Doctors or robots? The medicine that comes


On October 2015, with a foreword by Jordi Sevilla and an epilogue by the long-awaited Alfonso Castro Beiras, I published (Editorial Rasche, 2015) a book entitled Doctors or robots? The medicine that comes”, which tries to analyze the evolution of medicine from a totally artisanal sector to an industrialized one, which does not mean, of course, to fall into the dehumanization of medicine.

The index of the book is as follows:

Foreword by Jordi Sevilla

  • Chapter 1: Medicine, the story of an impotence
  • Chapter 2: What do doctors do?
  • Chapter 3: Is a large industrial sector based on an artisanal base possible?
  • Chapter 4: Is medicine going to be an exception in the industrialization of all sectors?
  • Chapter 5: The Driving Forces of Medical Industrialization
  • Chapter 6: Globalization of Medicine Industrialization, from New York State to Madurai, India
  • Chapter 7: Important changes on all actors in the health system
  • Chapter 8: Healthcare, the greatest business opportunity in the history of Humanity

Epilogue by Alfonso Castro Beiras