
7 days in healthcare (February 6th-12th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, vaccines against cancer; precision surgery in lung cancer; the use of bacteriophage viruses against antibiotic resistant bacteria; stem cells for a wide variety of diseases; and micromotor robots, great promise in the development of new advances in medicine.

With regard to Global Health, it should be noted that 839 million people around the world cannot eat with dignity, for various reasons; the magazine Nature calls for a treaty against new pandemics, since it estimates that the covid represented “a catastrophic failure of the international community in achieving solidarity and equity”. The malaria pandemic is still active in more than 30 countries .

Regarding International Health Policy, in the United States the practices of certain pharmaceutical companies to prevent the entry of generics and biosimilars are denounced. International effort in the search for antibiotics to combat bacterial resistance.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of the covid has a small rebound, hopefully in a context of falling incidence, although high mortality persists. The Spanish Public Health Agency, whose bill has just been approved, possibly the most important consequence of the covid crisis. The conflict of public health continues, focused on Primary Care. The Constitutional Court recognizes the constitutionality of the abortion law of deadlines. AESEG and BIOSIM request modification of the reference prices and urgent measures along these lines, since many medicines are at the limit of economic viability.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, it should be noted that Sanofi and Merck MSD significantly increase their profits in 2022. At the national level, Quirónsalud announces the start-up of a new hospital in Valencia. For its part, Consentino, a company that had plans to go public, may see its intentions cut short for health reasons, given the high incidence of silicosis among its workforce.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • USA

National Health Policy


7 days in healthcare (October 24th-30th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the studies that show that certain types of breast cancer, which respond to chemotherapy, will not require surgery. The link between Alzheimer’s and certain viruses is surprising. As for proton therapy, it seems that an increase in its indications (prostate, lung, etc.) is in sight.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the WHO study on a prioritized list of fungal threats should be noted. Cases of resistant tuberculosis, on the rise, which is a big problem with high mortality. Shortage of cholera vaccines. “Nature” magazine considers the possible second term of Bolsonaro in Brazil as a threat to science, democracy, the environment and the world. Said alarm had already been launched by this magazine as a result of his first term.

As for International Health Policy, monkeypox is in clear recession and covid is apparently less serious, possibly due to increased immunity. The truth is that mortality and cases requiring hospitalization are falling. Plan in the United Kingdom so that pharmacies can collaborate in the treatment of minor disorders (hypertension, high cholesterol, etc.)

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), a surprising proposal from ASPE to the Ministry of Health for the homologation of foreign doctors through a kind of two-year express MIR. The problem is surely more complex and it should be considered that we are one of the countries with the most doctors per 1,000 inhabitants and the most Faculties of Medicine. To analyze the shortage by areas and specialties, as well as the expansion of nursing work. It is doubtful that exporting quality doctors after an excellent MIR and importing foreign doctors with an express MIR is the solution. Perhaps the salary and working conditions of Spanish doctors should also be considered. Also striking is the new approach of the PSOE in terms of the Trans law, which tries to involve judges in changing sex between 12 and 15 years, compared to the bill approved by the Council of Ministers, which did not contemplate this possibility. AESEG, very willing to increase the use of generics, through regulatory and price changes.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, the extensive job cuts at Philips are striking, after its withdrawal of devices for sleep apnea. As for Spain, Sanitas publishes a study on mental health, which shows that the private health sector is agile in its response to a serious problem, which has become more evident after covid. Orange’s agreement with Mapfre confirms the great interest of telecommunications platforms in the world of health and their need to ally with traditional operators.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (July 18th-24th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the finding published by “Science” that in covid the continuous appearance of variants is the new normality, but the appearance of a totally new variant cannot be ruled out. We must also highlight the very promising advances published in the treatment of the most aggressive form of breast cancer (the triple negative form) by a group of Spanish scientists, led by Javier Cortés.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is worth noting the efforts of the WHO to establish 2030 as the year of elimination of viral hepatitis, which produces more cases and deaths per year than HIV. The covid pandemic has produced a global decrease in vaccination in children.

Regarding international health policy, the WHO declares monkeypox an international public health emergency. New waves of extreme heat are expected.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), with 3,125 cases, Spain leads the cases of monkeypox in the world. As for covid, there is a peak in admissions to the ICU and deaths already exceed those of June. It is estimated that 510 deaths from the heat wave in the last week. Published in the BOE the new Royal Decree on Specialties in Health Sciences. Publication of the Health Barometer (2nd wave, 2022), which shows that the average time to see a primary care physician is 8.88 days.

In the field of companies, it should be noted that Amazon buys One Medical, entering more and more into the core of the health activity. Important Farmaindustria manifestos, to favor the rapid incorporation of innovations; and AESEG, to promote greater use of generics.


Global health

International health policy

  • Monkeypox
    • The WHO declares monkeypox an international public health emergency, putting this disease at the level of covid-19, Ebola and polio. Overall, the global risk from monkeypox is low, except in Europe. More than 16,000 cases have been registered so far, mostly in men who have sex with men (

National health policy







7 days in healthcare (May 16th-22nd, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, there seems to be new evidence of the relationship between acute childhood hepatitis and COVID. Interesting articles on how COVID can affect the brain, generating a kind of “dementia epidemic” and what long covid is and how to treat it.

Regarding Global Health, possible alarming effects of a global food crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine and its consequences. Report on serious deficiencies of “assisted technologies” (basically, wheelchairs, glasses and hearing aids) in a large part of the world’s population. The shortage of covid vaccine production in African countries continues to be denounced.

As for international health policy, an article in The Economist takes the drama out of “monkey pox”, saying that it is nothing comparable to what covid represented. Catastrophe due to covid in North Korea, a country that did not take advantage of its total closure during the pandemic to favor the immunization of its population and the reinforcement of its health system. Also, very reluctant to accept foreign aid. Isolated dictatorship things. Interesting experiment in New Zealand on a generation without tobacco.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the Ministry of Health has issued a protocol on monkeypox, about which there are some interesting statements by López Acuña, who also takes the drama out of this epidemic. Approved in the Council of Ministers the new abortion law, destined, probably, not to solve anything and to generate artificial problems. The SEMFYC (association of primary care doctors) warns about the need for 10,000 primary care doctors, to cover the generational change.

In the field of companies, the initiative of the Government of Catalonia to create a commission to study the new location of the Hospital Clínic should be highlighted. Surely an avant-garde and innovative hospital does not fit well in the current old building. A true revolution in the hospital and urban world of Barcelona. The AESEG warns about the low price of certain basic medicines, which discourages their production.


Global health

International health policy

  • Monkeypox

o Monkeypox spreads to several countries: after originating from a traveler from Nigeria, the disease has spread to the United States, Australia, Canada and 8 European countries. According to The Economist, there is nothing to worry about and it has nothing to do with the covid pandemic, which took the world unprepared, without vaccines or treatments ( /05/20/monkeypox-is-popping-up-in-more-countries-how-worrying-is-this)

o What is Monkeypox, article in the New York Times (

o We will see more cases of monkeypox, warns a British scientist ( scientists)

  • COVID-19

o Taiwan gradually renounces the “zero-covid” policy, assuming that the number of cases will increase ( -a-peu-a-politique-zero-covid_6126267_3244.html)

o Catastrophe in North Korea. The country was closed during the pandemic, but it was not used to immunize the population or strengthen the health system ( -wildfire-in-north-korea)

o Shanghai is going to open its commerce in stages ( deux-mois-de-confinement_6126204_3244.html)

o How Australia saved thousands of lives from covid, in contrast to what happened in the United States (

  • Other themes

o The policy on the possible annulment of the Roe v Wade judgment in the United States continues, important editorial in Science (

o A generation without tobacco in New Zealand, prohibited for all those born since January 1, 2009. Malaysia and Denmark are also considering similar measures ( 6736(22)00925-4/fulltext)

o The United States, Switzerland and Norway lead the world in spending on health per capita ( in-medical-care.html)

o The NHS needs access to medical data to save lives, interesting article in the Financial Times (

o A report commissioned by the Minister for Health proposes that the legal smoking age in the UK be 21 ( -in-england-could-be-raised-to-21-report)

National health policy

  • Monkeypox

o Protocol of the Ministry of Health against monkeypox (

o Interesting statements by López Acuña: there is no reason for social alarm over monkeypox (

o Spain will buy thousands of vaccines for the monkeypox disease ( -the-traditional-smallpox-to-deal-with-the-monkey-virus-outbreak.html)


o The cumulative incidence, on the rise: 848 points ( -points_114982_102.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The new abortion law approved by the Council of Ministers ( your-address.html)

  • Other themes

o Spain, leader in the consumption of benzodiazepines for anxiety and insomnia (

o The National Health System (SNS) would need 10,000 family doctors for generational turnover, according to a study by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC) ( -of-family-more-to-guarantee-the-generational-handover.html)

o The strike of specialist doctors in Madrid, suspended after an agreement ( contest.html)

o Spain, last in mental health, there are only 2,800 psychologists in public health, only 344 in Primary Care ( -psychologists-public-health/672183163_0.html)

o Private healthcare works on a code of good practice: joint initiative of ATA (Association of Self-Employed) and ASPE ( your-own-code-of-good-practices-4162)


  • International News

o Big Pharma pressures the G20 to prepare for the next pandemic (

o Monkeypox shoots up the stock of the only company that manufactures them: Bavarian Nordic (

  • National News

o Dependency insurance grows 71.4% and closes the first quarter with 132,000 users ( the-first-quarter-with-132000-users.html)

o Catalonia constitutes the commission that will decide the location of the new Clinic Hospital (ón-la-comision-que-decidira-el-emplazamiento-del-nuevo-hospital-clinic. html)

o Colgate-Palmolive breaks into the bid for Lácer (

o AESEG asks to raise the price of essential medicines to produce them ( -essential-to-produce-them.html)



7 days in healthcare (April 18-24, 2022)


From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the new devices that read the brain (brain-reading-devices) and allow movement, touch and speech to be recovered. Also the great future of liquid biopsy in the early diagnosis of cancer.

As far as Global Health is concerned, there is no choice but to quote Bill Gates’ new TED video discussing how to avoid a new pandemic, which follows his previously celebrated video from 2015, five years before COVID-19. . Also the devastating effects of covid on the evolution of tuberculosis. It is highly worrying that in Africa there is a large backlog of vaccines, after multiple donations, which speaks of serious logistical problems. More than 100 confirmed cases in a dozen countries of the new acute childhood hepatitis of unknown origin.

Regarding international health policy, it should be noted that, according to the WHO, the incidence and mortality of COVID is falling globally. The United States will host the second global conference on COVID on May 12, 2022. Serious problems continue to arise in China, particularly in Shanghai, where respect for the most minimal freedoms collides with certain public health measures that are intended to be imposed. The new outbreak of covid in Beijing highlights the difficulty of following the “zero-covid” policy without many deaths, due to the low percentage of vaccination among the elderly in China and the less efficacy of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine, compared to that of Pfizer-Biontech.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), although the incidence of COVID continues to grow, the mandatory use of the mask indoors has been abolished, which for some is premature. From the regulatory point of view, the Health Advertising Law and the Pharmacy Law of the Community of Madrid are announced, both with controversial components. The CNI warns of the large number of cyberattacks in health so far in 2022. The “Vanguard Health” Alliance is created to coordinate the health PERTE. Great media impact of the publication “Private healthcare, adding value” by the IDIS Foundation.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, it is worth noting the movements of KKR to buy the largest hospital company in Australia (Ramsay). In our country, the position of the AESEG on the need to establish differential prices between generics and brands is important. Also the five-year agreement between the Junta de Andalucía and the Pascual Hospital Group.


Global health

News international health policy

  • COVID-19

o According to the WHO, both the number of cases and mortality fell in the last week, following a decline from the end of March ( cases-globally-down-by-nearly-a-quarter-last-week)

o The United States will host the second global summit on COVID. It will be online on May 12, 2022 (

o Shanghai wants to open factories with employees living in them (

o New COVID outbreak in Beijing. The Chinese authorities do not want the situation in Shanghai to be reproduced ( -cases-of-covid.html)

  • Other themes

o The questioning of the authorization of abortion in the USA (Roe v Wade ruling), can cause serious health problems. It can increase the mortality of women in relation to pregnancy by 21% and 33% in black women ( Many media worldwide denounce the toxicity of these restrictive laws (

o New incentives are needed to fight antibiotic resistance, a pioneering subscription system in the UK can help improve the situation ( 378993510558)

o Europe will not approve Biogen’s aducanumab for Alzheimer’s for now, approved in the USA by the FDA, amid great controversy ( aducanumab-for-alzheimer.html)

News national health policy (Spain)


o The incidence of COVID continues to rise: 555.47 cases on Friday, April 22, in people over 60 years of age per 100,000 in the last 14 days, compared to 505.86 on Tuesday, April 19 (https://www.elconfidencial .com/espana/2022-04-22/espana-suma-49-143-cases-and-187-deaths-and-the-incidence-in-over-60s-up-50-points_3412937/)

o After 700 days, the Council of Ministers approves the no obligation to wear a mask indoors, with some exceptions (

o The majority of Spaniards believe that it is soon to remove the mask indoors ( -to-remove-the-masks-indoors-and-continue-wearing-it.html)

o The XE variant of covid is already beginning to circulate in Spain (

o Great controversy over the distribution of antivirals (

  • Regulatory announcements

o The health advertising law, presented by the PP, to be examined in Congress. It is promoted by the Council of Dentists and also by the OMC (Doctors Order) (

o Madrid approves the Pharmacy Law, among the novelties, it develops home distribution (closing the door to the delivery of medicines from entities outside pharmacies) and makes schedules more flexible ( madrid-approves-the-new-pharmacy-law-in-its-government-council.html). The Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy opposes this bill, for not contemplating hospital pharmacy in the regulations ( Madrid)

  • Other themes

o Public healthcare spending skyrockets in 2020 due to the pandemic ( -up-to-83811-million-euros.html)

o CNI alert: large number of cyberattacks in healthcare in 2022 (

o The Fundación Instituto Roche addresses the involvement of the microbiome in maintaining health ( To access the full document:

o The Ministry of Health reports eight cases of severe childhood hepatitis of unknown origin (

o The investigations for the purchase of masks already exceed ten (

o The “Salud de Vanguardia” Alliance is born to coordinate the health PERTE ( -sanitary)

o Great impact of the document “Private healthcare, adding value” from the IDIS Foundation:


  • International News

o The private equity firm KKR launches an offer for the largest Australian private hospital group, Ramsay (

o GBL (Group Bruxelles Lambert) acquires the diagnostic imaging company Affidea, which at the time had acquired some assets in Spain (Q Diagnóstica) ( -of-medical-diagnostic-services-affidea.html)

o GSK, Sanofi and J&J accelerate spin offs in the pharmaceutical business (

  • National News

o Generics: AESEG rejects the current plan for generics and biosimilars (made public, but not yet implemented due to the pandemic) if there is no price differential with brands ( -generic-reformulates-the-national-plan-with-the-price-difference-as-axis-1032)

o The Junta de Andalucía signs a five-year agreement with the Pascual hospitals for an amount of 771 million euros ( -hospitals-until-2027-771-millions-202203291523_noticia.html)

o DKV skyrockets its profits, largely due to the extraordinary results of the sale of its stake in the Denia hospital, acquired by Ribera ( .html)

o Sacyr will build a pediatric center in Canada for more than 60 million euros ( million-euros.html)

o Atrys Health sprints on the Stock Market and targets revenues of 200 million in 2022 ( of-220-million-euros-in-2022.html)



7 days in healthcare (November 29-December 5, 2021)



From the international point of view, it is worth highlighting the beginning of the work of the WHO for the approval of a Treaty on pandemics. It seems that the alarm about the new “‘ ómicron “variant is lowered, after the WHO announcement that there had been no case of death. We must be attentive to the program of the new German coalition government, and its impact on the health system. It seems that its actions are concentrated in the pharmaceutical sector. The failure, for various reasons, of the COVAX platform for immunization of low- and middle-income countries is confirmed.

At the national level, the growth of COVID continues to figures that are already beginning to be worrying, despite the advantage over other European countries. The council of ministers approves the Mental Health Strategy, a plan that, unlike the one approved a few years ago on Primary Care, does have funding, despite having aroused reservations among experts. The council of ministers also approves the PERTE for health. As of December 13, the vaccines for children will be available.

Regarding companies, it should be noted that both Pfizer and Moderna are preparing to adapt their vaccines to the new COVID variant.




  • The WHO agrees on December 1, 2021 to begin negotiating an international agreement on how countries should prevent, prepare for and react to pandemics. The agreement is to hold a meeting before March 1, 2022 and discuss a draft before August 1, 2022 (British Medical Journal, Dec 2, 21)
  • A law to introduce dental care in Medicare is discussed in the American Congress (NEJM, 2 Dec 21)
  • An article is published that compares the evolution and behavior in 24 months of a large number of people from the Veterans Administration vaccinated with Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech (NEJM, Dec 1 21)
  • The need for the health sector to contribute to decarbonization continues to be present (NEJM, Dec 2 21)
  • The WHO warns of a high risk due to the new “omicron” variant (FT Nov 29, 21)
  • WHO says there have been no deaths from the new “omicron” variant, despite its expansion (The Guardian, 4 Dec 21)
  • The “ómicron” variant, with a wide worldwide diffusion: apart from its origin in South Africa, and the expansion to 11 European countries, also present in Canada, Brazil, Australia and Saudi Arabia, among others (CNN Español, Dec 1 21)
  • Van der Leyden calls to discuss the mandatory nature of the vaccine (FT, Dec 1 21)
  • Analysts say that the economic impact of the “omicron” variant will not be important (FT, Nov 29, 21)
  • The program of the new German coalition government has an impact on the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector. Most important measures: price containment in medicines, push for healthcare digitization and use of medical data for research (Covington, Nov 29 21)
  • Biden rules out a new lockdown to tackle the new “omicron” variant (FT, Nov 29, 21)
  • The United Kingdom urgently calls a meeting of the G7 to discuss the problem of the new variant (La Razón, 28 Nov 21)
  • The new variant presents more than 50 mutations over the original from Wuhan (La Razón, Nov 29, 21)
  • COVAX has only distributed 26% of the promised covid vaccines for 2021. The most unanimous explanation is that rich countries have monopolized the market (El Español, Dec 4, 21)
  • The EMA would need three to four months to approve vaccines if they have to be modified by “omicron” (El Confidencial, Nov 30, 21)
  • Europe steps on the accelerator with the third doses in full uncertainty for the new variant (, Nov 29, 21)
  • The lack of vaccines, logistical limitations and the rejection of part of the population hinder immunization in Africa (El País, 28 Nov 21)
  • Germany imposes a de facto confinement to the unvaccinated: leisure and commerce will be banned (El País, 2 Dec 21)
  • Agreement between the Council and the European Parliament to strengthen the role of the ECDC (El Global, 30 Nov 21)



  • COVID cases continue to rise, reaching an AI (cases per 100,000 in the last 14 days) of almost 250 (El Confidencial, Dec 3, 21)
  • Health advises limiting participants in social events during Christmas after the advance of COVID (La Razón 1 Dec 21)
  • The government does not have a “legal plan B” before the “omicron”, it trusts everything to vaccination and rejects restrictions that could affect the economy (La Razón, Dec 1 21)
  • The Government defends the need for an International Treaty on Pandemics, as stated by Minister Darias during the Extraordinary Assembly of the WHO in Geneva (ConSalud, 29 Nov 21)
  • The Council of Ministers approves the Mental Health Strategy 2022-2026, the last was of 2009. It is criticized by experts (Spanish Society of Psychiatry, Spanish Society of Dual Pathology) for its lack of ambition, although the effort of consensus. Among the criticisms is the lack of standards such as professional ratios, number of beds in children’s and adolescent hospitals, waiting lists, etc. It has financing of 100 million euros for the next three years, 30 million for 2022. Intervention in the workplace, the approach to suicide and the gender perspective, among the novelties of this Strategy (El Mundo, Dec 4, 21)
  • The council of ministers officially approves the PERTE for health. Investment of more than 1,400 million euros, between 2021 and 2023. These investment agendas are articulated through tenders, the creation of an investment, development and innovation (R + D + i) structure for advanced online therapies, launch of a public-private investment vehicle in advanced therapies (public-private commercial company) with the participation of companies with production capacity in Spain, elements of early coordination and identification of capacities and needs of the National Health System, public procurement innovative and pre-commercial, agreements with communities, private initiatives and co-programmed projects and public tenders (PlantaDoce, Nov 30 21)
  • The Interterritorial Council of December 2 addresses the Royal Decree of Specialties, so that it is approved before the end of 2021. It contemplates approving new specialties and reviewing access to specific training areas (ConSalud, Nov 30, 21)
  • Pfizer vaccines for children, available from December 13 (ConSalud, Dec 1 21)
  • AESEG presents a report “The sector of generic drugs in the economic and social reconstruction of Spain”, in which it advocates a differential price of generics in relation to brands (AESEG, Dec 1 21)



  • Continuity of care, interoperability, innovation and the promotion of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), among the objectives of the IDIS Foundation for 2022 (ConSalud, 2 Dec 21)
  • Teladoc Health grows 81% in the third quarter (PlantaDoce, Dec 1 21)
  • Pfizer and Moderna are preparing to adapt their vaccines to the new “omicron” variant (El Global, Nov 29, 29)
  • Merck’s COVID Treatment (Molnupiravir), Endorsed by FDA (NYT, Nov 30 21)
  • HM Hospitales will have a new space of 1,000 square meters in Valdedebas (PlantaDoce, Nov 30, 21)
  • HIPRA relies on its covid vaccine to grow 13% in 2021 (PlantaDoce, Dec 1 21)
  • The major private equity companies (CVC, Advent, Cinven, PAI, KKR,…) prepare offers for around 1,500 million for IVI (CincoDías, Nov 30, 21)