7 days in healthcare (May 27th-June 2nd, 2024)




  • A blood test would allow predicting breast cancer: This possible advance is celebrated as a great step in the prediction of breast cancer at the Congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, held in Chicago.
  • Test to detect people at high risk of prostate cancer: Current PSA tests are not specific enough. A sputum DNA test has been developed that can detect high-risk men and rule out other forms of treatment. Early diagnosis is key.
  • Genetic inheritance influences the type of breast cancer and its prognosis: This contradicts the idea that breast cancer is the result of mutations that occur by chance and accumulate throughout life.
  • Oncologists warn that rapping can cause lung cancer: Although the first vapers were marketed in Spain in 2013 and there are no long follow-up series, some short series from the United States warn of this risk. Vapes contain more than 200 toxic substances and some of them carcinogenic.

Global Health

  • WHO gives itself one more year to reach an agreement on the pandemic treaty:  With the WHO World Assembly over, it gives itself one more year to reach an agreement on pandemics. This is not good news and underlines the great difficulties and tensions in reaching an agreement in 2024, as was the initial intention.
  • New fronts in the war against malaria: Two new vaccines (RTS,S/AS01 and R-21/MatrixM), effective in the fight against malaria. However, experts highlight new threats: more aggressive mosquitoes; resistant strains of the parasite and the effects of climate change.
  • The necessary global agenda in relation to bacterial resistance (AMR): High human cost of this disease, since a 2022 study says that it is estimated that almost 5 million deaths are due to this problem.

International health policy

  • Pro-choice options (following the ruling that limits abortion in the USA) influence the American elections: The pro-choice movement (in favor of abortion) can help Biden win.
  • Large clinical trial in the United Kingdom with cancer vaccines: In the United Kingdom, for the first time in the world, a massive form of clinical trial using these vaccines is being proposed.
  • European elections and health: Various experts say that health should be a priority in the next European Parliament.

National Health Policy (Spain)

  • Very negative allegations about the announced Public Management and Integrity law: Both the IDIS Foundation, ASPE, ACHPM, Cercle de Sanitat, and the Community of Madrid present very negative allegations about this announced bill. In general, the objections are related to the interference in the transferred management, the impact on patients and the non-existence of the problems that are intended to be resolved. The IDIS Foundation, apart from everything else, takes a more strategic approach to the contribution of private healthcare to public service, the European traditions of participation of private companies in public healthcare provision and the consideration of the private sector as a strategic ally. of the health sector. A poor diagnosis by the government should be highlighted: public/private collaboration is treated as a major problem, and, on the other hand, it does not address the problems of the public health sector through reforms.
  • Great controversy over the actions of the new Commissioner of Mental Health: Trying to solve the serious problems of psychiatric care in our country by recommending joining a union or a feminist association, as a joke may not be wrong, but seriously it is absolutely unacceptable that be said from any environment, and even less so, from the health administration.
  • The IDIS Foundation publishes a work on the perception of private healthcare:  Meritorious effort by the IDIS Foundation to carry out a serious survey among its users to detect their perception of the sector, which, in general, is very positive, although problems are detected such as repetition of tests by the public sector, without taking into account the studies carried out in the private sector. It is confirmed once again that the majority of private sector users also use the public one. Also that specialist consultations are the most used service in private healthcare.
  • Work that demonstrates that public/private collaboration does not produce worse health outcomes and less higher mortality than public management: In the face of some attempts to disqualify private healthcare by stating that it produces worse outcomes and more mortality, this is not confirmed in the extensive review national and international bibliography carried out. Even in places (Community of Madrid and Catalonia) where there are specific indicators on the behavior of the bulk of the public sector and public/private collaboration, better results are detected in the latter.


  • International
    • Nestlé reorients itself towards food for healthy aging: The largest food group in the world wants to focus on foods for healthy aging, considering it a priority at a time of reduced birth rates.
  • National
    • Rovi, ready to sell its third-party manufacturing area: Rovi is ready to sell its third-party manufacturing subsidiary for at least 3.1 billion.
    • The Miranza Foundation is born: With the purpose of ensuring the eye health of the most vulnerable.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy

  • Results in public/private collaboration
    • Bibliographic review carried out by a special Chair of the UCM on the results of public/private collaboration. Extensive review of national and international bibliography. The most notable are the results published in the Observatory of the Community of Madrid or in the Results Center of the Quality Agency of Catalonia. The conclusion is that there is no general evidence of worse results in public/private collaboration than in direct public management and, in the case of Spain, there is well-documented evidence of the opposite based on indicators in Catalonia and Madrid (https://isanidad.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Informe-UCM-Colaboracion-publico-privada.pdf.pdf)


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