
7 days in healthcare (February 27th-March 5th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, The Economist celebrates medicines against obesity as a great revolution, at a particularly opportune moment, since the WHO is continually warning of the global epidemic of this disease. Psychedelics appear to be making their way into treatments for mental illness. The WHO is working on a new vaccine against bird flu, fearing that this virus will “jump” to humans, which already seems to have occurred in Asia.

With regard to Global Health, the change of management in two entities such as the World Bank and Gavi, very promising. In this last body, for the first time, the representative of a country receiving aid (Nigeria) occupies the maximum responsibility. Solutions are sought for the global shortage of certain medicines. There may be many causes, but it seems that the concentration of production in the geographic area of India and China may be at the root of the logistical problems.

As for International Health Policy, in the United States the battle for abortion, after the ruling of the American Supreme Court, is even transferred to abortion pills, which are trying to be banned in certain states. In the United Kingdom, pharmaceutical companies ask the Government for a tax cut, something that the Government does not seem willing to grant. In Canada, certain establishments are authorized to sell cocaine, in an attempt, we’ll see if it’s effective, to curb overdose problems. Two new clinics for LGBT patients open in Tel-Aviv.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), in terms of covid, the accumulated incidence continues to rise slightly, with a fairly high mortality (around 100 patients a week). The medical conflict continues in several autonomous communities, but with special virulence in Madrid, where there is even a possible strike by hospital doctors, which would be a very important qualitative change. A group of Catalan healthcare workers resorts to the Government’s call to demand Catalan to be able to run for office, where had that bilingualism left off? The Amancio Ortega Foundation donates 30 million for the construction of the first pediatric palliative care center, which will be open to children from all Spanish communities. Despite how hard it is, there are children who are going to die and who are known to die. Those are the recipients of that center. Extremadura reaches an agreement with BIOSIM to promote biosimilars through profit-sharing programs. The wide diffusion of generics and biosimilars, critical for the permanent incorporation of innovation. Great presence at the Barcelona Mobile Fair of health technology, mainly surgical robots and telemedicine solutions.

In the field of companies, at the international level, BioNTech will open a center of excellence in mRNA technology in Israel. In Spain, Grifols takes full control of the biotech company Access Biologicals.


Global Health

International Health Policy


National health policy


7 days in healthcare (January 2nd-8th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is important to highlight significant advances in the treatment of some diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, breast cancer (a project inspired in its day by José Baselga), brain tumors, including the dreaded glioblastoma multiforme, and resistant tuberculosis.

With regard to Global Health, the WHO warns of global health threats in 2023: the Ebola outbreak in Uganda, which fortunately already seems to be in recession; the drought in the Horn of Africa; cholera, endemic in 69 countries; non-communicable diseases (particularly cardiovascular, diabetes, respiratory diseases and cancer), as well as the global stagnation due to the pandemic in the fight against various diseases: HIV, malaria and tuberculosis. Science reminds us that wastewater analysis has proven to be extremely useful for monitoring infectious diseases.

As for International Health Policy, with regard to covid, global concern is not so much for the cases that may come from China (which seem to correspond to the omicron that we already know) but for the new variant (Kraken) of United States, much more contagious than omicron and already affects a high percentage of cases in that country. The serious problems of the end of covid zero in China continue, with the opening of the country on January 8, which has been closed for three years. An editorial in The Economist looks at how the grand reopening may affect the global economy. Once again, the WHO says that mortality from covid in China is underestimated, if official figures are taken into account. Big change in the United States, where the abortion pill can be purchased in ordinary pharmacies. The large pharmacy chains, willing to participate in this sale. It must be remembered that a high percentage of abortions in the United States are already pharmacological. Serious crisis in the British National Health Service, with staff strikes, long waiting lists, saturation of emergencies and statements by unions and the Prime Minister. Labor wants to pass NHS employees to GPs (primary physicians), something that is in contradiction with the founding political pact of 1948 for the creation of the National Health Service, in which Aneurin Bevan participated. In France, health is also at the center of the political debate, with some statements on January 6 by President Macron, who considered among the solutions nothing less than ending fees per act, which in France are big words.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the year opens with the prospect of regional elections in 12 autonomous communities (May 28) and general elections at the end of the year, as well as a change in the head of the Ministry of Health. Several laws have been announced, including some advanced (new framework personnel statute, abortion, equity law), others more delayed (Public Health Agency, law of guarantees, possible reform of the dependency law). The Platform of Patient Organizations (POP) makes 10 proposals for chronic patients. As for professionals, some health insurance companies (DKV) have reacted quickly and announced increases in rates for doctors, which is undoubtedly a response to the criticism they had received from some medical associations, which even have raised certain protest actions. A piece of news says that the Zendal hospital has only 56 patients, which speaks of the fact that it has not yet found its place in Madrid’s health system, not surprising, since it seems that this hospital was established without the corresponding and obligatory Functional Plan (which defines the service portfolio, the population to be served, the incardination in the rest of the system, technology, personnel needs and other basic issues). Biosimilars, under the leadership of BIOSIM and starting in Extremadura, delve into the experience of shared benefit.

In the business sphere, in the international arena, Moderna acquires a genomics company. On the other hand, the completion of the Da Vinci robot patent will change the prospects for robotic surgery. At the national level, Ribera assumes the management of the Cascais hospital in Portugal, which is good news for public/private collaboration in our country.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (August 21st-28th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the very encouraging results of the polypill published by a Spanish group led by Valentin Fuster should be highlighted. The Economist underlines the great future of gene therapies in medicine, with a list of diseases for which there is a therapy or is in advanced study.

Regarding Global Health, The Lancet publishes a report with some conclusions and lessons regarding future pandemics.

As for International Health Policy, both monkeypox and covid are plummeting in Europe. The controversial annulment of the Roe v Wade ruling in the United States, which leaves the right to abortion to the criteria and regulation of the states, continues to be talked about. American companies, including Walmart, the largest American employer, introduce this benefit for women, regardless of the state where they work.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), covid continues to drop and especially the number of cases in the ICU. The Government approves the bill that creates the Public Health Agency, probably the largest, if not the only, far-reaching measure after the pandemic. The text of the law is not yet public, and therefore important aspects such as governance and functions are not known. The location is not known either, although the Government has advanced that it would not be in Madrid, which is not without controversy either. Next week the government will approve the abortion law, according to a text promoted by Podemos.

In the field of companies, Moderna’s lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech has been shocked, which it accuses of plagiarism of its mRNA technology in the covid vaccine. Amazon closes its telecare service, which once again demonstrates the difficulties of the large technology platforms in finding an adequate strategy for health, a sector in which they want to be above all else. In Spain, the export of drugs manufactured in Spain grows by 60% in one year.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy






7 days in healthcare (6th-12th June, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the article in the journal Cell stands out, in which MIT researchers design a complete functional map of genes in human cells. Also the possibilities of liquid biopsy, which will make it possible to diagnose cancers at an early stage through a simple blood test. It is also necessary to highlight the controversy over the transmission of monkeypox, some say that the transmission could be aerial, while the CDC denies it. This is important in terms of vaccination strategy.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the humanitarian problems of the Ukraine war should be highlighted, which will not only be local but global.

Regarding international health policy, it is worth highlighting the Health Affairs article that shows that mortality from covid is higher in counties with a Republican vote than in those with a Democratic vote. Incredible conclusion, although this can be explained by a greater rejection of masks, social distance and vaccination in Republican environments. Health and its preventive orientation declared a priority by Macron. We will see what this translates into in practice.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), it should be mentioned that 15 new CAR-T centers are approved in several hospitals. Impressive and accurate title of a talk by Rafael Bengoa: “SNS: 500,000 competent professionals in an incompetent model.” It rightly puts the emphasis on management and organization. This contrasts with the poverty and lack of news and prioritization of the programs of both the PP and the PSOE in the Andalusian elections. The PP program introduces the nonsense of making the 9,000 hired by the public health companies statutory, one of the successes of the PSOE in health. As for the PSOE program, it is a very long program, without any prioritization, and full of reflections against collaboration with the private sector, as if the so-called “privatization” were the problem of the system.

At the corporate level, the promising advances of BioNTech in pancreatic cancer and AstraZeneca-Daiichi in breast cancer should be noted.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (April 11-17, 2022)




From the point of view of biomedicine, it is important to highlight the fact that greater access to antibiotics (reduced in many countries) is a basic element to overcome the pandemic of resistance to these drugs. Cases of acute hepatitis in children, detected in the United Kingdom and also in Spain, have been the subject of an alert by the WHO and the ECDC. Some of them require liver transplantation.

With regard to Global Health, the financing of the WHO is one of the great issues of global health, since this organization has always had a financing well below its challenges.

As for international health policy, President Biden’s Memorandum on “long covid” should be noted. Also the important article published in The Lancet that analyzes the circumstances surrounding the incidence of covid and its mortality in 177 countries, with some interesting conclusions. The “zero-covid” policy in China and, specifically, the confinement of Shanghai, continues to occupy the international front pages and is a policy that is beginning to be highly questioned, despite its successes so far in both the number of cases and in mortality, as in economic impact, if we believe the official figures from China. Great expectations regarding the new agency created by the Biden Administration: the ARPS-H (Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health)

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), 50,000 doses of covid have finally been distributed, albeit with great delay compared to the initial promises, although without having agreed on criteria regarding their use. Interesting proposal to the Ministry of Health of the Medical Collegiate Organization (OMC) on medical recertification, which includes a supervisory agency OMC-FACME, similar to a British one.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, to highlight the declines in sales of covid vaccines. Regarding national news, the announcement of the forthcoming arrival of the HIPRA vaccine should be highlighted.





o President Biden’s memorandum on addressing the “long COVID” ( effects-of-covid-19/). Article on the subject in JAMA magazine:

o Preparedness for the pandemic and covid, an analysis of 177 countries. The relationship between various circumstances and the incidence of covid, as well as mortality, are analyzed ( Comments on this article, the WHO and health systems remain unprepared to deal with a pandemic like covid, which caused 494 million cases and more than 6 million deaths, as of April 5, 2022: https://www.

o Shanghai lockdown shows signs of desperation among the population and lack of food ( )

o The mystery of China with “ómicron”: 280,000 infections and zero deaths (

o The WHO confirms a decrease in new covid cases worldwide, for the third consecutive week ( -covid-cases-around-the-world)

o Covid infections start to fall in the UK (

o Valneva, the Franco-Austrian vaccine against covid, is the sixth approved in the United Kingdom ( -covid-vaccine)

o The FDA authorizes the first breath-based covid test that produces results in less than three minutes ( first-covid-19-breath-test.html)

  • Other themes

o Expectations about the new health agency created by Biden, called ARPA-H (Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health). Editorial in Science magazine (

o The number of people on the NHS waiting list at record high ( -at-record-high)

o The number of primary care physicians (GPs) in the UK, down every year since 2015. Organizations representing doctors say the heavy workload, high expectations of patients, difficulties recruiting non-medical staff and the fear of errors due to overload, at the base of this situation ( -pledge-to-raise-them)

o A lawsuit by Cuban doctors has been accepted by the US justice system, accusing the PAHO (WHO organization for Latin America) of collaborating in the “forced labor” of Cuban doctors sent to Brazil (https://www.



o Spain, the rich country where life expectancy fell the most due to the pandemic, after the United States ( /664683895_0.html)

o The covid increased health spending in 2020 by 10.9%, a record figure ( -a-109-a-figure-record)

o The Ministry of Health has already distributed 50,000 doses of Paxlovid in Spain (

  • Other themes

o Three cases of childhood hepatitis of unknown origin detected in Spain, following an international alert from the WHO and the ECDC, originating in the United Kingdom ( in-spain-the-first-case-of-an-infantile-hepatitis-of-unknown-origin.html)

o Spain, at the tail of the large European markets in access to cancer and orphan drugs ( -europeans-in-access-oncology-drugs-and-orphans.html)

o The Government wants to reduce tobacco consumption, without prohibiting smoking ( prohibition.html)

o The Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC) makes a proposal to the Ministry of Health on medical recertification according to the English model with three measures. It proposes that the OMC-FACME could be the supervisory agency, similar to the “Professionals Standards Authority for Health and Social Care”, of the United Kingdom ( English-model-of -medical-recertification-with-3-measures-of-competence-6828)

o The Spanish transplant model triumphs in Latin America, where organ donation grew by 100% between 2005 and 2019 (

o Harassment of women who go to abortion clinics is declared a crime, through a modification of the Penal Code ( html)

o Family Medicine, Anesthesiology, Psychiatry and Radiodiagnosis, among the specialties that will have to increase their MIR offer to alleviate the deficit, according to a recent report ( -five-years-the-lack-of-planning-in-medical-templates.html)


  • International News

o Walgreens, the American pharmacy chain, flooded the market with opiates and is accused of creating addicts (

o GSK, about to buy Sierra Oncology for 1,500 million pounds to boost its oncology offer (

o The vaccine business drops, with a 21% drop in sales ( 664183929_0.html)

  • National News

o Farmaindustria pays 452 million to the State for excess public spending on medicines in 2018 and 2019 ( medications/663433943_0.html)

o The HIPRA vaccine will arrive between May and June, according to Minister Morant (

o Boehringer Ingelheim reinforces its commitment to Spain with an investment in R&D of 42 million in 2021, 23% more than in the previous period ( -bet-on-spain-with-an-investment-of-42-million-in-2021.html)

o Lácer launches its sale process for more than 500 million euros (

o Insparya, the hair business that Cristiano Ronaldo is in, will take its clinics to Milan, Paris and Dubai and will continue to open in Spain ( html)



7 days in healthcare (April 4-10, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the fact, highlighted by the journal Nature, that the WHO took more than two years to recognize the airborne transmission of covid. A new generation of vaccines that prevent cancer can make tumors disappear before they appear, according to an article in Science. The natural experiment from South Korea and Hong Kong shows that the “omicron” variant can be fatal in unvaccinated people.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the situation in Ukraine gives us difficult lessons in global health, explains the editor of The Lancet. It should be noted that the black American population already exceeds the white population in mortality from opioids. Until now, deaths from this cause occurred mainly in “non-colleged educated” whites.

Regarding international health policy, the European health agencies (EMA and ECDC) say that it is too early for the second “booster” of the covid vaccine. Ten years of “Choosing Wisely” the revolution in medical practice that tries to minimize worthless or low value health interventions.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the appearance of the 2022 Health Barometer (First wave) is important. It should be noted that waiting lists are the main concern of the population; the delay in a high percentage of cases to see a primary care physician; and that the positive perception of the public system decreases, while that of the private system increases. Report on health professionals, which says that within five years there will be a shortage of 9,000 doctors.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, Moderna’s agreement with the non-profit entity IAVI to apply mRNA technology to various diseases should be highlighted. SpainCares confirms that Spain is not in an advantageous position with regard to health tourism.





o The United States donates more than 100 million doses of covid vaccine for children (

o Shanghai residents beg for food and medicine as authorities lock down the city (

o Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor, fails in Parliament with his plan to make the vaccine mandatory (

o COVID deaths rise in the UK, with infections at record highs ( )

o The European health agencies (EMA and ECDC) say that it is too early for the second covid vaccine “booster” ( booster-europe.html)

  • Other themes

o Ten years of “Choosing Wisely”, which revolutionized medical practice based on recommendations of “do not do”, to reduce low-value health care ( NEJMp2200422)

o Life expectancy in the US continues to decline in 2021, despite covid vaccines (

o Oklahoma passes one of the toughest anti-abortion laws in the US, following a Republican strategy (

o Important report by the Nuffield Trust on the recovery of health systems after covid, analyzing the situation in several countries ( international-lessons-for-the-nhs)

o Great impact in the United Kingdom of the Ockenden Report, on maternity care, with the detection of serious problems, published by the British Government ( the-ockenden-review/ockenden-review-summary-of-findings-conclusions-and-essential-actions)



o Decrease in the incidence of covid: up to 420.17 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over 60 years of age, according to the new measurement method (

o The mask will no longer be mandatory indoors on April 20 (

o COVID only worries 30% of Spaniards, according to the COSMO Spain study, coordinated by the Carlos III Health Institute ( -spanish-two-years-pandemic_2002232_102.html)

  • Other themes

o The 2022 Health Barometer (First wave) appears ( Some data of interest: the waiting lists, the worst valued by the Spanish ( ); 55% of patients take more than 7 days to get an appointment with their family doctor ( family-doctor-appointment.html); lowers the positive perception of the public system and increases that of the private (

o Within five years there will be a shortage of almost 9,000 doctors (, according to the report “Supply-need for medical specialists 2021- 2035”, prepared by Patricia Barber and Beatriz González López-Valcárcel (

o “Case of masks” a loot of 2,000 million for the purchase of material during the state of alarm ( -in-the-law-of-the-jungle.html)

o WAIT Report: Spain falls in time for access to new medicines ( -in-europe-between-2017-y-2020), to see the WAIT report:

o Published the “Report on the initial budgets of the Public Administrations” (AIREF, April 7, 2022) ( -initials-2021-.pdf)

o Spain leads the world consumption of benzodiazepines (


  • International News

o Moderna reaches an agreement with IAVI (non-profit association) to apply mRNA to various diseases ( -mRNA-for-various-diseases.html)

o Pfizer buys the British biotech company ReViral for 481 million euros (

  • National News

o David Medina (Spaincares): “In the tourism-health binomial, we are not in the top ranking” ( -we-are-not-at-the-top-of-the-ranking.html)

o Savana closes a round of 23 million euros, hand in hand with Conexo Ventures ( the-hand-of-connected-ventures.html)

o Sanitas shoots up sales of health insurance by 47%, with 377,000 new policies (

o PharmaMar and CNIO allocate 1.2 million euros to testing breast cancer drugs ( euros-to-test-drugs-against-breast-cancer.html)

o Miranza underpins its expansion, reaching 80.6 million euros ( -millions-of-euros.html)

o Farmasierra celebrates its 25th anniversary, reinforcing R&D ( html)

o Pfizer will export gene therapies from Spain to America (


7 days in healthcare (March 14-20, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the new treatment for malaria in children; the new variant “Delatacron”, similar to the “ómicron”; and, the possibilities of artificial intelligence to accelerate the appearance of new medicines. We would like to underline the studies promoted by Valentín Fuster on ultrasound of the neck and groin arteries and their possibilities of detecting the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke to be promising, although it is a topic that has been talked about for a long time without much results.

Regarding Global Health, an interesting editorial in the British Medical Journal, entitled climate change, pandemic and war: an uncontrolled multi-crisis, since it seems that in this decade of the 21st century all the problems have accumulated; the verification that the low level of vaccinations in Africa is not so much due to the low level of vaccines, but rather due to the difficulties of reaching the population; interesting report on Nigeria and the problems of its health system.

In terms of international health policy, the problems of Asia’s “covid zero” strategy are noteworthy, which gave so much political return to the Chinese regime, presenting its low mortality successes and comparing them with the high mortality rates of other countries in the world ( United States, Brazil, United Kingdom, India, etc.). It seems that the “ómicron” variant, due to its contagiousness, is not easily approachable with the “covid zero” strategy, since that would lead to massive confinements in China. Resurgence of covid cases in Europe and Asia, which coincides with a relaxation of control measures.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), it should be noted that the incidence of covid is growing, while the measures are relaxed, although there is concern in the Ministry of Health about a possible new wave of covid at the gates of Easter. Very important COFARES report on the pharmacy sector, proposing many innovative measures, which contrasts with the usual narcissism and laudatory speeches about the “Mediterranean model of pharmacy”, so liked by some professional representatives. Primary Care is trying to get back to normal, although with a thousand fewer doctors than before the pandemic. The birth rate in Spain is at historic lows, which is a serious problem. The Council of Dentists, in reporting that 34 million Spaniards have cavities, presents us with the reality of poor dental care in our country. A revolution in the use of biosimilars is coming, given the large number of biological medicines that will lose their patent in the coming years.

In the field of companies, it should be noted that Pfizer and BioNTech have requested authorization in the United States for a second “booster” for older Americans. Grifols bets on a vaccine against Alzheimer’s. HIPRA, the veterinary pharmacy company until now, hopes to start marketing its vaccine against covid in June.





o The “ómicron” variant is changing China’s “zero covid” strategy, at the moment more than 40 million Chinese are suffering some type of confinement, which is tolerated by the remaining 1.4 billion who lead normal lives. The legitimacy of the party is given by the low mortality. We’ll see if that can be sustained with the “omicron” (

o China reports the first deaths from covid in more than a year (

o Shanghai, possible confinement, after the discovery of 150 new cases of covid (

o Concern that new lockdowns in China may disrupt supply chains ( chains/21808193)

o Resurgence of covid cases in Europe and Asia, infections have risen 8% worldwide, but they are skyrocketing in Vietnam and Germany (

  • Other issues

o According to an American study (Health Affairs), hospitals differ in their services depending on whether they are for-profit, non-profit or government-owned, with the former tending to offer more profitable services and discontinue the others (https://www.healthaffairs. org/doi/epdf/10.1377/hlthaff.2021.01115)



o Latest report: the incidence of covid rise and 287 deaths, in Friday’s report (since Tuesday) ( -cases-287-deaths-ia-upload-44580-points_111800_102.html)

o The new plan against covid will put an end to the isolation of positives (

o The Ministry of Health fears the arrival of a new wave of covid at the gates of Holy Week ( .html)

o Paxlovid, the anticovid treatment promised by Sánchez, has not yet reached patients (

  • Other themes

o Spain was left out of the top 10 in public health spending in 2020, according to a report made public by Eurostat and spent an average of 600 euros less per inhabitant than the EU average ( top-10-ue-public-expenditure-health-2020_111467_102.html). To access the Eurostat report:

o Important COFARES report: pharmacist skills in the 21st century, proposing digitization, home delivery, legal changes and the sustainability of the pharmacy model ( evolution-pharmacy-role-pharmacist_111660_102.html)

o The Ministry of Health and the regions coordinate health care for refugees from Ukraine ( health-for-refugees-from-ukraine)

o The Ministry of Health puts the average time to approve a drug at “9 months” ( months_111648_102.html)

o The flu enters Spain with force (

o Primary Care is trying to get back to normal, with a thousand fewer doctors than before the pandemic ( normality-with-a-thousand-less-doctors-than-before-the-pandemic.html)

o The birth rate in Spain, at lows not known in several centuries, according to a study by the San Pablo CEU University ( html)

o A total of 34 million people in Spain have cavities, according to the General Council of Dentists ( caries_2001822_102.html)

o The Ombudsman receives 2,300 health complaints in 2021, according to the report presented (

o La Paz, on October 12 and Gregorio Marañón among the 100 best hospitals in the world, according to the classification prepared by Newsweek magazine ( )

o Incorporating 6,000 doctors in primary care would cost 358 million euros, according to the Collegiate Medical Organization (

o Mariano Esteban’s covid vaccine will not continue the clinical phase in Spain ( -csic-will-not-continue-the-clinical-phase-in-spain.html)

o Spain needs a plan for the second revolution in biosimilars, since one hundred biological drug patents expire between 2024 and 2029 (


  • International News

o Moderna supplies 70 million additional doses of its vaccine to Japan ( 19-a-japan.html)

o Pfizer and BioNTech request authorization for a second “booster” for older Americans ( )

o AstraZeneca, prepared not to continue with the efforts to obtain authorization in the USA for the covid vaccine (

  • National News

o Grifols bets on the Alzheimer’s vaccine and ends phase II of clinical trials ( phase-ii-trials-of-abvac40.html)

o The Danish A.P. Moller Holding completes the purchase of Unilabs (

o The founders of Rovi sell 5% after the success of the Moderna vaccine ( )

o Hipra hopes to market its covid vaccine in June (



7 days in healthcare (March 7-13, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the Lancet report on risk factors in COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), one of the great burdens of all health systems, should be highlighted. Also the finding that COVID can cause brain damage, although its scope is yet to be determined.

As for Global Health, it is worth noting the WHO complaint that 16 health facilities have been attacked in the war in Ukraine, as well as the organization’s statement that women should have access to safe abortions, to avoid mortality as well as hospitalizations due to complications.

When it comes to international health policy, the advice for the next pandemic contained in a major editorial in the Financial Times is important. There would be three priorities: 1. Reduce the risk of the appearance of a new pathogen (controlling the markets where animals are sold, for example); 2. Prevent it from spreading throughout the world; and 3. Develop an effective weaponry with vaccines and treatments as soon as possible. The incidence of COVID is increasing in England and France, just as the outbreak in China is the largest since the initial one in Wuhan. A report by The Lancet analyzes the mortality from COVID by country and even (as in the case of Spain) by region in the different countries. Spain is among the nations with the highest mortality from COVID per number of inhabitants. In the United Kingdom, a conservative think tank, with the support of the British Secretary of Health, proposes that primary care physicians become primarily salaried, thus breaking one of the fundamental elements of the political pact that gave rise to the NHS (on the one hand, hospitals are nationalized, but, on the other, the consideration of primary care physicians as independent mini-entrepreneurs is respected).

In national health policy, it is found that the drop in the incidence of COVID stagnates in Spain. Private healthcare, through the IDIS Foundation, considers the interoperability of the clinical history of private healthcare patients, regardless of insurer or provider.

Of the activity of the companies, an analysis of the Financial Times comments on how the economy of the pharmaceutical companies works against the development of antibiotics. Europe has lost the race against the United States in the development of new drugs. Important publication of the Roche Institute of a manual on personalized medicine aimed at health professionals.





o Lessons for the next pandemic, after two years of covid, an important Financial Times editorial. Three priorities: 1. Reduce the risk of emergence of a new pathogen; 2. Prevent it from spreading throughout the world; and 3. Develop an effective weaponry with vaccines and treatments as soon as possible (

o The COVID pandemic has lasted two years. Next steps may be divisive (

o The covid does not decrease, but increases, in France ( -rebond-de-l-epidemie_6117120_3244.html)

o Covid cases and hospitalizations on the rise in England (

o China, fighting the largest outbreak since Wuhan (

o Chinese scientists, in search of an alternative to the “zero COVID” policy, which the Chinese government boasts so much about (

o Where did the 5 “Trillion” (American) dollars of Covid stimulus go(

o Mortality from COVID, three times higher than official figures (, according to a major report by The Lancet (

o Austria suspends the first universal vaccination obligation (

  • Other topics

o The pandemic has accelerated the demand for private healthcare services in the UK (

o The NHS app should be the new ‘gateway’ to the NHS, says UK health secretary (

o British primary care physicians should be primarily salaried (, says a report by a conservative think tank (



o The drop in infections stagnates in Spain, with the incidence still at high risk, with 430.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, far from 50 (

o Sánchez announces that the mandatory indoor mask will soon be abolished (

o Spain destroys more than a million vaccines against covid, most of them from Janssen and AstraZeneca (

  • Political announcements

o Congress backs the proposal of the political party Ciudadanos for a law on ALS (

  • Other themes

o The Valencian health system carries out almost 600 sex change interventions in five years (

o 9,932 candidates will be able to choose a MIR position (

o The IDIS calls for more accessibility in Oncology (

o Change in the General Directorate of Farmaindustria (

o The Royal National Academy of Medicine joins the European Academies of Medicine with a declaration on Ukraine (

o Private healthcare invests 1.3 million euros to give private healthcare patients access to digital medical records in 2023 (


  • International News

o The Sacklers will pay $6 billion for Purdue’s opiate lawsuits (

o Kirin goes beyond beer and goes into healthcare (

o How Pharmaceutical Economics Holds Back Antibiotic Development (

o Europe loses the battle against the USA and only develops 22% of new medicines (

o Sanofi acknowledges that they were late for the covid vaccine (

  • National News

o Korian: 60 new beds and more purchases to bill one hundred million euros in Spain (

o Europe asks HIPRA to expand its clinical trial of the covid vaccine (

o The Roche Institute publishes a personalized medicine manual for healthcare professionals (




7 days in healthcare (February 28-Mars 6, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the approach (apparently possible) of obtaining a vaccine for the next pandemic in 100 days stands out, compared to 10 years of previous situations and the year of COVID 19. Concern, according to an editorial in The Lancet, for depression, which is estimated to affect one billion people in the world. The WHO warns about the high figures of obesity: 650 million adults, 340 million adolescents and 39 million children. Great hopes in the combination of gene therapy and xenotransplantation, with great impact on the future of transplants.

Regarding global health, the great concern is the health consequences of the war in Ukraine and the WHO calls for the creation of a safe corridor to carry medical supplies. Pharmaceutical companies plan to manufacture 2.9 billion COVID vaccines in Africa.

Regarding international health policy, it should be noted that, according to experts, billions of dollars are needed to prevent the next pandemic.

As far as national health policy is concerned, it should be noted that the incidence of COVID is falling, although more slowly than a few weeks ago, and the mortality rate remains high (more than 150 deaths per day). The (official) deaths from COVID already exceed 100,000 in Spain. The Ministry plans to give the COVID data twice a week, instead of the current daily frequency (except weekends). Great collaboration in medical supplies and supply of beds by Spain in the face of the tragedy in Ukraine.

If we talk about companies, we would highlight the information from FENIN that Catalonia manufactures more than 35% of the health technology produced in Spain. Also the important investment in Barcelona by Novartis in an antibiotic center.






o The incidence of COVID drops to 463 per 100,000 inhabitants, but the decreases are smaller than in previous weeks and the figure of more than 150 deaths per day continues (

o 100,000 (official) deaths from COVID in Spain (

o The Ministry of Health will give COVID data twice a week instead of daily (

  • Political announcements

o The bill project amending the National Security Law is published (

o The bill project amending the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation is published (

  • Other issues

o Catalonia wants to extend pharmacological abortion up to 14 weeks (

o Spain will send more than 20 tons of medicines and medical supplies to Ukraine ( -to-ukraine/)

o The autonomous communities offer 3,000 beds to care for the victims of Ukraine (

o Spain joins the health PERTE at European level (