7 days in healthcare (August 29th-September 4th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the great impact of the study by scientists from the University of Oviedo, who have studied the genes of a species of jellyfish, which incorporates rejuvenation elements in its life cycle, should be highlighted.

With regard to Global Health, historical decline in life expectancy in the United States, which went to 76 years in 2021, compared to 79 in 2019. The covid, the main responsible, although not the only one. Presumably we will see a similar phenomenon in Europe and in Spain.

Regarding International health policy, both the FDA and the EMA approve the covid vaccine boosters, despite some questions that have been pointed out by the journal Science. In the UK, long waiting lists in the public sector are leading to a boom in direct payment systems for healthcare.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the two most relevant issues are the approval of the bill that creates the Spanish Public Health Agency, subject to hearing and public information; and the draft Law on Abortion, which has very controversial elements, such as abortion in women aged 16-18 without information or parental consent; conscientious objection for doctors (on whose regulation the WTO has ruled negatively); the obligation to carry out this practice in public centers; and the dispensing of the morning after pill. Surprising statements by the President of the Community of Madrid, who attributes the shortage of doctors to the lack of Faculties of Medicine, contrary to what had been the opinion of the State Confederation of Medical Students and the Conference of Deans of Faculties of Medicine, with the support of the Forum of the Medical Profession. And the fact that only South Korea surpasses Spain in the ratio of Faculties of Medicine per million inhabitants.

In the field of companies, health has jumped into the metaverse with a business of 5,060 million dollars, although we will have to be very attentive to what we call metatarsus. HIPRA starts a trial to study its covid vaccine as a fourth dose.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy
