
7 days in healthcare (January 29th-February 4th, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the use of gene therapy based on CRISPR for the treatment of hereditary angioedema should be highlighted. Great debate regarding Elon Musk’s brain chip, in general the scientific community has expressed serious reservations about this initiative. Beginning of the first trials with mRNA-based therapy in cancers of different types in the United Kingdom.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the beginning of routine malaria vaccination can without exaggeration be considered a historic event, given the high mortality of this disease in children in Africa. The WHO warns about the prospects for great growth in cancer globally and the notable differences in its prognosis, especially in breast and cervical cancer.

In terms of International Health Policy, the NHS England initiative is especially interesting, allowing pharmacies to prescribe certain medications and carry out some care practices, which is expected to result in a decrease of 10 million primary care consultations. The results of this experience deserve to be followed, since it could be part of the solution to Primary Care also in Spain. EU document on cancer in Europe, highlighting inequities in its approach.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), it is worth continuing to comment on the intervention of the Minister of Health in the Health Commission of Congress. Although now it seems that nothing is important, the truth is that this intervention is one of the most relevant of any minister who reaches her position. The intervention has some lights and many shadows. Lights: recovery of a certain will for strategic direction of the SNS and decision to address the great problem of waiting lists (this is notable, since it contrasts with other ministers, who used to rather assume that everything was transferred and , therefore, the role of the Ministry was minimal). Shadows: very negative, offensive and unacceptable mentions of private healthcare, with arguments and quotes that are intellectually inconsistent and lacking rigor; staunch defense of direct public management, compared to other forms of public management; Public Health Agency, apart from doubts about its real content (no one hides the fact that the Agency does not make the influential nationalist parties very happy), the Ministry of Health gets out of the way to decide the location, handing over the baton to the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, as if it were not also a health decision; Framework Statute, where are the negotiations with professionals?; medicines, no mention of the Strategic Plan of the pharmaceutical industry (in which the President of the Government himself had committed himself); Oral health, where is the economic memory? What care model will be followed? Is the inclusion of glasses in public provision, given the financial strains of the system, a reasonable priority? Is there prior consensus with other agents on this measure? In another order of things, in the Valencian Community the reversion to the public sector of the Denia concession has been completed and that of Manises will soon be granted, something to which the Administration has every right, once the concession contract has ended. The mentions of the concept of “expropriation”, used by some concessionaire company, are extemporaneous. Now, the official press release from the Ministry announces a very notable increase in staff in that hospital in Denia. Logically, uncontrolled growth in health spending, if it is not justified, cannot be the public alternative to concessions. Notable growth in the price of health insurance premiums in Spain, although its price must probably continue to be low, compared to other European countries. Something to analyze.

As for Companies, on an international level, Novo Nordisk was surprised by the great demand in Europe for medicines against obesity. In terms of national news, the pharmaceutical distributor HEFAME has experienced great growth in recent years and is considering expanding throughout Spain. At Grifols, the board is considering excluding the family from the company’s strategic decisions.


Global Health

International health policy

  • European Union
    • Document on inequalities in the EU regarding cancer: “Beating cancer inequalities in the EU” Emphasis on prevention and early detection ( -14fdc89a-en.htm)
    • The EU fined the pharmaceutical industry 780 million for anti-competitive practices between 2018 and 2022 ( /828667294_0.html#:~:text=The%20European%20Commission%20investigated%20one, euros%20for%20the%20laboratories%20involved.)
    • Brussels calls to promote vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B throughout the EU ( -vaccines-against-human-papillomavirus-hpv-and-hepatitis-b-across-the-eu.html#:~:text=Brussels%20has%20launched%20this%20Wednesday, the%20Hepatitis%20B%20(HBV).)

National health policy

  • Appearance of the Minister of Health before the health commission of the Congress of Deputies, on January 26, 2024
    • Lights and shadows in the appearance. Lights: recovery of a certain will for strategic direction of the SNS and willingness to address the great problem of waiting lists. Shadows: very negative and unacceptable mentions of private healthcare, with intellectually inconsistent arguments and quotes; staunch defense of direct public management, compared to other forms of public management; Public Health Agency, the ministry gets out of the way to decide the location, as if it were not also a health decision; Framework Statute, where are the negotiations with professionals and patient associations?; medications, no mention of the Strategic Plan of the pharmaceutical industry; Oral health, where is the economic memory?; Is the inclusion of glasses in public provision, given the financial strains of the system, a reasonable priority? Is there prior consensus with other agents on this measure? (



7 days in healthcare (June 12th-18th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, to point out that human embryos have been produced without eggs or sperm, using stem cells, which raises far-reaching ethical questions. Joseph Alpert, editor of the American Journal of Medicine, recounts the 10 advances in clinical medicine he has seen since he was an intern in 1969-70. A whole different world, from the mortality of myocardial infarction, the evolution of HIV, the approach to leukemia, the possibilities offered by ICUs, the treatment of tuberculosis, etc. From that point of view, there is no doubt that the world is better than fifty years ago.

As regards Global Health, an unexplained increase in the incidence of cancer has been detected in people under 50 years of age, with this trend particularly affecting the population between 25-29 years of age. The Lancet denounces what it considers pressure from the pharmaceutical industry in the pandemic treaty, currently under discussion at the initiative of the WHO, according to a draft that was leaked on May 22 and published. It would be good if this treaty corrected the major failures that occurred during the covid pandemic in access to vaccines in developing countries, particularly in Africa.

Regarding International Health Policy, according to the weekly WHO report, covid is declining in both the number of cases and deaths in all regions of the world. Forecasts of health spending in the USA are published. Although growth will be moderate in the coming years, it will reach 20% of GDP in 2023, more than any country in the world. The National Oncology Plan in Italy is published. The European Monitoring Center for Drugs publishes its report for 2023. Cannabis, followed by cocaine, are the most widely used illegal drugs in Europe.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of covid is decreasing, which makes the government consider removing the mandatory use of masks in pharmacies and health centers. Madrid, the autonomous community with the shortest waiting list for non-urgent surgery. Although our country has a low birth rate, the use of in vitro fertilization is skyrocketing.

At the Business level, internationally, Philips has serious problems with faulty respirators. A collective accuses this company of involuntary manslaughter. The 10 largest pharmaceutical companies have more than 110,000 million dollars available for operations to purchase other companies, a move that is undoubtedly spurred on by the loss of patents in many of them. Lobbyists linked to tobacco companies are accused of advertising vaping online, against the recommendations of the WHO, with many reservations about this practice, considering it harmful to health. On a national level, Quirón presents its new hospital project in Badalona. Grifols will refinance its debt after divesting from its business in China. Asterion, the largest Spanish fund, breaks into health, by buying a health transport company.


Global Health

International Health Policy

  • Europe
    • The European Monitoring Center for Drugs publishes the report on Drugs 2023: Trends and development. Cannabis (marijuana or hashish) is the most widely used illicit drug in Europe, followed by cocaine. Heroin is the most widely used opioid and the one that causes the most health problems (

National Health Policy


7 days in healthcare (April 24th-30th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, to mark the 70 years since the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule, which was to revolutionize the field of biology and medicine, allowing in 2003 the development of the human genome and in 2023 the approval of the first drug based on gene therapy. Nature warns that the gene therapy revolution may be threatened if cost is not discussed, proposing regulatory changes and new intellectual property laws.

With regard to Global Health, a Fund was created (similar to that for HIV, tuberculosis or malaria) to fight against hepatitis, that great plague that worldwide causes more than a million deaths a year. Great repercussion of the conflict in Sudan on the health situation in that unfortunate country.

As for International Health Policy, any other international news pales in comparison to the importance of the new proposals from the European Commission regarding the new pharmaceutical regulation. They propose changes to fundamental rules that had worked without modification for more than twenty years. It is difficult to pronounce, given the great weight of the interests at stake: those of patients, those of pharmaceutical research in Europe, those of the pharmaceutical industry, those of the Member States that want to see their pharmaceutical bills reduced. The texts of the new Directive and new Regulation are still proposals, but they will give people talk.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the new Minister of Health pronounces himself saying that the waiting lists “are not the responsibility of the Government”, a statement that could be considered unacceptable, since someone might think that the Ministry has more responsibilities apart those of compiling and disseminating the lists. The IDIS Foundation publishes its annual report, now in its 13th edition, on “Private healthcare: providing value”, which has become essential in the sector, due to the transparency it gives to the situation of the private sector. The data from the WAIT report are not favorable for Spain, in terms of the average time elapsed since the approval of medicines by the European Agency and their availability in Spain. Our country is among those that accumulate the most delays in this process.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, spectacular news is the purchase by Kaiser Permanente (a giant on the American West Coast) of Geisinger (a smaller operator on the East Coast) to found a customer service system. non-profit community health. In Spain it seems that the INCOSOL model wants to be replicated outside of Spain.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy

  • Pharmaceutical policy
    • The WAIT 2022 report, which has just appeared, establishes the delays in different European countries, including Spain, for the incorporation of medicines. Spaniards have to wait an average of 629 days from the approval by the European Agency until they are available in Spain. Spain in the range of countries with the longest wait. The least expected countries are Germany and Denmark (


7 days in healthcare (January 30th- February 5th, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the review by The Lancet on lung cancer screening, which shows that the low-dose Scanner is effective in reducing mortality, although there are aspects of cost-effectiveness that they remain as a problem; neural implants in rats open the prospect of brain transplants; the gene therapy revolution, previously abandoned for safety reasons, is now in full swing; and mRNA vaccines, which may be useful for cancer, with fewer side effects than conventional chemotherapy. The debate on check-ups is current, proving, once again, that annual check-ups do not reduce mortality, and despite everything, they are increasingly in demand.

As regards Global Health, The Lancet publishes an editorial in which it tries to change the narrative of little hope until now on cancer, due to the great disparities between countries in this fight.

Regarding International Health Policy, the New England Journal Medicine magazine publishes an article that affects the approach to the new reality of the covid, despite the new perception as a minor nuisance, it continues to represent between 300 and 500 deaths a day in USES. According to The Economist, we will most likely never know the number of deaths from covid in China, since the official mortality figures are not credible. The crisis in the British NHS continues, which seems to have been exacerbated by Brexit. Prime Minister Sunak’s proposals are for more ambulances, more hospital beds and home care. El Mercurio, the leading newspaper in Chile, editorializes on the critical situation of the ISAPRES (health insurers) in that country, which could fall into insolvency, which occurs due to the government’s indifference to this situation.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to drop, although mortality remains high. World Cancer Day (February 4) coincides with the appearance of interesting publications on the cancer situation in our country, both by SEOM and the OECD. This latest report warns Spain about accessibility problems. The implementation of cancer screening has been uneven, which leads to inequities between autonomous communities. Cancer already represents 10% of public health spending. The celebration of Cancer Day also coincides with two new inaugurations of centers dedicated to this disease: the Cancer Center of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the experimental oncology center of the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid. The Ministry of Health of the Valencian Community announces the non-extension of the Denia concession contract. The Government publishes the Regulatory Plan for 2023, the law of the National Public Health Agency among the three health laws planned for 2023.

In the field of Companies, internationally, it should be noted that Pfizer is the first pharmaceutical company to reach revenues of more than $100,000 a year, thanks largely to the boost of the covid vaccine. As far as Spain is concerned, both Vitaldent and IMED are launching new centers. It seems that we are witnessing a fever of new private hospitals (Vithas in Barcelona; Sanitas in Madrid; Viamed in Tarragona; IMED in Alicante; Quirón in Asturias; and a long etcetera).


Global Health

International Health Policy

    • Addressing the new reality of covid. The covid passed, in the popular perception from a terrible threat to a minor inconvenience with a few days of symptoms. The reality, however, is not that and the covid still means between 300 and 500 deaths a day in the USA, equivalent to a mortality higher than that of a serious flu epidemic. To this must be added the effects of persistent covid (
  • Changes in the United States
    • The implications of the results of the US elections in 2022 in health. Results of a survey conducted by Robert Blendon. It is striking that despite the fact that the United States is the country that spends the most on healthcare, the majority of the population thinks that little is spent. This opinion is very predominant among Democrats, but also in the majority among Republicans (
    • The response of the National Health Institutes (NHI) to covid (

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (October 24th-30th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting the studies that show that certain types of breast cancer, which respond to chemotherapy, will not require surgery. The link between Alzheimer’s and certain viruses is surprising. As for proton therapy, it seems that an increase in its indications (prostate, lung, etc.) is in sight.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the WHO study on a prioritized list of fungal threats should be noted. Cases of resistant tuberculosis, on the rise, which is a big problem with high mortality. Shortage of cholera vaccines. “Nature” magazine considers the possible second term of Bolsonaro in Brazil as a threat to science, democracy, the environment and the world. Said alarm had already been launched by this magazine as a result of his first term.

As for International Health Policy, monkeypox is in clear recession and covid is apparently less serious, possibly due to increased immunity. The truth is that mortality and cases requiring hospitalization are falling. Plan in the United Kingdom so that pharmacies can collaborate in the treatment of minor disorders (hypertension, high cholesterol, etc.)

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), a surprising proposal from ASPE to the Ministry of Health for the homologation of foreign doctors through a kind of two-year express MIR. The problem is surely more complex and it should be considered that we are one of the countries with the most doctors per 1,000 inhabitants and the most Faculties of Medicine. To analyze the shortage by areas and specialties, as well as the expansion of nursing work. It is doubtful that exporting quality doctors after an excellent MIR and importing foreign doctors with an express MIR is the solution. Perhaps the salary and working conditions of Spanish doctors should also be considered. Also striking is the new approach of the PSOE in terms of the Trans law, which tries to involve judges in changing sex between 12 and 15 years, compared to the bill approved by the Council of Ministers, which did not contemplate this possibility. AESEG, very willing to increase the use of generics, through regulatory and price changes.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, the extensive job cuts at Philips are striking, after its withdrawal of devices for sleep apnea. As for Spain, Sanitas publishes a study on mental health, which shows that the private health sector is agile in its response to a serious problem, which has become more evident after covid. Orange’s agreement with Mapfre confirms the great interest of telecommunications platforms in the world of health and their need to ally with traditional operators.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (April 25-May 1, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the evolution of acute hepatitis in children; Lilly’s announcement of a drug to tackle obesity that could compete with bariatric surgery; and the analysis of the New England Journal of Medicine on the “boosters” for covid.

As far as Global Health is concerned, we again quote Bill Gates, who is publishing a new book on pandemic prevention. Great concern about the resurgence of measles, yellow fever and polio in Africa, due to the low levels of vaccination against these diseases, given that resources have been largely diverted to covid.

As for international health policy, the problems of the “zero-covid” policy in China continue, which threatens the global economy, due to the closure of the largest port in the world: Shanghai. It seems increasingly clear that for political reasons this “zero-covid” approach will not change until the approval of a third term for its leader Xi. Also noteworthy is the very serious discrediting of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, which until now had been the object of almost religious veneration.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to increase, particularly in some regions (Galicia, Navarra, Asturias and Castilla y León). The Health Advertising Law was not approved by Parliament, which is not necessarily bad news, since it was largely part of the confrontation between the College of Dentists and the dental care networks. The announced strike of doctors in Madrid, regardless of its results, has its origin in a very serious problem: the very high rate of temporary employment (more than 50% of doctors in the public system in Madrid). Very interesting statements by José Ramón Repullo, proposing national accreditation and hiring at the local level.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, certain possible disruptive changes for the pharmaceutical industry should be highlighted: 3D printing, which would allow the “manufacturing” of medicines in a clinical environment; and the movements of Amazon for the sale of prescription drugs.


Global Health

International health policy

  • COVID-19

o Serious problems continue in China with the “zero-covid” policy. The general impression is that the rhetoric of war does not help to defeat covid ( covid), while the global economic implications of the closure of Shanghai persist, the largest port in the world (

o The “zero-covid” policy in China, a great personal bet of the leader Xi and difficult to be modified before his re-election for a third term ( 4a76-9b81-d561deaabc5c)

o Covid cases on the rise in virtually all of the United States (

  • Other issues

o The FDA, about to ban menthol cigarettes. They are the most used among the black population (

o Very serious loss of prestige of the National Health Service, which is ending an almost religious adoration of this body in the United Kingdom. A survey says that global satisfaction dropped to 36%, something never known. Poor staff planning among major problems (

National health policy (Spain)


o The cumulative incidence among people over 60 years of age continues to rise, reaching (April 29) 676.43 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, an increase of almost 70 points compared to the previous measurement. Occupation rate due to covid: 5.12% in the ward and 3.66% in the ICU ( deceased-ia-exceeds-676-points_113987_102.html)

o The Ministry of Health reports almost 2,000 deaths in April, the first full month of “flu” from covid ( flu-covid/668683313_0.html)

o Increase in the incidence of covid grows by 35% after Easter and there are already four regions with the unbridled incidence (Galicia, Navarra, Asturias and Castilla y León) ( /revenues-covid-semana-santa-ccaa-incident-runaway/668183406_0.html)

o The Ministry of Health will authorize the fourth dose for those over 80 years of age and those who live in residences, a total of about 3 million people ( fourth-dose-vaccine-covid-older-80.html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The Health Advertising Law presented by the PP fails, which is regretted by the professional associations, in particular that of dentists. Apparently, the Government is preparing a Royal Decree on the subject (

  • Other issues

o Madrid hospital doctors go on strike over temporary contracts (

o Interesting statements by José Ramón Repullo regarding the temporality of doctors and health professionals and their non-solution through the OPEs. He proposes national accreditation and contracting by centers, as exists in other countries ( -of-a-bad-system-worse-governed.html)

o Cases of severe hepatitis in children in Spain rise to 22 (

o 700,000 Spaniards on the surgical waiting list, the worst figure in the history of public healthcare ( html)

o Núñez Feijóo calls for the creation of the emergency specialty, with the argument of preventing primary care professionals from leaving (

o Facme presents the Spanish recertification model (

o Five communities (Extremadura, Aragón, Baleares, Comunidad Valenciana and Navarra) ask AIReF to evaluate their healthcare and pharmaceutical spending ( the-airef-assess-your-health-care-and-pharmaceutical-expenditure)

o Very interesting article by José Luis Puerta: “Data saves lives”, on the need to overcome the situation in which the custodians of the data are not capable of exploiting them, nor do they allow third parties to do so (https://www.diariomedico .com/opinion/data-saves-lives.html)


  • International News

o Possible disruptive changes for the pharmaceutical industry ( volumetric 3D printing that would allow drugs to be “manufactured” in a clinical setting ( and Amazon Prime’s offer to facilitate basic drugs for $1 a month (

o Roche sales soar in the United States due to the demand for covid tests (

o Investors pressure Nestlé and Kraft Heinz to target health (

o Philips records losses of 151 million euros in the first quarter of 2022 ( -first-quarter-of-2022.html)

o Abbie strengthens its neurosciences portfolio and acquires Syndesis Therapeutics (

  • National News

o Lácer attracts the interest of venture capital funds (

o Grifols closes the purchase operation of its German rival Biotest (

o Faes Farma profit grows 24% thanks to licenses and the Latin American market ( -a-24-thanks-to-the-licenses-and-the-latin-american-market.html)

o Senniors disembark in Abu Dhabi with the support of the country’s sovereign wealth fund ( -country.html)

o Quirónsalud launches a new rehabilitation center in Ronda de Triana ( -triana.html)

o Hospitales Parque (CASER) accelerates in 2021 and raises its income by 46%, up to 58 million euros ( -46-your-income-up-to-58-million-euros.html)

o Asisa strengthens Otoaudio and opens its first center in Seville (

o Asisa Dental opens its first own clinic in the Canary Islands in Las Palmas (







7 days in healthcare (13-19 December, 2021)


From an international point of view, perhaps the most striking thing is the great growth worldwide of the “omicron” variant, already present in 89 countries. Although it is clear that it is much more transmissible than the Delta variant, it is not clear that the disease is milder. Some countries in Europe decree confinements. The effectiveness of COVID passports is demonstrated, in terms of increased vaccinations. Figures for healthcare spending in the United States are released in 2020, spending increased significantly, especially federal spending, related to COVID. It reaches 19.7% of GDP (which is said soon). It is also striking that for the first time in the history of the United States, public health spending exceeds private spending.

Regarding national news, great concern about the rapid expansion of the pandemic, which forces the President of the government to convene a Conference of Presidents, for two days before Christmas Eve, which prevents measures from being adopted for Christmas. The plenary session of the Interterritorial Council approves the “Primary and Community Care Plan 2022-2023”, a set of good intentions and the announcement of measures that, where appropriate, would have to be implemented by the autonomous communities. Once again you see how difficult “co-governance” without good governance.

In relation to the activity of companies and other agents in the sector, the activity of vaccine manufacturing companies continues. Two things are difficult to understand: the letter from the President of the Madrid Medical Association to the President of ASISA and the launch by DKV-Yoigo of a medical insurance for 20 euros. We believed, on the one hand, that health insurance companies were free to hire their medical staff; and, on the other hand, that it was difficult to continue lowering the price of health insurance in our country. It is true that in the United States and other countries online insurance, Oscar type, is emerging with cheaper policies than conventional insurance. But in Spain the policies are already very cheap and I do not think that it is about making policies for young and healthy people, who hardly consume health care.


  • The “omicron” variant advances at an incredible speed (The Economist, 18 Dec 21)
  • The ECDC warns that vaccination alone is not enough and calls for drastic measures (La Razón, Dec 15 21)
  • The “omicron” variant grows 70 times faster than the Delta in bronchial tissue (The Guardian, Dec 15 21)
  • The “omicron” variant is already present in 89 countries and is growing rapidly, according to the WHO (The Guardian, 18 Dec 21)
  • There is no evidence that the “omicron” variant is more benign than the delta (FT, Dec 17 21)
  • Seven people die in the United Kingdom from the “omicron” variant (El Independiente, 18 Dec 21)
  • The Netherlands decrees a new strict confinement until January 14 (El Periódico de España, Dec 18 21)
  • COVID passports have a positive effect on the number of vaccinated, according to an international study carried out in six countries (Denmark, Israel, Italy, France, Germany and Switzerland), (The Lancet, Dec 13 21)
  • The United States exceeds 800,000 deaths from COVID, the country with the highest mortality (The Guardian, Dec 15 21)
  • The scientific advances of 2021, according to the journal Science (the ease of identifying the structure of proteins, the most significant advance. In relation to medicine, several advances: treatments for COVID-19; psychedelic drugs versus some psychiatric disorders; artificial antibodies to infectious diseases; CRISP tools to modify genes within the body; Alzheimer’s medication, despite doubts about its efficacy) (Science, Dec 17, 219
  • The figures for healthcare spending in the USA in 2020 are published. The growth was 9.7% over the previous year, which had grown by 4.3%. The acceleration is due to the increase in federal spending, which grew 36%, especially in relation to COVID. The percentage of GDP dedicated to health reached 19.7%. The number of uninsured decreased. For the first time in US history, public health spending surpasses private spending (51% vs 49%) (Health Affairs, January, 22)
  • The repetition of epidemics due to different types of coronavirus (SARS, 2002 and 2003; MERS, since 2012 and COVID-19, since 2019) leads some to demand a kind of universal vaccine against coronaviruses. The article is signed, among others, by Fauci (New England Journal of Medicine, Dec 15, 2021)
  • Medicare Advantage for All, a potential pathway to universal coverage in the USA. Against Medicare for All, it would keep private insurers (JAMA, Dec 16 21)


  • Spain is at a very high risk of contagion, after exceeding an incidence of 500 per 100,000 in the last fourteen days (El País, 17 Dec 21)
  • Sánchez calls the conference of presidents for next week, given the worsening of the pandemic (El País, 18 Dec 21)
  • Announcement on TV on Sunday, December 19, by Sánchez of the presidents’ conference for Wednesday, December 22, without advancing any measures. Logically, due to the date, there is no possibility of organizing measures for Christmas (El Mundo, 19 Dec 21)
  • Navarra and the Basque Country among the five regions with the most COVID in Europe (El Español, Dec 16 21)
  • Third dose for people over 40 and vaccinated with AstraZeneca (El Confidencial, Dec 16 21)
  • Spain is at the forefront of Europe in excess of mortality, according to the EuroMoMo (The Objective, 19 Dec 21)
  • On December 15, the plenary session of the Interterritorial Council approved the “Plan for Primary and Community Care 2022-2023”, continuation of the “Strategic Framework for Primary and Community Care”, approved in 2019 and never implemented. The plan is a set of promises, which to a large extent have to be implemented by the autonomous communities (such as the finalist budget, telemedicine and others). The plan is strongly criticized by SEMERGEN (Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians and by FADSP (Federation of Associations for the Defense of Public Health) (Infolibre, Dec 16 21)
  • Antigen test: pharmacies appear to be short of supplies (El País, 19 Dec 21)
  • The Government (Ministry of Social Affairs and Agenda 2030) proposes to limit the residences for the elderly to a maximum of 50 places, as well as some ratios of staff per resident. The text must be consensual, which seems difficult (Infolibre, Dec 17 21)

Companies, employers and other agents in the sector


  • María Vila, elected President of FENIN (El Español, Dec 14 21)
  • Ana Polanco, reelected President of ASEBIO (Planta Doce, 16 Dec 21)
  • Letter from the President of the College of Physicians of Madrid to ASISA, reproaching him for the dismissal of doctors for the MUFACE system (Sanifax, Dec 15 21)
  • Spain has already manufactured 380 million vaccines for COVID (CincoDías, Dec 17, 21)
  • Catalonia creates a venture capital fund to promote scientific entrepreneurship (PlantaDoce, Dec 16 21)
  • The European Medicines Agency approves Pfizer’s anti-COVID pill (El Debate, 16 Dec 21)
  • Pfizer’s (Paxlovid) anti-COVID pill works well against the “omicron” variant, the company confirms (NYT, Dec 14 21)
  • The WHO and the EMA could approve the American vaccine NOVAVAX next week (FT, Dec 16 21)
  • Oracle, about to buy CERNER for US $ 30,000 million (FT, Dec 17 21)
  • The CDC discourages the use of the J&J vaccine, due to some clot problems (NYT, Dec 16 21)
  • Sanofi intends to request approval of its vaccine again (FT, Dec 15 21)
  • The IMED healthcare group invoices 12% more and its profit almost doubles, reaching 6 million (Valencia Plaza, Dec 15, 21)
  • The CEU and ASISA sign an agreement for the training of students at the HLA Moncloa hospital (El Debate, 18 Dec 21)
  • Venture capital is pushing for the formation of MIRs. The CVC fund studies buying MIR Asturias (El Periódico de España, 19 Dec 21)
  • Vivanta requests a ransom of 40 million euros from SEPI (PlantaDoce, Dec 16 21)
  • Quirón proton therapy successfully treats its first 100 children (ConSalud, Dec 14 21)
  • Philips expands its portfolio with the purchase of Vesper Medical (PlantaDoce, Dec 15 21)
  • Modern: agreement to bring a mRNA vaccine factory to Australia (PlantaDoce, Dec 14 21)
  • Company health insurance will become more expensive by 7.2% in 2022 (PlantaDoce, Dec 14 21)
  • Grifols sells VCN Biosciences for 66 million euros (PlantaDoce, Dec 15 21)
  • CSL acquires Vitor Pharma for 11.7 billion dollars (PlantaDoce, Dec 16 21)
  • Asistensi and Clínica de Navarra, agreement to export health insurance to immigrants (PlantaDoce, Dec 16 21)
  • Ysios enters the Dutch Northsea leading a round of 77 million euros (El Economista, Dec 17 21)
  • Biontech investors are studying buying Sandoz (El Economista, Dec 14 21)
  • Atrys Health acquires Simm molecular (Expansión, Dec 17 21)
  • DKV and the telephone company Yoigo launch a family health insurance for less than twenty euros (El Economista, 9 Dec 21)
  • The Savana company, founded in 2014, with an ecosystem of 160 hospitals in Europe and America, intends to lead the “healthcare data lake” (El Economista, 18 Dec 21)
  • Rovi receives the European recommendation for its own research antipsychotic (CincoDías, 17 Dec 21)
  • Almirall wins the rights to a drug against autoimmune diseases (CincoDías, Dec 14 21)