
7 days in healthcare (July 17th-23rd, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, important editorial and several articles in The Economist on the problems of reproduction and in vitro fertilization. Since this technique began, 45 years ago, more than 12 million children have been born thanks to it. The issue is extremely important considering that one in six people suffer from infertility. IVF is experiencing an extraordinary “boom”. Important article from The New York Times on the demographic changes that will give rise to a whole new world in terms of population distribution. Some skepticism about the effects of Donamebad on the evolution of Alzheimer’s.

When it comes to Global Health, The Economist looks at why the malaria vaccine has taken so long to develop. This is apparently due to cycle changes of the Plasmodium parasite. Singapore is a world leader in the marketing of cultured meat, which is possibly called to change many things in our eating habits.

Regarding International Health Policy, the WHO in its weekly covid monitoring newsletter on covid warns that, although the number of new cases and mortality are falling, this disease continues to be a threat, which requires maintenance of surveillance systems and periodic reports. The National Health Service, despite its deep crisis, continues to be a benchmark in terms of reflections on health and health systems. This time the King’s Fund is publishing a report on the kind of participatory leadership needed in the healthcare system.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), we want to highlight the interesting book “Conversations for better health”, which consists of deep and nuanced reflections on many topics, carried out by two consolidated values in Spanish healthcare arena (Jesús María Fernández Díaz and José Martínez Olmos): the importance of Public Health, the need for the Public Health Agency, the opacity of our system in terms of information on results and quality, financing, co-payment, the challenges of Primary Care, the necessary new care model, the contributions of digital health, etc. When improvisations and light comments abound, often made from advertising or simple communication, this conversation between two experienced experts, who treasure experience and knowledge, is a must read. It can be purchased on Amazon.

In the field of Companies, internationally, there are two great opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry, one in the short term, such as all medications against obesity and Alzheimer’s, and another in the longer term, such as anti-aging therapies.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (July 3rd-9th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the contribution of Artificial Intelligence to medical diagnosis is reviewed by JAMA magazine. It seems clear that AI is not going to replace the so-called Narrative Medicine, that ability of the doctor to communicate and to listen and interpret the history of the patients. Interesting advances in the field of  a simple way to diagnose pre-eclampsia and Parkinson’s.

With regard to Global Health, more and more importance is given to loneliness and its consequences on health, according to an editorial in The Lancet. Hunger and famine as a product of human activity, especially armed conflicts, is treated by Nature. Concern regarding the AIDS situation in sub-Saharan Africa, where anti-retroviral therapy has barely reached.

Regarding International Health Policy, in the United States, the FDA approves the first drug to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s. In the UK, three health think tanks (King’s Fund, Nuffield Trust and The Health Foundation) are addressing both the government and the opposition calling for solutions to the critical situation of the NHS. They denounce a decade of underfunding, which has led the UK to have far fewer human and material resources than most European countries. An interesting subscription model for antibiotics is being considered in the United Kingdom. Pharmaceutical companies will receive 20 million pounds per antibiotic put on the market, regardless of the prescription. In France, the Cour des comptes publishes documents to promote home palliative care and the development of advanced practice nursing. An interesting WHO-Europe document on hospitals and their challenges is published.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the beginning of the general elections on July 23, has made the different parties have made their programs public, including the health ones. The PP dedicates 24 measures to health. The strong points are: the Primary Care Shock Plan (although the title on emergencies is debatable); the State Public Health Agency; the Agency for Innovation and Quality (similar to NICE); digitization; palliative care; and, the mental health strategy. A new General Health Law is announced. Although the current law has many obsolete points, the legal technique of addressing a new law (instead of partial reforms in relation to different issues) is debatable. There is a risk of opening a very large melon, of generating long delays and of putting health into the same dynamic as education (a law for each new government). Conspicuous absences: nothing about financing, no mention of waiting lists (one of the most serious problems in the system), dental care (an area in which we are very far from Europe) and nothing about public/private collaboration. The PSOE program continues to identify public service with public management, thus distancing itself from any form of public/private collaboration. Many measures are contemplated, seeming more like a government plan than an electoral program, so the priorities are difficult to identify. The star measure seems to be announcing a law on waiting lists. Laws on waiting lists have never been effective in any autonomous community. The solution to the waiting lists does not go through a time guarantee law but rather resources and productivity of the public system and an updated and agile system of collaboration with the private sector. SUMAR incorporates the Podemos program: creation of a public pharmaceutical company; end of the MUFACE model; deprivatization plan, including cleaning, catering and laundry; progressive elimination of the pharmaceutical co-payment; they also announce a law on waiting lists. The Vox program represents an amendment to the whole: recentralization of health, recovering powers in health matters; approach waiting lists; repeal of the euthanasia and abortion law; strong criticism of the WHO, which they accuse of dependence on China. At the national level, the other great news is the alarm given by the insurers involved in the MUFACE model (Adeslas, Asisa and DKV) regarding the fact that its financing is generating large losses, unaffordable in the long term.

In the field of Companies, internationally, large pharmaceutical companies (Merck, BMS) are suing the American government for what they consider lowering prices, as a consequence of the anti-inflation law. In Spain, Ribera continues to bet on public/private collaboration, but this time in Portugal.


Global Health

  • Editorial of The Lancet: Loneliness as a health problem. In the UK and Japan there are loneliness ministers. The health damages are clear: cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, infectious diseases, depression and anxiety. Loneliness is not the same as being alone and can affect all ages (
  • Hunger and famines are not accidents, but facts created by human action. Around 200 million people experience acute food insecurity. Especially Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mali, Sudan and Syria. Hunger and conflict are connected (
  • HIV in Africa. Antiretroviral therapy has transformed AIDS into a chronic disease. But in sub-Saharan Africa, where 70% of AIDS patients live, few have access to this therapy, which greatly decreases life expectancy in the area (

International Health Policy

  • COVID19
    • Weekly covid report published by the WHO, July 6, 2023. The African region has shown a slight increase in deaths with a decrease in cases. The remaining five WHO regions show a decrease in both the number of cases and deaths (
  • United Kingdom and National Health Service
    • Three health think tanks (King’s Fund, Nuffield Trust and The Health Foundation) address government and opposition on NHS issues. They are betting that the next election will end short-term politics in the NHS. The recovery of NHS services and waiting lists must be a priority. They denounce a decade of underfunding. They welcome the long-term plan on personnel, published last week. They point out that life expectancy is the second worst (before only the USA) of the 19 health systems analyzed in the King’s Fund report (
    • The NHS intends to roll out the subscription model for antibiotics. Under the new proposal pharmaceutical companies would receive £20m for their new antibiotics, regardless of how many may be prescribed (

National health policy

  • 23 J elections: the health program of the PP
    • The PP dedicates 24 measures to health. The strong points are: the Primary Care Shock Plan (although the title urgent and emergencies is debatable); the State Public Health Agency; the Agency for Innovation and Quality (similar to NICE); digitization; palliative care; and, the mental health strategy. A new General Health Law is announced. Although the current law has many obsolete points, the legal technique of addressing a new law (instead of partial reforms in relation to different issues) is debatable. There is a risk of opening a very large melon, of generating long delays and of putting health into the same dynamic as education (a law for each new government). Conspicuous absences: nothing about funding, no mention of waiting lists (one of the most serious problems in the system), dental care (an area in which we are very far from Europe) and nothing about public/private collaboration (
  • 23 J elections: the health program of the PSOE
    • The PSOE program continues to identify public service with public management, thus distancing itself from any form of public/private collaboration. Many measures are contemplated, seeming more like a government plan than an electoral program, so the priorities do not look good. The star measure seems to be announcing a law on waiting lists. Laws on waiting lists have never been effective in any autonomous community. The solution to waiting lists does not go through a time guarantee law but resources and productivity of the public system and an updated and agile system of collaboration with the private sector (
  • 23 J Elections: SUMAR’s health program



7 days in healthcare (June 26th-July 2nd, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, clinical trials in humans begin with drugs developed by artificial intelligence, such as one for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Álvaro Pascual-Leone, a prestigious Spanish neuroscientist based in the United States, announces that in about ten years the brain will be able to be manipulated . Surely at that time the manipulation of the brain will be something as normal as today the replacement of the crystalline lens for the cataract. A new world is coming.

In Global Health, two charities (the Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Foundation) set to fund a TB vaccine, which could save 8.5 million lives over the next quarter century. Gavi, the organization that provides vaccines to developing countries, approves a vaccine that protects against polio and five other diseases.

Regarding International Health Policy, the editor of the American Journal Medicine publishes in the last issue an article with the five great challenges of the American health system in the 21st century. However, from a reporting point of view, the most interesting news comes from the UK. The King’s Fund, a major British health think tank, publishes a comparative analysis of that country’s health system, which it analyzes together with 19 health systems, including the Spanish one. The analysis is very interesting, and the conclusion is that the NHS is efficient, but with big problems, not only with waiting lists, but also with results. It seems to imply a chronic underfunding of the NHS, when compared to systems in other countries. For its part, the NHS publishes for the first time a long-term plan on personnel. It basically deals with three things: training, retention and reform. The Guardian hails the report but says it is years overdue. For their part, both The Lancet and the British Medical Journal publish editorials on the 75th anniversary of the NHS, which coincides with its deep crisis. In both positions, political consensus is claimed as a key piece to fix the serious problems of the NHS. The WHO-Europe publishes a document with architectural recommendations on the hospitals of the future.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), there are several news of interest: the Audit Office of Catalonia publishes an interesting report on waiting lists. It seems that 9% of the cases on the waiting list in Catalonia were not counted on the Department of Health website, which leads some to use the word makeup. With regard to private healthcare, the IDIS is starting a very interesting project to share the patient’s clinical history among various provider and insurer entities, only an initial but very important step in what is to come. In the course of the pre-election debate, the President of the Popular Party announces a new General Health Law and a State Pact on Health if it reaches La Moncloa. Interesting announcements since, as The Lancet says for the NHS, only a certain political consensus and a new partnership, will be able to solve the problems of the health system in our country.

At the Corporate level, internationally, GSK completes the acquisition of Bellus Health. As far as national news is concerned, we must highlight Roche’s investment in Sant Cugat.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • USA
    • The challenges of the American healthcare system in the 21st century, according to the editor of the American Journal Medicine. Five big challenges: 1. Insufficient insurance coverage; 2. Low health education among the population; 3. Prevention and management of chronic diseases; 4. Great disparities in quality and results; and. 5. Trust in doctors? (

National Health Policy
