7 days in healthcare (May 1st-7th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, to point out the interest in certain therapies using viruses that engulf bacteria to address infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Progress continues to be made in breaking the blood-brain barrier, which will make it possible to better treat certain brain tumors, which until now have not been reached by medication.

As regards Global Health, the WHO declares the end of the emergency due to the covid pandemic, although not the covid, which is still with us. Since its inception this disease has caused more than 20 million deaths globally. Gavi reveals his plans for a malaria vaccine, another major global plague.

As for International Health Policy, he has highlighted the rise in the price of tobacco in France (a good measure against smoking), and Australia wants to limit the use of electronic cigarettes. The ECDC brings out an interesting report with the lessons of the pandemic: “More investment, improvement of surveillance systems, improvement of risk communication, community participation and greater participation between countries” could be the summary.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), in the update of the Stability Program 2023-2026, the % of GDP dedicated to public healthcare spending does not change, remaining at 6.9%. It is evident that only increasing spending does not solve the problems of our health system, but it is difficult to see how they can be solved without increasing spending, as the government proposes. The Spanish Association against Cancer, through the mouth of its president, denounces that Spain has the cheapest tobacco in Europe: “the tobacconist of Europe” calls for this situation. Interesting article by Juan Abarca Cidón, who presents a decalogue to avoid the collapse of our health system. The measurements are very clear and direct. It will be possible to qualify or even disagree with some, but there is no doubt that the problems are addressed. Not like the framework programs of the majority parties for the 28-M elections, which seem to try not to raise any suspicion, by saying nothing.

At the Corporate level, at the international level, Lilly presents a new drug that slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s. The birth of a large market linked to Artificial Intelligence in health is in sight, according to the report by Siemens Financial Services. As far as our country is concerned, Cofares reaches a sales record in 2022. Grifols enters the field of leukemia.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy

  • Interesting article with a decalogue of reforms in our health system
    • Article by Juan Abarca Cidón, the proposals range from a political agreement; increase general spending on health; finalist financing with certain objectives; reduce costs, considering the co-payment; new governance model at all levels; new care organization model with a greater role for nursing; deal with patient problems, such as waiting lists; address the problems of professionals; normalize the activity of the private sector; and promote the Public Health Agency (https://www.elespanol.com/edicion/20230430/decalogo-reformas-evitar-colapso-sanidad/760293970_12.html)
