7 days in healthcare (August 14th-20th, 2023)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, surely the most far-reaching news is the success obtained with a transplant to a brain-dead human of a genetically modified pig kidney, which worked perfectly, both from the point of view of renal function and of non-rejection. This represents great hope for transplants, especially in the United States where transplant waiting lists are very long. It is estimated that some 5,000 people in the USA die each year waiting for a kidney transplant. The idea is to request authorization from the FDA to carry out a clinical trial.

As far as Global Health is concerned, an interesting WHO summit in India on traditional medicine (which includes treatments as varied as Ayurveda, yoga, homeopathy and complementary therapies), although we don’t have to expect much from the results. The truth is that traditional medicine is followed by billions of people and the WHO wants to see how it integrates with conventional medicine. The Lancet comments that malnutrition is the greatest risk for tuberculosis. In fact between 1900 and 1940 the incidence of tuberculosis plummeted, in the absence of any effective treatment or vaccines, simply because of improved socioeconomic conditions.

As for International Health Policy, two Chinese manufacturers are making “copycats” of weight-loss drugs, threatening Western companies in their development in this huge obesity market. An international study (United States, Germany and Switzerland) warns of the “cancer premium” in the price of medicines, which reaches up to three times that of medicines for other diseases, this price not being justified either by the manufacturing process or by because of the research, but, fundamentally, because of the extreme concern and anguish in the face of this disease. Although the study refers to those countries, this phenomenon occurs in all nations, including Spain.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), denounce the low rates of insurers with doctors. Although the matter will surely have many nuances, the truth is that the low rate of insurers (20 euros on average for a first consultation and 10 for a subsequent one) make this model of care provision very unstable. La Rioja proposes with the new government of the PP to have a Faculty of Medicine. The map of the Faculties of Medicine in Spain has been highly denounced both by the Association of Medical Students and by the Medical Deans’ Conference. We have a ratio of medical schools per population that is second only to South Korea, of course much higher than that of France, the United Kingdom and Germany, which should be our benchmarks. The peculiar distribution of powers between the State, the communities and the Universities has led to this certainly anomalous situation. The pharmaceutical industry has become the leading export sector in Spain, ahead of the automobile industry, which traditionally led the ranking. A complete success for this industry, of which there are 173 production plants, most of them in Catalonia, followed by Madrid.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, Novartis plans to separate from Sandoz (its division for generics and biosimilars), following the same path as Pfizer with its Upjohn generic business, which it merged with Mylan to form Viatris. Various private equity firms interested in the operation. At the national level, it is worth highlighting the large increase in Ferrer’s profit.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy




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