J&J acquires a cardiac device company. In our country, it should be noted that the private sector builds more than 80% of nursing homes.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (October 24th-30th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the studies that show that certain types of breast cancer, which respond to chemotherapy, will not require surgery. The link between Alzheimer’s and certain viruses is surprising. As for proton therapy, it seems that an increase in its indications (prostate, lung, etc.) is in sight.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the WHO study on a prioritized list of fungal threats should be noted. Cases of resistant tuberculosis, on the rise, which is a big problem with high mortality. Shortage of cholera vaccines. “Nature” magazine considers the possible second term of Bolsonaro in Brazil as a threat to science, democracy, the environment and the world. Said alarm had already been launched by this magazine as a result of his first term.

As for International Health Policy, monkeypox is in clear recession and covid is apparently less serious, possibly due to increased immunity. The truth is that mortality and cases requiring hospitalization are falling. Plan in the United Kingdom so that pharmacies can collaborate in the treatment of minor disorders (hypertension, high cholesterol, etc.)

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), a surprising proposal from ASPE to the Ministry of Health for the homologation of foreign doctors through a kind of two-year express MIR. The problem is surely more complex and it should be considered that we are one of the countries with the most doctors per 1,000 inhabitants and the most Faculties of Medicine. To analyze the shortage by areas and specialties, as well as the expansion of nursing work. It is doubtful that exporting quality doctors after an excellent MIR and importing foreign doctors with an express MIR is the solution. Perhaps the salary and working conditions of Spanish doctors should also be considered. Also striking is the new approach of the PSOE in terms of the Trans law, which tries to involve judges in changing sex between 12 and 15 years, compared to the bill approved by the Council of Ministers, which did not contemplate this possibility. AESEG, very willing to increase the use of generics, through regulatory and price changes.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, the extensive job cuts at Philips are striking, after its withdrawal of devices for sleep apnea. As for Spain, Sanitas publishes a study on mental health, which shows that the private health sector is agile in its response to a serious problem, which has become more evident after covid. Orange’s agreement with Mapfre confirms the great interest of telecommunications platforms in the world of health and their need to ally with traditional operators.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (October 17th-23rd, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the announced “vaccine against cancer” should be highlighted, which could be prepared before 2030. Although not strictly a vaccine, it represents a promising treatment against this disease based on mRNA technology, the same used for covid vaccine.

Regarding Global Health, an important announcement by the WHO about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, which could produce 500 million chronic patients in 2030. The WHO dedicates 2,600 million in its next strategy 2022-2026 for the eradication of polio .

Regarding international health policy, an important debate introduced by The Economist on the massive use of antidepressants, when only in 15% of cases do they have an effect other than placebo. Opioids in the United States and antidepressants worldwide are examples of the misuse of medications, which can lead to, and in many cases lead to, health problems. The post-pandemic horizon has generalized a hybrid work model (face-to-face and online) for office professionals.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the pressure on hospitals due to covid remains low, despite a slight rise in this disease. Intense debate on the flight of Spanish doctors to other countries, attracted by better salary and professional conditions. No matter how much the number of MIR vacancies and Faculties of Medicine increases, the problem will not be solved if working conditions are not acted upon. Teleconsultations seem to consolidate in Primary Care, already being more than 50% of the visits. The Trans law is the subject of great controversy. Most psychiatrists and psychologists, against. Obviously, we are in favor of the position of the WHO by removing from the list of diseases already in 2018 these cases of having a gender identity other than biological sex and wanting to change the morphology of their body. We welcome that there is a law on the subject as in most Western civilized countries. But one thing is that and another that 14-year-olds can choose sex without a psychological evaluation carried out by experts, who can rule out cases. Irreversible problems may occur. There is a certain consensus that the current wording of the law does not sufficiently protect minors.

In the field of companies, at the international level, we must welcome the first agreement with a pharmaceutical company (Novartis) to produce an anticancer drug as a generic that is still protected by patent, for its production in developing countries. As far as Spain is concerned, the continuous growth of health insurance should be highlighted, which in 2022 until September grows considerably more than the insurance as a whole.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy
