
7 days in healthcare (15th-21st, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, after an extensive study it is detected that in approximately 1 in 10 cases of multiple sclerosis, antibodies are detected in the blood years before the disease develops. It may be too early to draw conclusions about the repercussions of this finding.

As far as Global Health is concerned, plans to expand vaccine production to Africa are facing serious problems. This follows Moderna’s halt to the construction of a €500 million plant in Kenya, although other schemes continue, such as plans including facilities in Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa, carried out by BioNTech. Producing more vaccines in Africa is a moral imperative, says Martin Friede, head of vaccine research at the WHO. Article in Lancet Americas: Corruption, the greatest threat to healthcare. The cases in Peru as a result of the covid-19 pandemic and in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) are discussed. It seems to be demonstrated, analyzing the experience of the few countries in which cannabis consumption has been legalized for a few years, that its legalization produces an increase in consumption in adults.

In terms of International Health Policy, initiatives in the USA against Chinese biotech companies will harm American patients. The Biosecure Act, which gained bipartisan support in Congress, proposes ending government contracts with biotechnology firms that have agreements with Chinese companies as clients or suppliers. This can greatly harm Americans, since, for example, BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute) is the largest human DNA sequencer in the world and operates in 100 countries. Facilitates the manufacture of prenatal tests and other diagnostic tests. In the United Kingdom, Brexit has exacerbated drug shortages in pharmacies. This is deduced from the study by the Nuffield Trust, a prestigious British health think tank, which released a report analyzing the impact of Brexit on the health system. Also in the United Kingdom there is a report published by Reform, a British think tank committed to public services and the effectiveness of the State, proposing a major organizational change in the health system in England, trying to decentralize and abolishing NHS England, since it is considered that such a centralized system is preventing the transition towards a more preventive model, guided by local needs. The role of NHS England would be assumed by the Department of Health, although with a much more strategic vision. England (with around 57 million people) is considered to be the most centralized healthcare system in Europe, despite devolution processes in Scotland (5.4 million), Wales (3.1 million) and Northern Ireland (1.9 million). This same idea of the problems of large centralization of the NHS is held by Nigel Edwards, former chief executive of the Nuffield Trust and now senior associate. The House of Commons votes in favor of the ban on smoking for those born after 2009, despite the Prime Minister being met with the vote against more than 50 Conservative MPs. A controversial measure whose only precedent is New Zealand and was recently repealed by the new government. In Germany, a commission recommends that abortions be legalized in the first 12 weeks. Although abortions in Germany are regulated by a 153-year-old law and are illegal, in practice they are performed in an accessible way. It is assumed that the current law does not meet current international standards.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the Ministry of Health seems to focus on issues such as the promise to the white tides of the imminent hearing of the Public Management Law; while the Commissioner of Mental Health prepares a guide to reduce psychotropic drugs, as well as launching more than debatable messages such as that “long-term drug treatments kill. These people live 20 years less”, which generated a negative response from Dr. Celso Arango, from the Gregorio Marañón Hospital; or he tries to change the 24-hour guard system, without really knowing how; “green” anesthesia; announcements that possibly, as intended in the United Kingdom, smoking will be banned for those born after 2009; etc. It does not seem that a very varied set of measures on often non-central issues constitute a strategy of anything. While serious underlying problems remain or worsen, such as waiting lists, which in the Ministry’s last publication reached a record of more than 850,000 people waiting. The Zendal Hospital, of the Community of Madrid, admitted one patient a day in 2023. It is increasingly clear that this hospital, launched without a minimum professional planning project, is a clear example of bad governance. The WHO threatens to break its agreement with the Andalusian School of Public Health, if it is diluted in the new Health Institute. The entity warns that the bilateral agreement signed in 1989 is not “transferable” and that, unless it is negotiated again, the collaboration as an associated center “automatically comes to an end.” The plans of the Andalusian Government in relation to the prestigious Andalusian School of Public Health are difficult to understand. Possibly the most regrettable operation underway in public health in Spain at the moment are the famous OPEs. The temporality wants to be resolved with a system of coverage of places with regional calls, not participating in the selection of the professionals nor the hospitals nor, much less, the services involved. There is a risk of destroying the unit and the configuration of services, which in many cases took years to implement. A real shame, much to the taste of the more traditional administration and the unions. In this sense, the 76 service heads of the 12 de Octubre hospital, in Madrid, have sent a letter to the counselor, warning of the problem of disintegration of services as a consequence of the ongoing OPE. We must see, in this sense, the recommendations of the Commission for Social and Economic Reconstruction, in whose opinion approved in Congress, it is committed to a national qualification for medical specialists and local hiring. In the MIR call, the worst figure is for Family Medicine, with 459 free places in the first round, double that in 2023. Making family medicine attractive – salary-wise and professionally – is indeed an emergency to be addressed and a problem important. The newspaper El Mundo reports on the cheapest health insurance. From ASISA (25.99 euros/month) to Sanitas (51.68). In all of them, hospitalization is included, with some form of co-payment. If this isn’t a price war, it certainly looks a lot like one. It is not surprising then that there are problems with rates for hospitals and professionals.

As for Companies, internationally, funds are moving on the board of Novavax, after the failures in the covid vaccine. In terms of national information, AI will revolutionize mental health, generating 2.5 billion euros in Spain. The largest seller of flu vaccines in Spain entrusts its production to Rovi.


Global Health

International health policy

  • USA
    • Philip Morris funds smoking cessation plans. Medscape, a leading health information company in the USA, is accused of having accepted courses financed by this company. The criticism is based on the tobacco industry’s history of ignoring scientific teachings about the dangers of tobacco (
    • American movements against Chinese biotech companies will harm American patients. The Biosecure Act, which gained bipartisan support in Congress, proposes ending government contracts with biotechnology firms that have agreements with Chinese companies as clients or suppliers. This can greatly harm Americans, since, for example, BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute) is the largest human DNA sequencer in the world and operates in 100 countries. Facilitates the manufacture of prenatal tests and other diagnostic tests (
    • Scientists miss action against bird flu outbreaks on American farms (

National health policy

  • Central government initiatives
    • Sánchez announces the expansion of the basic screening portfolio from 7 to 11 detectable diseases ( detectable-diseases.html)
    • García announces to the white tides the imminent hearing of the Public Management Law ( of-the-public-management-law-of-the-sns)
    • The Commissioner of Mental Health prepares a guide to reduce psychotropic drugs, as well as launches more than debatable messages such as that “long-term pharmacological treatments kill. These people live 20 years less”, which generated a negative response from Celso Arango , from the Gregorio Marañón Hospital (


7 days in healthcare (February 26th-Mars 3rd, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, certain advances stand out in the search for a treatment for multiple sclerosis, a disease that affects 1.8 million globally and for which at this time there is no effective therapy. As announced by the president of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, the new drugs will allow many cases of dialysis and transplant to be avoided.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the most worrying thing is the poor perspectives observed regarding the pandemic treaty, the objective that the WHO had proposed for 2024. The obstacles are the accumulation of vaccines and the sharing of knowledge about them, problems of rich countries and companies, respectively. The Lancet warns about the need to strengthen cervical cancer screening, which continues to cause hundreds of thousands of deaths a year, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Warning about ultra-processed foods (cereals, protein bars, soft drinks, and fast food) linked to 32 harmful health effects, including increased risk of vascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, mental illness and premature death.

In terms of International Health Policy, a very serious problem with fentanyl in the United States, which in the last twelve months until September 23 had caused 105,000 deaths in that country. Until now, the policy was aimed primarily at preventing the entry of drugs; some extremist politicians had even proposed invading Mexico to put an end to the gangs. With the current Administration, efforts are directed more towards discouraging its use and treating addicts. Big problem for Republicans in the USA with the decision of the Alabama Supreme Court to declare frozen embryos as “extra-uterine children”, with all the obstacle that this has for the popular procedure of in vitro fertilization, so widespread in the United States as in other developed countries. This Alabama decision seems like a gift to Democrats: “First it was abortion, now it is in vitro fertilization and then it will be birth control,” warned Hillary Clinton. Even Trump was forced to distance himself from this decision. In France, the National Assembly is putting pressure on the pharmaceutical industry regarding the shortage of medicines, forcing laboratories to have a four-month reserve of “medicines of high therapeutic interest.” In order to strengthen drug R&D, the European Union is considering “giving away” a year’s patent to those drugs whose research has been carried out in Europe.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the current Ministry of Health, unlike previous Ministries, wants to get involved in the problems of the SNS, while the previous ones wanted to get involved as little as possible, with the argument that “everything was transferred” . This attitude seems, in principle, positive for the SNS. Another thing is priorities. It seems that among these are the suppression of 24-hour medical guards; addressing waiting lists; and, the State Public Health Agency. Regarding the first issue, the challenge is formidable, since medical guards, regardless of whether they are necessary or not, have become an important salary supplement. It is impossible to address this issue without considering the complements of medical personnel, which is no small issue. Regarding waiting lists, aware that their management corresponds to the communities, it seems that they want to establish a kind of “best practices”, with economic incentives for the communities that apply them. Not an easy matter either. And as for the State Public Health Agency, the ministry seems to have reached an agreement with the PNV and Junts, for the withdrawal of their amendments to the law. Let us hope that this agreement does not go against the strength and operation of the new Agency. For its part, SESPAS, the Spanish Society of Public Health, has published an interesting document on the characteristics that this body should have, with 11 very interesting recommendations. The Economic and Social Council of Spain (CES) publishes a report on the health system. Although the report is well prepared, it is difficult to find anything new in it that has not already been said or any innovative proposal. Taking advantage of the day of rare diseases (although it is now preferred to call them minority) the Spanish Association of Orphan and Ultra-orphan Drug Laboratories releases a report on the situation of these drugs in Spain. Much has been improved, although there is still room to advance. Both the La Paz hospital in Madrid and the Sant Joan de Deu in Barcelona launch special units to treat this type of illness.

As for Companies, on an international level, the Danish Zealand Pharma, a new relevant player in the field of obesity. On the national level, Viamed will launch a comprehensive unit for women in its hospital in Tarragona. New punishment in the Grifols Stock Market.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy

  • 24 hour guards
    • The Ministry of Health wants to end 24-hour medical guards this term. The Ministry will study the legislative framework that the autonomous communities can apply. The aim is to organize it by hospitals and without losing salary, since the guards can represent up to a quarter of the professionals’ salary. The challenge is formidable, since it must be implemented by the autonomous communities, it involves a reorganization of hundreds of services, an increase in staff and addressing the complements of medical personnel (
  • Economic and Social Council (CES) report on the health system
    • Report from the CES on the health system. Among the recommendations it supports public health and prevention; specify and update the SNS service portfolio; make Primary Care the true axis of the system; confront waiting lists; strengthen the comprehensive mental health model; enhance the quality of pharmaceutical provision; promote the planning and reinforcement of human resources of the SNS; reinforce patient participation; contribution of the private for-profit and non-profit sector; improvement of system management and evaluation (




7 days in healthcare (September 4th-10th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, in an editorial article, the Financial Times comments on the promise of anti-obesity drugs. Despite the clear benefits of the new drugs, there are unresolved issues: first, the limited knowledge of long-term effects; second, the drug is initially expensive. Private patients in the UK are expected to pay £300 a month; and, third, medications should be a complement rather than a substitute for general lifestyle measures. The first human organ created in an animal opens the door to manufacturing spare parts for people.

With regard to Global Health, the new director of Africa CDC publishes in Nature magazine the new policy guidelines of this body, aimed at addressing public health problems in Africa.

Regarding International Health Policy, it is confirmed that the latest versions of the vaccines are prepared for the new variants. Profound administrative reform of healthcare in Portugal, driven by the socialist government and, specifically, by the SNS administrator appointed about a year ago, Fernando Araujo. 31 management units (ULS, local health units) are created, which will be public business entities, with a board of directors, and a financing model in which money follows the patient. All hospitals will be assigned to one of these units. Strong criticism for the government’s secrecy in this reform, which has been carried out without prior consultation. The doctors’ order says that the reform will be a “complete disaster.” Despite what has been said, the reform has nothing to do with an implementation of the Spanish Alzira model in Portugal, but it is a public reform. Although some of the measures (business configuration of the management units, board of directors, new financing model in which money follows the patient) “sound good”, the truth is that a reform of this caliber carried out no longer without consensus political but without even public debate it is more than doubtful that it can be successful. He also questions the government’s idea of “getting out of the way” of healthcare by delegating changes to an “administrator.”

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), commitment of the Ministry of Health with the measures agreed with the pharmaceutical industry, with the participation even of President Sánchez, to ensure the investment of 8 billion euros. It seems that the conditions are to improve access to medicines; enhance R&D; increase industrial capacities and create supply chains for resilient drugs. Although it is logical and desirable for the government to be “business friendly” with companies in general and with pharmaceutical companies in particular, it is doubtful that such an explicit agreement is the best path for both parties. On the other hand, it must not be forgotten, in view of the government’s commitments, that we are in full discussion of European pharmaceutical policy. Certain relevant changes in the Community of Madrid: possibility of requesting any test from Primary Care and facility for non-EU doctors to work in Madrid. The Royal Decree approving the specialty of emergencies comes out in public hearing, something long awaited and promised, but no less controversial and debatable. The general director of Pharmacy, César Hernández, says that “we do not have a general problem of access to medicines”, which can also be controversial in certain environments.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, Novonordisk becomes the most valuable company in Europe according to market capitalization. Lilly tries to get ahead of Novordisk in the obesity market. Regarding national news, HM Hospitales expands its offer in Madrid with a new polyclinic in an area of intense growth such as Vadebebas.


Global Health

  • New public health model in Africa. Article in Nature by Jean Kaseya, the new director of Africa CDC. 6 proposals: local manufacture of vaccines; improved tracking system; integrated health systems; laboratory network; emergency response design; robust national institutes of public health (
  • Cancers in young people (under 50) have risen by 80% in the last three decades, including breast, lung, stomach and colorectal cancers. ( Original article in the BMJ:

International Health Policy

  • Portugal
    • Deep administrative reform of healthcare, promoted by the socialist government. 31 management units (ULS, local health units) are created, which will be public business entities, with a board of directors, and a financing model in which money follows the patient. All hospitals will be assigned to one of these units. Strong criticism for the government’s secrecy in this reform, which has been carried out without prior consultation. The doctors’ order says that the reform will be a “complete disaster.” The reform is attributed to Fernando Araujo, the SNS administrator appointed by the government last year (

National health policy





7 days in healthcare (December 5th-11th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, an emotional farewell in the New York Times of the “young” (81 years old), Anthony Fauci, who had such a presence in our homes throughout the years of the pandemic. Without a doubt, his scientific contributions are notable, but it is not a minor merit that he has contradicted President Trump on several occasions in the honest exercise of his office, something unusual in our environment. A new type of biomarkers seems to open the doors to the possible diagnosis of different types of cancer at an early stage with a simple blood test.

With regard to Global Health, to highlight the serious problems of diabetes, which continues to grow; and suicide, which is increasing markedly among young Americans, although, as the WHO says, it is in Africa where there are the highest suicide rates in the world.

Regarding International Health Policy, China continues to distance itself from the covid-zero policy, although we will see the increasing consequences of covid mortality. Labor problems continue in the NHS, with several strikes announced. Macron promises free condoms for minors and young people up to 25 years of age. Several initiatives in the field of health of the European Union, which makes health more and more a European Union policy, without prejudice to the fact that the management of national health services is the responsibility of the Member States.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), in terms of covid, the incidence continues to decrease, what has not completely decreased is mortality (314 deaths in the last week). The strikes continue in the Primary Care of Madrid, without it seeming that the negotiations are progressing. The results of the Third Wave (2022) of the Health Barometer appear, which well deserves a careful analysis. Spain is the European Union country that performs the most instrumental deliveries, according to the “European Perinatal Health Report” (2015-2019).

In the field of Companies, at the international level, an important initiative by Pfizer to increase production in Europe, something necessary as seen during the pandemic and the difficulties for Europe to fully depend on production in Asia. Spin off of GE Healthcare from General Electric. Regarding national news, it should be noted that Blackrock increases its stake in Grifols.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy


HM Hospitales: how to go from one hospital to 20, while maintaining the character of a family business



On October 3, 2022, a breakfast with Juan Abarca Cidón, President of HM Hospitales, took place as part of the series “Breakfasts with health sector leaders“, organized by Roland Berger.

A summary of the breakfast content is as follows:

The origins

It all started thanks to the drive of Dr. Juan Abarca Campal, a visionary surgeon with a great passion for caring for the sick; who, in collaboration with his wife, Dr. Carmen Cidón Tamargo, more focused on management, promoted the creation of the San Pedro hospital, later renamed HM Madrid, in the Plaza Conde del Valle Suchil.

This hospital made it possible to establish the seeds of the vision of what would later be the HM Hospitales network. It meant a revolution in terms of the ways of doing private medicine in Madrid at that time, based on the freedom of prescription of the doctor of studies and treatments and the co-responsibility of clinicians with the hospital. Let us remember that in the private hospitals of the time the doctors would operate in the afternoon and there were no emergencies.

A large part of the processes were subsequently designed over the course of 18 months by Juan Abarca Cidón himself at the Hospital de Montepríncipe, the second hospital launched, where he began his management journey in the Group.

Key elements of the vision

  • Hierarchical hospitals, with a department head in charge of the medical specialties, in contrast to the “open” model, in force until then in private hospitals
  • Emphasis on quality (Montepríncipe was the first Spanish hospital with ISO accreditation for the entire hospital)
  • Hospital organization based on medical directors, with territorial directors
  • Highest level of synergies, both healthcare and corporate
  • All the hospitals work in a network, both locally (in each of the four networks that the Group currently has) and nationally
  • Facultative Board, in all hospitals
  • Computer integration, with a single medical record
  • Teaching and research vocation, in order to attract talent
  • HM Institute, to promote training for medium and higher grade sanitary technicians
  • HM Hospitales research foundation, although HM tried to present itself to be a Research Institute recognized by the Carlos III Health Institute, they were not authorized because it is a private group

A growth in network

A very original element of HM Hospitales is that they do not have hospitals scattered throughout the territory, but rather a network growth. At this moment they have four networks: in Madrid, Galicia, León, Barcelona and Málaga, as seen in the following diagram:


Comprehensive centers

Another originality, from the private sphere, is the promotion of comprehensive centers, which group the entire set of resources around diseases or highly prevalent care needs.

Currently there are four comprehensive centers:

  • Comprehensive Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (in Madrid and Barcelona)
  • Clara Campal Comprehensive Oncology Center (Madrid and Barcelona)
  • Integral Center of Neurosciences AC (Madrid and Barcelona)
  • HM Fertility Center (Madrid)

A new commitment to eye health has recently been made, launching the HM Eye Center.

The residences

The Group has 5 residences. The objective is to facilitate continuity of care.

Transparency as a value

A very striking characteristic of HM hospitals, and exceptional among private Spanish hospitals and even among public ones, is the publication of their results on the web, both in terms of activity and incorporating some quality indicators.

Their records have allowed them to have a centralized database of COVID patients, which they have made available to society.

Some facts of interest

The Group’s second hospital was the Montepríncipe hospital, a complete success, reaching 5,500 deliveries. Subsequently, together with the Torrelodones hospital (the 3rd in the Group, opened in 2003) they reached 7,000 deliveries per year.

The San Francisco Hospital, in León, is the only private hospital in Spain with its own bone and tissue bank.

The Group has more than 600,000 emergencies.

A very notable investment (9 million) was made to provide an animal facility for Dr. Obeso’s research team, at the Integral Center for Neurosciences.

The clients

HM has 92% of its patients coming from insurers, fleeing from the public tender.

The new projects

After 16 years of collaboration with the CEU, they have recently changed their university partner, starting a new project with the Camilo José Cela University, with the aim of having their own university in health sciences. They already have MIR in 9 specialties. The Group also has an agreement with Chile and Colombia to train nurses, doing the last year of their studies in  hospitals of the Group. Teaching and research are part of the DNA of HM Hospitales.

In Rivas (Madrid) HM Hospitales will soon open a hospital with an attached residence.

The internationalization of patients

HM through HM International, another Group company, attracts patients from other parts of the world, particularly from Eastern European and Arab countries.

Some elements on the philosophy of the Group

The philosophy of HM Hospitales is:

  • 1st. First things first, the patients. Offering them the best care is the main objective of the Group
  • 2nd. Have fun and add value to society, trying to improve it
  • 3rd. Earn money, for the freedom it offers

Within this last point, in 2020 they billed 600 million euros, of which 60% was in Madrid, where 85% of EBIDTA is obtained.

7 days in healthcare (October, 3rd-9th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to review the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, won by Svante Pääbo, a scientist who is recognized for his studies on the DNA of human ancestors, which allows us to better understand genetic evolution towards the “homo sapiens”. It seems that a study with Artificial Intelligence of the eye will help predict coronary risk in minutes, without the need for blood tests or other studies.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is believed that malaria could be definitively eradicated from the world, with the help of new vaccines.

As for international health policy, alerts in Europe about avian flu and diphtheria, brought by immigrants from Africa and Asia. To highlight the changes in Portugal, which incorporate an independent team to the management of the SNS.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the rise in covid cases prevents the Interterritorial Council from approving the abolition of masks on public transport. The health items in the General State Budgets are analyzed with a magnifying glass in the professional press, despite the low weight of the expenses of the Central Administration in the total health expenses. However, it allows to detect some priorities for the Ministry, although the economic items are usually below the challenges: primary care, genomic portfolio, mental health, dental care, primary care infrastructure, etc. The CEOE charges against the Equity Law, which it describes as “unprecedented risk”. The debates and controversies continue in relation to the delays in the incorporation of pharmaceutical innovation in Spain. However, these debates do not usually consider that the approval by the EMA of a medicine does not mean automatic public financing in Spain, according to article 92 of the Law on Guarantees and rational use of medicines, which establishes the “financing selective and not indiscriminate” according to a series of criteria, which are established. AESEG and BIOSIM no longer agree with the plan approved a couple of years ago on generics and biosimilars, but want the new approaches to be included in the Guarantees Law.

In the field of companies, in the international arena, BioNTech signs an agreement with Australia, for the establishment of research centers in that country. As for national news, the growing weight of online pharmacy (prescription drugs excluded by law). HM reinforces itself in Andalusia, incorporating four hospitals in Malaga into its network.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy

  • General State Budgets (impact on health)



7 days in healthcare (September 12th-18th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, immunotherapy (in colon cancer) and CAR-T therapies (in lupus) continue to expand their therapeutic possibilities. Advances against infections for resistant bacteria. Will there ever come a time when cancer can be diagnosed by a simple blood test? This possibility does not seem very remote, according to papers presented at the meeting of the European Society of Medical Oncology.

Regarding Global Health, an important work directed by Jeffrey Sachs and published by The Lancet on the delays and errors of both governments and the WHO in dealing with the covid pandemic, which could have produced 17.7 million of  deaths, many of them preventable.

Regarding international health policy, the WHO says that the end of the covid pandemic may be in sight, although at the same time a new variant (BJ.1) of covid is evident in Europe. Important debate in Europe (Scotland and France) on euthanasia and assisted death. The French Ethics Committee opens the door to this possibility. The financing of the American FDA was questioned, due to its great economic dependence on the pharmaceutical industry. Biden launches a speech commemorating Kennedy’s in 1962 when he decided to go to the Moon, but this time oriented towards the fight against cancer.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the PDeCAT presents an amendment to the entire equity law, which it accuses of interfering in regional powers and of confusing agreement with privatization. Surprising statements from the Ministry of Health in a parliamentary response, saying that its functions in relation to the waiting lists are only to inform and monitor, as if it did not have the possibility of signing agreements with the communities to address this problem or of launching other actions. Concern, there are even demonstrations in the street, of the relatives of the elderly admitted to residences. The Community of Madrid announces that it will reduce the waiting lists by half. Although we would like it not to be the case this time, this announcement is preceded by other similar ones from different governments, which always came to nothing in terms of effectiveness. The search for solutions by the Ministry of Finance to the MUFACE model, highly impacted by inflation, seems to recognize its underfinancing.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, important success for Sanofi, with its new vaccine against bronchiolitis. In Spain, important corporate movements in Korian, HM Hospitales, Miranza and Ribera.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (June 20th-26th, 2022)


From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the article in The Lancet that shows that the covid vaccine has saved 20 million lives in the first year of its use.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is confirmed that covid 19 may be wreaking havoc in North Korea.

Regarding international health policy, it should be noted that the WHO has decided not to declare monkeypox an international health emergency. Strong rise in the incidence of COVID throughout Europe. Controversial annulment in the United States of the Roe v Wade ruling that declared abortion a constitutional right. Now abortion will have to be regulated by the States. Serious public health problems are expected, as in the pre-Roe v Wade era, although mitigated by the widespread use of the abortion pill, which can even be purchased online. For the first time in the history of the United States, an agreement is reached to limit, albeit in a very limited way, the use of weapons, with President Biden having signed a law in this regard. Instead, the Constitutional Court declared illegal any limitation on the display of weapons in public, as some States had legislated. More Americans are dying from drug overdoses than ever before. The European Medicines Agency approves the Valneva covid vaccine, the sixth covid vaccine approved in Europe (after Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J and Novavax).

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), we are witnessing a growth in the incidence of covid, some speak of a seventh wave. Published in the Official Bulletin of the Congress of Deputies the project of equity law. Important statement from the Consorci Sanitari de Catalunya saying that more than the management model, we must focus on quality and results. The National Market and Competition Commission (CNMC) publishes a report on wholesale pharmaceutical distribution, which is considered a boost to the use of generics and biosimilars.

In the field of companies, it should be noted that Alphabet (Google’s parent company) is making a strong investment to become a powerhouse in health. Its fields of action will be: wearables, clinical records, artificial intelligence applied to health and extension of human longevity. The medical marijuana business is making its way.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy
