
7 days in healthcare (March 25th-31st, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it should be noted that possibly the next “boom” will be everything related to anti-aging therapies, an aspect to which the Financial Times dedicates an article, following the appearance of three books on the subject. . The Economist dedicates a lot of space in its latest issue to the issue of AI in healthcare, no less than an editorial and four articles. The conclusion is that AI will have a great impact on healthcare. However, as Eric Topol, the well-known cardiologist and health publicist, comments in another article in the Financial Times, “AI is very transformational, but these things always take longer than you initially think.” Nature magazine analyzes the reasons for optimism about cancer vaccines. Vaccines to treat, not to prevent.

Regarding Global Health, the WHO focuses on the millions of undiagnosed cases of tuberculosis, which compromise efforts to combat this disease. The WHO estimates that in 2023 there will be three million new cases not known to health services. Problems continue between developed and developing countries, which do not agree on the Treaty on the prevention of pandemics, proposed by the WHO as a goal for 2024.

In terms of International Health Policy, the King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust, two prestigious British think tanks on health, analyze satisfaction with the NHS, which is the lowest in the entire history of this institution. Only 24% of citizens in England, Scotland and Wales are happy with the service, with waiting lists being the most common complaint. In France, the Sorbonne Faculty of Medicine and a former health minister propose “strong measures” to, they say, prevent the degradation of the health system in France. Of the three measures they propose, one of them has to do with the preservation of “medical time” (through non-medical assistants in consultation); and the other with the promotion of advanced practice nursing.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), based on Primary Care analysis that is on the Ministry’s website, it is observed that people treated in primary health centers who earn less than 18,000 euros per year are medicalized more frequently, have prescribed more chronic drugs and consume more pills for pain, anxiety or depression. The Ministry of Health is studying allowing price competition between medicines so that generics can gain market share. This would affect generics and biosimilars, which would be cheaper than brand-name ones and it would be the patient who, if they wanted, would assume the difference. The situation in Spain of the same price for generics as for branded ones is unique in Europe. The objective is to stimulate the development of the generic and biosimilar industry and, ultimately, reduce the pharmaceutical bill for these medicines, in order to allow the incorporation of innovations. If it is carried out, it will be great news. Of note is the agreement signed between the Colleges of Pharmacists of the Basque Country and the Department of Health of that community, with the idea of facilitating the integration of community pharmacies as health agents in the health system. More than interesting is the article published in Human Resources for Health, and whose first signatory is Sara Calderón-Larrañaga, and which analyzes the reasons why primary doctors leave Spain. The work consisted of a survey, focus groups and interviews with 158 primary doctors who had left Spain. The causes of their departure were, in order of importance: insufficient salary, temporary employment, excessive workload, poor governance of primary care, lack of flexibility in the workplace and personal circumstances. There are the keys to a reform of Primary Care.

As for Companies, internationally, a cancer drug (Keytruda, from Merck-MSD), the best-selling drug in the world. In Spain, the historic achievements of Rovi, with a business approach that goes beyond covid. We must also highlight Vithas’ hospital commitment in Barcelona, where construction is underway.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (February 12th-18th, 2024)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, as is known, most rare diseases have no treatment, although this situation will surely be overcome in the not too distant future. A new drug (prozelimab) against the rare Chaple disease. A trial offers hope that a jab could prevent rheumatoid arthritis, the disease that affects 18 million people globally. Chances of a blood protein test warning about the onset of Alzheimer’s disease up to fifteen years in advance. A new powerful antibiotic (cresomycin), hope for antimicrobial resistance, which globally causes about five million deaths a year.

Regarding Global Health, despite the fact that 2021 marked the 100th anniversary of the appearance of insulin, many diabetes patients still do not have access to it. Important article in the New England Journal Medicine about e-cigarettes. There is sufficient evidence to show that switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes reduces exposure to tobacco toxins, decreases respiratory symptoms, and reverses physiological changes related to cigarette smoking. There is not enough evidence that e-cigarettes are a good method to quit smoking.

In terms of International Health Policy, an unexpected consequence of the ruling of the United States Supreme Court, granting states the possibility of legislating on abortion, what was widely used to prohibit or restrict it: the taking of prescribed abortion pills by telemedicine and received by mail is a safe and effective method, according to a study. The European Commission approves the first gene editing treatment, in this case for beta thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. HERA (Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority) launches the Critical Medicines Alliance. It is said that this Alliance will contribute to changing the way medicines are produced and purchased in Europe.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), there is great commotion in the sector as a result of the statements by Vice President Yolanda Díaz that she is negotiating to introduce in the budgets the modification of the health VAT from 0% to 21%. Regardless of the viability of this proposal, could it be considered whether this is the best way to make policy? Any study on the impact on the sector? Any previous negotiations with the health ecosystem? Although the Ministry of Health usually intervenes little in economic matters – remember that all the cuts during the financial crisis were not even discussed in the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System – this is a major issue that well deserves a position. and an analysis by the Ministry of Health. Asturias regulates financial compensation to professionals (442 euros for four hours of surgical activity and half for consultations for doctors) for extension of working hours to address the serious problem of waiting lists. Family doctors report a deficit of 2,600 professionals in the next year. As a consequence of the European Plan against Cancer, the launch of the first nine Comprehensive Cancer Centers in Spain is announced. The project is led in Spain by the Vall d’Hebron Hospital and the National Institute of Oncology.

As for Companies, on an international level, the British consulting firm Clarivate analyzes the 13 disruptive drugs for 2024. Oncology drugs predominate, although there is also the vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus and a new drug against COPD. At the national level, the growth of the egg freezing business in Spain is confirmed. It seems that the HIPRA vaccine is going to end up in the trash. There is nothing special, since failures are inherent to business, especially in an area as difficult as biotechnology. However, some excessively triumphalist government demonstrations could have been avoided.


Global Health

International health policy

  • United Kingdom and the National Health Service

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (November 20th-26th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, in the United Kingdom an initiative aims to be able to produce medicines for individual patients in less than a year. According to the National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER) of the United States, artificial intelligence, even with use cases already developed, will produce savings in healthcare expenses between 5-10%. This will offset the rise in other expenses in the sector, such as new medicines and medical technologies.

As far as Global Health is concerned, there is a relationship between the pattern of economic income and obesity, which occurs more in low-income workers, in relation to those with higher incomes. The fight against climate change has already produced some results. The COP28 conference, which will take place starting next week in Dubai, is expected to produce a declaration on climate and health. Polio is about to be eradicated in a few months, but the great challenge is that it does not return, since eradication is not the same as extinction.

Regarding International Health Policy, in its latest issue The Economist dedicates a supplement to forecasts for 2024. Among the 10 general forecasts, there is one that says that in an older world, health expenditures will grow to reach one tenth of global GDP. Among the specific health forecasts, it is noted that the pandemic has led to a growth in public spending on health (up to 80%, starting from 75%). Growth in private activity and an increase in the global pharmaceutical market is expected, with research efforts concentrating on medications against obesity and mRNA patents. In the United States, there is evidence of the inadequacy of private health insurance to provide financial security to the elderly for long-term care. Important agreement in the United Kingdom between the NHS and pharmaceutical companies, with which an annual growth in spending on medicines of 4% is agreed until 2027. Surely, an example for many countries, including Spain. Also in the United Kingdom, an agreement between the NHS and community pharmacies for the provision of a series of services, which will mean a large reduction in consultations in Primary Care. The health insurance boom in the United Kingdom, due to the problems of the NHS, is revealing certain limitations of private health insurance to meet demand. Something similar to what happens in Spain. Important document from the WHO (European region) and the Observatory on health systems, in which several governments participate, including the Spanish one, talking about the convenience of the participation of the private sector in the public health service, establishing the requirements for this to be successful. European countries warn of the health problems of climate change, since Europe is the continent in which temperatures have risen the most.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), new change in the Ministry of Health. Going to minister for a year or less does not seem like the best formula to address the long-term challenges of healthcare, without prejudice to the qualities of the new minister, which will have to be observed. Record in the waiting list, after the publication of the lists as of June 30 by the Ministry of Health. Important study on obesity in Spain published by the Carlos III Health Institute and AESAN, which demonstrates the relationship between the level of obesity and the postal district. A study by the Institute of Fiscal Studies shows that between the beginning of 2020 and the end of 2022, the number of doctors in the SNS has decreased by 17,000, despite the fact that the number of staff has increased globally. The Valencian Community launches a specific competition for positions that are difficult to fill. Aside from the approach of the tender, it is good that the specificities of this type of places are taken into account. There is no doubt that the standardizing approach to personnel policy does not allow us to solve certain problems, such as what are now called difficult-to-fill positions. Farmaindustria carries out, in collaboration with scientific societies, a study on clinical research in Primary Care. We are a powerhouse in clinical research in hospitals and there is no doubt that the bases of this success must be extended to other environments.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, problems in Bayer with a sharp drop in the stock, which the CEO of this company attributes to a limited pipeline, a consequence of a lack of effort in investment. At the national level, Vithas confirms its new hospital project in Valencia. For its part, Sanitas announces an investment to grow in nursing homes.


Global Health

International health policy

  • European Union
    • European countries warn of the health problem of climate change. It is estimated that last summer there were 62,000 deaths in Europe due to heat, since this is the continent with the highest temperature rises. 18 member states ask the European Commission and ECDC for action (

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (June, 19th-25th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, ethical problems continue to be discussed as a consequence of the creation of embryos without eggs or sperm. Until now, an embryo required an egg and a sperm, but this new approach would allow, in hypothesis, to solve problems of infertility or pregnancy loss, but it is a matter to regulate very carefully. Two studies in Nature seem to show that the Y chromosome makes men more vulnerable to tumors.

With regard to Global Health, The Lancet focuses on the great threat of diabetes, since it is estimated that in 2050 there will be 1.3 billion diabetics, a disease related to obesity, diet, tobacco, alcohol and sedentary lifestyle. Inequalities in access to morphine are denounced, with the United States and Europe almost completely monopolizing its use. An important issue, since this drug has a relevant role in the treatment of pain and in palliative care.

Regarding International Health Policy, according to the weekly WHO report, covid is declining in both the number of cases and deaths in all WHO regions of the world. Only in the African region is there a slight increase in the number of deaths, with a decrease in the number of new cases. In the United States, the commercialization of meat grown in the laboratory is approved. One of the authorized establishments belongs to the Spanish philanthropist José Andrés. Also in the United States, not minor problems continue as a result of the annulment of the Roe v Wade ruling that transfers the authorization of abortion to the states. In the United Kingdom, the problems with the emergency services continue and a strike of resident doctors is called. New health insurance law in South Africa, which appears to represent progress towards universal coverage in that country.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), according to the WHO weekly bulletin, Spain is the country in Europe with the highest mortality from covid. The government and the communities agree to abolish the mandatory nature of masks in health centers and pharmacies. Ayuso, proclaimed President of the Community of Madrid, after the last elections. Absence of great news in the announcements of health measures for this legislature. As was already known, Spain is consolidating itself as a world power in clinical trials, an achievement no less.

In the field of Companies, internationally, Walmart (the largest supermarket chain in the USA) enters the primary care business, with 32 centers in 5 states. Walmart was already in healthcare, but it was with small clinics for minor care. Significant company purchases by Merck MSD and Lilly, which seems to confirm that M&A activity in pharmaceutical companies is reviving. In the Spanish national arena, ASEBIO announces an increase in investment in R&D by biotech companies in 2022.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy





7 days in healthcare (February 6th-12th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, vaccines against cancer; precision surgery in lung cancer; the use of bacteriophage viruses against antibiotic resistant bacteria; stem cells for a wide variety of diseases; and micromotor robots, great promise in the development of new advances in medicine.

With regard to Global Health, it should be noted that 839 million people around the world cannot eat with dignity, for various reasons; the magazine Nature calls for a treaty against new pandemics, since it estimates that the covid represented “a catastrophic failure of the international community in achieving solidarity and equity”. The malaria pandemic is still active in more than 30 countries .

Regarding International Health Policy, in the United States the practices of certain pharmaceutical companies to prevent the entry of generics and biosimilars are denounced. International effort in the search for antibiotics to combat bacterial resistance.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of the covid has a small rebound, hopefully in a context of falling incidence, although high mortality persists. The Spanish Public Health Agency, whose bill has just been approved, possibly the most important consequence of the covid crisis. The conflict of public health continues, focused on Primary Care. The Constitutional Court recognizes the constitutionality of the abortion law of deadlines. AESEG and BIOSIM request modification of the reference prices and urgent measures along these lines, since many medicines are at the limit of economic viability.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, it should be noted that Sanofi and Merck MSD significantly increase their profits in 2022. At the national level, Quirónsalud announces the start-up of a new hospital in Valencia. For its part, Consentino, a company that had plans to go public, may see its intentions cut short for health reasons, given the high incidence of silicosis among its workforce.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • USA

National Health Policy


7 days in healthcare (July 11th-17th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the finding that there are plans to produce vaccines in cases of pandemic in 100 days should be highlighted. If it is confirmed, it will be a positive consequence of the terrible covid pandemic, in the same way that wars sometimes produce technological advances.

With regard to Global Health, the efforts of the WHO to create a hub for the production of vaccines with mRNA technology in poor countries should be noted, given the failure of other initiatives, based more on goodwill than on realistic approaches.

As for International Health Policy, there is already evidence of the vaccines that have saved the most lives in the world. The first was that of AstraZeneca-Oxford, followed by that of Pfizer-BioNTech.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the wave of covid continues to grow, with an increased impact on hospitals, although it seems that we are already close to the “peak” of this wave. Plans for a new dose of the vaccine for those over 60 years of age. Important changes are announced in Madrid’s healthcare, given the seriousness of the problems in waiting lists, primary care and emergencies. Let’s hope that the plan is effective and does not remain in one more advertisement, to which we are so accustomed. It seems that the State Public Health Center will be created immediately, which is great news, if it is done well. The fact that it will not be an independent Agency (AIREF model) may lead to skepticism.

In the field of companies, it seems that a new pill is in sight, announced as almost miraculous, against obesity.


Global health

  • Nature: A vaccine hub for low-income countries. WHO initiative to produce mRNA vaccines in low-income countries, given the failure of “charity”. Issues over the global vaccine market, global trade rules, and intellectual property (
  • The war in Ukraine. the devastation of health and human rights. Between February-24 and June-24, the WHO reported 323 attacks on health facilities, with 76 deaths and 59 injuries (

International health policy

National health policy
