
7 days in healthcare (September 25th-October 1st, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, The Economist raises the issue of how research on aging makes the prospect of living to 120 years less unimaginable.

Regarding Global Health, The Lancet publishes a study prepared with information from 185 countries that shows how a more “feminist” approach could have saved hundreds of lives of women with cancer. Surprising news from COVAX, the body created to distribute covid vaccines to developing countries: billions of its budget unspent.

Regarding International Health Policy, the pharmaceutical industry warns against the possible harms of the application of the European Union’s pharmaceutical policy, in this case the reduction of medicines against rare diseases. The pharmaceutical policy has not yet been approved, so this sounds like putting the bandage before the wound.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the news of the week was the failed investiture of Feijóo. In his speech he addressed health problems. Although logically in a discourse of this type the sectoral details must necessarily be brief and what is interesting is the general tone, the poverty of the health discourse is surprising. The proposals are reduced to a shock plan for Primary Care and new medical calls, in addition to a “commission of experts” to address the problems of the sector for which no initial proposal is launched. It does not seem that there is a mature reform program in the PP when it comes to health. The news of the approval of a catalog of biomarkers in the SNS, which will be published electronically, seems like good news.

In the field of Companies, at the international level, the EU’s talks with Moderna for the new supply of covid vaccines should be highlighted. At the national level, Sanitas is reinforced in Andalusia with a new center in Malaga; an Austrian company will create a wellness center in Marbella; and, Atrys Health continues its expansion in Mexico, through an agreement with BUPA.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (December 5th-11th, 2022)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, an emotional farewell in the New York Times of the “young” (81 years old), Anthony Fauci, who had such a presence in our homes throughout the years of the pandemic. Without a doubt, his scientific contributions are notable, but it is not a minor merit that he has contradicted President Trump on several occasions in the honest exercise of his office, something unusual in our environment. A new type of biomarkers seems to open the doors to the possible diagnosis of different types of cancer at an early stage with a simple blood test.

With regard to Global Health, to highlight the serious problems of diabetes, which continues to grow; and suicide, which is increasing markedly among young Americans, although, as the WHO says, it is in Africa where there are the highest suicide rates in the world.

Regarding International Health Policy, China continues to distance itself from the covid-zero policy, although we will see the increasing consequences of covid mortality. Labor problems continue in the NHS, with several strikes announced. Macron promises free condoms for minors and young people up to 25 years of age. Several initiatives in the field of health of the European Union, which makes health more and more a European Union policy, without prejudice to the fact that the management of national health services is the responsibility of the Member States.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), in terms of covid, the incidence continues to decrease, what has not completely decreased is mortality (314 deaths in the last week). The strikes continue in the Primary Care of Madrid, without it seeming that the negotiations are progressing. The results of the Third Wave (2022) of the Health Barometer appear, which well deserves a careful analysis. Spain is the European Union country that performs the most instrumental deliveries, according to the “European Perinatal Health Report” (2015-2019).

In the field of Companies, at the international level, an important initiative by Pfizer to increase production in Europe, something necessary as seen during the pandemic and the difficulties for Europe to fully depend on production in Asia. Spin off of GE Healthcare from General Electric. Regarding national news, it should be noted that Blackrock increases its stake in Grifols.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National health policy


7 days in healthcare (February 21-27, 2022)


From the point of view of biomedicine, Bill Gates predicts another pandemic, although he estimates that he will catch us better prepared. Also to highlight the questioning of the traditional form of clinical trials. The latter is important, since Spain has become a power in clinical trials and it is important to analyze whether it is the right bet.

In terms of global health, it should be noted that COVAX has distributed exactly half of the COVID vaccines that it had as its objective. A great inequity in the distribution of vaccines in the world and, now, also of medicines against COVID.

As for international health policy, great controversy in the United Kingdom due to the lifting of all restrictions against COVID.

In national health policy (Spain), the incidence of COVID is low, although we continue with high mortality and without antivirals. The Ministry of Health takes the expansion of the service portfolio to a public hearing. Medical uneasiness before the reform of the Abortion Law, a BIOSIM proposal to promote the use of biosimilars and controversy over the financing of orphan drugs.

With regard to companies, it should be noted that the manufacture of Ventolín and Nolotil pollutes more than the automotive industry, which indicates how far the pharmaceutical industry has to go in implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Also that Quirónsalud has exceeded the turnover of 4,000 million and Fresenius is open to incorporating new shareholders both in Quirónsalud and Eugin.






o The incidence of COVID continues to drop to 613 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (

o 245 deaths in the sixth wave and still without antivirals (

o The subvariant of the stealthy “ómicron” accelerates its expansion in Spain (

  • Political announcements

o The Ministry of Health takes out the draft order for the expansion of the service portfolio for a public hearing. Opinions in this regard can be sent via email until March 10 (

o AIReF announces a study on MUFACE spending in its plan for 2022 (

  • Other issues

o The medical groups, against the reform of the abortion law, propose the obligatory nature of performing it in public hospitals (

o Biosim presents 14 proposals to stimulate the use of biosimilars ( )

o Great controversy over the financing of orphan drugs, while the Ministry publishes a report with improvements in financing since 2016 ( others insist that more than 50% of these medicines are not publicly funded (

o The strategic health reserve today has 466 million masks and 955 respirators (



7 days in healthcare (January 24-30, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, the concern regarding resistance to antibiotics continues, after the extensive report published by The Lancet. This pandemic produces more deaths than AIDS and malaria. New variant of “ómicron” appeared in Denmark.

With regard to global health, the tenth anniversary of the declaration on “Neglected tropical diseases” should be highlighted, which provides an opportunity to reflect on a change in which progress has been made, but much remains to be done. COVAX does not have the capacity to receive more donations in the absence of basic financing for the purchase of syringes and other materials, essential to administer the vaccine.

As for international news, the WHO will publish a plan for the transition of the pandemic to the “control phase” in February. IHI initiative, of the European Union, to create a public/private platform for drug research.

In national news from Spain, the sixth wave seems to be starting to subside in terms of new cases, but still with high mortality. Interesting report promoted by Vitaldent on the public financing of dental care. Biosim highlights the savings potential of biosimilars in 2022. The issue of professional recertification advances, with a leading role for FACME.

In company news, the approval by the EMA of Paxlovid, Pfizer’s antiviral pill against COVID, is important. Also the large expected growth in turnover by COVID vaccine manufacturers in 2022 (29%, compared to 2021). Boom of online psychology platforms


  • It is time to confront the pandemic of antibiotic resistance, since this resistance causes more deaths than AIDS and malaria. AMR Action Fund, a public/private initiative to develop new antibiotics, is underway (FT, January 28, 22)
  • The new BA.2 omicron, which appeared in Denmark, the stealthy variant of the “‘omicron”, warns the WHO that it may not be detectable with PCR (La Razón, January 25, 22)
  • New research identifies the 4 factors that can favor prolonged covid (NYT, January 25, 22)

Global health

  • 10th anniversary of the London declaration on “Neglected tropical diseases”, much progress has been made. Trachoma, schistosomiasis and visceral leishmaniasis are the most frequent of this type of disease (The Lancet, January 29, 22)
  • Developed countries throw away 61.5 million vaccines for having expired in 2021 (El Español, January 28, 22)
  • World Day against Leprosy, the covid pandemic has silenced it, a disease almost eradicated in Europe but still present in the world (ConSalud, January 30, 22)
  • Lack of funding to buy syringes and other accessories means COVAX cannot accept new doses of vaccines (FT, 25 Jan 22)
  • The United States donated 400 million doses of covid vaccine to 112 countries, according to the White House (The Guardian, January 26, 22)
  • Project Syndicate magazine publishes an analysis (How Much Has the Pandemic Cost?) of the economic impact of the pandemic, based on years of life lost and the value of life in different countries. If the official figure of 5.6 million dead at the end of 2021 is taken, this means 38 trillion (American) dollars or 40% of global GDP; If the estimate of deaths from The Economist (17 million) is taken, we would reach 114 trillion or 120% of global GDP (Project Syndicate, January 27, 22)

International News

  • The WHO will publish in February a plan for the transition of the pandemic to the “control phase” (La Razón, January 24, 22)
  • Notable increase in telemedicine in Medicare (USA) during the pandemic (JAMA, January 25, 22)
  • The British Medical Association recommends the use of FPP3 mask to health professionals who have to deal with patients with viral respiratory disease (BMJ, 21 January 22)
  • The new normal in New Zealand goes from covid 0 to covid acceptance (The Guardian, 26 January 22)
  • An Israeli panel recommends the fourth dose to all adults (FT 25 Jan 22)
  • In Canada, demonstrations against compulsory vaccination (The Guardian, January 30, 22)
  • The European Union launches IHI, a public/private initiative for drug research, as a continuation of the Innovative Medicines Initiative, which was launched in 2008 (Acta Sanitaria, January 26, 22)

National News


o The epidemic curve in Spain consolidates its decline, but experts call for caution (El País, January 29, 22)

o The sixth wave already registers 5,674 deaths from covid and could exceed the sixth before February (El Español, January 27, 22)

o Health and the communities extend the limited capacity at sporting events (El País, January 26, 22)

o The anti-vaccines are responsible for increasing deaths by 32% in the sixth wave, according to Fedea (El Español, January 24, 22)

o Those vaccinated have a hundred times less chance of dying if they become infected (El Mundo, January 28, 22)

o Catalonia abolishes the covid passport (La Razón, January 26, 22)

  • Other issues

o Financing dental health (one of the promises of the PSOE-Unidos Podemos government program) will cost the State 5,423 million euros, according to a study promoted by Vitaldent and presented to the Ministry of Health (El Economista, January 25, 22)

o A third of doctors will retire in the next five years (The Objective, January 28, 22)

o Telemedicine is good for reducing CO2 into the atmosphere, it would reduce 277,120 tons of CO2 in Spain in Primary Care alone, according to the report prepared by “GEN Europe Energy Solutions” (ConSalud, January 28, 22)

o More than 13,000 applicants opt for the 8,200 MIR places in the exam on January 29 (Acta Sanitaria, January 28, 22)

o Biosim puts the savings on biosimilars at 1,048 million euros in 2022 (diariofarma, January 26, 22)

o FACME claims its role in the recertification and creates a specific council, chaired by Cecilio Santander (Diario Médico, January 28, 22)

o ISFAS statement on difficulties in negotiating insurance companies-hospital groups for the coverage of this group (Sanifax, January 24, 22)

Companies, employers and other agents of the sector

  • The EMA approves Paxlovid, Pfizer’s antiviral pill against covid (El Economista, January 27, 22)
  • The large vaccine manufacturers will invoice 75,000 million euros for the covid vaccine this year 2022, this is a 29% jump over the estimate for 2021, according to the consulting firm Airfinity (CincoDías, January 25, 22)
  • Pfizer will produce 120 million doses of its drug against covid in Europe (El Español, January 29, 22)
  • Cinfa leads the market in pharmacies and Novartis in hospitals (CincoDías, January 24, 22)
  • The French group Orpea with problems in its listing due to accusations of mistreatment (FT, January 27, 22)
  • BioNTech begins clinical trial for “ómicron” vaccine (FT, January 25, 22)
  • The business of mental health: boom in online psychology platforms (El Periódico de España, 30 January 22)
  • Mifarma (the leading company in Europe for the online sale of pharmacy and parapharmacy products) reinforces its position in Spain with a new image and online platform (La Razón, January 25, 22)
  • United Imaging Healthcare lands in Spain hand in hand with APR Salud (PlantaDoce, January 25, 22)
  • Sanitas is interested in the purchase of the IMQ (Redacción Médica, January 26, 22)
  • Healthcare Activos continues its expansion and will buy a residence in Ferrol (PlantaDoce, January 21, 22)
  • Corachán becomes stronger in Barcelona with a new center in Sarriá (PlantaDoce, 27 January 22)

7 days in healthcare (November 29-December 5, 2021)



From the international point of view, it is worth highlighting the beginning of the work of the WHO for the approval of a Treaty on pandemics. It seems that the alarm about the new “‘ ómicron “variant is lowered, after the WHO announcement that there had been no case of death. We must be attentive to the program of the new German coalition government, and its impact on the health system. It seems that its actions are concentrated in the pharmaceutical sector. The failure, for various reasons, of the COVAX platform for immunization of low- and middle-income countries is confirmed.

At the national level, the growth of COVID continues to figures that are already beginning to be worrying, despite the advantage over other European countries. The council of ministers approves the Mental Health Strategy, a plan that, unlike the one approved a few years ago on Primary Care, does have funding, despite having aroused reservations among experts. The council of ministers also approves the PERTE for health. As of December 13, the vaccines for children will be available.

Regarding companies, it should be noted that both Pfizer and Moderna are preparing to adapt their vaccines to the new COVID variant.




  • The WHO agrees on December 1, 2021 to begin negotiating an international agreement on how countries should prevent, prepare for and react to pandemics. The agreement is to hold a meeting before March 1, 2022 and discuss a draft before August 1, 2022 (British Medical Journal, Dec 2, 21)
  • A law to introduce dental care in Medicare is discussed in the American Congress (NEJM, 2 Dec 21)
  • An article is published that compares the evolution and behavior in 24 months of a large number of people from the Veterans Administration vaccinated with Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech (NEJM, Dec 1 21)
  • The need for the health sector to contribute to decarbonization continues to be present (NEJM, Dec 2 21)
  • The WHO warns of a high risk due to the new “omicron” variant (FT Nov 29, 21)
  • WHO says there have been no deaths from the new “omicron” variant, despite its expansion (The Guardian, 4 Dec 21)
  • The “ómicron” variant, with a wide worldwide diffusion: apart from its origin in South Africa, and the expansion to 11 European countries, also present in Canada, Brazil, Australia and Saudi Arabia, among others (CNN Español, Dec 1 21)
  • Van der Leyden calls to discuss the mandatory nature of the vaccine (FT, Dec 1 21)
  • Analysts say that the economic impact of the “omicron” variant will not be important (FT, Nov 29, 21)
  • The program of the new German coalition government has an impact on the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector. Most important measures: price containment in medicines, push for healthcare digitization and use of medical data for research (Covington, Nov 29 21)
  • Biden rules out a new lockdown to tackle the new “omicron” variant (FT, Nov 29, 21)
  • The United Kingdom urgently calls a meeting of the G7 to discuss the problem of the new variant (La Razón, 28 Nov 21)
  • The new variant presents more than 50 mutations over the original from Wuhan (La Razón, Nov 29, 21)
  • COVAX has only distributed 26% of the promised covid vaccines for 2021. The most unanimous explanation is that rich countries have monopolized the market (El Español, Dec 4, 21)
  • The EMA would need three to four months to approve vaccines if they have to be modified by “omicron” (El Confidencial, Nov 30, 21)
  • Europe steps on the accelerator with the third doses in full uncertainty for the new variant (, Nov 29, 21)
  • The lack of vaccines, logistical limitations and the rejection of part of the population hinder immunization in Africa (El País, 28 Nov 21)
  • Germany imposes a de facto confinement to the unvaccinated: leisure and commerce will be banned (El País, 2 Dec 21)
  • Agreement between the Council and the European Parliament to strengthen the role of the ECDC (El Global, 30 Nov 21)



  • COVID cases continue to rise, reaching an AI (cases per 100,000 in the last 14 days) of almost 250 (El Confidencial, Dec 3, 21)
  • Health advises limiting participants in social events during Christmas after the advance of COVID (La Razón 1 Dec 21)
  • The government does not have a “legal plan B” before the “omicron”, it trusts everything to vaccination and rejects restrictions that could affect the economy (La Razón, Dec 1 21)
  • The Government defends the need for an International Treaty on Pandemics, as stated by Minister Darias during the Extraordinary Assembly of the WHO in Geneva (ConSalud, 29 Nov 21)
  • The Council of Ministers approves the Mental Health Strategy 2022-2026, the last was of 2009. It is criticized by experts (Spanish Society of Psychiatry, Spanish Society of Dual Pathology) for its lack of ambition, although the effort of consensus. Among the criticisms is the lack of standards such as professional ratios, number of beds in children’s and adolescent hospitals, waiting lists, etc. It has financing of 100 million euros for the next three years, 30 million for 2022. Intervention in the workplace, the approach to suicide and the gender perspective, among the novelties of this Strategy (El Mundo, Dec 4, 21)
  • The council of ministers officially approves the PERTE for health. Investment of more than 1,400 million euros, between 2021 and 2023. These investment agendas are articulated through tenders, the creation of an investment, development and innovation (R + D + i) structure for advanced online therapies, launch of a public-private investment vehicle in advanced therapies (public-private commercial company) with the participation of companies with production capacity in Spain, elements of early coordination and identification of capacities and needs of the National Health System, public procurement innovative and pre-commercial, agreements with communities, private initiatives and co-programmed projects and public tenders (PlantaDoce, Nov 30 21)
  • The Interterritorial Council of December 2 addresses the Royal Decree of Specialties, so that it is approved before the end of 2021. It contemplates approving new specialties and reviewing access to specific training areas (ConSalud, Nov 30, 21)
  • Pfizer vaccines for children, available from December 13 (ConSalud, Dec 1 21)
  • AESEG presents a report “The sector of generic drugs in the economic and social reconstruction of Spain”, in which it advocates a differential price of generics in relation to brands (AESEG, Dec 1 21)



  • Continuity of care, interoperability, innovation and the promotion of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), among the objectives of the IDIS Foundation for 2022 (ConSalud, 2 Dec 21)
  • Teladoc Health grows 81% in the third quarter (PlantaDoce, Dec 1 21)
  • Pfizer and Moderna are preparing to adapt their vaccines to the new “omicron” variant (El Global, Nov 29, 29)
  • Merck’s COVID Treatment (Molnupiravir), Endorsed by FDA (NYT, Nov 30 21)
  • HM Hospitales will have a new space of 1,000 square meters in Valdedebas (PlantaDoce, Nov 30, 21)
  • HIPRA relies on its covid vaccine to grow 13% in 2021 (PlantaDoce, Dec 1 21)
  • The major private equity companies (CVC, Advent, Cinven, PAI, KKR,…) prepare offers for around 1,500 million for IVI (CincoDías, Nov 30, 21)