
7 days in healthcare (April 8th-14th, 2024)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, chatbots (devices that interact by text or voice with people based on artificial intelligence), are increasingly used in healthcare. In the UK, the NHS uses them in Primary Care to triage patients. One of the great challenges of future health management is determining what will be done in person and what will be done remotely, on the one hand; and what activity will require the presence of a professional or when these chatbots can be used. Possible important advance in the treatment of hepatitis type 1. The EMA is studying the first drug that has been shown to delay the onset of symptoms. There are 100,000 people affected in Spain, many of them children. Teplizumab, the active ingredient, prevents T lymphocytes from attacking the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin.

Regarding Global Health, France proposes to recognize abortion as a constitutional right. 60% of women live in countries where abortion is completely legal; and 40% do it in countries where it is prohibited or has restrictions. Not having access to a safe abortion can have negative health effects. Exodus of health personnel in sub-Saharan Africa, precisely the region of the world where health professionals in relation to the population move in lower numbers. Employment conditions are degraded locally, while developed countries, with strong demand, open their arms to them. This questions health personnel policies based on the importation of personnel from developing countries, as some in our country seem to sponsor. This is said with the utmost respect for the freedom of movement of citizens and workers.

Regarding International Health Policy, according to the magazine Health Affairs, negotiations continue to establish the price of 10 drugs for Medicare. This was contained in the Inflation Reduction Act and is, possibly, the most far-reaching healthcare measure approved during Biden’s presidency. The negotiations must be finalized by September 1, 2024, for implementation from 2026. The United Kingdom limits treatments to children and young people who want a sex change, in line with what has already been implemented by some countries. Northern Europe: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark. The NHS will no longer offer puberty-blocking drugs. As for hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, which produce permanent physical changes, they will be prescribed with extreme care. Macron’s government approves the euthanasia bill (although this word will be avoided, using the concept of “helping to die”). It is worth highlighting the profound debate carried out in France at all levels in relation to this text, with President Macron personally intervening on multiple occasions. Just like in Spain, where it was approved as if it were a modification of the VAT of a product, avoiding all types of reports. Simultaneously, a 10-year palliative care strategy is approved in France, endowed with 1.1 billion euros. In Italy, AGENAS was born, a hospital performance evaluation system, launched by the National Agency for Regional Health Services. How good it would be for Spain to implement a similar tool, which would allow us to compare the performance of our health institutions.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), it is important to highlight the achievements of our health system. According to a recent publication by “Our World in Data”, which analyzes mortality from all causes in all countries, in 2019 Spain is the third best-placed country in adjusted mortality per 100,000 inhabitants (385.9). Only surpassed by Iceland (348.0) and Japan (323.3). This concept of mortality adjusted for pathologies can be related to the activity of the health system. A great success, in which activity is Spain in the Top3? For her part, the minister of Health continues to announce measures. She promised a law limiting private management of public hospitals, using the well-known slogan “healthcare is not for sale, it is defended.” Although we understand that politicians speak for their parish and those statements may have a fireworks component, using that demagogic and populist slogan taken from the white tides is not up to the health debate that our country requires. On the other hand, what is proposed as a panacea is “direct public management”, as if there were not enough published evidence (Prof. JJ Martín, from the University of Granada, among others) of the worse performance of direct management compared to centers with legal personality and labor personnel. The document “Statistics of public health expenditure 2022” is published. Public health spending reached 92 billion euros in 2022, reaching 6.8% of GDP, increasing by 4.6% compared to the previous year. From 2019 to 2022, public health spending increased by 22.8%, an annual average of 7.6%. Although we are still far from the most advanced countries in Europe in terms of percentage of GDP dedicated to public health spending, there is no doubt that in this period the growth of this spending was much higher than that of general GDP. 40,000 healthcare workers will retire each year until 2026, according to a report by the Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS). Important planning problem that arises. Spain, the country in the world with the most Medical Schools per inhabitant. There are now a total of 50, just 15 years ago there were 28, a figure that will increase in the coming years: San Jorge (Zaragoza); Nebrija (Madrid), and Loyola (Seville). The Deans of Medicine and the State Council of Medical Students, against this exponential and uncontrolled growth. It is doubtful that Spain as a country has sufficient and trained teachers to attend to this proliferation of Medical Faculties, unless these faculties become a kind of academies for the MIR. This is an issue of the Faculties of Medicine where the desire for political success of some communities (which are responsible for approving the creation of a Faculty of Medicine) operates, together with the commercial interests of some private Universities. The IMAS Foundation proposes its digital medical history, which would incorporate data from different health and social service providers, information generated by portable digital devices, and measurements made by the patients themselves. And everything within reach of the user and the professionals with whom they want to share it. Excellent initiative, at the height of the times, a concept of history that is only for the public system, that only contains information from the health system and that cannot be carried by the patient and allows the use of it to whoever they consider, is no longer valid. your criteria. Santiago Dexeus, pioneer of sexual and reproductive health and one of the first defenders of the contraceptive pill in Spain, dies. He well deserves a national tribute.

As for Companies, internationally, Moderna is putting its plans to launch a vaccine plant in Africa on hold. In terms of national information, Sanitas increases its turnover by 12% and achieves record growth in policyholders after its agreement with Generali.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (March 18th-24th, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the transplant to a man of a genetically modified pig kidney stands out, a medical milestone that could lead to dialysis being declared obsolete, which would be an extraordinary advance and an improvement in the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of patients, currently dependent on the machine several times a week for their survival. Also notable is the beginning of a clinical trial on a vaccine for tuberculosis. The current BCG vaccine offers protection to infants and young children, but does not protect adults and adolescents from pulmonary tuberculosis. If the results are good, this vaccine can be transformative.

As far as Global Health is concerned, a study warns of serious declines in birth rates globally, which will mean that by 2050 it will fall below population replacement, which will have important social and labor changes.

Regarding International Health Policy, a great paradox in the USA, although abortion is prohibited in 14 states and restricted in many others, in 2023 there were more abortions than ever, many of them non-instrumental and through the abortion pill, already responsible of 60% of abortions. China is facing a population decline, a phenomenon that has already begun. The one-child policy, in force for 36 years, is only one of the causes of this phenomenon. The European Union is advancing in the approval of pharmaceutical legislation, contemplated with reluctance by both the EFPIA and Medicines for Europe (the two large European pharmaceutical associations). The Lancet sees the upcoming European elections as an opportunity to put health policy higher on the EU agenda.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), three important initiatives of the Ministry of Health: anti-smoking plan, modification of the medical guard regime and waiting lists. In all three cases there may be problems due to the powers and regulations of the autonomous communities. From the point of view of the regions, the OPE of Asturias stands out, which brings together 19,000 candidates. Although logically, temporality was and is a serious problem of public healthcare, which needed a solution, the way to do it through macro-OPE’s (consolidating the position in property, and with hegemony of the administrative and union logic, above the professional and autonomy of organizations) does not seem to be the best. This type of mass examination is more reminiscent of previous calls for the “military service”, when it was in force, than the professional selection for complex organizations, in which the professional qualification, the needs of the different organizations, the projects of the services, etc. should be taken into account.

As for Companies, on an international level, China is seen as the large market for anti-obesity drugs. Bayer wants to renew its portfolio, entering into cell and genetic therapies. As for Spain, the CNMV has released its report on Grifols, with several objections to its accounts. Faes Farma is preparing to grow in Latin America. For its part, DKV, the health insurer, wants to concentrate on group insurance.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (March 11th-17th, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, a revolutionary blood test stands out that manages to detect colon cancer in early stages and, consequently, reduce the number of deaths. Early diagnosis of this cancer can prevent most deaths, possibly 73% of them. But this requires regular screening in adults. There are two options: colonoscopy every ten years or fecal test every three. Both are unpleasant procedures, the first involving the introduction of a tube into the rectum and the second manipulating the stool itself. But something much simpler is on the horizon: a simple blood test. AI can revolutionize clinical trials, a fundamental basis for the progress of medicine. Just as Moore’s law was known in computing (the information capacity in a circuit grew every two years and at a lower price), in clinical trials in 2012 Eroom’s law was defined, which is just the opposite, since in the 60s In previous years, the number of drugs placed on the market per 1 billion invested was reduced by half every nine years. Half of this time and money was dedicated to clinical trials. AI can disrupt this law by helping to manage clinical trials, including developing protocols, recruiting patients, and analyzing data.

As far as Global Health is concerned, alterations of the nervous system are the most frequent cause of poor health. Neurological diseases such as stroke, dementia and migraine constitute the largest global cause of disease burden. This is related to increased life expectancy. However, if we adjust the data with age, we see that between 1990 and 2021, the number of neurological problems decreased by 27% and the number of deaths by 34%, in that 31-year period. Impressive Egypt success story with hepatitis. In Egypt at the beginning of the 20th century, most of the population worked on farms in contact with the Nile, a source of schistosomiasis, which affected 60% of the population. A treatment was implemented, but without single-use needles. This generated a very high prevalence of hepatitis C, which was reduced in just a decade from 2014. The secret was the free tests and treatment for everyone, with Gilead medication, after having negotiated the price with this company.

In terms of International Health Policy, the NEJM analyzes the effects of vertical integration in American medicine. Vertical integration (purchase of medical practices by hospitals) is unstoppable in the USA. We don’t know the consequences well. In theory it should improve coordination, facilitate the exchange of information and develop economies of scale. But, in practice, what has been seen is an increase in prices. It is urgent to study the consequences of this phenomenon. Macron, after a broad national debate, which included a citizens’ convention, supports the law on the end of life, which must still be approved in Parliament. An impressive debate took place in France on this topic for several months, just the opposite of what happened in Spain where such a transcendental issue was processed as a bill (avoiding the opinions required by the bills) and with hardly any national debate, as if it were a question of modifying the VAT on some product. Agreement in the EU for the regulations on the European Health Data Space, which will allow access to clinical information to any EU patient in all the countries of the Union, as well as the use of this information for research. A great step that, however, will take time to implement, given the very different and heterogeneous development of healthcare digitalization in EU countries.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the debate continues on the purchase of masks during the pandemic, another example of the more than deficient management of Covid-19 that occurred in Spain. The Minister of Health presents her plans in the Senate. Ambitious battery of health measures: mental health; Public Health Agency; climate change; smoking, sexually transmitted diseases; waiting lists, among other issues. We will see how this agenda progresses, since changes in healthcare are never easy. The health insurers involved in MUFACE (Adeslas, Asisa and DKV) request a renewal of the contract admitting 20% less of the public sector capital without pharmacy, which would mean an increase of 50% on the current capital. They also ask for some system of indexing the capital to the evolution of the public sector. Possibly the extension of the budgets represents an obstacle to the renegotiation of the agreement. Interesting initiative: the Council of Ministers approves a commercial pioneer of advanced therapies with public/private capital, whose promoter and shareholder is the CDTI (50% of the shares), as well as Insud and Rovi (25% each of them). The goal is to develop advanced therapies. It is included in the PERTE and, together, will mobilize 74 million euros.

As for Companies, internationally, recovery of mergers in the pharmaceutical industry in 2023. Psychedelic therapies, in the focus of investors. At the national level, AstraZeneca’s big commitment to Catalonia, where it will invest 1.3 billion until 2027.


Global Health

International health policy

  • USA
    • The unknown health of the candidates for President in the USA. Everything is based on speculation. There is no official system to know the real health situation of either the presidents or the candidates. An attempt to create an expert body on the topic failed as recently as 2017 (
    • The Lancet analyzes Biden’s health priorities in the State of the Union address. Commitment to women’s reproductive health; lowering drug prices, expanding Obamacare, preventing gun violence, among the most important priorities (
    • The effects of vertical integration in American medicine. Vertical integration (purchase of medical practices by hospitals) is unstoppable in the USA. We don’t know the consequences well. In theory it should improve coordination, facilitate the exchange of information and develop economies of scale. But, in practice, what has been seen is an increase in prices. It is urgent to study the consequences of this phenomenon (
  • France
    • Macron supports the “end of life” bill, which will be discussed by Parliament in May. The term “assisted in dying” is used, rather than euthanasia or assisted suicide, which are considered more controversial. If approved, France will join the few European countries (Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Spain) that have regulated this issue (

National health policy

  • Advanced therapies trading company


7 days in healthcare (February 19th-25th, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the mega-study of 250,000 genomes made public by the National Health Institutes of the USA stands out. This is in line with carrying out genome studies combining it with electronic medical record data from very large groups initiated in the United Kingdom by Genomics England and also developed in Iceland and Japan. A very promising way to improve knowledge of many diseases. New treatments for type 1 diabetes, based on the transplant of insulin-producing beta cells, obtained from stem cells, neutralizing the immune reaction. Gene therapy is the great promise for many rare diseases, currently without treatment. The problem to be solved is the high price of the treatments. At the present time, saying breast or prostate cancer is almost saying nothing. The treatment of tumors is no longer based on their anatomical origin, but rather on their molecular characterization. Bispecific antibodies that act on two targets at the same time, useful in hematological and solid tumors. The FDA approves a drug to prevent the amputation of fingers and limbs.

As far as Global Health is concerned, long covid was understood as a sequel to covid, but an article in The Economist states that covid is not the only infectious disease that leaves pathological conditions that are difficult to label. An article in Health Affairs places the solution to the obesity epidemic as a joint effort of prevention and treatment.

In terms of International Health Policy, more than half of USA’s rural hospitals do not offer childbirth services, which means that pregnant women have to be treated in centers located 30-40 minutes from their home, sometimes more. This is related to the high maternal and infant mortality in the USA, higher than that of most developed countries. The 4th anniversary of Brexit encourages the debate about whether it was good or bad for the National Health Service. The truth is that the NHS is worse now than before Brexit (waiting lists, professional strikes, etc.) and the difficulty of recruiting health professionals from the EU has increased. The investigation was also damaged. Increasing funding for the NHS was one of the arguments used by Brexiteers. France addresses the carbon footprint in the health system, within the general “France Nation Verte” program. Germany legalizes recreational cannabis, with one of the most liberal laws in Europe, after Malta and Luxembourg. More than controversial attempt in Germany to take control of non-communicable diseases from the Robert Koch Institute, one of the most prestigious organizations in German health, to give it to another organization, created as a result of covid. The European Medicines Agency recommends approving a drug against ALS.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), as a result of a specific scandal, the entire problem of purchasing masks and other materials during covid is introduced into the national debate. Precisely everything related to the purchase of these materials was somewhat overlooked by the report “Evaluation of the Performance of the Spanish National Health System in the face of the covid-19 pandemic”, dated April 30, 2023, although published by the Ministry of Health in December of that year. It is already serious that an issue such as the problems of purchasing materials are not analyzed in the report, as if this had not been one of the most serious problems in the management of covid. The PNV requests the return of the text of the Public Health Agency law. That this law was going to have problems with the nationalist parties, always opposed to the creation of cohesion bodies in the National Health System, was something known. Surely this will mean delays in the appearance of the law and, what may be more serious, affect its content and functions. There is a risk that the announced Agency will be little more than an empty shell. The government creates the Extreme Temperature Observatory to analyze the health impact of climate change. The Basque Country approves a new Mental Health Plan 2023-2028. The EU denounces the high level of interim contracts in the Spanish public health system. At the current time, 43% of contracts are interim.

As for Companies, internationally, AstraZeneca reveals successes in the treatment of lung cancer. Indian drugmakers make versions of Novo Nordisk’s anti-obesity drug. At the national level, Sanitas intends to open a new hospital in Barcelona. Fever of construction of private hospitals in Valencia: Vithas, Quirón, IMED and Ascires in that race.


Global Health

International health policy

  • United Kingdom and the National Health Service
    • Brexit and health. January 31, 2024 was celebrated as the 4th anniversary of the United Kingdom’s effective departure from the European Union. The Lancet asks whether or not that was good for the NHS, with two possible answers: the easy one, which says there is no evidence; and the difficult one, which confirms that the NHS is in fact worse now than before, as demonstrated by the long waiting lists and the continuous strikes by health professionals. What is certain is that it has become difficult to recruit doctors from the EU. At present, the majority of foreign doctors hired in the NHS are from outside the EU. Research plans were also negatively altered. (
    • The government changes its policy and plans to double the number of medical students in 2031 (

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (January 22nd-28th, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, highlight the article by Dr. Topol, famous American cardiologist and doctor, who says how generative AI can contribute to significantly reducing medical errors, which cause hundreds of thousands of deaths a year in the United States and around the world. An initial cancer screening seems to be making its way through a simple blood test, taking advantage of the sharing of certain molecular characteristics in all cancers. The University of Gothenburg in Sweden is developing a blood test for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

With regard to Global Health, an editorial in The Lancet refers to the economic problems in low- and middle-income countries in addressing health expenditures, given the great weight of debt interest, which is why it proposes as a solution its condonation. The first mass malaria vaccination begins in Africa. Universal healthcare in Tanzania. Universal coverage, long exclusive to Europe and high-income countries (with the exception of the United States), is now spreading to developing countries as well.

In terms of International Health Policy, the next American elections in 2024 already show what could be the priority issues during the campaign for Democrats and Republicans. For the former, reducing the high price of prescription drugs and women’s health (with pro-choice options); for Republicans, overcoming covid-19 and drug overdose. It does not seem that the repeal of Obamacare, which has reached a record of 21 million affiliates, is going to be a priority in the Republican campaign.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), presentation by Minister Mónica García of her priorities in the Congressional health commission. Laws against alcohol consumption in young people and to protect direct public management in public healthcare. Announcement of the legalization of cannabis and increase in the portfolio of services in “dental” and “visual health”. The imminent approval of the Public Health Agency and the reform of the Framework Statute in 2024 are announced. In relation to this last point, it was announced that negotiations are being carried out with the unions and the communities. And what about the professionals? Don’t they have anything to say on this topic? Important announcement by the Ministry of the genetic portfolio of the National Health System, to be launched gradually throughout 2024. Health maps are being reformed and simplified in several communities: Aragón, Cantabria, Valencian Community and Asturias . It is striking that the reforms are promoted by PP governments in the first three communities, while the reform in Asturias, sponsored by a PSOE government, is opposed by the PP. Catalonia promotes the discussion of a National Health Pact. Among other issues, the elimination of the statutory personnel regime is proposed. Possibly this change cannot be made legally from an autonomous community, but the much-needed idea and the opening of the discussion are welcome.

As for Companies, at the international level, Novo Nordisk and Lilly find themselves with a new player in their battle regarding obesity: the Danish biotech company Zeland Pharma. When it comes to national news, the problems with Grifols continue. Interesting article in Expansión on professionalization and corporate governance in family businesses.


Global Health

International health policy

  • USA
    • Article in JAMA: Focus on health problems in the 2024 American elections. It seems that health care is going to be very present in the American elections. Democrats’ issues are lowering prescription drug prices and women’s health (with pro-choice options); while the Republican issues are overcoming covid-19 and drug overdoses and border control policies in this regard. Despite Trump’s criticism of the Obamacare law, repealing the law is unlikely to be made a campaign priority (
    • Obamacare enrollment boom, reaching 21 million in 2024 (

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (December 25th-31st, 2023). Happy New Year



From the point of view of Biomedicine, 2023 definitely seems to be the year where the great impact of artificial intelligence on health has become completely clear. The example of a stethoscope that incorporates AI and substantially modifies the one invented 200 years ago is nothing more than an example of this great change. Scientific journals explore what 2023 has represented (anti-obesity medications and awareness of the impact of climate change on health, among others), as well as analyze the advances that are foreseen for 2024 (surely the HIV vaccine and the cure cholesterol, among many others).

Regarding Global Health, The Lancet dedicates its last issue of 2023 to exposing a series of photos related to health experiences in Nigeria.

Regarding International Health Policy, an interesting article in JAMA magazine that will cause controversy: it relates the increase in medical errors in American hospitals to their acquisition by private equity companies. It is one year since the end of the covid-zero policy in China and the Financial Times analyzes how that experience is remembered in that society.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), our country says goodbye to 2023 with the experience of three different Ministers of Health (Darias, Miñones and now García). It is evident that this dance of ministers (in 45 years there have been 28 Ministers of Health) can guarantee, in the best of cases, the continuity of the “ordinary administration”, but not the promotion of large renewing projects of change. SESPAS asks the Ministry to launch the Public Health Agency in 2024. The Ministry of Health of the Regional Government of Andalusia has experienced a serious crisis that led to the resignation of both the Vice-Minister and the Manager of the SAS. It seems that the underlying issue was the approach to addressing the waiting list and the involvement or not of the private sector in that resolution. If so, regardless of the anecdote of this moment, what it reflects is a very deep problem: the absence of a clear policy towards the private health sector on the part of the Popular Party. Madrid wants to promote a pharmaceutical hub, an issue in which Catalonia is by far in the lead.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, the great growth of the hair transplant market stands out, which already moves 8.7 billion euros annually. It seems that it is a nascent industry, but on the rise. The fever of anti-obesity drugs has meant that there are now 188 candidates, of which 25 are in advanced phase (III or IV). When it comes to national news, the fever of corporate operations in hospitals continues. Ribera, Quirón, Viamed and Vithas, the great protagonists.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (November 27th-December 3rd, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the New England Journal of Medicine begins a series on the usefulness of wearable technology, the set of devices or instruments that are worn and transmit information about health, which could be useful in monitoring , diagnosis and treatment of various diseases or clinical situations. There is every impression that this technology will be part of the future and what the NEJM intends is to clarify its usefulness and indications in various diseases and specialties, starting with diabetes. Regarding CAR-T therapies, until now used in hematological processes, it is envisioned that they could also be useful in solid tumors.

Regarding Global Health, great prominence of the issue of health in the COP28 meeting, from two perspectives: the reduction of CO2 emissions, which can be harmful to health; and the emissions from the health system itself, which is a major polluter. It is confirmed in a new and extensive study carried out in Australia that the younger generations have worse mental health.

Regarding International Health Policy, in the United States an executive order by President Biden on AI, not specifically directed at the health sector, will, however, have an impact on this sector and the Ministry of Health is already preparing specific regulations. In China, it seems to be ruled out that the increase in respiratory infections is due to a new virus, but rather to common bacteria and viruses. The United Kingdom’s genetic database, UK Biobank, is about to reveal results, which seem to have an impact on new therapies. In France the price of a pack of tobacco is rising, despite this country’s failures in the fight against smoking. The new conservative government of New Zealand annuls the 2022 law, which prohibited the sale of tobacco from 2027. Austria launches a new health reform, which reinforces the digital route as access to the health system. Concern of several health groups in Argentina, given the health announcements of the new president-elect, Javier Milei.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the government of the Generalitat of Catalonia reactivates the results center, a model initiative in terms of transparency in the health sector, which had been largely paralyzed since the “procés”. All the data until 2022 has already been presented. Biosim demands new forms of purchasing and management adapted to biosimilars. Problems in the last research institute recognized by the Carlos III Health Institute, that of Asturias. Strong tensions for months between the management of ISPA (the Health Research Institute of the Principality of Asturias) and FINBA, a Foundation with a majority of private companies, which seeks to exercise control over ISPA. Unusual proposal from the Catalan medical colleges, which aims to introduce a “quota” for non-Catalans who aspire to study medicine in Catalonia.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, AstraZeneca is allying itself with AI Biologics. The linking of pharmaceutical companies with AI companies seems to be a general trend. At the national level, Vivanta confirms an ERE.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy





7 days in healthcare (November 20th-26th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, in the United Kingdom an initiative aims to be able to produce medicines for individual patients in less than a year. According to the National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER) of the United States, artificial intelligence, even with use cases already developed, will produce savings in healthcare expenses between 5-10%. This will offset the rise in other expenses in the sector, such as new medicines and medical technologies.

As far as Global Health is concerned, there is a relationship between the pattern of economic income and obesity, which occurs more in low-income workers, in relation to those with higher incomes. The fight against climate change has already produced some results. The COP28 conference, which will take place starting next week in Dubai, is expected to produce a declaration on climate and health. Polio is about to be eradicated in a few months, but the great challenge is that it does not return, since eradication is not the same as extinction.

Regarding International Health Policy, in its latest issue The Economist dedicates a supplement to forecasts for 2024. Among the 10 general forecasts, there is one that says that in an older world, health expenditures will grow to reach one tenth of global GDP. Among the specific health forecasts, it is noted that the pandemic has led to a growth in public spending on health (up to 80%, starting from 75%). Growth in private activity and an increase in the global pharmaceutical market is expected, with research efforts concentrating on medications against obesity and mRNA patents. In the United States, there is evidence of the inadequacy of private health insurance to provide financial security to the elderly for long-term care. Important agreement in the United Kingdom between the NHS and pharmaceutical companies, with which an annual growth in spending on medicines of 4% is agreed until 2027. Surely, an example for many countries, including Spain. Also in the United Kingdom, an agreement between the NHS and community pharmacies for the provision of a series of services, which will mean a large reduction in consultations in Primary Care. The health insurance boom in the United Kingdom, due to the problems of the NHS, is revealing certain limitations of private health insurance to meet demand. Something similar to what happens in Spain. Important document from the WHO (European region) and the Observatory on health systems, in which several governments participate, including the Spanish one, talking about the convenience of the participation of the private sector in the public health service, establishing the requirements for this to be successful. European countries warn of the health problems of climate change, since Europe is the continent in which temperatures have risen the most.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), new change in the Ministry of Health. Going to minister for a year or less does not seem like the best formula to address the long-term challenges of healthcare, without prejudice to the qualities of the new minister, which will have to be observed. Record in the waiting list, after the publication of the lists as of June 30 by the Ministry of Health. Important study on obesity in Spain published by the Carlos III Health Institute and AESAN, which demonstrates the relationship between the level of obesity and the postal district. A study by the Institute of Fiscal Studies shows that between the beginning of 2020 and the end of 2022, the number of doctors in the SNS has decreased by 17,000, despite the fact that the number of staff has increased globally. The Valencian Community launches a specific competition for positions that are difficult to fill. Aside from the approach of the tender, it is good that the specificities of this type of places are taken into account. There is no doubt that the standardizing approach to personnel policy does not allow us to solve certain problems, such as what are now called difficult-to-fill positions. Farmaindustria carries out, in collaboration with scientific societies, a study on clinical research in Primary Care. We are a powerhouse in clinical research in hospitals and there is no doubt that the bases of this success must be extended to other environments.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, problems in Bayer with a sharp drop in the stock, which the CEO of this company attributes to a limited pipeline, a consequence of a lack of effort in investment. At the national level, Vithas confirms its new hospital project in Valencia. For its part, Sanitas announces an investment to grow in nursing homes.


Global Health

International health policy

  • European Union
    • European countries warn of the health problem of climate change. It is estimated that last summer there were 62,000 deaths in Europe due to heat, since this is the continent with the highest temperature rises. 18 member states ask the European Commission and ECDC for action (

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (November 6th-12th, 2023)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, Victor R. Fuchs, a pioneer of health economics and possibly the most recognized and prestigious health economist in the world, dies. He always defended universal health coverage for the United States, although he was very aware of the difficulties of its implementation, due, among other circumstances that he explained, to the heterogeneity of American society. And it must be said that he was not wrong in that. The FDA has just approved an oral drug based on the intestinal microbiome, a new horizon in medicine.

As far as Global Health is concerned, although tuberculosis is preventable and treatable, it continues to be the infectious disease with the most mortality globally, after a short period of time in which it was covid. But 40% of the world’s population with tuberculosis is not treated.

In terms of International Health Policy, it seems that the covid pandemic did not damage developed economies as much as initially thought. This seems to be deduced from studies of initials from the United Kingdom and Italy. The EFPIA, the pharmaceutical industry’s association, continues to complain that the new European legislation could end incentives for innovation and put Europe in an even worse relative position than the one it already has with respect to the USA and China. The OECD has just published “Health at a Glance 2023”, a must-read.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the agreements of the PSOE and Junts (and also those signed with the PNV for the Basque Country and with the BNG for Galicia) contemplate the transfer of powers over the MIR (and in the case of the Basque Country also of the issuance of titles). Some say that constitutional values and democratic principles have been subordinated in the investiture agreements. Obviously, this does not happen with the MIR, but an important value is put at risk: the cohesion of the National Health System, based, among other issues, on the uniformity of the training system and recognition of titles and specialties, being , on the other hand, a highly recognized system. 11 public hospitals appear to be starting a lung cancer screening program. Since this procedure is not recognized in the SNS service portfolio, the innocent question is: who pays for this? Or is it simply a pilot program with special funding? The Community of Madrid proposes a modification of the current Law of Good Government, which required the appointment of managers of health centers by competition and which at the time was approved by broad consensus, to another system that allows the direct appointment of these positions by part of the SERMAS Board of Directors.

In relation to Companies, at the international level, the battle between pharmaceutical companies in relation to obesity continues (the main players are NovoNordisk, Lilly and AstraZeneca). Amazon is relaunching in health, providing health services through One Medical to its premium customers. At the national level, great growth in the 22nd year of dental, ophthalmological and aesthetic clinics. The purchase of the Eugin assisted reproduction clinics from Fresenius by KKR and GED is completed. The latter retains the business in Spain, while KKR will integrate the international business into IVI RMA.


Global Health

International health policy

  • United Kingdom and the National Health Service
  • OECD
    • The OECD publishes “Health at a glance 2023”. Main conclusions: healthcare systems are under severe financial pressure; there has been no complete recovery after covid; unhealthy lifestyles cause millions of deaths; Access barriers persist, despite universal coverage in most OECD countries; the quality of care is improving; digital health has immense potential (

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (August 21st-27th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, to highlight the results of the devices that read the brain and allow certain people to speak using their thoughts. In September the Human Brain Project will be presented, the most ambitious research project financed by the European Union. The British NICE recommends stool tests to be carried out at home for colorectal cancer screening.

As regards Global Health, the journal Science analyzes how climate change can amplify epidemics and give rise to new pandemics.

Regarding International Health Policy, important developments in the USA: the CDC establishes new standards for the approach to sepsis in hospitals; large increase in sex change surgeries in recent years; AstraZeneca is suing the American government for its plans to negotiate the price of medicines, which reflects the great tension between the pharmaceutical industry and the American government, which next week will reveal the 10 medicines on which the price is going to be negotiated; and, a large increase in mental health spending after the pandemic, something that is not expected to change. The British Nuffield Trust analyze the income of English doctors in the various categories. The WHO launches an interesting digital health initiative.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the Ministry of Public Health publish in the BOE the call for specialized health training with places for doctors, pharmacists, nurses, psychologists, chemists, biologists and physicists. The Ministry also publishes a very complete analysis on the relevance of lung cancer screening. Although it has been said that the Ministry refuses to implement this screening, the truth is that it has limited itself to publishing the report, which will be analyzed by the Interterritorial Council. In Europe there is no public system that has programs of this type in place. The positions of the Scientific Societies must be heard, but they are not the only ones to consider, taking into account that these Societies usually support everything that favors the activity of the respective specialty. But in these types of decisions, many circumstances must be weighed, including cost/effectiveness. Important confrontation between doctors and health insurers in Seville, which will take place throughout September. Some complaints from physicians have been made public in relation to the SELENE computer program, which is widely implemented in the hospital public sector. A subject on which it is difficult to pronounce, but clearly to follow, due to its importance. Having a user-friendly, fast computer application with innovative features is essential for medical practice.

In the field of Companies, internationally, it seems that Roche and MSD will lead the billing of pharmaceutical companies in the next five years. As far as national news is concerned, Europe is not opposed for competition reasons to the agreement between Esteve and Lubea.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy
