7 days in healthcare (October 2nd-8th, 2023)
From the point of view of Biomedicine, Katalin Karikó and Andrew Weissman, awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine, for their discoveries that allowed the implementation of the mRNA vaccine against covid. When Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA in 1953, RNA was not known, not discovered until 1961. DNA is the matrix for RNA and this is the matrix for proteins to be produced in ribosomes. mRNA was later discovered. Dr. Karikó immigrated to the United States from her native Hungary in 1968 to find a therapeutic role for messenger RNA. For 20 years she worked unsuccessfully in that attempt. At the University of Pennsylvania, where she worked, she met Dr. Drew Weissman. They had made RNA, injected it into mice but they got sick and died. After some chemical changes in the RNA they avoided rejection. They believed they were on the path to discovering a new way of making vaccines. They tried to publish it in “Nature”, but the prestigious magazine rejected the work. They published it in 2005 in the minor journal “Immunology”. Two biotechnology companies saw the therapeutic potential of RNA: Moderna, in the United States, and BioNTech, in Germany. In 2013 Katalin Karikó became vice president of BioNTech, there she developed the vaccine against covid that has saved so many lives. In 2022 she left BioNTech to devote more time to research. She has returned to Hungary as a professor at the University of Szeged. Andrew Weissman’s life is less eventful, he is a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and had worked with Anthony Fauci, the doctor who led American efforts against covid-19. In another vein, The Lancet magazine publishes an experimental work in which a blood test detects tumors in asymptomatic people. It is only a first step, but the day does not seem far away when we can diagnose the existence of a tumor through a blood test.
Regarding Global Health, the WHO approves the long-awaited second vaccine against malaria. It should be noted that the number of cholera cases has doubled between 2021 and 2022, according to the WHO.
Regarding International Health Policy, in the United States, a strike at the important integrated insurer Kaiser Permanente ended without an agreement. The FDA launches a program to accelerate the emergence of therapies against rare diseases. Let’s not forget that most rare diseases have no treatment by 2023. Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom seems determined to set limits on the age at which people start smoking. The EFPIA (European medicines association) appeals in writing to the European Parliament to amend the European pharmaceutical reform, which is underway.
If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), as is known, the Government has authorized the increase in the number of places in Medical Schools. This initiative has been made against the opinion of the doctors and the Association of Medical Students. Obviously, the issue of health professionals requires planning, precisely what there has not been. Planning cannot be replaced with any measure if it is not well thought out and matured among the various agents of the health system. Andalusia takes a step to promote public/private collaboration, by approving 734 million euros to refer patients to private clinics. As for the Zendal Hospital, it seems that it the purpose of that hospital is already defined. After an investment of 50 million: the Zendal hospital will be a neurorehabilitation hospital. At one point it had been designed as a Covid hospital, something only seen in China and some other low-developed countries, not Europe. There was no functional plan for said hospital. We now do not know which studies have recommended its transformation into a neurorehabilitation hospital and whether the different agents (hospitals, scientific societies, expert groups, etc.) have been consulted.
In the field of Companies, on an international level, KKR finalizes the purchase of Eugin, to create a giant in assisted reproduction. At the national level, HM Hospitals announces the opening of its 9th hospital in Madrid. A story of undoubted success, based on a family initiative.
- Katalin Karikó and Andrew Weissman, awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine, for the discoveries that allowed the implementation of the mRNA vaccine against covid (https://elpais.com/ciencia/2023-10-02/concesion-of-the-nobel-prize-in-medicine-2023.html#:~:text=The%20Karolinska%20Institute%20of%20Stockholm,covid%20based%20on%20RNA%20messenger.)
- The Economist Editorial: In a grim world, vaccines were a wonderful gift that well deserves recognition (https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/10/05/in-an-ugly-world-vaccines-are-a-beautiful-gift-worth-honouring)
- An experimental blood test detects tumors in asymptomatic people (https://elpais.com/salud-y-bienestar/2023-10-05/un-analisis-de-sangre-experimental-detecta-tumores-en-personas-asymptomatic.html). Original article in The Lancet: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)01700-2/fulltext#:~:text=Multicancer%20early%20detection%20(MCED)%20blood,MCED%20testing%20for%20cancer%20screening.
Global Health
- WHO approves the long-awaited second malaria vaccine (https://www.science.org/content/article/world-health-organization-endorses-much-anticipated-second-malaria-vaccine)
- Moderna reports successes in the dual vaccine against covid and flu (https://www.ft.com/content/8fd9f7fa-c272-440e-9f27-8bdacc7afe5c)
- How to integrate the approach to HIV, diabetes and hypertension in Africa (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)01884-6/fulltext)
- The number of cholera cases has doubled between 2021 and 2022, according to the WHO (https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2023/10/03/cholera-le-nombre-de-cas-rapportes-a-l-oms-a-double-entre-2021-et-2022_6192071_3244.html#:~:text=Le%20name%20de%20cas%20de,OMS%20diffusée%20vendredi%2022%20septembre.)
International health policy
- Workers’ strike at Kaiser Permanente, which ends without an agreement (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/06/health/kaiser-permanente-strike.html#:~:text=Kaiser%20Permanente%20health%20care%20workers,warned%20another%20walkout%20was%20possible.)
- The FDA launches a program to accelerate the appearance of therapies against rare diseases (https://diariofarma.com/2023/10/03/la-fda-pone-en-marcha-un-piloto-para-acelerar-the-development-of-therapies-in-rare-diseases)
- United Kingdom and the National Health Service
- Prime Minister Sunak, willing to raise the smoking age from year to year (https://www.ft.com/content/86d9c79f-6b08-498b-847b-9e23c09e6f61)
- The Nuffield Trust (a leading British health think tank) publishes a report on how to improve the supply of clinical staff in the NHS (https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/research/waste-not-want-not-strategies-to-improve-the-supply-of-clinical-staff-to-the-nhs)
- France
- Tribune in Le Monde: Given the aging of the population, it is necessary to increase the number of geriatricians (https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2023/10/05/vieillissement-demographique-il-nous-faut-former-des-geriatres-en-plus-grand-nombre_6192575_3232.html#:~:text=2030%2C%20c%27est%20demain%20!,en%20charge%20du%20grand%20âge.)
- To address the shortage of medicines, the government wants to fight against waste (https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2023/10/03/face-aux-penuries-de-medicaments-le-gouvernement-veut-faire-la-chasse-au-gaspillage_6192204_3234.html#:~:text=de%20la%20santé-,Face%20aux%20pénuries%20de%20médicaments%2C%20le%20gouvernement%20veut%20fair)
- Alert in Paris, due to the proliferation of bed bugs (https://elpais.com/clima-y-medio-ambiente/2023-10-04/alerta-en-paris-ante-la-proliferacion-de-chinches-de-cama.html)
- European Union
- The EU is considering new joint purchases of vaccines to combat the coronavirus (https://www.larazon.es/sociedad/plantea-nuevas-compras-conjuntas-vacunas-hacer-frente-coronavirus_20231002651a250a1fb4a600013ff9c4.html)
- The EFPIA (European Medicines Association) appeals to the European Parliament to amend the European pharmaceutical reform (https://diariofarma.com/2023/10/03/la-efpia-apela-a-la-eurocamara-para-ammendar-the-pharmaceutical-reform)
- The EMA reviews 1,800 generic medicines for “deficiencies in validity and reliability” (https://elpais.com/sociedad/2023-10-03/la-ema-revisa-1800-medicamentos-genericos-por-deficiencias-en-the-validity-and-reliability-of-clinical-trial-data.html#)
National health policy
- Controversy over the increase in medicine places
- Doctors warn the government that creating more medical positions at Medical School will aggravate the problem (https://theobjective.com/sanidad/2023-10-03/medicos-advierten-gobierno-mas-plazas-medicina-agravara-problemas/#:~:text=However%20%2C%20the%20doctors%2C%20disbelievers,for%20the%20Union%20Medical%20Andalusian.)
- Medical students reject the increase in places (https://www.consalud.es/formacion/estudiantes-medicina-aumento-plazas-en-facultades_135197_102.html)
- MUFACE model
- SOS in the face of insufficient financing of the MUFACE model (https://www.vozpopuli.com/espana/sos-muface-falta-gobierno-frena-finacion-salvar-mutua-2-millones-trabajorios.html)
- The MUFACE electronic prescription will be available in all autonomous communities in 2024 (https://www.elespanol.com/invertia/observatorios/sanidad/20231007/receta-electronica-muface-disponible-todas-comunidades-mediados/799420237_0. html)
- Public/private collaboration in Andalusia
- The Moreno Government reserves 734 million euros to refer patients to private clinics inside and outside Andalusia (https://www.eldiario.es/andalucia/gobierno-moreno-reserva-734-millones-derivar-pacientes-clinicas-private-outside-andalucia_1_10560907.html)
- Prices in private insurance
- Private insurance is installed in increases of 8.4% in premiums in 2023 (https://www.plantadoce.com/entorno/guerra-de-precios-el-seguro-privado-de-salud-se-instala-en-rises-of-84-in-2023.html#:~:text=Guerra%20of%20precios%3F-,The%20seguro%20private%20of%20salud%20is%20installed%20in%20subidas%20del,eight%20first%20months%20de)
- Zendal Hospital
- Ayuso will use 50 million euros to transform the Zendal hospital into a neurorehabilitation center (https://www.eleconomista.es/salud/noticias/12477314/10/23/ayuso-empleara-50-millones-para-convierte-el-zendal-in-a-neurorehabilitation-center-.html)
- International News
- KKR finalizes the purchase of Eugin from Fresenius to create an assisted reproduction giant (https://www.plantadoce.com/empresa/kkr-ultima-la-compra-de-eugin-a-fresenius-para-crear-a-giant-of-assisted-reproduction.html#:~:text=2023%20—%2009%3A42-,KKR%20last%20the%20buy%20from%20Eugin%20to%20Fresenius%20to%20create,betting %20por%20la%20r)
- National
- HM hospitales will open the 9th hospital in Madrid in 2024 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVXaKxLWrVY)