
7 days in healthcare (July 22nd-28th, 2024)




  • Keys to a possible cure for AIDS. The 25th International AIDS Conference opened on July 22. Nearly 40 million people are now infected, there were 1.3 million new infections in 2023 and 630,000 AIDS-related deaths, compared with 2.1 million and 1.3 million in 2010, the reference year. Although there is no treatment, progress depends on two things: treating infected cases and preventing transmission. The goal is “95-95-95.” 95% of infected cases detected; 95% of them treated and 95% successful in treatment.
  • A rare nuclear isotope that could revolutionize cancer treatment. By combining a nuclear isotope with an antibody, the microscopic drug directly attacks cancer cells. Jeff Legos, global head of oncology at Novartis, says radiopharmacy could be the therapy of choice for many cancers.

Global Health

  • Dengue as a health threat. 2024 is the worst year for dengue according to all records. As of July 23, there are 10 million cases in 176 countries, more than 24,000 severe cases and 6,508 deaths. Dengue is a disease transmitted by a mosquito as a vector and produced by 4 serologically related viruses. The triad of urbanization, climate change and movement of people favor the expansion of dengue.
  • Guterres, secretary general of the UN, calls for accelerated action against extreme heat. According to him, it kills half a million people a year.

International health policy

  • A more preventive NHS. Report on the need to make prevention the activity of each individual. John Deanfield, a leader in personalised prevention, says that a kind of “pre-NHS” focused on prevention should be created, as he believes that the NHS continues to operate according to its traditional principles of 75 years ago, which is to address diseases. The current approach is considered unsustainable, both for the economy and for health. Deanfield wants more preventive services, such as checks on weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure. He also wants a new preventive portal to be added to the NHS app.
  • Reactions to the first report on covid. Led by retired judge Heather Hallet, it shows the failures of the government and calls for an independent body responsible for developing strategies against pandemics. It is worth noting that all of the covid reports in the United Kingdom have been led by a retired judge, which guarantees independence, which did not happen in Spain and the results are there.
  • A new tool in the NHS that could help minimize the problem of waiting lists: HIT (high intensity theatre). The experience has been developed at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospitals. Among other measures, staff are encouraged to work on weekends or evenings.
  • The EMA rejects the new Alzheimer’s drug. Trade name Leqenbi (lecanemab) produced by Eisai and Biogen. This comes after the approval by the FDA. The EMA is concerned about the side effects that have been described.

National Health Policy (Spain)

  • Call for specialized training places 2025; 11,943 places, 2.9% more than the previous year; family medicine only increases by 1%, despite medicine increasing by 3%. The exam will be on January 25-25. The face-to-face selection is resumed and the cut-off mark is removed. The low percentage increase in family medicine places has been strongly criticized, which adds to the recent economic distribution for primary care of 172.4 million, considered insufficient.
  • Waiting lists are causing patients to switch to private healthcare. Every day, since 2021, 1,250 patients have taken out private health insurance, which is 1,366,000 in just three years.


  • International
    • Abbott sentenced to pay 495 million dollars. The conviction of a Missouri jury for having caused a serious intestinal disease in a child.
  • National
    • Cuideo seeks to double its business in 2024. The home care company plans to grow through acquisitions and expansion.
    • Investments in anti-aging. Rafael Nadal and Juan Matjí promote investment in vitamins to prevent aging.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (January 15th-21st, 2024)




From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the fact that in China they created the first cloned monkey, which introduces us to the ethical debate of the possible cloning of human beings. Also the fact of the discovery of biomarkers that allow persistent covid to be diagnosed.

As far as Global Health is concerned, it is confirmed that cyber attacks, whose frequency is only growing, are one of the greatest dangers to health systems, which is forcing governments to reinforce security standards.

In terms of International Health Policy, as demonstrated by the American Cancer Society, mortality from cancer is falling in the United States, due to the combined effect of less smoking, earlier diagnoses and more effective treatments. An article in the New York Times summarizes the six reasons why medicines are so expensive in the United States (twice as much as in other high-income countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom), perhaps the most important being the absence of a centralized price negotiation body, something about to be overcome, given the upcoming Medicare negotiation on these prices. A group of Nobel Prize winners and scientists are addressing the EU to ask for less rigidity in the regulations on genetic modification, in order to protect crops. The ECDC launches RespiCast, a new center for the prevention of respiratory diseases.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the tripledemic is on the decline, at least as far as the pressure on hospitals is concerned. Although it may seem like an anecdote, the situation of the pediatric ICU in La Paz is a metaphor for human resources policy in the health sector. This ICU remains closed, due to the loss of all medical staff, as a result of the judicial decision that reinstates a former head of the Unit in his position. The Statute leads to the situation where the actions of a single person can put a service, a hospital, a manager, a regional minister and the Ministry in check, indefinitely and without anything happening. It is an extreme case, but it is something that happens every day. In this way, centers that claim to be companies cannot be managed. In the field of transplants, Spain has been a world leader for 32 years in a row.

As for Companies, internationally, Lilly’s leadership among pharmaceutical companies seems destined to last. At the national level, problems at Grifols, which call into question the future of this company, as well as the control by its founding family. Losses by Ribera in its Galician hospitals.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (December 19th-25th, 2022)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, it should be noted that 2022 has been an extraordinarily productive year from the point of view of the appearance of effective drugs, among others against obesity or different forms of cancer. mRNA vaccines open the way to new therapeutic approaches

With regard to Global Health, the British Medical Journal summarizes the human and health damage caused by the floods in Pakistan.

Regarding International Health Policy, discussions continue about the origin of the covid. President Biden is accused of complacency in saying as early as September that “the pandemic is over”, while the mortality continues. Everything seems to indicate that the end of the covid-zero policy in China is producing a large number of cases (millions in just one day), which is putting maximum pressure on the health system and, probably, since there are no reliable figures, with a high mortality. UK nurses and ambulance strike.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of covid has risen slightly in the last week, with a high death toll (241). The strike of Primary Care doctors in Madrid is paralyzed until January 11, to analyze the administration proposals. The Government undertakes to launch the working group for the elaboration of the Strategic Plan on the pharmaceutical industry, after the promises of investments in the next three years made by the heads of the most important pharmaceutical companies in a meeting in La Moncloa . Government and Community of Madrid launch the Neurotechnology Center.

In the field of Companies, internationally, it seems that private equity companies are oriented in the USA towards hospital emergencies. In Spain, Warren Buffet acquired the largest medical error insurance.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy

  • Pharmaceutical policy
