
7 days in healthcare (July 11th-17th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the finding that there are plans to produce vaccines in cases of pandemic in 100 days should be highlighted. If it is confirmed, it will be a positive consequence of the terrible covid pandemic, in the same way that wars sometimes produce technological advances.

With regard to Global Health, the efforts of the WHO to create a hub for the production of vaccines with mRNA technology in poor countries should be noted, given the failure of other initiatives, based more on goodwill than on realistic approaches.

As for International Health Policy, there is already evidence of the vaccines that have saved the most lives in the world. The first was that of AstraZeneca-Oxford, followed by that of Pfizer-BioNTech.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the wave of covid continues to grow, with an increased impact on hospitals, although it seems that we are already close to the “peak” of this wave. Plans for a new dose of the vaccine for those over 60 years of age. Important changes are announced in Madrid’s healthcare, given the seriousness of the problems in waiting lists, primary care and emergencies. Let’s hope that the plan is effective and does not remain in one more advertisement, to which we are so accustomed. It seems that the State Public Health Center will be created immediately, which is great news, if it is done well. The fact that it will not be an independent Agency (AIREF model) may lead to skepticism.

In the field of companies, it seems that a new pill is in sight, announced as almost miraculous, against obesity.


Global health

  • Nature: A vaccine hub for low-income countries. WHO initiative to produce mRNA vaccines in low-income countries, given the failure of “charity”. Issues over the global vaccine market, global trade rules, and intellectual property (
  • The war in Ukraine. the devastation of health and human rights. Between February-24 and June-24, the WHO reported 323 attacks on health facilities, with 76 deaths and 59 injuries (

International health policy

National health policy




7 days in healthcare (July 4th-10th, 2022)


From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the finding that cancer drugs significantly reduce the mortality of patients hospitalized for covid.

With regard to Global Health, an important WHO report on mental health, the last of said organization on the same subject dates back to 2001. The Lancet publishes an interesting article on road safety: no less than 1.35 million deaths a year and 50 million injuries depend on that security. Compared to what was usual in the years before covid and the war in Ukraine, hunger has grown in the world, moving us away from the Sustainable Development Goals. The development of health systems in Africa collides with the shortage of professionals.

Regarding international health policy, it should be noted that the USA has just bought 2.5 million vaccines against monkeypox. The WHO and the EMA warn of the new wave of covid. New “centaurus” subvariant of covid, originating in India, but already widely disseminated. Biden signs an executive order, in order to protect abortion rights. The United States doubles the use of telehealth since the outbreak of the pandemic.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), the wave of covid continues to grow, with an increased impact on hospitals. New approved version of the Framework Statute of Health Personnel, which tries to avoid prolonged temporary periods, which was necessary, but consolidating the statutory regime, which we believe is not good news and in line with what the public health system needs , although perhaps the unions. First regulation in relation to nursing prescription, long awaited. Important report from the Platform of Patient Organizations, showing how chronic patients suspend the health care they receive. Javier Murillo, the undisputed leader in the health insurance sector, warns about the risk of disappearance of administrative mutualism (MUFACE model), since it continuously produces losses. The CAPFF, chaired by the prestigious economist Félix Lobo, releases his report, demanding changes in the regulation of the price of medicines in the SNS, to reinforce “legal certainty.”

In the field of companies, FEFE gives us the news that the pharmaceutical industry already sells more in hospitals than in primary care, a great change. The ASEBIO Report highlights the growth of the sector both in business volume and in investments. It seems that HIPRA, the Spanish vaccine against covid, is getting closer to being approved by the EMA.


Global health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (30th May-5th June, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to highlight the Science article, showing that the brain and the immune system are interconnected. Monkeypox is transmitted by direct contact, therefore “ring vaccination” is indicated, only to contacts of an infected person.

As far as Global Health is concerned, the universal coverage approach in Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, should be highlighted. It is seen that universal coverage is no longer just something of Europe or the industrialized countries.

As for international health policy, the frequent shootings in American schools are covered by medical journals (The Lancet, British Medical Journal), as it is also a health problem. Something perfectly avoidable.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), it should be mentioned that private health offers to collaborate with public health in addressing the problem of waiting lists.

In the field of companies, Takeda’s statements are surprising, saying that pharmaceutical companies will be able to lower prices in the face of a global crisis. The acquisition of the HIPRA vaccine by Brussels is advancing.


Global health

International health policy

  • Monkeypox

o 21 Americans affected by monkeypox, according to the CDC (

o New York Times editorial: To fight monkeypox we have to learn the lessons of covid and HIV ( hiv.html)

o Concern in Europe that massive summer parties spread monkeypox (

  • COVID-19

o Covid cases on the rise in the Americas: North and Central America) (

o Does the world need new covid vaccines? (

o Doubts about whether the arrival BA.4 and BA.5 of the omicron will mean a new wave of covid in France ( -l-arrivee-de-ba-4-et-ba-5-en-france-va-t-elle-entrainer-une-nouvelle-vague-de-contaminations_6128892_3244.html)

o The subvariant of the BA.5 omicron is a cause of concern in Portugal ( -restless_6128944_3244.html)

o The zero-covid policy in China is unfeasible in the long run, the only question is when it will abandon it to “live with covid”. Article in Science magazine (

  • Other themes

o The frequent shootings in American schools, also as a health problem, treated in medical journals. The Lancet:; British Medical Journal:

o The black market of antivirals for covid (

o Shortage of doctors in Italy (

o Medical abortion and telemedicine in a post-Roe v Wade phase (

o The Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) in the USA plans to advance Value Based Healthcare (

National health policy

  • Monkeypox

o Spain reaches 132 positives for monkeypox (


o The incidence of covid in people over 60 years of age falls 45 points again ( .html)

  • Regulatory announcements

o The Order to allocate 217 places to non-EU citizens was published in the Official Bulletin (BOE) (

  • Other themes

o Private healthcare offers to reduce surgical waiting lists by 30%, according to ASPE ( offered-to-reduce-the-surgical-waiting-list-by-30.html)

o Aragon extends dental care up to 14 years of age (


  • International News

o GSK is going to buy the Affinivax biotech group for 3.0 billion dollars (

o BMS about to acquire drugmaker Turning Point for $4.1 billion (

o Takeda says that pharmaceutical companies could lower prices in the face of a global crisis (

o The company that manufactures the monkeypox vaccine has the capacity to produce 30 million doses ( -millions/676432695_0.html)

  • National News

o Brussels finalizes the acquisition of the HIPRA vaccine for covid ( -Hipra-for-the-Covid.html)

o HM acquires the Los Nogales Pontones center to build a new hospital ( hospital.html)

o Vithas recovers from the covid downturn and grows 19% in 2021 ( -Jan-19-2021.html)

o Grupo HLA targets 500 million revenues in 2022 (

o The contracting of medical insurance skyrockets in Cantabria and Catalonia in 2021. At the national level, 24% of the population has private medical insurance, although low cost ones are included (only consultations and tests) (https://www.

o The laboratories devastate the funds in their bid for Lacer (

o Vithas has an agenda to achieve the 2030 goals ( -phonebook-2030-9828)

o DKV presents the 2021 corporate report and the Imagina 2025 Strategic Plan (

7 days in healthcare (April 11-17, 2022)




From the point of view of biomedicine, it is important to highlight the fact that greater access to antibiotics (reduced in many countries) is a basic element to overcome the pandemic of resistance to these drugs. Cases of acute hepatitis in children, detected in the United Kingdom and also in Spain, have been the subject of an alert by the WHO and the ECDC. Some of them require liver transplantation.

With regard to Global Health, the financing of the WHO is one of the great issues of global health, since this organization has always had a financing well below its challenges.

As for international health policy, President Biden’s Memorandum on “long covid” should be noted. Also the important article published in The Lancet that analyzes the circumstances surrounding the incidence of covid and its mortality in 177 countries, with some interesting conclusions. The “zero-covid” policy in China and, specifically, the confinement of Shanghai, continues to occupy the international front pages and is a policy that is beginning to be highly questioned, despite its successes so far in both the number of cases and in mortality, as in economic impact, if we believe the official figures from China. Great expectations regarding the new agency created by the Biden Administration: the ARPS-H (Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health)

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), 50,000 doses of covid have finally been distributed, albeit with great delay compared to the initial promises, although without having agreed on criteria regarding their use. Interesting proposal to the Ministry of Health of the Medical Collegiate Organization (OMC) on medical recertification, which includes a supervisory agency OMC-FACME, similar to a British one.

In the field of companies, from the international point of view, to highlight the declines in sales of covid vaccines. Regarding national news, the announcement of the forthcoming arrival of the HIPRA vaccine should be highlighted.





o President Biden’s memorandum on addressing the “long COVID” ( effects-of-covid-19/). Article on the subject in JAMA magazine:

o Preparedness for the pandemic and covid, an analysis of 177 countries. The relationship between various circumstances and the incidence of covid, as well as mortality, are analyzed ( Comments on this article, the WHO and health systems remain unprepared to deal with a pandemic like covid, which caused 494 million cases and more than 6 million deaths, as of April 5, 2022: https://www.

o Shanghai lockdown shows signs of desperation among the population and lack of food ( )

o The mystery of China with “ómicron”: 280,000 infections and zero deaths (

o The WHO confirms a decrease in new covid cases worldwide, for the third consecutive week ( -covid-cases-around-the-world)

o Covid infections start to fall in the UK (

o Valneva, the Franco-Austrian vaccine against covid, is the sixth approved in the United Kingdom ( -covid-vaccine)

o The FDA authorizes the first breath-based covid test that produces results in less than three minutes ( first-covid-19-breath-test.html)

  • Other themes

o Expectations about the new health agency created by Biden, called ARPA-H (Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health). Editorial in Science magazine (

o The number of people on the NHS waiting list at record high ( -at-record-high)

o The number of primary care physicians (GPs) in the UK, down every year since 2015. Organizations representing doctors say the heavy workload, high expectations of patients, difficulties recruiting non-medical staff and the fear of errors due to overload, at the base of this situation ( -pledge-to-raise-them)

o A lawsuit by Cuban doctors has been accepted by the US justice system, accusing the PAHO (WHO organization for Latin America) of collaborating in the “forced labor” of Cuban doctors sent to Brazil (https://www.



o Spain, the rich country where life expectancy fell the most due to the pandemic, after the United States ( /664683895_0.html)

o The covid increased health spending in 2020 by 10.9%, a record figure ( -a-109-a-figure-record)

o The Ministry of Health has already distributed 50,000 doses of Paxlovid in Spain (

  • Other themes

o Three cases of childhood hepatitis of unknown origin detected in Spain, following an international alert from the WHO and the ECDC, originating in the United Kingdom ( in-spain-the-first-case-of-an-infantile-hepatitis-of-unknown-origin.html)

o Spain, at the tail of the large European markets in access to cancer and orphan drugs ( -europeans-in-access-oncology-drugs-and-orphans.html)

o The Government wants to reduce tobacco consumption, without prohibiting smoking ( prohibition.html)

o The Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC) makes a proposal to the Ministry of Health on medical recertification according to the English model with three measures. It proposes that the OMC-FACME could be the supervisory agency, similar to the “Professionals Standards Authority for Health and Social Care”, of the United Kingdom ( English-model-of -medical-recertification-with-3-measures-of-competence-6828)

o The Spanish transplant model triumphs in Latin America, where organ donation grew by 100% between 2005 and 2019 (

o Harassment of women who go to abortion clinics is declared a crime, through a modification of the Penal Code ( html)

o Family Medicine, Anesthesiology, Psychiatry and Radiodiagnosis, among the specialties that will have to increase their MIR offer to alleviate the deficit, according to a recent report ( -five-years-the-lack-of-planning-in-medical-templates.html)


  • International News

o Walgreens, the American pharmacy chain, flooded the market with opiates and is accused of creating addicts (

o GSK, about to buy Sierra Oncology for 1,500 million pounds to boost its oncology offer (

o The vaccine business drops, with a 21% drop in sales ( 664183929_0.html)

  • National News

o Farmaindustria pays 452 million to the State for excess public spending on medicines in 2018 and 2019 ( medications/663433943_0.html)

o The HIPRA vaccine will arrive between May and June, according to Minister Morant (

o Boehringer Ingelheim reinforces its commitment to Spain with an investment in R&D of 42 million in 2021, 23% more than in the previous period ( -bet-on-spain-with-an-investment-of-42-million-in-2021.html)

o Lácer launches its sale process for more than 500 million euros (

o Insparya, the hair business that Cristiano Ronaldo is in, will take its clinics to Milan, Paris and Dubai and will continue to open in Spain ( html)



7 days in healthcare (January 10-16, 2022)



From the international point of view, several issues stand out. In the first place, the agreement of the French Assembly taken on Sunday, January 16, to prevent the access of the unvaccinated to leisure and restaurant premises; also Quebec’s initiative to introduce special taxes on the unvaccinated; the WHO’s opinion that it is too early for COVID “flu” policies, as proposed by Spain; the calculation by ISGlobal (Barcelona) that COVID has already left 17 million deaths globally; and the big push for research on neurodegenerative diseases.

As for national news, the SEMFYC (one of the Primary Care medical societies) editorial had a great impact defending the “flu” policies of COVID and, therefore, the minimization of measures, encouraging, consciously or unconsciously, the “light” negationism. This position was quickly adopted by the central government and certain authorities of the Community of Madrid. The central government even tried to lead this position at the international level. Rejection of this idea by other Primary Care societies, a large number of experts, the WHO and the EU. Meanwhile, the incidence of COVID continues to rise to figures never seen in other waves (2,923 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). The price of antigen tests is regulated, after multiple requests from various groups. It is agreed to extend the third and fourth doses. Serious problems regarding sick leave, for which solutions are articulated about the legality of which is in doubt. The purchase of COVID medicines is announced. Ayuso Plan to stimulate the birth rate in Madrid.

As far as companies and other actors are concerned, a group of scientists in Texas announce a vaccine against COVID, which, according to them, it will be cheaper, easier to make and patent-free. Pfizer announces that it will have a new vaccine against the “ómicron” variant ready in March


  • France: the Assembly approves by 215 votes against 58 the law that prevents the access of the unvaccinated to leisure and restaurant venues (Le Monde, Jan 16, 22)
  • Quebec’s plan on special taxes on the unvaccinated is well received in Europe. the argument is: “10% of the population cannot overload 90%”. Cold reception at the federal level in Canada and in other provinces. However, in Europe it is not receiving a bad reception: Greece and Austria already fine the unvaccinated, Italy is studying it, France extends the “covid passport” (BMJ, Jan 14, 22)
  • Fourth dose in Israel, which had already been announced for the immunosuppressed, is now being extended to health professionals and those over 60 years of age (Lancet Respir Med, Jan 11, 22)
  • The WHO considers that it is too early to treat COVID-19 as endemic, contradicting the Spanish government’s proposal, and predicts that half of Europeans can be infected (FT, Jan 11, 22)
  • COVID-19 pushed millions of Indians into poverty (The Economist, January 12,22)
  • Some experts predict a new COVID wave at the beginning of the summer (The Guardian, Jan 14, 22)
  • China’s zero COVID policy is creating problems for the manufacturing and distribution chain sectors (FT, Jan 16, 22)
  • Beijing reports the first case of the “ómicron” variant (The Guardian, Jan 15, 22)
  • COVID would have already left 17 million dead in the world (the official figures are 5.5 million), according to a study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, sponsored by the La Caixa Foundation (Diario Médico, Jan 15, 22)
  • The Epstein-Barr virus may play a role in the development of multiple sclerosis (NYT, Jan 13, 22)
  • The Economist looks at how healthcare is evolving into a consumer product (The Economist, Jan 15, 22)
  • Great boost to research on neurodegenerative diseases, with 260 drugs under development: Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Huntington’s, multiple sclerosis, multiple systemic atrophy, Parkinson’s and others (Diariofarma, Jan 14, 22)


  • Incidence of COVID and evolution of the sixth wave

o As of January 13, 2022, the 14-day cumulative incidence of COVID amounts to 2,923 cases/100,000 inhabitants. It is not clear if the peak of the wave has been reached or if we are still going up. In any case, the figures are very high (Official data Ministry of Health, update to  Jan 13, 22)

o Almost half of the Spanish provinces have ICUs at very high risk (El País, Jan 12, 22)

o The debate on those hospitalized “for” COVID and “with” COVID is introduced (El Independiente, Jan 10, 22)

  • “Influenzaization of the pandemic”

o An editorial in a journal of the SEMFYC (Spanish Society of Primary and Community Care Physicians), one of the three scientific societies of Primary Care, advocates the “influenza” approach  of the COVID, avoiding counting individual cases and omitting general measures of protection (AMF-SEMFYC, Towards the end of the exceptionality, Jan 10, 22)

o The other scientific societies of Primary Care, as well as most of the experts, took a stand against the previous proposal, at least until the sixth wave was passed.

o Notwithstanding the foregoing, both the President of the Government and Minister Darias, and certain representatives of the Community of Madrid, expressed their agreement with the approach as “influenza”

o Not only that, but that approach was taken to the WHO, which showed its disagreement. Spain wants to lead this debate in the EU (El Periódico de España, Jan 12, 22)

  • Regulation of the price of antigen tests

o The government (Interministerial Commission on the Price of Medicines) limits the price of antigen tests to 2.94 euros and they will continue to be sold only in pharmacies, with entry into force on Saturday, January 15, 2022. The price is 50% more expensive than in France and Germany (El País, Jan 13, 22)

o During the free sale period, the gross margin for pharmacies was 25-50% (El Economista, Jan 13, 22)

o FEFE expresses its “deep discomfort” at having to sell the tests at a loss (diariofarma, Jan 14, 22)

  • The third and fourth doses are extended

o The Ministry of Health announces a fourth dose for patients at risk and will extend the third to those over 18 years of age (La Razón, Jan 13, 22)

  • Purchase of COVID medications

o Spain closes an agreement with Pfizer to buy 344,000 doses of its drug against COVID

o The regions were unaware of this and ask for an equitable distribution (El Español, Jan 11, 22)

  • Serious problem with sick leave

o COVID causes more than 10,000 sick leaves per day in Spain (El Independiente, Jan 11, 22)

o This situation collapses health centers

o A system is put in place so that discharge and discharge (after 7 days) take place in the same act. Madrid calls for a regulatory change, to which the Government does not seem willing (El Economista Jan 12, 22)

  • Ayuso Plan to stimulate the birth rate in Madrid

o It is intended to go from 50,000 to 70,000 births/year in the region. The plan consists of aid of 500 euros, flexible working hours, deductions and support for assisted reproduction (La Razón, Jam 10, 22)

  • Other themes

o FACME disagrees with the recertification plan of the Ministry of Health, which launched a tender to hire a consultant (Official note from FACME,  Jan 13, 22)

o Teachers facing the return to classes, doubts with the new protocol and fears (El País, Jan 10, 22)

o A court condemns the Generalitat Valenciana to compensate the toilets for not giving them the means of protection (El País, Jan 11, 22)

o Ingesa attempts an agreement on biosimilars, which does not have the agreement of BIOSIM (diariofarma, Jan 9, 22)


  • A group of scientists in Texas announce a vaccine (CORBEVAX) that is cheaper, easier to make and patent-free (The Guardian, Jan 15, 22)
  • GSK rejects UNILEVER’s offer of 50,000 million pounds for its consumer division (FT, Jan 15, 22)
  • Medicare introduces major restrictions on the use of Biogen’s drug against Alzheimer’s (NYT, Jan 11, 22)
  • Adeslas will enter 1,655 million euros for MUFACE and ASISA 1,268 (PlantaDoce, Jan 12, 22)
  • Vivanta adjusts its network of centers, putting its beauty business up for sale (PlantaDoce, Jan 12, 22)
  • Pfizer says that it will have a new vaccine against “ómicron” ready in March (Redacción Médica, Jan 10, 22)
  • Merck acquires the US company EXELEAD for 789 million dollars (PlantaDoce, Jan 7, 22)
  • Medtronic reaches an agreement to acquire Affera (ConSalud, Jan 14, 22)
  • Eugin acquires the Delaware Institute of Reproductive Medicine (PlantaDoce, Jan 10, 22)
  • Caser Residencial acquires a new social health center in Laguna de Duero (PlantaDoce, Jan 13, 22)