
7 days in healthcare (January 16th-22nd, 2023)



From the point of view of Biomedicine, it is worth highlighting, as the Science article does, the celebration of a decade of CRISPR gene editing technology, whose impact on medicine is only just beginning. Janssen withdraws from the HIV vaccine, a new failure in the attempt to discover a vaccine against this disease. Moderna, on the other hand, presents positive results with a vaccine against bronchiolitis. A new report points to wastewater analysis as fundamental to monitoring threats from a wide variety of diseases, not just covid.

As regards Global Health, The Lancet in an editorial underlines the importance of the One Health concept, this idea of the interdependence between human, animal and ecosystem health. The Economist publishes an editorial and an article on the problems of health systems that are in crisis everywhere in the post-covid era (even in Switzerland!), which is making mortality in Europe have been in the last year 10% higher than in a normal year.

Regarding International Health Policy, in the USA the opponents of abortion are manifested. Problems continue in the NHS, with Sajid Javid, former health secretary, proposing something as unusual in the UK as a co-pay in Primary Care and Emergency. He says an overly religious view of the NHS prevents reforms. Important debate and tensions about the price of medicines in the European continent (UK and EU) in relation to prices in the USA. Pharmaceutical companies, very reluctant to price controls, when they are also in the USA with the application of the Inflation Act, which gradually imposes a negotiation of the price of medicines between the Medicare Administration and pharmaceutical companies.

If we talk about National Health Policy (Spain), the incidence of covid continues to drop. Medical conflicts extend to various autonomous communities (Madrid, Catalonia, Navarra, etc.). The agreement in Aragon should be highlighted, which indicates that it is possible to reach agreements, possibly when they are well negotiated. The Ministry, completely absent from this problem. As for the public system, the statements by Lasquetty, Madrid’s Treasury Councilor, who points to “my own place” as one of the great rigidities of the public system, are very interesting. Conflict also in private health between doctors and insurers, raised in Seville. Abortion enters the national debate, following the picturesque proposals of Vox in Castilla y León, never applied. The Constitutional Court opens its new session with the debate on the recourse to the Law of deadlines presented in its day by the PP. The CIS survey presents health as the second problem that worries the Spanish.

In the field of Companies, internationally, Pfizer’s initiative to sell medicines at cost prices in 45 poor countries must be highlighted. At the national level, the launch by DKV of an insurance product that allows choosing a family doctor is notable. In a context in which insurers actually forget about Primary Care, this is something that deserves to be highlighted.


Global Health

International Health Policy

National Health Policy


7 days in healthcare (September 19th-25th, 2022)



From the point of view of biomedicine, to review the articles in The Economist on advances in knowledge of the brain, which will have a great impact on the appearance of new drugs and pain therapy.

With regard to Global Health, the WHO report of September 21, which places cancers, cardiovascular conditions and diabetes as responsible for three quarters of global mortality.

In terms of international health policy, an important initiative in France to offer three preventive consultations free of charge by the public system: at 25, 45 and 65 years of age. The EU launches a plan for the elimination of tuberculosis in Europe.

If we talk about national health policy (Spain), great debate around the Equity Law. What should have been just a law to correct the access deficiencies of the Montón Law, is being flamboyantly called “Equity” (as if accessibility guaranteed equity, not having a single provision to improve equity), and It is used to introduce the aspirations of Unidas Podemos to annul Law 15/97, approved almost unanimously at the time. The IDIS Foundation has warned of the damage to assistance and, specifically, the waiting lists, if some precepts of the Law are approved. It seems that the Catalan consortiums are going to respect each other, which is important, but it is also important to preserve and reinforce public/private concerts throughout the national territory.

At the corporate level, from an international point of view, the shares of the large vaccine manufacturers (especially Moderna, BioNTech and Novavax) plummeted, as a result of President Biden’s announcement that “the pandemic has been feared”. In Spain, it should be noted that Moderna will install its first quality laboratory outside the United States in Madrid.


Global Health

International health policy

National health policy
