7 days in healthcare (October 28th-November 2nd, 2024)
- ADHD (adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) should not be treated as a disease. Until now, a binary scheme was applied, either you had or you didn’t have ADHD. Today we know that there is a wide spectrum of severity, like any other ordinary human trait. With certain aids, which should be in schools and workplaces, this problem can be addressed.
- Hope for rare diseases. On October 28, the European Rare Disease Research Alliance was launched, an ambitious initiative with a budget of more than 380 million euros and which brings together 170 organizations with the aim of promoting research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases. Several countries want the UN World Assembly in 2025 to adopt a resolution on rare diseases.
Global Health
- Tuberculosis: the number of cases in the world is stabilizing. The incidence of the disease is 8.5% lower than in 2015, but far from the objectives that had been set for 2025.
- Deaths of elderly people due to extreme weather are increasing. The review of more than 100 scientists published in The Lancet shows how climate change threatens survival and quality of life.
International health policy
- Shortage of medicines in the USA and Canada. A shortage is defined as when supply is below demand. In the USA at the end of 2023 there were 300 medicines in short supply. Low prices and lack of competition are cited as the main reasons for this shortage.
- Special budget for NHS waiting lists. The NHS will receive 1.57 billion pounds to address waiting lists.
- Alarm in Germany over the high burden of sick leave. Some studies say that fewer days off work would have prevented the decline of the German economy in the last year.
National Health Policy (Spain)
- The DANA causes high mortality and destruction in several cities in the Valencian Community. According to The Economist, there have been widespread accusations that the warning calls issued by the authorities were very late and, if they had been made more quickly, many deaths would have been avoided. The central government has refused to establish a state of alarm, arguing that this is the responsibility of the Autonomous Community, which must ask for help if it needs it, which is reminiscent of the attitude in the covid policy, in which, at one point, the central government got out of the way, citing reasons of “co-governance”. According to experts, after 72 hours the dangers of infections worsen. COFARES sets up a device to ensure the supply of medicines.
- Andalusia involves pharmacies in vaccination to improve coverage. The Council of Pharmacists of Andalusia and the Ministry of Health have signed an agreement in this regard.
- International
- The paradoxical opacity of the price of medicines. An OECD report explains that governments want greater transparency in the price of medicines but, at the same time, they refuse to report on what they pay.
- National
- Diagnostic imaging billed almost 400 million euros in 2023 in Spain. According to a DBK report, growth stands at 4% annually in the last two years.
- ADHD (adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) should not be treated as a disease. Until now, a binary scheme was applied, either you had or you didn’t have ADHD. Today we know that there is a wide spectrum of severity, like any other ordinary human trait. With certain aids, which should be in schools and workplaces, this problem can be addressed (https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/10/30/adhd-should-not-be-treated-as-a-disorder?utm_medium=cpc.adword.pd&utm_source=google&ppccampaignID=18151738051&ppcadID=&utm_campaign=a.22brand_pmax&utm_content=conversion.direct-response.anonymous&gad_source=1&g)
- Hope for rare diseases. On October 28, the European Rare Disease Research Alliance was launched, an ambitious initiative with a budget of more than 380 million euros and which brings together 170 organizations with the aim of promoting research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases. Several countries want the 2025 UN World Assembly to adopt a resolution on rare diseases (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(24)02414-0/fulltext)
- Ozempic and Wegovy improve pain in knee osteoarthritis. A large trial shows that this medication performs better than any other in relieving the symptoms of this disease (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/30/health/ozempic-wegovy-knee-pain-osteoarthritis.html)
- The double defense of a superbacteria (Staphilococcus aureus) to avoid antibiotics has been discovered. This bacteria alone causes more than 120,000 deaths a year (https://elpais.com/salud-y-bienestar/2024-11-02/descubrimiento-la-doble-defensa-de-una-superbacteria-para-sortear-a-los-antibioticos.html). Access to the original article in Science: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adn1369
- Scientific milestone: the first map of the spliceosome has been created. The CRG in Barcelona has made available to the scientific community the plan of the system that helps cells read the messages of their genes (https://www.diariomedico.com/medicina/investigacion/hito-cientifico-elaborado-primer-mapa-espliceosoma.html)
Global Health
- Tuberculosis: the number of cases worldwide is stabilizing. The incidence of the disease is 8.5% lower than in 2015, but far from the objectives that had been set for 2025 (https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2024/10/29/tuberculose-le-nombre-de-cas-dans-le-monde-se-stabilise-apres-le-regain-des-annees-covid_6365326_3244.html). Access to the WHO 2024 Tuberculosis Report: https://www.who.int/teams/global-tuberculosis-programme/tb-reports/global-tuberculosis-report-2024
- Deaths of older people due to extreme weather are increasing. The review by more than 100 scientists published in The Lancet shows how climate change threatens survival and quality of life (https://www.ft.com/content/7380925b-4c13-4080-acd6-c406cad73115). Access to the original article in The Lancet: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667(24)00055-0/fulltext
- Postpartum, the leading cause of mortality in women (https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2024/10/28/depression-post-partum-ce-n-est-pas-facile-de-l-avouer-mais-le-suicide-ici-on-y-a-toutes-pense_6362322_3224.html)
International health policy
- Article from The Lancet: Harris or Trump: health after the American elections. This article discusses the different approaches of Harris and Trump, although both will be qualified by the majority of the chambers, although it seems that the Republicans can retain their majority in the House of Representatives and also reach the majority in the Senate (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(24)02413-9/fulltext)
- The shortage of medicines in the USA and Canada. A shortage is defined as supply being below demand. In the USA at the end of 2023 there were 300 medicines in short supply. Low prices and lack of competition are cited as the main reasons for this shortage (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2825539)
- UK and the National Health Service
- According to Health Secretary Wes Streeting, the new budget will turn things around in the NHS (https://www.ft.com/content/c0dd420c-6bec-475a-8fbb-261f1033c461)
- The NHS will receive £1.57 billion to tackle waiting lists (https://www.bmj.com/content/387/bmj.q2394)
- The British parliament has just started considering a new law on assisted dying. If approved, it would make the UK one of the many jurisdictions that approve this practice (https://www.bmj.com/content/387/bmj.q2385
- France
- Nearly 4,900 hospital beds closed in 2023. Since 2013, hospital beds are said to have fallen by 43,500, or 10.5%, mainly due to staff shortages (https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2024/10/31/pres-de-4-900-lits-d-hospitalisation-complete-fermes-en-2023-en-france_6368498_3224.html)
- Sickle cell disease, a genetic anaemia, can finally be detected in newborns. From November, this test will be the 13th included in the programme of Newborn screening. In France, 30,000 people suffer from this condition (https://www.lemonde.fr/sciences/article/2024/11/01/la-drepanocytose-une-anemie-d-origine-genetique-enfin-depistee-chez-tous-les-nouveau-nes_6369966_1650684.html)
- Germany
- Alarm in Germany over the high burden of sick leave. Some studies say that fewer days of sick leave would have prevented the decline of the German economy in the last year (https://www.ft.com/content/8e7bc450-7dc7-45c2-82ed-99ab2a8c4952)
National health policy
- The flood disaster in the Valencian Community
- Article in The Economist: Floods in Spain cause death and devastation. There have been widespread accusations that the warning calls issued by the authorities were too late and, if they had been made more quickly, many deaths would have been avoided (https://www.economist.com/europe/2024/10/31/floods-in-spain-cause-death-and-devastation)
- Martín-Moreno, 72 hours after the flood, the risks of infection are worsening, measures must be taken (https://www.eldiario.es/comunitat-valenciana/martin-moreno-catedratico-uv-72-horas-inundacion-agravan-riesgos-infeccion-hay-poner-medidas_1_11786567.html)
- Health workers prepare for the ravages of the DANA. This weekend, the total demand will reach the hospitals (https://www.elmundo.es/ciencia-y-salud/salud/2024/11/01/6723bc63e9cf4ab2278b4593.html)
- The Minister of Health considers it essential to guarantee the health of the area (https://www.diariomedico.com/medicina/politica/dana-ministra-sanidad-considera-imprescindible-garantizar-salubridad-zona.html)
- COFARES is working to guarantee the supply of medicines after the DANA (https://www.consalud.es/industria/cofares-trabaja-garantizar-suministro-medicamentos-dana_150554_102.html)
- Initiatives and news from the autonomous communities
- Madrid focuses on brain health, will open an Experimental Institute of Neurotechnology in 2026 (https://www.elperiodico.com/es/sociedad/20241031/madrid-salud-cerebral-instituto-experimental-neurotecnologia-111015234)
- Clinical Trials Unit of La Rioja, will be a reference in innovative oncological treatments (https://www.consalud.es/autonomias/la-rioja/unidad-ensayos-clinicos-rioja-sera-referente-en-tratamientos-oncologicos-innovadores_150485_102.html)
- Health, the protagonist of the 2025 regional budgets (https://www.diariomedico.com/medicina/politica/sanidad-protagonista-presupuestos-comunidades-autonomas-2025.html)
- Andalusia involves pharmacies in vaccination to improve coverage. The Andalusian Pharmacists Council and the Ministry of Health have signed an agreement in this regard (https://elglobal.es/farmacia/andalucia-vacunacion-farmacia-convenio/)
- The Basque Pact table begins to define the principles of the future health system (https://diariofarma.com/2024/10/30/la-mesa-del-pacto-vasco-comienza-a-definir-los-principios-del-futuro-sistema-de-salud)
- Medical Schools
- Spain, the country with the most Medical Schools per million inhabitants. They have gone from 28 to 52 in 15 years and the number will continue to increase (https://diariomedico.com/medicina/medico-joven/grado/espana-pais-mas-facultades-medicina-millon-habitantes.html)
- Academy of Regenerative Medicine
- The Academy of Regenerative Medicine is born. This discipline is responsible for restoring the function and structure of damaged organs and tissues, based on cellular repair. Up to fifteen pathologies can benefit from this therapy, on an outpatient basis and painlessly (https://www.consalud.es/profesionales/medicina/nace-academia-medicina-regenerativa-estamos-cambiando-bisturis-por-celulas_150150_102.html)
- AESEG (generics employers’ association) sets out the challenges and proposals for generics (https://diariofarma.com/2024/10/29/autonomia-estrategica-aeseg-expone-los-desafios-y-propuestas-para-los-genericos). Access to the AESEG report entitled “European strategic autonomy”. Outlook for the generic drug sector in Spain (https://www.aeseg.es/informe-autonomia-estrategica-europea.pdf)
- International news
- McDonald’s says tests rule out E. Coli infection in its burgers (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/27/health/mcdonalds-ecoli-quarter-pounders.html)
- EU fines TEVA for hindering competition (https://www.ft.com/content/17da3c62-d901-49b3-bf40-14742177a31f)
- The paradoxical opacity of drug prices. An OECD report explains that governments want greater transparency in the price of medicines but, at the same time, refuse to report what they pay (https://elpais.com/sociedad/2024-10-28/la-paradojica-opacity-de-los-precios-de-los-medicamentos-por-que-los-gobiernos-hacen-lo-contrario-de-lo-que-dicen.html). Access to the OECD report: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/5e4a7a47-en.pdf?expires=1730656508&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=3BBFC0DAF50AC3B398DC94229460B215
- Venture capital investment in medicines recovers in 2024 and already reaches the whole of 23 (https://theobjective.com/economia/2024-11-03/inversion-capital-riesgo-medicamentos/)
- Lily falls sharply on the Stock Market after lowering its revenue forecasts for the year (https://cincodias.elpais.com/companias/2024-10-30/eli-lilly-cae-con-fuerza-en-bolsa-tras-rebajar-sus-previsiones-de-ingresos-para-el-ano.html)
- National
- Pharmaceutical company Rovi rules out selling its manufacturing business to third parties (https://www.elespanol.com/invertia/observatorios/sanidad/20241024/farmaceutica-rovi-descarta-venta-negocio-fabricacion-terceros/895910410_0.html)
- Clínica Baviera’s “boom” on the stock market (https://www.elconfidencial.com/empresas/2024-11-03/boom-clinica-baviera-exito-bolsa_3994660/)
- Brookfield again delays the takeover bid for Grifols due to financing tensions (https://www.elconfidencial.com/empresas/2024-10-28/brookfield-retrasa-opa-grifols-tension-financiacion_3990640/)
- Diagnostic imaging had a turnover of almost 400 million euros in 2019 2023 in Spain. According to a DBK report, growth has been at 4% annually in the last two years (https://www.plantadoce.com/entorno/el-diagnostico-por-la-imagen-facturo-casi-400-millones-de-euros-en-2023-en-espana)