
7 days in healthcare (March 4th-11th, 2024)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, the possibility of making replicas of fetal organs stands out, which could facilitate fetal treatments without putting the pregnancy at risk. The Lancet publishes an editorial and several articles on menopause, a natural state in the aging process of women, often overmedicalized. FDA delays approval of Lilly’s long-awaited Alzheimer’s drug.

As far as Global Health is concerned, there was a shortage of cholera vaccines, at a time with many outbreaks, even in countries where it had been eradicated. Great absolute growth in the global figures of the scourge of genital mutilation in women, especially in Africa, but also in Asia and the Middle East. First published evidence that nanoplastics harm human health. Big problem with the lack of health professionals in Africa, which is proposed to be compensated as a quick solution with community health workers.

Regarding International Health Policy, in the United States President Biden gave his fourth and final State of the Union address. Surprising was a particularly energetic and mentally agile Biden, who maintained the interest of a vibrant speech during its more than 60-minute duration, even interacting with the Republican seats. Much of his speech was dedicated to health, undoubtedly a star issue in the next elections: the price of medicines; women’s reproductive rights, abortion and in vitro fertilization; the extension of Obamacare, a law he defended, during his term; and care for the elderly, both at home and in nursing homes, were the topics discussed. In France, President Macron has decided to make abortion a constitutional right, surprising the enormous support obtained on the right and left in the National Assembly: 780 votes in favor compared to only 72 against.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), In its “Declaration of Córdoba” the Popular Party presents 4 proposals regarding health. The rural environment is left without doctors, according to the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine, saying that of the 11,000 rural doctors, half will retire in the next 5 years and it does not seem easy the arrival of new doctors. A specific health problem of one of the great gaps in our country: that of the rural-urban world. The Minister of Health makes two big promises: the decarbonization of the health system and the creation of an observatory on corruption in health (in response to problems with the purchases of masks and equipment during covid). Interesting, but we will have to see if these promises become realities. The PP will bring the ELA law to Congress.

As for Companies, at the international level, it is increasingly clear that the Novo Nordisk-Lilly duopoly in addressing obesity will be broken, giving way to other agents, given the large number of clinical trials on the subject. According to IQVIA, pharmaceutical companies will lose 6 billion a year until 2028 due to the expiration of many patents, converting many of these medications to generics and biosimilars. This loss will try to be compensated with the launch of new drugs, since it is estimated that between 2024 and 2028 there will be 175 new launches, especially in the field of oncology and neurology. Regarding national news, Grifols has revalued on the Stock Market, after the publication of its audited accounts without qualifications. Loss of 600 million of the insurance companies that operate in MUFACE (Adeslas, Asisa and DKV) during the period of validity of the current three-year agreement. It is evident that public/private collaboration is unviable if it condemns the participating companies to losses without any prospects.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy



7 days in healthcare (1-7 november, 2021)




From an international point of view, to highlight something we knew: that WHO, in its current configuration, is not prepared for global health challenges. However, this finding is important in the article in the British Medical Journal by Anthony Costello. Europe, once again in the center of expansion of the pandemic. The decision of the North American Democrats to reduce the price of medicines, via the negotiation in Medicare, is very far-reaching. This decision, if applied, will have major consequences for the entire pharmaceutical industry globally.

At the national level, to highlight the article in The Lancet, which says that Spain could have achieved group immunity. For the rest, the incidence of COVID continues to grow in our country, although it does not reach, by far, those of other European countries. Waiting lists are a big concern throughout Spain. Controversy over the new Equity, Universalization and Cohesion Law. Podemos wants to take advantage of it to repeal Law 15/1997, which allows the outsourcing of health services.

As a business activity, to highlight the two new antivirals against covid-19, one from Merck and the other from Pfizer. Merck has released the patent so that it can be used widely in developing countries. Novartis dissociates itself from Roche, selling it its 33% stake in the latter company.


  • The WHO, in its current configuration, is not ready for its purpose, but is limited by lack of funds and political interference, and this has been demonstrated in this pandemic that has produced more than 18 million deaths, writes the economist Anthony Costello in the British Medical Journal (BMJ, 3 Nov 21)
  • Europe once again at the center of the covid pandemic, says WHO, (The Guardian, 4 Nov 21)
  • The WHO warns of the increase in deaths from covid in 56 countries, and insists that vaccine manufacturers have not done their job well (ConSalud, 5 Nov 21)
  • Democrats in the United States reach an agreement to reduce the price of drugs, allowing the government to negotiate the price of Medicare drugs. The United States pays three times more for many drugs than Europe, according to a study by the Brookings Institution. Initially, the measure will be launched with the 12 most expensive drugs (FT, 2 Nov 21)
  • The fourth wave continues to beat the record of infections in Greece, with almost 7,000 daily (El Confidencial, 6 Nov 21)
  • Excess mortality grows in Russia, since the beginning of the pandemic (FT, 2 Nov 21)
  • The management of the pandemic leaves a trail of investigated political leaders: Brazil, France, Italy, Austria, India, … (El Debate, 2 Nov 21)
  • India’s successes against covid are analyzed: more than half of Indians have received at least one dose of the vaccine. 6 million are vaccinated every day (The Economist, 29 Oct 21)



  • The Lancet suggests that Spain could have achieved group immunity. They are based on the high infections and the high percentage of vaccination (La Razón, 3 Nov 21)
  • The incidence of covid rises more than two points, to 53.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (El País, 5 Nov 21)
  • Madrid for the first time exceeds half a million patients to see the specialist. Experts warn that the pandemic has generated in Spain a dammed demand that will emerge in the coming semesters (El País, 5 Nov 21)
  • Spain, one of the five countries in which Covid-19 caused the greatest loss in life expectancy, according to a study published by the British Medical Journal (ABC, 3 Nov 21)
  • The Health Ministry sells a million vaccines to Australia, New Zealand and Paraguay, before they expire (El Español, 2 Nov 21)
  • The WHO requests to increase oral public coverage in Spain (Health Act. The proposal receives the support of the General Council of Dentists (Health Act, 5 Nov 21)
  • Podemos will not support the Darias Equity Law. The Ministry wants to promote a Law of Equity, Universality and Cohesion and Podemos does not support it by not repealing Law 15/1997, which allows the outsourcing of health services (ConSalud, 5 Nov 21)
  • The Health Ministry seeks location for its strategic reserve of covid material (El Periódico de España, 5 Nov 21)



  • Merck drug effective to treat covid-19. The drug is an oral antiviral, called molnupiravir, and has already been approved by the British Agency. It has been launched by Merck and Ridbback Biotherapeutics, a Florida-based biotech. The drug is indicated for the unvaccinated and for those vaccinated who develop the disease. The treatment will be worth US $ 700 in developed countries. Merck will allow the development of generics in 105 countries (The Economist, 4 Nov 21)
  • Alphabet, Google’s parent company, launches an AI company, Isomorphic Labs, for the discovery of new drugs. It will work together with DeepMinds, Google’s AI company (FT, 4 Nov 21)
  • Pfizer increases the sales forecast of its covid vaccine in 2021 to 36,000 million US $ (FT, 2 Nov 21)
  • Biogroup, a bioanalysis group piloted by Stéphane Eimer and with a presence in Belgium, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom, enters the Iberian Peninsula with the purchase of Cerba Internacional and Analiza (both owned by Marcelo Weisz). ASISA will retain its 50% stake in Analiza (Les Echos, 4 Nov 21)
  • Novavax, a protein-based American covid-19 vaccine, receives its first approval in Indonesia. May promote immunization in developing countries. An application for authorization has also been sent to Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union (FT, 1 Nov 21)
  • Pfizer announces an antiviral pill (Paxlovid) that prevents 89% of hospitalizations and deaths from covid (El País, 5 Nov 21)
  • The Valencian government will propose to the Data Protection Agency a sanction to Ribera for withholding data from the Torrevieja hospital (, Nov 4 21)
  • Centene closes the year of the coronavirus with losses in its health adventure in Spain (Nov 6, 21)
  • “Son Espases”: the macro-investigation on the concession to OHL of this hospital in the Balearic Islands, which links the Balearic Islands with the illegal financing of the PP (, Nov 5, 21)
  • Novartis sells its 33% stake to Roche for more than US $ 20 billion. A relationship of more than twenty years between the two companies is ended (PlantaDoce, Nov 4, 21)
  • MD Anderson launches a clinical trials unit (PlantaDoce, 3 Nov 21)
  • Eugin expands through Canada and acquires the fertility centers of Trio Fertility (PlantaDoce, 2 Nov 21)
  • Affidea, a European provider of diagnostic imaging, outpatient services and cancer care, expands in Spain and Northern Ireland with two new acquisitions (PlantaDoce, Nov 3, 21)
  • The biotechnology company of Spanish origin Aura Biosciences, jumps to the Nasdaq (PlantaDoce, 3 Nov 21)
  • Rovi doubles its profit in the first nine months of 2021, to 99 million (PlantaDoce, 3 Nov 21)