Entries by ignacioriesgo

Seniority or merits?

    Article published in the daily “La Nueva España” (Oviedo), June 2, 2016 Seniority or merits? These days we are witnessing in Asturias an acute controversy following the incorporation into the Asturias Central Hospital, the largest hospital in the region, of 70 doctors based only on seniority criteria. The reason for the controversy is that service chiefs […]

What is meant by industrialization of medicine

    New Medical Economics magazine has presented me with an interesting challenge, which I would like to thank them for most sincerely. To summarize the contents of my recent book “Doctor or robots? What lies ahead in medicine ” in about 800 words. [1]. Given that the book has nine chapters and more than […]

Doctors or robots? The medicine that comes

  On October 2015, with a foreword by Jordi Sevilla and an epilogue by the long-awaited Alfonso Castro Beiras, I published (Editorial Rasche, 2015) a book entitled “Doctors or robots? The medicine that comes”, which tries to analyze the evolution of medicine from a totally artisanal sector to an industrialized one, which does not mean, […]

Consolidation in the hospital world: not only in Spain

  PDF of the article: 2-Hospital-Networks-Agree-to-Merge-Raising-Specter-of-Costlier-Care-NYTimes.com_ The New York Times of July 16, 2013 reports what has been the latest and most notorious hospital merger in the United States, nothing less than that of two New York City giants: Mount Sinai Medical Center and Continuum Health Partners. The new company will have 3,300 beds on […]

Spanish Hospitals: Critical Emergency Analysis (1991)

      This book was published by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias. This report is only an approximation to an emergency diagnosis on the situation of Spanish hospitals, particularly public ones. For its preparation, the document “The Spanish Hospitals: Problems and Proposals” delivered by the author in December 1990 to the “Commission for the […]