
7 days in healthcare (December 5th-11th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, an emotional farewell in the New York Times of the “young” (81 years old), Anthony Fauci, who had such a presence in our homes throughout the years of the pandemic. Without a doubt, his scientific contributions are notable, but it is not a minor merit that he has contradicted President Trump on several occasions in the honest exercise of his office, something unusual in our environment. A new type of biomarkers seems to open the doors to the possible diagnosis of different types of cancer at an early stage with a simple blood test.

With regard to Global Health, to highlight the serious problems of diabetes, which continues to grow; and suicide, which is increasing markedly among young Americans, although, as the WHO says, it is in Africa where there are the highest suicide rates in the world.

Regarding International Health Policy, China continues to distance itself from the covid-zero policy, although we will see the increasing consequences of covid mortality. Labor problems continue in the NHS, with several strikes announced. Macron promises free condoms for minors and young people up to 25 years of age. Several initiatives in the field of health of the European Union, which makes health more and more a European Union policy, without prejudice to the fact that the management of national health services is the responsibility of the Member States.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), in terms of covid, the incidence continues to decrease, what has not completely decreased is mortality (314 deaths in the last week). The strikes continue in the Primary Care of Madrid, without it seeming that the negotiations are progressing. The results of the Third Wave (2022) of the Health Barometer appear, which well deserves a careful analysis. Spain is the European Union country that performs the most instrumental deliveries, according to the “European Perinatal Health Report” (2015-2019).

In the field of Companies, at the international level, an important initiative by Pfizer to increase production in Europe, something necessary as seen during the pandemic and the difficulties for Europe to fully depend on production in Asia. Spin off of GE Healthcare from General Electric. Regarding national news, it should be noted that Blackrock increases its stake in Grifols.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (September 19th-25th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to review the articles in The Economist on advances in knowledge of the brain, which will have a great impact on the appearance of new drugs and pain therapy.

With regard to Global Health, the WHO report of September 21, which places cancers, cardiovascular conditions and diabetes as responsible for three quarters of global mortality.

In terms of international health policy, an important initiative in France to offer three preventive consultations free of charge by the public system: at 25, 45 and 65 years of age. The EU launches a plan for the elimination of tuberculosis in Europe.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), great debate around the Equity Law. What should have been just a law to correct the access deficiencies of the Montón Law, is being flamboyantly called “Equity” (as if accessibility guaranteed equity, not having a single provision to improve equity), and It is used to introduce the aspirations of Unidas Podemos to annul Law 15/97, approved almost unanimously at the time. The IDIS Foundation has warned of the damage to assistance and, specifically, the waiting lists, if some precepts of the Law are approved. It seems that the Catalan consortiums are going to respect each other, which is important, but it is also important to preserve and reinforce public/private concerts throughout the national territory.

At the corporate level, from an international point of view, the shares of the large vaccine manufacturers (especially Moderna, BioNTech and Novavax) plummeted, as a result of President Biden’s announcement that “the pandemic has been feared”. In Spain, it should be noted that Moderna will install its first quality laboratory outside the United States in Madrid.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (April 25-May 1, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the evolution of acute hepatitis in children; Lilly’s announcement of a drug to tackle obesity that could compete with bariatric surgery; and the analysis of the New England Journal of Medicine on the “boosters” for covid.

As far as Global Health is concerned, we again quote Bill Gates, who is publishing a new book on pandemic prevention. Great concern about the resurgence of measles, yellow fever and polio in Africa, due to the low levels of vaccination against these diseases, given that resources have been largely diverted to covid.

As for international health policy, the problems of the “zero-covid” policy in China continue, which threatens the global economy, due to the closure of the largest port in the world: Shanghai. It seems increasingly clear that for political reasons this “zero-covid” approach will not change until the approval of a third term for its leader Xi. Also noteworthy is the very serious discrediting of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, which until now had been the object of almost religious veneration.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to increase, particularly in some regions (Galicia, Navarra, Asturias and Castilla y León). The Health Advertising Law was not approved by Parliament, which is not necessarily bad news, since it was largely part of the confrontation between the College of Dentists and the dental care networks. The announced strike of doctors in Madrid, regardless of its results, has its origin in a very serious problem: the very high rate of temporary employment (more than 50% of doctors in the public system in Madrid). Very interesting statements by José Ramón Repullo, proposing national accreditation and hiring at the local level.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, certain possible disruptive changes for the pharmaceutical industry should be highlighted: 3D printing, which would allow the “manufacturing” of medicines in a clinical environment; and the movements of Amazon for the sale of prescription drugs.


Global Health

International health policy

  • COVID-19

o Serious problems continue in China with the “zero-covid” policy. The general impression is that the rhetoric of war does not help to defeat covid ( covid), while the global economic implications of the closure of Shanghai persist, the largest port in the world (

o The “zero-covid” policy in China, a great personal bet of the leader Xi and difficult to be modified before his re-election for a third term ( 4a76-9b81-d561deaabc5c)

o Covid cases on the rise in virtually all of the United States (

  • Other issues

o The FDA, about to ban menthol cigarettes. They are the most used among the black population (

o Very serious loss of prestige of the National Health Service, which is ending an almost religious adoration of this body in the United Kingdom. A survey says that global satisfaction dropped to 36%, something never known. Poor staff planning among major problems (

National health policy (Spain)


o The cumulative incidence among people over 60 years of age continues to rise, reaching (April 29) 676.43 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, an increase of almost 70 points compared to the previous measurement. Occupation rate due to covid: 5.12% in the ward and 3.66% in the ICU ( deceased-ia-exceeds-676-points_113987_102.html)

o The Ministry of Health reports almost 2,000 deaths in April, the first full month of “flu” from covid ( flu-covid/668683313_0.html)

o Increase in the incidence of covid grows by 35% after Easter and there are already four regions with the unbridled incidence (Galicia, Navarra, Asturias and Castilla y León) ( /revenues-covid-semana-santa-ccaa-incident-runaway/668183406_0.html)

o The Ministry of Health will authorize the fourth dose for those over 80 years of age and those who live in residences, a total of about 3 million people ( fourth-dose-vaccine-covid-older-80.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The Health Advertising Law presented by the PP fails, which is regretted by the professional associations, in particular that of dentists. Apparently, the Government is preparing a Royal Decree on the subject (

  • Other issues

o Madrid hospital doctors go on strike over temporary contracts (

o Interesting statements by José Ramón Repullo regarding the temporality of doctors and health professionals and their non-solution through the OPEs. He proposes national accreditation and contracting by centers, as exists in other countries ( -of-a-bad-system-worse-governed.html)

o Cases of severe hepatitis in children in Spain rise to 22 (

o 700,000 Spaniards on the surgical waiting list, the worst figure in the history of public healthcare ( html)

o Núñez Feijóo calls for the creation of the emergency specialty, with the argument of preventing primary care professionals from leaving (

o Facme presents the Spanish recertification model (

o Five communities (Extremadura, Aragón, Baleares, Comunidad Valenciana and Navarra) ask AIReF to evaluate their healthcare and pharmaceutical spending ( the-airef-assess-your-health-care-and-pharmaceutical-expenditure)

o Very interesting article by José Luis Puerta: “Data saves lives”, on the need to overcome the situation in which the custodians of the data are not capable of exploiting them, nor do they allow third parties to do so (https://www.diariomedico .com/opinion/data-saves-lives.html)


  • International News

o Possible disruptive changes for the pharmaceutical industry ( volumetric 3D printing that would allow drugs to be “manufactured” in a clinical setting ( and Amazon Prime’s offer to facilitate basic drugs for $1 a month (

o Roche sales soar in the United States due to the demand for covid tests (

o Investors pressure Nestlé and Kraft Heinz to target health (

o Philips records losses of 151 million euros in the first quarter of 2022 ( -first-quarter-of-2022.html)

o Abbie strengthens its neurosciences portfolio and acquires Syndesis Therapeutics (

  • National News

o Lácer attracts the interest of venture capital funds (

o Grifols closes the purchase operation of its German rival Biotest (

o Faes Farma profit grows 24% thanks to licenses and the Latin American market ( -a-24-thanks-to-the-licenses-and-the-latin-american-market.html)

o Senniors disembark in Abu Dhabi with the support of the country’s sovereign wealth fund ( -country.html)

o Quirónsalud launches a new rehabilitation center in Ronda de Triana ( -triana.html)

o Hospitales Parque (CASER) accelerates in 2021 and raises its income by 46%, up to 58 million euros ( -46-your-income-up-to-58-million-euros.html)

o Asisa strengthens Otoaudio and opens its first center in Seville (

o Asisa Dental opens its first own clinic in the Canary Islands in Las Palmas (







7 days in healthcare (April 11-17, 2022)




From the point of view of biomedicine, it is important to highlight the fact that greater access to antibiotics (reduced in many countries) is a basic element to overcome the pandemic of resistance to these drugs. Cases of acute hepatitis in children, detected in the United Kingdom and also in Spain, have been the subject of an alert by the WHO and the ECDC. Some of them require liver transplantation.

With regard to Global Health, the financing of the WHO is one of the great issues of global health, since this organization has always had a financing well below its challenges.

As for international health policy, President Biden’s Memorandum on “long covid” should be noted. Also the important article published in The Lancet that analyzes the circumstances surrounding the incidence of covid and its mortality in 177 countries, with some interesting conclusions. The “zero-covid” policy in China and, specifically, the confinement of Shanghai, continues to occupy the international front pages and is a policy that is beginning to be highly questioned, despite its successes so far in both the number of cases and in mortality, as in economic impact, if we believe the official figures from China. Great expectations regarding the new agency created by the Biden Administration: the ARPS-H (Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health)

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), 50,000 doses of covid have finally been distributed, albeit with great delay compared to the initial promises, although without having agreed on criteria regarding their use. Interesting proposal to the Ministry of Health of the Medical Collegiate Organization (OMC) on medical recertification, which includes a supervisory agency OMC-FACME, similar to a British one.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, to highlight the declines in sales of covid vaccines. Regarding national news, the announcement of the forthcoming arrival of the HIPRA vaccine should be highlighted.





o President Biden’s memorandum on addressing the “long COVID” ( effects-of-covid-19/). Article on the subject in JAMA magazine:

o Preparedness for the pandemic and covid, an analysis of 177 countries. The relationship between various circumstances and the incidence of covid, as well as mortality, are analyzed ( Comments on this article, the WHO and health systems remain unprepared to deal with a pandemic like covid, which caused 494 million cases and more than 6 million deaths, as of April 5, 2022: https://www.

o Shanghai lockdown shows signs of desperation among the population and lack of food ( )

o The mystery of China with “ómicron”: 280,000 infections and zero deaths (

o The WHO confirms a decrease in new covid cases worldwide, for the third consecutive week ( -covid-cases-around-the-world)

o Covid infections start to fall in the UK (

o Valneva, the Franco-Austrian vaccine against covid, is the sixth approved in the United Kingdom ( -covid-vaccine)

o The FDA authorizes the first breath-based covid test that produces results in less than three minutes ( first-covid-19-breath-test.html)

  • Other themes

o Expectations about the new health agency created by Biden, called ARPA-H (Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health). Editorial in Science magazine (

o The number of people on the NHS waiting list at record high ( -at-record-high)

o The number of primary care physicians (GPs) in the UK, down every year since 2015. Organizations representing doctors say the heavy workload, high expectations of patients, difficulties recruiting non-medical staff and the fear of errors due to overload, at the base of this situation ( -pledge-to-raise-them)

o A lawsuit by Cuban doctors has been accepted by the US justice system, accusing the PAHO (WHO organization for Latin America) of collaborating in the “forced labor” of Cuban doctors sent to Brazil (https://www.



o Spain, the rich country where life expectancy fell the most due to the pandemic, after the United States ( /664683895_0.html)

o The covid increased health spending in 2020 by 10.9%, a record figure ( -a-109-a-figure-record)

o The Ministry of Health has already distributed 50,000 doses of Paxlovid in Spain (

  • Other themes

o Three cases of childhood hepatitis of unknown origin detected in Spain, following an international alert from the WHO and the ECDC, originating in the United Kingdom ( in-spain-the-first-case-of-an-infantile-hepatitis-of-unknown-origin.html)

o Spain, at the tail of the large European markets in access to cancer and orphan drugs ( -europeans-in-access-oncology-drugs-and-orphans.html)

o The Government wants to reduce tobacco consumption, without prohibiting smoking ( prohibition.html)

o The Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC) makes a proposal to the Ministry of Health on medical recertification according to the English model with three measures. It proposes that the OMC-FACME could be the supervisory agency, similar to the “Professionals Standards Authority for Health and Social Care”, of the United Kingdom ( English-model-of -medical-recertification-with-3-measures-of-competence-6828)

o The Spanish transplant model triumphs in Latin America, where organ donation grew by 100% between 2005 and 2019 (

o Harassment of women who go to abortion clinics is declared a crime, through a modification of the Penal Code ( html)

o Family Medicine, Anesthesiology, Psychiatry and Radiodiagnosis, among the specialties that will have to increase their MIR offer to alleviate the deficit, according to a recent report ( -five-years-the-lack-of-planning-in-medical-templates.html)


  • International News

o Walgreens, the American pharmacy chain, flooded the market with opiates and is accused of creating addicts (

o GSK, about to buy Sierra Oncology for 1,500 million pounds to boost its oncology offer (

o The vaccine business drops, with a 21% drop in sales ( 664183929_0.html)

  • National News

o Farmaindustria pays 452 million to the State for excess public spending on medicines in 2018 and 2019 ( medications/663433943_0.html)

o The HIPRA vaccine will arrive between May and June, according to Minister Morant (

o Boehringer Ingelheim reinforces its commitment to Spain with an investment in R&D of 42 million in 2021, 23% more than in the previous period ( -bet-on-spain-with-an-investment-of-42-million-in-2021.html)

o Lácer launches its sale process for more than 500 million euros (

o Insparya, the hair business that Cristiano Ronaldo is in, will take its clinics to Milan, Paris and Dubai and will continue to open in Spain ( html)