
7 days in healthcare (October, 16th-22nd, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the largest research project in the world is taking place in the United Kingdom. It is about collecting information of all kinds from 5 million Britons, to then put that information to work in the preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, Public Health field, etc. A milestone where the great contribution of AI to health and healthcare will be seen.

In terms of Global Health, The Lancet analyzes the problem of deadly gun violence and the intended approach in the United States, under the leadership of Vice President Kamala Harris. Although we tend to believe that this is a typical and especially acute problem in North American society, the truth is that in many Latin American countries the situation is much more serious: Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador,…

In terms of International Health Policy, a novel approach to smoking in the United Kingdom, where it is being proposed to address this problem from the beginning, slowing down the age of starting to smoke. A report by European pharmacists confirms that the shortage of certain medicines is a problem throughout Europe.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), it is worth highlighting that the Generalitat Valenciana intends to recover the public management of the Manises and Denia hospitals, managed by concession by Sanitas and Ribera, respectively, while at the same time it proposes to continue with the concession of Vinalopó, which ends in 2025, also managed by Ribera. A priori, it seems like a judicious and non-sectarian approach from the Valencian government. The government’s Budget Plan foresees a percentage of GDP for health in 2024 of 6.7%, which contrasts with the results of the latest report of the Health Accounts System (July, 2023), which shows a public health expenditure of 7 .8% of GDP in 2021. Given that, as in the 2010 crisis, measures to reduce health spending (such as lowering staff salaries, freezing substitutions or reducing the price of medicines) are not announced, it is difficult to believe that this objective of 6.7% in public health in 2024 will be met, especially when some communities, such as the Basque Country, are announcing increases in health spending. The Andalusian Health Institute is created, the result of the merger of the Andalusian School of Public Health and the Progreso y Salud Foundation, which lose their status as public companies and, therefore, a certain autonomy. Given the history of the current Andalusian government with public hospital companies, we fear that it is another step towards the “administrativeization” of the public health system. Time will tell if this is progress or setback, but they do not seem to bode well, given the poor results of the operation in the hospital setting.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, the purchase by MSD from Daiichi of several cancer drugs is worth highlighting. At the national level, OHLA is awarded the construction of the new Vithas hospital in Turia. Important commitment of venture capital (Advent) in the field of dental care (Vitaldent), which contrasts with the low commitment of the government in this field, which distances us from Europe, being one of the countries with the least public financing in dental care.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy
