
7 days in healthcare (November 6th-12th, 2023)


From the point of view of Biomedicine, Victor R. Fuchs, a pioneer of health economics and possibly the most recognized and prestigious health economist in the world, dies. He always defended universal health coverage for the United States, although he was very aware of the difficulties of its implementation, due, among other circumstances that he explained, to the heterogeneity of American society. And it must be said that he was not wrong in that. The FDA has just approved an oral drug based on the intestinal microbiome, a new horizon in medicine.

As far as Global Health is concerned, although tuberculosis is preventable and treatable, it continues to be the infectious disease with the most mortality globally, after a short period of time in which it was covid. But 40% of the world’s population with tuberculosis is not treated.

In terms of International Health Policy, it seems that the covid pandemic did not damage developed economies as much as initially thought. This seems to be deduced from studies of initials from the United Kingdom and Italy. The EFPIA, the pharmaceutical industry’s association, continues to complain that the new European legislation could end incentives for innovation and put Europe in an even worse relative position than the one it already has with respect to the USA and China. The OECD has just published “Health at a Glance 2023”, a must-read.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the agreements of the PSOE and Junts (and also those signed with the PNV for the Basque Country and with the BNG for Galicia) contemplate the transfer of powers over the MIR (and in the case of the Basque Country also of the issuance of titles). Some say that constitutional values and democratic principles have been subordinated in the investiture agreements. Obviously, this does not happen with the MIR, but an important value is put at risk: the cohesion of the National Health System, based, among other issues, on the uniformity of the training system and recognition of titles and specialties, being , on the other hand, a highly recognized system. 11 public hospitals appear to be starting a lung cancer screening program. Since this procedure is not recognized in the SNS service portfolio, the innocent question is: who pays for this? Or is it simply a pilot program with special funding? The Community of Madrid proposes a modification of the current Law of Good Government, which required the appointment of managers of health centers by competition and which at the time was approved by broad consensus, to another system that allows the direct appointment of these positions by part of the SERMAS Board of Directors.

In relation to Companies, at the international level, the battle between pharmaceutical companies in relation to obesity continues (the main players are NovoNordisk, Lilly and AstraZeneca). Amazon is relaunching in health, providing health services through One Medical to its premium customers. At the national level, great growth in the 22nd year of dental, ophthalmological and aesthetic clinics. The purchase of the Eugin assisted reproduction clinics from Fresenius by KKR and GED is completed. The latter retains the business in Spain, while KKR will integrate the international business into IVI RMA.


Global Health

International health policy

  • United Kingdom and the National Health Service
  • OECD
    • The OECD publishes “Health at a glance 2023”. Main conclusions: healthcare systems are under severe financial pressure; there has been no complete recovery after covid; unhealthy lifestyles cause millions of deaths; Access barriers persist, despite universal coverage in most OECD countries; the quality of care is improving; digital health has immense potential (

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (August 8th-14th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, there seems to be a glimpse of a new drug to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS, for which there are problems in obtaining an affordable price. Animal testing is the basis for certain advances in medicine. This can be overcome with certain new discoveries, according to the company Lift Sciences.

Regarding Global Health, two key issues: a new zoonosis (“Langya”) appears in China, as published in the NEJM. In certain developed countries it seems that polio, which was considered eradicated, is making a comeback.

Regarding international health policy, the approval of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 in the United States, about Climate, Fiscal and Health will have a very important impact. Aside from expanding access to insurance through the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), surely the most far-reaching impact will be on the pharmaceutical industry. Gradually, Medicare will be able to negotiate the price of medicines with the pharmaceutical industry, something that until now it could not do. This radically changes the business model of the pharmaceutical industry, which was based on two things: the protection of intellectual property through patents; and the existence of free prices with high margins in the United States (the largest pharmaceutical market) and regulated prices and lower margins in the rest of the world. A substantial change that will most likely have a global impact. It may also curb the escalation of health care spending in the United States. We’ll see if this doesn’t upset the fast pace of drug innovation.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the good news is that, as in all of Europe, covid continues to decrease in incidence, although it is still a worrying disease, due to the number of hospitalized cases and mortality.

In the field of companies, trials for new covid variants begin by BioNTech and Pfizer. More than 2,300 Spanish pharmacies can now sell through the Glovo platform and soon Uber, although only parapharmacy products, not prescription drugs.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy
