
7 days in healthcare (25th-31st July, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, it should be noted that the origin of acute childhood hepatitis has been discovered, it turns out to be due to a co-infection of two viruses, ruling out covid as the cause of this disease. Major advances by a group of Yale scientists in the treatment of brain tumors, specifically aggressive glioblastoma multiforme, using molecules that attack tumor DNA. Deep Mind (a company of the Alphabet group, parent of Google) launches an algorithm capable of identifying the structure of proteins. It seems that this advance may be of great importance for the discovery of new drugs.

As far as Global Health is concerned, air pollution is a public health emergency, according to the British Medical Journal. The WHO reaches an agreement on a treaty on pandemics, which should be agreed in May-2024.

Regarding international health policy, mention should be made of the declaration by the WHO of monkeypox as a global public health emergency, which is justified by the existence of more than 17,300 cases in more than 70 countries. It seems that it is confirmed that covid-19 originated in the live animal market in Wuhan (China).

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), two deaths in Spain as a result of monkeypox (in both cases due to encephalitis). At the present time there is only one other case of death from this disease in Brazil. The incidence of covid-19 drops very significantly, moving us away from the peak of the seventh wave.

In the field of companies, it should be noted that Fujijilm is going to be transformed into a health company. Teladoc’s notable financial losses. Vivalto Santé, an important French group, acquires the property of Ribera through the sale of Centene Corporation.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (June 20th-26th, 2022)


From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the article in The Lancet that shows that the covid vaccine has saved 20 million lives in the first year of its use.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is confirmed that covid 19 may be wreaking havoc in North Korea.

Regarding international health policy, it should be noted that the WHO has decided not to declare monkeypox an international health emergency. Strong rise in the incidence of COVID throughout Europe. Controversial annulment in the United States of the Roe v Wade ruling that declared abortion a constitutional right. Now abortion will have to be regulated by the States. Serious public health problems are expected, as in the pre-Roe v Wade era, although mitigated by the widespread use of the abortion pill, which can even be purchased online. For the first time in the history of the United States, an agreement is reached to limit, albeit in a very limited way, the use of weapons, with President Biden having signed a law in this regard. Instead, the Constitutional Court declared illegal any limitation on the display of weapons in public, as some States had legislated. More Americans are dying from drug overdoses than ever before. The European Medicines Agency approves the Valneva covid vaccine, the sixth covid vaccine approved in Europe (after Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J and Novavax).

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), we are witnessing a growth in the incidence of covid, some speak of a seventh wave. Published in the Official Bulletin of the Congress of Deputies the project of equity law. Important statement from the Consorci Sanitari de Catalunya saying that more than the management model, we must focus on quality and results. The National Market and Competition Commission (CNMC) publishes a report on wholesale pharmaceutical distribution, which is considered a boost to the use of generics and biosimilars.

In the field of companies, it should be noted that Alphabet (Google’s parent company) is making a strong investment to become a powerhouse in health. Its fields of action will be: wearables, clinical records, artificial intelligence applied to health and extension of human longevity. The medical marijuana business is making its way.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (May 16th-22nd, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, there seems to be new evidence of the relationship between acute childhood hepatitis and COVID. Interesting articles on how COVID can affect the brain, generating a kind of “dementia epidemic” and what long covid is and how to treat it.

Regarding Global Health, possible alarming effects of a global food crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine and its consequences. Report on serious deficiencies of “assisted technologies” (basically, wheelchairs, glasses and hearing aids) in a large part of the world’s population. The shortage of covid vaccine production in African countries continues to be denounced.

As for international health policy, an article in The Economist takes the drama out of “monkey pox”, saying that it is nothing comparable to what covid represented. Catastrophe due to covid in North Korea, a country that did not take advantage of its total closure during the pandemic to favor the immunization of its population and the reinforcement of its health system. Also, very reluctant to accept foreign aid. Isolated dictatorship things. Interesting experiment in New Zealand on a generation without tobacco.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the Ministry of Health has issued a protocol on monkeypox, about which there are some interesting statements by López Acuña, who also takes the drama out of this epidemic. Approved in the Council of Ministers the new abortion law, destined, probably, not to solve anything and to generate artificial problems. The SEMFYC (association of primary care doctors) warns about the need for 10,000 primary care doctors, to cover the generational change.

In the field of companies, the initiative of the Government of Catalonia to create a commission to study the new location of the Hospital Clínic should be highlighted. Surely an avant-garde and innovative hospital does not fit well in the current old building. A true revolution in the hospital and urban world of Barcelona. The AESEG warns about the low price of certain basic medicines, which discourages their production.


Global health

International health policy

  • Monkeypox

o Monkeypox spreads to several countries: after originating from a traveler from Nigeria, the disease has spread to the United States, Australia, Canada and 8 European countries. According to The Economist, there is nothing to worry about and it has nothing to do with the covid pandemic, which took the world unprepared, without vaccines or treatments ( /05/20/monkeypox-is-popping-up-in-more-countries-how-worrying-is-this)

o What is Monkeypox, article in the New York Times (

o We will see more cases of monkeypox, warns a British scientist ( scientists)

  • COVID-19

o Taiwan gradually renounces the “zero-covid” policy, assuming that the number of cases will increase ( -a-peu-a-politique-zero-covid_6126267_3244.html)

o Catastrophe in North Korea. The country was closed during the pandemic, but it was not used to immunize the population or strengthen the health system ( -wildfire-in-north-korea)

o Shanghai is going to open its commerce in stages ( deux-mois-de-confinement_6126204_3244.html)

o How Australia saved thousands of lives from covid, in contrast to what happened in the United States (

  • Other themes

o The policy on the possible annulment of the Roe v Wade judgment in the United States continues, important editorial in Science (

o A generation without tobacco in New Zealand, prohibited for all those born since January 1, 2009. Malaysia and Denmark are also considering similar measures ( 6736(22)00925-4/fulltext)

o The United States, Switzerland and Norway lead the world in spending on health per capita ( in-medical-care.html)

o The NHS needs access to medical data to save lives, interesting article in the Financial Times (

o A report commissioned by the Minister for Health proposes that the legal smoking age in the UK be 21 ( -in-england-could-be-raised-to-21-report)

National health policy

  • Monkeypox

o Protocol of the Ministry of Health against monkeypox (

o Interesting statements by López Acuña: there is no reason for social alarm over monkeypox (

o Spain will buy thousands of vaccines for the monkeypox disease ( -the-traditional-smallpox-to-deal-with-the-monkey-virus-outbreak.html)


o The cumulative incidence, on the rise: 848 points ( -points_114982_102.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The new abortion law approved by the Council of Ministers ( your-address.html)

  • Other themes

o Spain, leader in the consumption of benzodiazepines for anxiety and insomnia (

o The National Health System (SNS) would need 10,000 family doctors for generational turnover, according to a study by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC) ( -of-family-more-to-guarantee-the-generational-handover.html)

o The strike of specialist doctors in Madrid, suspended after an agreement ( contest.html)

o Spain, last in mental health, there are only 2,800 psychologists in public health, only 344 in Primary Care ( -psychologists-public-health/672183163_0.html)

o Private healthcare works on a code of good practice: joint initiative of ATA (Association of Self-Employed) and ASPE ( your-own-code-of-good-practices-4162)


  • International News

o Big Pharma pressures the G20 to prepare for the next pandemic (

o Monkeypox shoots up the stock of the only company that manufactures them: Bavarian Nordic (

  • National News

o Dependency insurance grows 71.4% and closes the first quarter with 132,000 users ( the-first-quarter-with-132000-users.html)

o Catalonia constitutes the commission that will decide the location of the new Clinic Hospital (ón-la-comision-que-decidira-el-emplazamiento-del-nuevo-hospital-clinic. html)

o Colgate-Palmolive breaks into the bid for Lácer (

o AESEG asks to raise the price of essential medicines to produce them ( -essential-to-produce-them.html)



7 days in healthcare (May 9th-15th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the important study published by the journal Science should be highlighted, outlining the most detailed atlas of human cells to date. The discussion about the origin of acute childhood hepatitis continues.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is found that the United States has reached one million deaths from COVID and Europe two million. A sad milestone.

Regarding international health policy, in relation to COVID, the debate continues on the sustainability of the zero-COVID policy in China. Lockdowns in North Korea, possibly the most opaque country in the world. The debate continues in the United States on the modification of the Roe v Wade sentence. Pronouncements from scientific journals (Nature, The Lancet), as well as from the President of the American Medical Association. The ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control) stops recommending the use of masks on public transport in Europe.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the accumulated incidence of COVID continues to grow. Great debate regarding the announced new Abortion Law. It is more than doubtful that the Law will be approved and, if it is, that it will be complied with, given the large number of controversial elements (registration of conscientious objectors, the obligation that these interventions be carried out in public hospitals, the use of terminology of obstetric violence, etc.). The Ministry of Industry takes out the first tender of the cutting-edge health PERTE. Important editorial in El País on waiting lists, which it presents as a scourge of the SNS.

In the field of companies, the WHO denounces attempts to whiten tobacco companies, by way of presenting themselves as green companies.


Global Health

International health policy

  • COVID-19

o The Director of the WHO affirms that the zero-covid policy in China is not sustainable (

o A study says that lifting the “zero COVID” policy in China could mean 1.5 million deaths ( -china-could-risk-16m-deaths-says-study)

o China considers the WHO statement on its zero COVID policy “irresponsible” (

o China renounces organizing the 2023 Asian Soccer Cup, due to the pandemic ( coupe-d-asie-2023-de-football-in-raison-de-la-pandemie-de-covid-19_6126096_3210.html)

o Confinement in North Korea, as the first cases of COVID are confirmed (

o Alert in the state of New York, due to the increase in cases (

  • The debate on abortion continues in the United States

o The pronouncement of medical and scientific journals continues against the annulment of the Roe v Wade ruling in the United States, for reasons of public health and worsening of the health of women and children, particularly those with fewer resources. Editorials in Nature ( and The Lancet ( 00870-4/fulltext), among others.

o Gerald E. Harmon, President of the AMA, the representation of American doctors, was “deeply concerned” about the impact on reproductive health in the United States of this possible modification ( delivering-care/population-care/why-leaked-abortion-opinion-antithetical-public-health)

o The New York Times assures that the annulment of same-sex marriage could be the next step ( abortion.html)

o Certain groups try to ban telemedicine prescription of pills that interrupt pregnancy (

  • Other themes

o The United States, willing to share vaccine technology with poor countries, says Biden (

o The European Union Aviation Safety Agency and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), eliminate the recommendation to use masks in airports and during flights ( society/20220511/2dur4ogv7zemfkl5bbwmsitpme.html)

o Disposable electronic cigarettes are imposed among adolescents in France ( .html)

o France will stop requiring a mask on public transport starting next Monday, May 16 (

National health policy


o The accumulated incidence continues to rise, growing 13 points since the last measurement and standing at 856.65 cases in the last 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants. The ward occupancy rate is 5.80% and the ICU occupancy rate is 4.07% ( 321-deceased-ia-uploads-856-points_114645_102.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The Government willing to approve next Tuesday, May 17, a new abortion law at the initiative of the Ministry of Equality. The 14-week period for abortion to be considered legal is not modified. Most controversial points: 1. Without permission or information to parents from the age of 16; 2. No to surrogacy; 3. Registration of conscientious objectors; 4. Abortion in public hospitals; 5. Leave due to painful menstruation, outside the regulations of the common disease; 6. The terminology of obstetric violence is maintained (

o The need to strengthen public healthcare so that it can address the 74,000 abortions that are performed in the private sector ( -the-74000-abortions-that-now-derives-to-the-private.html)

o The Constitutional Court is preparing a ruling in favor of the 2010 Abortion Law for June, after an appeal by the PP, parked for 12 years ( -judgment-favorable-law-abortion_3423623/)

  • Other themes

o The Ministry of Industry is putting out to tender the Vanguard Health PERTE for the pharmaceutical and health products sector ( .pdf)

o Important editorial in El País on waiting lists, which it presents as a major problem for the SNS (

o War of figures in the strike of medical specialists in Madrid ( -already-of-temporary.html)

o Castilla y León intends to lower the surgical delay in six months by 21 days ( -surgical-in-6-months)

o The national 024 telephone line for suicide prevention is launched (

o The SNS Interterritorial Council gives the green light to the Mental Health Plan ( -con-practica-unanimidad), which is criticized by the President of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry, saying that “Mental Health needs professionals and intermediate centers, not apps” ( /-mental-health-needs-professionals-and-intermediate-centers-no-apps–8807)

o The Ministry publishes the list of 462 strategic medicines, which includes 249 active ingredients ( html)

o Private doctors ask insurers to raise their fees, which according to them have been frozen for 32 years (

o Andalusia can have up to 8 Faculties of Medicine, after the steps in Jaén and Almería only Huelva remains ( –3332), something (the proliferation of Medical Faculties) totally against the approaches of the CEEM (State Confederation of Medical Students) and the Conference of Deans

Companies, employers and other agents of the sector

  • International News

o The WHO asks countries to stop the tobacco companies that try to whitewash their image as a green industry ( to-the-countries-that-stop-the-tobacco- companies-that-try-to-clean-up-their-image-as-a-green-industry.html)

o Pfizer will buy the biotech company Biohaven for 11.6 billion dollars (

  • National News

o Vithas invests 3 million euros in the renovation of emergencies ( of-your-emergencies.html)

o Vitaldent is committed to dental aesthetics by incorporating 73 Smysecret spaces into its clinics ( -your-clinics.html)

o Asisa buys a 600m2 center in Zaragoza (

o Hospitales Parque grows in Talavera with a new building for outpatient consultations ( for-external-queries.html)

o Sanitas, SegurCaixa Adeslas and Línea Directa, the most profitable insurers (

o Novartis will manufacture an oncology drug for the whole world in Barcelona ( -world-.html)

7 days in healthcare (April 25-May 1, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the evolution of acute hepatitis in children; Lilly’s announcement of a drug to tackle obesity that could compete with bariatric surgery; and the analysis of the New England Journal of Medicine on the “boosters” for covid.

As far as Global Health is concerned, we again quote Bill Gates, who is publishing a new book on pandemic prevention. Great concern about the resurgence of measles, yellow fever and polio in Africa, due to the low levels of vaccination against these diseases, given that resources have been largely diverted to covid.

As for international health policy, the problems of the “zero-covid” policy in China continue, which threatens the global economy, due to the closure of the largest port in the world: Shanghai. It seems increasingly clear that for political reasons this “zero-covid” approach will not change until the approval of a third term for its leader Xi. Also noteworthy is the very serious discrediting of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, which until now had been the object of almost religious veneration.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to increase, particularly in some regions (Galicia, Navarra, Asturias and Castilla y León). The Health Advertising Law was not approved by Parliament, which is not necessarily bad news, since it was largely part of the confrontation between the College of Dentists and the dental care networks. The announced strike of doctors in Madrid, regardless of its results, has its origin in a very serious problem: the very high rate of temporary employment (more than 50% of doctors in the public system in Madrid). Very interesting statements by José Ramón Repullo, proposing national accreditation and hiring at the local level.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, certain possible disruptive changes for the pharmaceutical industry should be highlighted: 3D printing, which would allow the “manufacturing” of medicines in a clinical environment; and the movements of Amazon for the sale of prescription drugs.


Global Health

International health policy

  • COVID-19

o Serious problems continue in China with the “zero-covid” policy. The general impression is that the rhetoric of war does not help to defeat covid ( covid), while the global economic implications of the closure of Shanghai persist, the largest port in the world (

o The “zero-covid” policy in China, a great personal bet of the leader Xi and difficult to be modified before his re-election for a third term ( 4a76-9b81-d561deaabc5c)

o Covid cases on the rise in virtually all of the United States (

  • Other issues

o The FDA, about to ban menthol cigarettes. They are the most used among the black population (

o Very serious loss of prestige of the National Health Service, which is ending an almost religious adoration of this body in the United Kingdom. A survey says that global satisfaction dropped to 36%, something never known. Poor staff planning among major problems (

National health policy (Spain)


o The cumulative incidence among people over 60 years of age continues to rise, reaching (April 29) 676.43 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, an increase of almost 70 points compared to the previous measurement. Occupation rate due to covid: 5.12% in the ward and 3.66% in the ICU ( deceased-ia-exceeds-676-points_113987_102.html)

o The Ministry of Health reports almost 2,000 deaths in April, the first full month of “flu” from covid ( flu-covid/668683313_0.html)

o Increase in the incidence of covid grows by 35% after Easter and there are already four regions with the unbridled incidence (Galicia, Navarra, Asturias and Castilla y León) ( /revenues-covid-semana-santa-ccaa-incident-runaway/668183406_0.html)

o The Ministry of Health will authorize the fourth dose for those over 80 years of age and those who live in residences, a total of about 3 million people ( fourth-dose-vaccine-covid-older-80.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The Health Advertising Law presented by the PP fails, which is regretted by the professional associations, in particular that of dentists. Apparently, the Government is preparing a Royal Decree on the subject (

  • Other issues

o Madrid hospital doctors go on strike over temporary contracts (

o Interesting statements by José Ramón Repullo regarding the temporality of doctors and health professionals and their non-solution through the OPEs. He proposes national accreditation and contracting by centers, as exists in other countries ( -of-a-bad-system-worse-governed.html)

o Cases of severe hepatitis in children in Spain rise to 22 (

o 700,000 Spaniards on the surgical waiting list, the worst figure in the history of public healthcare ( html)

o Núñez Feijóo calls for the creation of the emergency specialty, with the argument of preventing primary care professionals from leaving (

o Facme presents the Spanish recertification model (

o Five communities (Extremadura, Aragón, Baleares, Comunidad Valenciana and Navarra) ask AIReF to evaluate their healthcare and pharmaceutical spending ( the-airef-assess-your-health-care-and-pharmaceutical-expenditure)

o Very interesting article by José Luis Puerta: “Data saves lives”, on the need to overcome the situation in which the custodians of the data are not capable of exploiting them, nor do they allow third parties to do so (https://www.diariomedico .com/opinion/data-saves-lives.html)


  • International News

o Possible disruptive changes for the pharmaceutical industry ( volumetric 3D printing that would allow drugs to be “manufactured” in a clinical setting ( and Amazon Prime’s offer to facilitate basic drugs for $1 a month (

o Roche sales soar in the United States due to the demand for covid tests (

o Investors pressure Nestlé and Kraft Heinz to target health (

o Philips records losses of 151 million euros in the first quarter of 2022 ( -first-quarter-of-2022.html)

o Abbie strengthens its neurosciences portfolio and acquires Syndesis Therapeutics (

  • National News

o Lácer attracts the interest of venture capital funds (

o Grifols closes the purchase operation of its German rival Biotest (

o Faes Farma profit grows 24% thanks to licenses and the Latin American market ( -a-24-thanks-to-the-licenses-and-the-latin-american-market.html)

o Senniors disembark in Abu Dhabi with the support of the country’s sovereign wealth fund ( -country.html)

o Quirónsalud launches a new rehabilitation center in Ronda de Triana ( -triana.html)

o Hospitales Parque (CASER) accelerates in 2021 and raises its income by 46%, up to 58 million euros ( -46-your-income-up-to-58-million-euros.html)

o Asisa strengthens Otoaudio and opens its first center in Seville (

o Asisa Dental opens its first own clinic in the Canary Islands in Las Palmas (