
7 days in healthcare (January 1st-7th, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, scientists celebrate a new antibiotic, currently undergoing Phase 1 clinical trials, that can kill resistant bacteria. The magazine Nature publishes precisely an editorial in relation to the need to encourage the appearance of new antibiotics against resistant bacteria. The problem is that the current business model in the pharmaceutical industry does not introduce incentives to companies for investments in this field. This is why it proposes “push” solutions (strategies to reduce the cost that may include government aid for the initial stages of research) and “pull” (compensating companies that develop successful antibiotics).

As far as Global Health is concerned, we should mention an interesting article in The New York Times about the need to set up a kind of global immune system against multiple health threats. It would consist of a system of detection and immediate action. Great progress towards the objectives in relation to HIV, almost reaching the aspiration of achieving 95-95-95 (95% of patients with HIV, diagnosed; 95% with antiretroviral treatment; and, 95% with viral suppression).

In terms of International Health Policy, Case and Deaton’s theory in the United States of deaths due to despair (alcohol, drugs and suicide) seems to be dismantled, which would affect mainly white American men without university studies and who had reached relate even to Trump’s victory. Recent studies show that these deaths are not limited to this population, but affect all social classes. Also in the United States, the authorization by the FDA of the importation of medicines from Canada by the State of Florida is of great significance. The price is substantially cheaper for these medications than the one currently in force in the USA. Pharmaceutical companies have cried foul, since this is the first time this has happened in the USA. Litigation is more than assured. The tripledemic (respiratory infections of influenza A, covid and RSV in children) is spreading throughout Europe, with Spain and Italy being precisely the most affected countries.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the Interterritorial Council of the SNS will address next Monday (January 8) the measures against the tripledemic, in particular the possible mandatory nature of masks in health centers, something already imposed by some communities . The overcrowding in hospital emergencies highlights the absence of demand management: more role for Primary Care; less face-to-face activity  and online attention; and more paper for nursing. The El Español Health Observatory makes public a document of proposals for the health system, the result of the symposium held between October 2-5, 2023, with the participation of more than 150 speakers. The common genetics portfolio of the SNS will be presented on January 23, in what appears to be a great advance for the system. The Ministry of Health of Andalusia announces measures against waiting lists, based on what they call “restructuring the bases of activity.” Without a specific budget, trying to act on productivity without adequate management tools and avoiding agreements with the private sector, we dare say that the measures are doomed to failure.

In the field of Companies, on an international level, what stands out as a novelty is that Lilly is entering B2C, launching in the United States a website for direct sales of medicines to the public and even with a direct home delivery service. A very innovative experience, of which we will have to see the results. As far as Spain is concerned, Domus Vi sells five residences.


Global Health

International health policy

  • USA
    • The theory of “deaths of despair” (Case and Deaton) no longer holds. This theory, which caused a lot of impact, said that in the USA deaths due to despair (alcohol, drugs and suicide) mainly affected whites without university education. This has changed and today it is known that they affect practically all social classes, without special predominance of the groups indicated by Case and Deaton (
    • The FDA approves the first mass importation of medicines from Canada to Florida. The price is much lower than that of medicines in the USA, pharmaceutical companies are opposed and it is believed that the PhRMA (representative of American pharmaceutical companies) will file an appeal. Florida says it will save $150 million with the program in the first year alone. It is the first time that something like this has happened in the USA (
    • The rise in rates and costs drives the bankruptcy of healthcare companies. 18 healthcare companies went bankrupt in the last year. (
  • Europe
    • Europe fights against the tripledemic of respiratory infections. Tripledemic is the coexistence of covid, influenza A and RSV in children. Spain and Italy, the most affected countries. Also Germany and France. The term means that all three infections coexist, not that individuals have more than one disease. In fact, there are few cases of co-infection (

National health policy

  • Recruitment of doctors in the Basque Country
    • After requiring Basque from doctors, it is now proposed to hire foreigners without requiring it ( html – :~:text=The Government of the Basque Country, first time to non-EU personnel.)
