
7 days in healthcare (May 29th-June 4th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth noting the death of the virologist Harald sur Hausen, whose name will not mean anything to many, but who 50 years ago discovered the relationship between papillomavirus and cervical cancer, initiating studies of the relationship between viruses and cancer. Reading the DNA of a large and highly varied number of primates allows us to better understand what a human person is and the origin of some diseases. An international consortium discovers that the nucleus of cells is metabolically active.

As regards Global Health, The Economist focuses on the decline in global fertility, due to a decrease in births, not an increase in deaths, a fact with great consequences in our societies. The WHO puts a target by means of cheap vaccines to the global vaccination against cervical cancer, which still produces a large number of deaths. The UN warns about the great sources of hunger in the world: Haiti, Mali, Burkina Faso and Sudan.

Regarding International Health Policy, Canada is preparing a regulation that will make it mandatory to carry warnings of negative health effects on each cigarette. The EU finalizes a regulation to remunerate plasma donations. The WHO celebrates the 76th World Assembly in Switzerland, in which several topics were discussed, among others, the next UN High-Level meeting on universal health coverage, to be held on September 23.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the call for early elections for July 23 paralyzes the processing of more than 60 laws in relation to health, including some as important as the Equity Law, the Framework Statute, the Law of the National Agency of Public Health or the Law of Guarantees and Rational Use of Medicines. In the Valencian Community, Mazón (the winning candidate of the PP in that Community and foreseeable new president) announces the freezing of the reversal process of the concessions of Manises, Denia and Elche, which had already started or were planned by the Ximo Puig government. He also doesn’t rule out launching new concessions. The Princess of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, awarded to the non-profit initiative Medicines for Neglected Diseases, which focuses not on rare diseases, but on highly prevalent diseases, especially in underdeveloped countries, such as Chagas disease, dengue fever, kala-azar or river blindness and which are considered to affect around 1,000-1,500 million people in those countries, without any research, industry or commercial effort commensurate with their importance.

In the field of Companies, internationally, China breaks the veto on Western vaccines and will allow Moderna to settle in that country. For its part, AstraZeneca defies geopolitical challenges and intends to grow in China. At the national level, Zurich joins forces with Google and DKV to launch digital health insurance. Quirónsalud intends to grow in telemedicine and closes a contract to serve university students.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • France
    • Tobacco use is stable in France, one in four adults smokes daily (,Tabac%20%3A%20avec%20un%20adulte%20sur%20quatre%20qui%20fume%20quotidiennement%2C% twenty)
  • Canada
    • Canada is going to require that a warning about the danger be printed on each cigarette, since it has been seen that young people start smoking when they receive the offer not of a pack, but of a cigarette (https://www.lemonde. fr/international/article/2023/05/31/le-canada-va-demiger-qu-un-avertissement-soit-imprime-sur-chaque-cigarette_6175630_3210.html)

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (October 24th-30th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the studies that show that certain types of breast cancer, which respond to chemotherapy, will not require surgery. The link between Alzheimer’s and certain viruses is surprising. As for proton therapy, it seems that an increase in its indications (prostate, lung, etc.) is in sight.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the WHO study on a prioritized list of fungal threats should be noted. Cases of resistant tuberculosis, on the rise, which is a big problem with high mortality. Shortage of cholera vaccines. “Nature” magazine considers the possible second term of Bolsonaro in Brazil as a threat to science, democracy, the environment and the world. Said alarm had already been launched by this magazine as a result of his first term.

As for International Health Policy, monkeypox is in clear recession and covid is apparently less serious, possibly due to increased immunity. The truth is that mortality and cases requiring hospitalization are falling. Plan in the United Kingdom so that pharmacies can collaborate in the treatment of minor disorders (hypertension, high cholesterol, etc.)

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), a surprising proposal from ASPE to the Ministry of Health for the homologation of foreign doctors through a kind of two-year express MIR. The problem is surely more complex and it should be considered that we are one of the countries with the most doctors per 1,000 inhabitants and the most Faculties of Medicine. To analyze the shortage by areas and specialties, as well as the expansion of nursing work. It is doubtful that exporting quality doctors after an excellent MIR and importing foreign doctors with an express MIR is the solution. Perhaps the salary and working conditions of Spanish doctors should also be considered. Also striking is the new approach of the PSOE in terms of the Trans law, which tries to involve judges in changing sex between 12 and 15 years, compared to the bill approved by the Council of Ministers, which did not contemplate this possibility. AESEG, very willing to increase the use of generics, through regulatory and price changes.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, the extensive job cuts at Philips are striking, after its withdrawal of devices for sleep apnea. As for Spain, Sanitas publishes a study on mental health, which shows that the private health sector is agile in its response to a serious problem, which has become more evident after covid. Orange’s agreement with Mapfre confirms the great interest of telecommunications platforms in the world of health and their need to ally with traditional operators.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (October, 3rd-9th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to review the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, won by Svante Pääbo, a scientist who is recognized for his studies on the DNA of human ancestors, which allows us to better understand genetic evolution towards the “homo sapiens”. It seems that a study with Artificial Intelligence of the eye will help predict coronary risk in minutes, without the need for blood tests or other studies.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is believed that malaria could be definitively eradicated from the world, with the help of new vaccines.

As for international health policy, alerts in Europe about avian flu and diphtheria, brought by immigrants from Africa and Asia. To highlight the changes in Portugal, which incorporate an independent team to the management of the SNS.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the rise in covid cases prevents the Interterritorial Council from approving the abolition of masks on public transport. The health items in the General State Budgets are analyzed with a magnifying glass in the professional press, despite the low weight of the expenses of the Central Administration in the total health expenses. However, it allows to detect some priorities for the Ministry, although the economic items are usually below the challenges: primary care, genomic portfolio, mental health, dental care, primary care infrastructure, etc. The CEOE charges against the Equity Law, which it describes as “unprecedented risk”. The debates and controversies continue in relation to the delays in the incorporation of pharmaceutical innovation in Spain. However, these debates do not usually consider that the approval by the EMA of a medicine does not mean automatic public financing in Spain, according to article 92 of the Law on Guarantees and rational use of medicines, which establishes the “financing selective and not indiscriminate” according to a series of criteria, which are established. AESEG and BIOSIM no longer agree with the plan approved a couple of years ago on generics and biosimilars, but want the new approaches to be included in the Guarantees Law.

In the field of companies, in the international arena, BioNTech signs an agreement with Australia, for the establishment of research centers in that country. As for national news, the growing weight of online pharmacy (prescription drugs excluded by law). HM reinforces itself in Andalusia, incorporating four hospitals in Malaga into its network.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy

  • General State Budgets (impact on health)



7 days in healthcare (September 26th-October 2nd, 2022)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, to review the advances, still to be confirmed, in the treatment of two terrible diseases: ALS and Alzheimer’s.

Regarding Global Health, concerns continue about the evolution of polio, whose eradication was announced in 2019, but which is reappearing in several countries.

Regarding International health policy, it is worth noting the similarities between the covid-zero policy in China and the era of prohibition in the United States, something pointed out by The Economist. Very worrying is the “burnout” of doctors, a phenomenon highlighted by the New York Times in the United States, but which seems to be universal.

If we talk about National health policy (Spain), the debates on the Equity Law continue. The update of the RD on the minimum data set of the SNS leaves out the private sector, despite the opposition of the POP, IMAS Foundation, IDIS Foundation and ASPE. It is a modification of a 2010 RD, but in twelve years the private sector has developed a lot and it is no longer so easy to leave it out in certain decisions. The Senate rejects the PP’s motion to facilitate access to medicines and reduce the time it takes to join the SNS. Surely the motion of the PP was too vague and, at this point, it is necessary to explain very well the “what” and the “how” of any proposal.

At the corporate level, at the international level, big rise in Biogen shares, spurred by what appear to be hopeful results from its Alzheimer’s drug. At the national level, there are rumors that KKR and CVC could be trying to buy Quirónsalud, currently in the hands of the German group Fresenius, which has recently changed its CEO. The Murcian company Vócali develops the Inbox Medical software for transcription of medical reports.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (1st-7th August 2022)




From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the use of monoclonal antibodies to combat malaria; also the return to life of cells and tissues in dead pigs, which may be important in transplants; and, the fact that the genomic map of chronic lymphatic leukemia has been completed, which, sooner or later, will have consequences in the treatment of this disease.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the poor preparation of most countries in the face of the increasingly frequent heat waves is confirmed, according to The Lancet.

As for international health policy, the United States declares monkeypox a public health emergency, the Administration covering itself up against certain accusations of slowness in dealing with this problem; global decline in the number of covid cases, particularly in Europe. Problems continue in the United States due to restrictions on abortion. Three news to highlight in the United States: the number of uninsured reaches the record low figure of 8%; the American Democrats have a majority in Congress within reach to approve the law that tries to reduce the price of medicines, by way of allowing Medicare to negotiate prices; and, finally, for the first time in decades, health spending in the United States fell in the first quarter of 2022, although it is doubtful that this will continue.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), monkeypox continues with a very high number of infected people and a shortage of vaccines; large drop in the incidence of covid. Great and difficult to justify delay in the report commissioned by the Ministry of Health from experts on the management of the covid pandemic. Surely there will be more than technical analysis problems in the cause of this delay. The doctors of the private health, threaten with the copayment, before what they consider low rates of the insurers.

In the field of companies, Pfizer continues with its aggressive policy of buying companies, while the growth of Quirónsalud, which already exceeds 2 billion euros in turnover, should be highlighted.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (July 4th-10th, 2022)


From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the finding that cancer drugs significantly reduce the mortality of patients hospitalized for covid.

With regard to Global Health, an important WHO report on mental health, the last of said organization on the same subject dates back to 2001. The Lancet publishes an interesting article on road safety: no less than 1.35 million deaths a year and 50 million injuries depend on that security. Compared to what was usual in the years before covid and the war in Ukraine, hunger has grown in the world, moving us away from the Sustainable Development Goals. The development of health systems in Africa collides with the shortage of professionals.

Regarding international health policy, it should be noted that the USA has just bought 2.5 million vaccines against monkeypox. The WHO and the EMA warn of the new wave of covid. New “centaurus” subvariant of covid, originating in India, but already widely disseminated. Biden signs an executive order, in order to protect abortion rights. The United States doubles the use of telehealth since the outbreak of the pandemic.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the wave of covid continues to grow, with an increased impact on hospitals. New approved version of the Framework Statute of Health Personnel, which tries to avoid prolonged temporary periods, which was necessary, but consolidating the statutory regime, which we believe is not good news and in line with what the public health system needs , although perhaps the unions. First regulation in relation to nursing prescription, long awaited. Important report from the Platform of Patient Organizations, showing how chronic patients suspend the health care they receive. Javier Murillo, the undisputed leader in the health insurance sector, warns about the risk of disappearance of administrative mutualism (MUFACE model), since it continuously produces losses. The CAPFF, chaired by the prestigious economist Félix Lobo, releases his report, demanding changes in the regulation of the price of medicines in the SNS, to reinforce “legal certainty.”

In the field of companies, FEFE gives us the news that the pharmaceutical industry already sells more in hospitals than in primary care, a great change. The ASEBIO Report highlights the growth of the sector both in business volume and in investments. It seems that HIPRA, the Spanish vaccine against covid, is getting closer to being approved by the EMA.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (June 13th-20th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the new therapy against a disease as terrible as ALS tested in Canada. Unfortunately there are doubts as to its effectiveness.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is verified that it is the vaccine nationalism of the States that has led to the failure of COVAX, which failed to extend covid vaccination to poor countries in significant percentages.

Regarding international health policy, the approval in the United States of the covid vaccination for children under five years of age should be highlighted. Also the agreement of the World Trade Organization regarding the temporary suspension of patents on covid vaccines, something he was discussing for two years. We will see if this agreement translates into relevant measures. For now, the IFPMA (World Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers) has already spoken out against it. Hospitalizations for covid increase in Europe, specifically in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), we must mention the controversial announcement by the Minister of Health of the fourth dose of covid for the entire population, something partially rectified by the Ministry itself and which has been rejected by many experts. Also the approval by the Government of the preliminary draft of the Equity Law. Great controversy with the private sector, since it tries to minimize and declare exceptional the collaboration of the private sector in the public service of the National Health System. But by declaring “direct management” as preferable in the SNS, it also positions itself against the more entrepreneurial development of public management, despite the fact that the benefits of legal personality and the labor regime are known in terms of greater efficiency than direct management. On the other hand, the draft may undermine the powers of the autonomous communities, since health management (and therefore the way of carrying it out) is a transferred matter. It is not surprising that very important Catalan institutions (such as UCH, CSC, ACES and Círculo de Sanidad) have taken a position against it. Important demonstration by nurses in the center of Madrid, highlighting the importance of the abandoned professional policy in the National System of Health.

In the field of companies, it is worth noting the birth of the largest pediatric oncology center in Spain and one of the largest in Europe: the one located in the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona. Expansión highlights that the remarkable growth of health insurance is compatible with a loss of its operating profitability.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy



Regulatory announcements

Other themes


7 days in healthcare (May 2nd-8th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, two important editorials in The Economist should be highlighted on wearables (devices to wear, mainly smart watches) and medicalized apps, which could represent a new form of relationship between citizens and the health system and greater involvement of the population in maintaining their own health.

As far as Global Health is concerned, two books stand out, the one by Bill Gates on the pandemic, in which he says, in short, that outbreaks are not avoidable, but pandemics are, and the one by Devi Sridhar on the pandemic in general, commented by The Lancet.

As for international health policy, much of the debate in the international press is centered around the controversy over abortion in the United States, which is dividing American society. Much of the international media speaks out against the reversal of the Roe v Wade ruling, which established abortion as a constitutionally based right in the United States (The Economist, New York Times, Financial Times, Le Monde), although some they do it for (Wall Street Journal). Especially harsh is the article in the New England Journal Medicine, which says that the reversal of this sentence would mean a return to 1973, where women with resources could access an abortion by changing state or country, while the poor had to assume a pregnancy not desired or undergo interventions without guarantee, with high mortality and complications.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), we must highlight the important editorial in El País on cancer drugs, which try to be introduced despite their high price and poor results in terms of survival. It is also necessary to highlight the “Update of the Stability Program 2022-2025“, where the government puts black on white that it will not fulfill its programmatic promise of reaching 7% of GDP in health in 2023.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, it is worth noting the dismissal of the head of Biogen, after the controversial introduction of a drug against Alzheimer’s, whose approval by the FDA had already produced a cataclysm in this organism, with deep internal divisions. In the national environment, the important Pfizer document on gene therapies should be highlighted, as well as Quirónsalud’s proposal for a new hospital in Gijón, which could renew the private hospital scene in that region.


Global health

International health policy

  • COVID-19

o In China, the covid-zero policy accentuates the slowdown in the economy ( -le-slow-down-de-l-economie_6125001_3234.html)

o Deaths from covid worldwide are at their lowest since the start of the pandemic ( 670433394_0.html)

  • The great debate on abortion in the United States

o The leak of an exploratory vote in the United States Supreme Court on the abolition of the Roe v Wade judgment (which declared abortion legal throughout the United States), unleashed a great controversy. If Roe v Wade is amended, abortion rights would become an issue for the states, not for the United States as a whole. There would be states in which abortion would be legal, while others would not (

o The most important international media editorialize and publish articles on the subject, such as The Economist ( affect-american-politics/21809130), The New York Times (, Financial Times (https://, Le Monde ( un-retour-en-arriere-de-la-cour-supreme-serait-l-aboutissement-de-cinquante-ans-de-combat-de-la-droite-religieuse-contre-l-ivg_6125107_3210.html) and The Wall Street Journal (, by cite just a few

o The medical press also speaks out: important article in the New England Journal Medicine, totally against the possible annulment of Roe v Wade (

o The position on abortion in the United States: religion, not gender, is the greatest predictor of position ( -is-the-best-predictor-of-views-on-abortion)

o The debate on abortion in the United States is unsettling in Canada ( -unis-restless-le-canada_6124913_3210.html)

o The American corporate world (Corporate America) is silent on the subject (

  • Other themes

o The WHO warns that covid has accelerated the obesity pandemic. Proposes taxes on less healthy food and subsidizing fruits and vegetables ( -another-epidemic-of-obesity.html)

National health policy


o Contagios in the elderly continue to rise and the deaths are about 70 a day ( )

o Seventh wave or new phase of the pandemic? (

  • Regulatory announcements

o List of essential drugs imminently ( )

o A reform of the Framework Statute is controversially proposed (

  • Other themes

o Important editorial in El País on cancer drugs, their high price and their sometimes minor effects on survival ( html)

o The “Update of the Stability Program 2022-2025“, presented by the Government to Brussels, does not foresee that the government’s promise to reach 7% of GDP in 2023 in public health spending will be fulfilled (https://www.

o The doctors maintain the strike for May 10, rejecting the Community of Madrid-ICOMEM agreement ( -de-madrid.html)

o Order of the Government of Catalonia on unit prices for compensation for hospital and specialized care ( -unit-prices-consideration-specialized-hospital-care-27084794)

Companies, employers and other agents of the sector

  • International News

o The head of Biogen dismissed due to the failure of the new drug against Alzheimer’s, after detecting that it has unproven benefits and serious health risks ( aduhelm-michel-vounatsos.html)

  • National News

o Pfizer presents in Congress a Decalogue to promote gene therapy (

o Quirón intends to build a new hospital in Gijón, with an investment of 40 million and 300 jobs ( -en-gijon.html)

o Teladoc Health is reinforced in Barcelona and will open a new digital hub in the city ( -in-the-city.html)

o Vitaldent continues to grow and opens clinics in Pola de Siero, Lugo and Getafe ( html)

o Besins Healthcare, a company based in Mónica and specialized in novel therapies in gynecology, fertility and endocrinology, lands in Spain and invests 25 million in a plant in Muel (Zaragoza) ( -healthcare-lands-in-spain-and-invests-25-million-in-a-plant-in-muel.html)





7 days in healthcare (April 25-May 1, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the evolution of acute hepatitis in children; Lilly’s announcement of a drug to tackle obesity that could compete with bariatric surgery; and the analysis of the New England Journal of Medicine on the “boosters” for covid.

As far as Global Health is concerned, we again quote Bill Gates, who is publishing a new book on pandemic prevention. Great concern about the resurgence of measles, yellow fever and polio in Africa, due to the low levels of vaccination against these diseases, given that resources have been largely diverted to covid.

As for international health policy, the problems of the “zero-covid” policy in China continue, which threatens the global economy, due to the closure of the largest port in the world: Shanghai. It seems increasingly clear that for political reasons this “zero-covid” approach will not change until the approval of a third term for its leader Xi. Also noteworthy is the very serious discrediting of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, which until now had been the object of almost religious veneration.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to increase, particularly in some regions (Galicia, Navarra, Asturias and Castilla y León). The Health Advertising Law was not approved by Parliament, which is not necessarily bad news, since it was largely part of the confrontation between the College of Dentists and the dental care networks. The announced strike of doctors in Madrid, regardless of its results, has its origin in a very serious problem: the very high rate of temporary employment (more than 50% of doctors in the public system in Madrid). Very interesting statements by José Ramón Repullo, proposing national accreditation and hiring at the local level.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, certain possible disruptive changes for the pharmaceutical industry should be highlighted: 3D printing, which would allow the “manufacturing” of medicines in a clinical environment; and the movements of Amazon for the sale of prescription drugs.


Global Health

International health policy

  • COVID-19

o Serious problems continue in China with the “zero-covid” policy. The general impression is that the rhetoric of war does not help to defeat covid ( covid), while the global economic implications of the closure of Shanghai persist, the largest port in the world (

o The “zero-covid” policy in China, a great personal bet of the leader Xi and difficult to be modified before his re-election for a third term ( 4a76-9b81-d561deaabc5c)

o Covid cases on the rise in virtually all of the United States (

  • Other issues

o The FDA, about to ban menthol cigarettes. They are the most used among the black population (

o Very serious loss of prestige of the National Health Service, which is ending an almost religious adoration of this body in the United Kingdom. A survey says that global satisfaction dropped to 36%, something never known. Poor staff planning among major problems (

National health policy (Spain)


o The cumulative incidence among people over 60 years of age continues to rise, reaching (April 29) 676.43 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, an increase of almost 70 points compared to the previous measurement. Occupation rate due to covid: 5.12% in the ward and 3.66% in the ICU ( deceased-ia-exceeds-676-points_113987_102.html)

o The Ministry of Health reports almost 2,000 deaths in April, the first full month of “flu” from covid ( flu-covid/668683313_0.html)

o Increase in the incidence of covid grows by 35% after Easter and there are already four regions with the unbridled incidence (Galicia, Navarra, Asturias and Castilla y León) ( /revenues-covid-semana-santa-ccaa-incident-runaway/668183406_0.html)

o The Ministry of Health will authorize the fourth dose for those over 80 years of age and those who live in residences, a total of about 3 million people ( fourth-dose-vaccine-covid-older-80.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The Health Advertising Law presented by the PP fails, which is regretted by the professional associations, in particular that of dentists. Apparently, the Government is preparing a Royal Decree on the subject (

  • Other issues

o Madrid hospital doctors go on strike over temporary contracts (

o Interesting statements by José Ramón Repullo regarding the temporality of doctors and health professionals and their non-solution through the OPEs. He proposes national accreditation and contracting by centers, as exists in other countries ( -of-a-bad-system-worse-governed.html)

o Cases of severe hepatitis in children in Spain rise to 22 (

o 700,000 Spaniards on the surgical waiting list, the worst figure in the history of public healthcare ( html)

o Núñez Feijóo calls for the creation of the emergency specialty, with the argument of preventing primary care professionals from leaving (

o Facme presents the Spanish recertification model (

o Five communities (Extremadura, Aragón, Baleares, Comunidad Valenciana and Navarra) ask AIReF to evaluate their healthcare and pharmaceutical spending ( the-airef-assess-your-health-care-and-pharmaceutical-expenditure)

o Very interesting article by José Luis Puerta: “Data saves lives”, on the need to overcome the situation in which the custodians of the data are not capable of exploiting them, nor do they allow third parties to do so (https://www.diariomedico .com/opinion/data-saves-lives.html)


  • International News

o Possible disruptive changes for the pharmaceutical industry ( volumetric 3D printing that would allow drugs to be “manufactured” in a clinical setting ( and Amazon Prime’s offer to facilitate basic drugs for $1 a month (

o Roche sales soar in the United States due to the demand for covid tests (

o Investors pressure Nestlé and Kraft Heinz to target health (

o Philips records losses of 151 million euros in the first quarter of 2022 ( -first-quarter-of-2022.html)

o Abbie strengthens its neurosciences portfolio and acquires Syndesis Therapeutics (

  • National News

o Lácer attracts the interest of venture capital funds (

o Grifols closes the purchase operation of its German rival Biotest (

o Faes Farma profit grows 24% thanks to licenses and the Latin American market ( -a-24-thanks-to-the-licenses-and-the-latin-american-market.html)

o Senniors disembark in Abu Dhabi with the support of the country’s sovereign wealth fund ( -country.html)

o Quirónsalud launches a new rehabilitation center in Ronda de Triana ( -triana.html)

o Hospitales Parque (CASER) accelerates in 2021 and raises its income by 46%, up to 58 million euros ( -46-your-income-up-to-58-million-euros.html)

o Asisa strengthens Otoaudio and opens its first center in Seville (

o Asisa Dental opens its first own clinic in the Canary Islands in Las Palmas (







7 days in healthcare (February 21-27, 2022)


From the point of view of biomedicine, Bill Gates predicts another pandemic, although he estimates that he will catch us better prepared. Also to highlight the questioning of the traditional form of clinical trials. The latter is important, since Spain has become a power in clinical trials and it is important to analyze whether it is the right bet.

In terms of global health, it should be noted that COVAX has distributed exactly half of the COVID vaccines that it had as its objective. A great inequity in the distribution of vaccines in the world and, now, also of medicines against COVID.

As for international health policy, great controversy in the United Kingdom due to the lifting of all restrictions against COVID.

In national health policy (Spain), the incidence of COVID is low, although we continue with high mortality and without antivirals. The Ministry of Health takes the expansion of the service portfolio to a public hearing. Medical uneasiness before the reform of the Abortion Law, a BIOSIM proposal to promote the use of biosimilars and controversy over the financing of orphan drugs.

With regard to companies, it should be noted that the manufacture of Ventolín and Nolotil pollutes more than the automotive industry, which indicates how far the pharmaceutical industry has to go in implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Also that Quirónsalud has exceeded the turnover of 4,000 million and Fresenius is open to incorporating new shareholders both in Quirónsalud and Eugin.






o The incidence of COVID continues to drop to 613 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (

o 245 deaths in the sixth wave and still without antivirals (

o The subvariant of the stealthy “ómicron” accelerates its expansion in Spain (

  • Political announcements

o The Ministry of Health takes out the draft order for the expansion of the service portfolio for a public hearing. Opinions in this regard can be sent via email until March 10 (

o AIReF announces a study on MUFACE spending in its plan for 2022 (

  • Other issues

o The medical groups, against the reform of the abortion law, propose the obligatory nature of performing it in public hospitals (

o Biosim presents 14 proposals to stimulate the use of biosimilars ( )

o Great controversy over the financing of orphan drugs, while the Ministry publishes a report with improvements in financing since 2016 ( others insist that more than 50% of these medicines are not publicly funded (

o The strategic health reserve today has 466 million masks and 955 respirators (